A newer version of this dataset is available.
View the latest version.
Version | DOI | Comment | Publication Date |
5 | 10.13012/B2IDB-5649852_V5 | Revised Archer_QuickStartGuide.pdf and Archer_UserManual.pdf by updating the URLs that can be used to access the Archer UI. | 2023-06-21 |
3 | 10.13012/B2IDB-5649852_V3 | Updated the documentation within this dataset due to additional sources added to the GNI. | 2022-01-10 |
2 | 10.13012/B2IDB-5649852_V2 | Updating the information found in the GNI/Archer user documents, user guides and codebooks | 2020-12-16 |
1 | 10.13012/B2IDB-5649852_V1 | 2020-05-11 |
Contact the Research Data Service for help interpreting this log.
RelatedMaterial | update: {"datacite_list"=>["IsNewVersionOf", "IsPreviousVersionOf"]} | 2022-01-11T16:09:31Z |
RelatedMaterial | create: {"material_type"=>"Dataset", "availability"=>nil, "link"=>"https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-5649852_V3", "uri"=>"10.13012/B2IDB-5649852_V3", "uri_type"=>"DOI", "citation"=>"", "dataset_id"=>1648, "selected_type"=>"Dataset", "datacite_list"=>"IsNewVersionOf"} | 2022-01-11T16:07:10Z |
Contributor | update: {"family_name"=>["Steur", "Bajjalieh"], "given_name"=>["James", "Joseph"], "email"=>["steur2@illinois.edu", "jbajjal2@illinois.edu"]} | 2021-06-14T16:50:40Z |
Contributor | update: {"family_name"=>["Shalmon", "Jennings"], "given_name"=>["Dan", "Jay"], "email"=>["shalmon2@illinois.edu", "jayjen@illinois.edu"]} | 2021-06-14T16:50:40Z |
Creator | update: {"email"=>["shalmon2@illinois.edu", "cline-center@illinois.edu"]} | 2021-06-14T16:50:40Z |
Dataset | update: {"corresponding_creator_email"=>["shalmon2@illinois.edu", "cline-center@illinois.edu"]} | 2021-06-14T16:50:40Z |
Dataset | update: {"description"=>["The Cline Center Global News Index is a searchable database of textual features extracted from millions of news stories, specifically designed to provide comprehensive coverage of events around the world. In addition to searching documents for keywords, users can query metadata and features such as named entities extracted using Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods and variables that measure sentiment and emotional valence. \r\n\r\nArcher is a web application purpose-built by the Cline Center to enable researchers to access data from the Global News Index. Archer provides a user-friendly interface for querying the Global News Index (with the back-end indexing still handled by Solr). By default, queries are built using icons and drop-down menus. More technically-savvy users can use Lucene/Solr query syntax via a ‘raw query’ option. Archer allows users to save and iterate on their queries, and to visualize faceted query results, which can be helpful for users as they refine their queries.\r\n\r\n<b>Additional Resources:</b>\r\n\r\n- Access to Archer and the Global News Index is limited to account-holders. If you are interested in signing up for an account, you can fill out the <a href=\"https://forms.gle/oaUWRSSCkqKxyY5T7\"><b>Archer User Information Form</b></a>. \r\n\r\n- Current users who would like to provide feedback, such as reporting a bug or requesting a feature, can fill out the <a href=\"https://forms.gle/6eA2yJUGFMtj5swY7\"><b>Archer User Feedback Form</b></a>.\r\n\r\n- The Cline Center sends out periodic email newsletters to the Archer Users Group. Please fill out this form to <a href=\"https://groups.webservices.illinois.edu/subscribe/123172\"><b>subscribe to Archer Users Group</b></a>.\r\n\r\n<b>Citation Guidelines:</b>\r\n\r\n1) To cite the GNI codebook (or any other documentation associated with the Global News Index and Archer) please use the following citation:\r\n\r\nCline Center for Advanced Social Research. 2020. Global News Index and Extracted Features Repository [codebook], v1.0.1. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois. Dec. 16. doi:10.13012/B2IDB-5649852_V2\r\n\r\n2) To cite data from the Global News Index (accessed via Archer or otherwise) please use the following citation (filling in the correct date of access):\r\n\r\nCline Center for Advanced Social Research. 2020. Global News Index and Extracted Features Repository [database], v1.0.1. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois. Dec. 16. Accessed Month, DD, YYYY. doi:10.13012/B2IDB-5649852_V2", "The Cline Center Global News Index is a searchable database of textual features extracted from millions of news stories, specifically designed to provide comprehensive coverage of events around the world. In addition to searching documents for keywords, users can query metadata and features such as named entities extracted using Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods and variables that measure sentiment and emotional valence. \r\n\r\nArcher is a web application purpose-built by the Cline Center to enable researchers to access data from the Global News Index. Archer provides a user-friendly interface for querying the Global News Index (with the back-end indexing still handled by Solr). By default, queries are built using icons and drop-down menus. More technically-savvy users can use Lucene/Solr query syntax via a ‘raw query’ option. Archer allows users to save and iterate on their queries, and to visualize faceted query results, which can be helpful for users as they refine their queries.\r\n\r\n<b>Additional Resources:</b>\r\n\r\n- Access to Archer and the Global News Index is limited to account-holders. If you are interested in signing up for an account, you can fill out the <a href=\"https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Vx_PpkIV4U1mt2FrPlfmdTC19VSidWQ8OC3D0lLNnvs/edit\"><b>Archer User Information Form</b></a>. \r\n\r\n- Current users who would like to provide feedback, such as reporting a bug or requesting a feature, can fill out the <a href=\"https://forms.gle/6eA2yJUGFMtj5swY7\"><b>Archer User Feedback Form</b></a>.\r\n\r\n- The Cline Center sends out periodic email newsletters to the Archer Users Group. Please fill out this form to <a href=\"https://groups.webservices.illinois.edu/subscribe/123172\"><b>subscribe to Archer Users Group</b></a>.\r\n\r\n<b>Citation Guidelines:</b>\r\n\r\n1) To cite the GNI codebook (or any other documentation associated with the Global News Index and Archer) please use the following citation:\r\n\r\nCline Center for Advanced Social Research. 2020. Global News Index and Extracted Features Repository [codebook], v1.0.1. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois. Dec. 16. doi:10.13012/B2IDB-5649852_V2\r\n\r\n2) To cite data from the Global News Index (accessed via Archer or otherwise) please use the following citation (filling in the correct date of access):\r\n\r\nCline Center for Advanced Social Research. 2020. Global News Index and Extracted Features Repository [database], v1.0.1. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois. Dec. 16. Accessed Month, DD, YYYY. doi:10.13012/B2IDB-5649852_V2"]} | 2021-03-24T17:43:27Z |