Version DOI Comment Publication Date
1 10.13012/B2IDB-0382919_V1 2022-07-19
11.5 MB File

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RelatedMaterial create: {"material_type"=>"Article", "availability"=>nil, "link"=>"", "uri"=>"10.1021/acsinfecdis.2c00519", "uri_type"=>"DOI", "citation"=>"Jia, Jin, Dharmeshkumar Parmar, Joanna F Ellis, Tianyuan Cao, Allison R Cutri, Joshua D Shrout, Jonathan V Sweedler, and Paul W Bohn. 2022. “Effect of Micro-Patterned Mucin on Quinolone and Rhamnolipid Profiles of Mucoid Pseudomonas Aeruginosa under Antibiotic Stress.” ACS Infectious Diseases, December. doi:10.1021/acsinfecdis.2c00519.", "dataset_id"=>2314, "selected_type"=>"Article", "datacite_list"=>"IsSupplementTo"} 2023-01-09T17:53:08Z
Dataset update: {"description"=>["#### Details of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm dataset ####\r\n\r\n----------------*Folder Structure*-------------------------------------\r\n\r\nThis dataset contains peak intensity tables extracted from mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) data using tools, SCiLS and MSI reader. There are 2 folders in \"\", each folder contains 3 sub-folders as listed below. \r\n\r\n\r\n1. PellicleBiofilms-and-Supernatant [Pellicle biofilms collected from air-liquid interface and spend supernatant medium after 96 h incubation period]:\r\n\r\n\t\t(1)Full-Scan-Data-96h; (2) MSMS-data-from-C7-Quinolones-96h; and (3) MSMS-data-from-C9-Quinolones-96h\r\n\r\n2. StaticBiofilms [Static biofilms grown on mucin surface]:\r\n\r\n\t\t(1) Full-Scan-Data; (2) MSMS-data-from-C7-Quinolones; and (3) MSMS-data-from-C9-Quinolones\r\n\r\n\r\n----------------*File name*----------------------------------------------\r\n\r\nSample information is included in the file names for easy identification and processing. Attributes covered in file names are explained in the example below.\r\n\r\n*Example file name \"Rep1-Stat-FRD1-mPat-48-FS\"*\r\n\r\n~ Each unit of information is separated by \"-\"\r\n~Unit 1 - \"Rep1\" - Biological replicate ( Rep1, Rep2, and Rep3)\r\n~Unit 2 - \"Stat\" - Sample type (Stat = Static Biofilm, Pel = Pellicle biofilm, Sup = Supernatant)\r\n~Unit 3 - \"FRD1\" - Strain (FRD1 = Mucoid strain, PAO1C = Non-mucoid strain)\r\n~Unit 4 - \"mPat\" - Type of mucin surface used (mPat = patterned mucin surface, mUni = uniform mucin surface)\r\n~Unit 5 - \"48\" - Sample time point (hours = 48, 72, 96)\r\n~Unit 6 - \"FS\" - Scan type used in MSI (FS = high resolution full-scan, 260 = targeted MS/MS of C7 quinolones (m/z 260), 288 = targeted MS/MS of C9 quinolones (m/z 288))\r\n\r\n\r\n----------------*File structure*------------------------------------------\r\n\r\nAll MSI data has been exported to CSV format. Each CSV files contains information about scan number, Coordinates (x,y,z), m/z values, extraction window (absolute), and corresponding intensities in the form of a matrix.\r\n\r\n----------------*End of Information*--------------------------------------", "#### Details of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm dataset ####\r\n\r\n----------------*Folder Structure*-------------------------------------\r\n\r\nThis dataset contains peak intensity tables extracted from mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) data using tools, SCiLS and MSI reader. There are 2 folders in \"\", each folder contains 3 sub-folders as listed below. \r\n\r\n\r\n1. PellicleBiofilms-and-Supernatant [Pellicle biofilms collected from air-liquid interface and spend supernatant medium after 96 h incubation period]:\r\n\r\n\t\t(1) Full-Scan-Data-96h; (2) MSMS-data-from-C7-Quinolones-96h; and (3) MSMS-data-from-C9-Quinolones-96h\r\n\r\n2. StaticBiofilms [Static biofilms grown on mucin surface]:\r\n\r\n\t\t(1) Full-Scan-Data; (2) MSMS-data-from-C7-Quinolones; and (3) MSMS-data-from-C9-Quinolones\r\n\r\n\r\n----------------*File name*----------------------------------------------\r\n\r\nSample information is included in the file names for easy identification and processing. Attributes covered in file names are explained in the example below.\r\n\r\n*Example file name \"Rep1-Stat-FRD1-mPat-48-FS\"*\r\n\r\n~ Each unit of information is separated by \"-\"\r\n~Unit 1 - \"Rep1\" - Biological replicate ( Rep1, Rep2, and Rep3)\r\n~Unit 2 - \"Stat\" - Sample type (Stat = Static Biofilm, Pel = Pellicle biofilm, Sup = Supernatant)\r\n~Unit 3 - \"FRD1\" - Strain (FRD1 = Mucoid strain, PAO1C = Non-mucoid strain)\r\n~Unit 4 - \"mPat\" - Type of mucin surface used (mPat = patterned mucin surface, mUni = uniform mucin surface)\r\n~Unit 5 - \"48\" - Sample time point (hours = 48, 72, 96)\r\n~Unit 6 - \"FS\" - Scan type used in MSI (FS = high resolution full-scan, 260 = targeted MS/MS of C7 quinolones (m/z 260), 288 = targeted MS/MS of C9 quinolones (m/z 288))\r\n\r\n\r\n----------------*File structure*------------------------------------------\r\n\r\nAll MSI data has been exported to CSV format. Each CSV files contains information about scan number, Coordinates (x,y,z), m/z values, extraction window (absolute), and corresponding intensities in the form of a matrix.\r\n\r\n----------------*End of Information*--------------------------------------"]} 2022-07-19T19:56:15Z