Version DOI Comment Publication Date
1 10.13012/B2IDB-0533274_V1 2021-02-28
205 KB File
4.5 GB File
3.46 GB File

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update: {"nested_updated_at"=>[nil, Thu, 07 Jan 2021 20:55:05.921034000 UTC +00:00]} 2024-01-03T18:23:45Z
update: {"title"=>["Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM.", "Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM"]} 2021-06-12T21:56:23Z
update: {"publication_state"=>["file embargo", "released"]} 2021-02-28T07:00:06Z
update: {"publication_state"=>["released", "file embargo"]} 2021-01-15T19:08:22Z
update: {"publication_state"=>["file embargo", "released"]} 2021-01-11T18:15:01Z
update: {"publication_state"=>["released", "file embargo"]} 2021-01-11T18:15:00Z
update: {"description"=>["This dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM\". This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4. The dataset contains two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn. It consists of the seasonal mean and daily mean values of the variables that were used to create the visualizations of this study. The Expt_fix and Expt_dyn dataset contain 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively. The CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat file is the comparison between CERES shortwave downward flux at the surface and same model outputs from two experiments for clear sky and all sky conditions.\r\n--------------------------------------------------\r\nThe following information about the dataset was generated on 2021-01-08 by SUDIPTA GHOSH\r\n\r\n<b>GENERAL INFORMATION</b>\r\n\t\r\n<i>1. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date):</i> 2019-01-01 to 2019-12-31\r\n\r\n<i>2. Geographic location of data collection:</i> Urbana-Champaign,Illinois, USA\r\n\r\n<i>3. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data:</i> This work is supported by the MoEFCC under the NCAP-COALESCE project [Grant No. 14/10/2014-CC]. The first author acknowledges DST-INSPIRE fellowship [IF150055] and Fulbright-Kalam Climate Doctoral fellowship. N. R. acknowledges funding from NSF AGS-1254428 and DOE grant DE-SC0019192. Department of Science and Technology, Funds for Improvement of Science and Technology infrastructure in universities and higher educational institutions (DST-FIST) grant (SR/FST/ESII-016/2014) are acknowledged for the computing support.\r\n\r\n<b>DATA & FILE OVERVIEW</b>\r\n\r\n<i>1. File List:</i> Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contain the analysed seasonal means and daily means of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of the Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively.\r\n\r\n<i>2. Relationship between files, if important:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package:</i> No\r\n\r\n<b>METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION</b>\r\n\r\n<i>1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: </i>\r\n\r\nThe model RegCM4 code is freely available online from <a href=\"\"></a>. \r\n\r\nThe anthropogenic aerosol emissions considered for the simulations are taken from IIASA inventory. The data used can be easily accessed online <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nTRMM observed precipitation data can be assessed from <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nCRU temperature data is available at <a href=\"\"></a>. \r\n\r\nCERES satellite surface shortwave downward fluxes are available at <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nInput files for the RegCM4 model are archived in <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nThis dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM \". Two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn consists of the output data . This dataset only contains the analysed seasonal mean and daily mean of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of Expt_fix and Expt_dyn contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files respectively. This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4.\r\n\r\n<i>2. Methods for processing the data:</i> Seasonal Mean and daily average values were extracted from 6-hourly model output.\r\n\r\n<i>3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data:</i> CDO-1.7.1, Grads-2.0.a9, Matlab2016b\r\n\r\n<i>4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>5. Environmental/experimental conditions:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission:</i> Sudipta Ghosh, Nicole Riemer, Graziano Giuliani, Filippo Giorgi, Dilip Ganguly, Sagnik Dey\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_fix_data.tar.gz</b>\r\n\r\n<i>1. Number of variables:</i> 29\r\n\r\n<i>2. Number of cases/rows:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>3. Variable List:</i> Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less), precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1), temperature (K) , v-wind (m s-1), u-wind (m s-1), Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2), Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2)\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_dyn_data.tar.gz</b>\r\n\r\n<i>1. Number of variables:</i> 30\r\n\r\n<i>2. Number of cases/rows:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>3. Variable List:</i> Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less); precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1); temperature (K); v-wind (m s-1); u-wind (m s-1); Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2); Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2); ageingscale (s-1)\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat</b>\r\n\r\n<i>1. Number of variables:</i> 12\r\n\r\n<i>2. Number of cases/rows:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>3. Variable List:</i> Surface shortwave downward flux for clear sky (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons); Surface shortwave downward flux for all sky conditions (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons).\r\n\r\n<b>NOTE:</b> The following information applies for all three (3) files:\r\n\r\n<i> Missing data codes:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>Specialized formats or other abbreviations used:</i> NA\r\n\r\n", "This dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM\". This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4. The dataset contains two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn. It consists of the seasonal mean and daily mean values of the variables that were used to create the visualizations of this study. The Expt_fix and Expt_dyn dataset contain 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively. The CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat file is the comparison between CERES shortwave downward flux at the surface and same model outputs from two experiments for clear sky and all sky conditions.\r\n--------------------------------------------------\r\nThe following information about the dataset was generated on 2021-01-08 by SUDIPTA GHOSH\r\n\r\n<b>GENERAL INFORMATION</b>\t\r\n\r\n<i>1. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date):</i> 2019-01-01 to 2019-12-31\r\n\r\n<i>2. Geographic location of data collection:</i> Urbana-Champaign,Illinois, USA\r\n\r\n<i>3. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data:</i> This work is supported by the MoEFCC under the NCAP-COALESCE project [Grant No. 14/10/2014-CC]. The first author acknowledges DST-INSPIRE fellowship [IF150055] and Fulbright-Kalam Climate Doctoral fellowship. N. R. acknowledges funding from NSF AGS-1254428 and DOE grant DE-SC0019192. Department of Science and Technology, Funds for Improvement of Science and Technology infrastructure in universities and higher educational institutions (DST-FIST) grant (SR/FST/ESII-016/2014) are acknowledged for the computing support.\r\n\r\n<b>DATA & FILE OVERVIEW</b>\r\n\r\n<i>1. File List:</i> Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contain the analysed seasonal means and daily means of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of the Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively.\r\n\r\n<i>2. Relationship between files, if important:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package:</i> No\r\n\r\n<b>METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION</b>\r\n\r\n<i>1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: </i>\r\n\r\nThe model RegCM4 code is freely available online from <a href=\"\"></a>. \r\n\r\nThe anthropogenic aerosol emissions considered for the simulations are taken from IIASA inventory. The data used can be easily accessed online <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nTRMM observed precipitation data can be assessed from <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nCRU temperature data is available at <a href=\"\"></a>. \r\n\r\nCERES satellite surface shortwave downward fluxes are available at <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nInput files for the RegCM4 model are archived in <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nThis dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM \". Two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn consists of the output data . This dataset only contains the analysed seasonal mean and daily mean of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of Expt_fix and Expt_dyn contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files respectively. This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4.\r\n\r\n<i>2. Methods for processing the data:</i> Seasonal Mean and daily average values were extracted from 6-hourly model output.\r\n\r\n<i>3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data:</i> CDO-1.7.1, Grads-2.0.a9, Matlab2016b\r\n\r\n<i>4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>5. Environmental/experimental conditions:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission:</i> Sudipta Ghosh, Nicole Riemer, Graziano Giuliani, Filippo Giorgi, Dilip Ganguly, Sagnik Dey\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_fix_data.tar.gz</b>\r\n\r\n<i>1. Number of variables:</i> 29\r\n\r\n<i>2. Number of cases/rows:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>3. Variable List:</i> Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less), precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1), temperature (K) , v-wind (m s-1), u-wind (m s-1), Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2), Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2)\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_dyn_data.tar.gz</b>\r\n\r\n<i>1. Number of variables:</i> 30\r\n\r\n<i>2. Number of cases/rows:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>3. Variable List:</i> Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less); precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1); temperature (K); v-wind (m s-1); u-wind (m s-1); Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2); Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2); ageingscale (s-1)\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat</b>\r\n\r\n<i>1. Number of variables:</i> 12\r\n\r\n<i>2. Number of cases/rows:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>3. Variable List:</i> Surface shortwave downward flux for clear sky (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons); Surface shortwave downward flux for all sky conditions (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons).\r\n\r\n<b>NOTE:</b> The following information applies for all three (3) files:\r\n\r\n<i> Missing data codes:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>Specialized formats or other abbreviations used:</i> NA\r\n\r\n"]} 2021-01-11T18:15:00Z
update: {"publication_state"=>["file embargo", "released"]} 2021-01-11T18:12:45Z
update: {"publication_state"=>["released", "file embargo"]} 2021-01-11T18:12:43Z
update: {"description"=>["This dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM\". This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4. The dataset contains two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn. It consists of the seasonal mean and daily mean values of the variables that were used to create the visualizations of this study. The Expt_fix and Expt_dyn dataset contain 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively. The CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat file is the comparison between CERES shortwave downward flux at the surface and same model outputs from two experiments for clear sky and all sky conditions.\r\n--------------------------------------------------\r\nThe following information about the dataset was generated on 2021-01-08 by SUDIPTA GHOSH\r\n\r\n<b>GENERAL INFORMATION</b>\r\n\t\r\n<i>1. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date):</i> 2019-01-01 to 2019-12-31\r\n\r\n<i>2. Geographic location of data collection:</i> Urbana-Champaign,Illinois, USA\r\n\r\n<i>3. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data:</i> This work is supported by the MoEFCC under the NCAP-COALESCE project [Grant No. 14/10/2014-CC]. The first author acknowledges DST-INSPIRE fellowship [IF150055] and Fulbright-Kalam Climate Doctoral fellowship. N. R. acknowledges funding from NSF AGS-1254428 and DOE grant DE-SC0019192. Department of Science and Technology, Funds for Improvement of Science and Technology infrastructure in universities and higher educational institutions (DST-FIST) grant (SR/FST/ESII-016/2014) are acknowledged for the computing support.\r\n\r\n<b>DATA & FILE OVERVIEW</b>\r\n\r\n<i>1. File List:</i> Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contain the analysed seasonal means and daily means of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of the Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively.\r\n\r\n<i>2. Relationship between files, if important:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package:</i> No\r\n\r\n<b>METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION</b>\r\n\r\n1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: \r\nThe model RegCM4 code is freely available online from <a href=\"\"></a>. \r\n\r\nThe anthropogenic aerosol emissions considered for the simulations are taken from IIASA inventory. The data used can be easily accessed online <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nTRMM observed precipitation data can be assessed from <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nCRU temperature data is available at <a href=\"\"></a>. \r\n\r\nCERES satellite surface shortwave downward fluxes are available at <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nInput files for the RegCM4 model are archived in <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nThis dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM \". Two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn consists of the output data . This dataset only contains the analysed seasonal mean and daily mean of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of Expt_fix and Expt_dyn contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files respectively. This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4.\r\n\r\n2. Methods for processing the data: Seasonal Mean and daily average values were extracted from 6-hourly model output.\r\n\r\n3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: CDO-1.7.1, Grads-2.0.a9, Matlab2016b\r\n\r\n4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: NA\r\n\r\n5. Environmental/experimental conditions: NA\r\n\r\n6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: NA\r\n\r\n7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Sudipta Ghosh, Nicole Riemer, Graziano Giuliani, Filippo Giorgi, Dilip Ganguly, Sagnik Dey\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_fix_data.tar.gz</b>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 29\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less), precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1), temperature (K) , v-wind (m s-1), u-wind (m s-1), Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2), Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2)\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_dyn_data.tar.gz</b>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 30\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less); precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1); temperature (K); v-wind (m s-1); u-wind (m s-1); Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2); Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2); ageingscale (s-1)\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat</b>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 12\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Surface shortwave downward flux for clear sky (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons); Surface shortwave downward flux for all sky conditions (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons).\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n", "This dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM\". This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4. The dataset contains two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn. It consists of the seasonal mean and daily mean values of the variables that were used to create the visualizations of this study. The Expt_fix and Expt_dyn dataset contain 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively. The CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat file is the comparison between CERES shortwave downward flux at the surface and same model outputs from two experiments for clear sky and all sky conditions.\r\n--------------------------------------------------\r\nThe following information about the dataset was generated on 2021-01-08 by SUDIPTA GHOSH\r\n\r\n<b>GENERAL INFORMATION</b>\r\n\t\r\n<i>1. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date):</i> 2019-01-01 to 2019-12-31\r\n\r\n<i>2. Geographic location of data collection:</i> Urbana-Champaign,Illinois, USA\r\n\r\n<i>3. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data:</i> This work is supported by the MoEFCC under the NCAP-COALESCE project [Grant No. 14/10/2014-CC]. The first author acknowledges DST-INSPIRE fellowship [IF150055] and Fulbright-Kalam Climate Doctoral fellowship. N. R. acknowledges funding from NSF AGS-1254428 and DOE grant DE-SC0019192. Department of Science and Technology, Funds for Improvement of Science and Technology infrastructure in universities and higher educational institutions (DST-FIST) grant (SR/FST/ESII-016/2014) are acknowledged for the computing support.\r\n\r\n<b>DATA & FILE OVERVIEW</b>\r\n\r\n<i>1. File List:</i> Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contain the analysed seasonal means and daily means of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of the Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively.\r\n\r\n<i>2. Relationship between files, if important:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package:</i> No\r\n\r\n<b>METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION</b>\r\n\r\n<i>1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: </i>\r\n\r\nThe model RegCM4 code is freely available online from <a href=\"\"></a>. \r\n\r\nThe anthropogenic aerosol emissions considered for the simulations are taken from IIASA inventory. The data used can be easily accessed online <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nTRMM observed precipitation data can be assessed from <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nCRU temperature data is available at <a href=\"\"></a>. \r\n\r\nCERES satellite surface shortwave downward fluxes are available at <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nInput files for the RegCM4 model are archived in <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nThis dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM \". Two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn consists of the output data . This dataset only contains the analysed seasonal mean and daily mean of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of Expt_fix and Expt_dyn contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files respectively. This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4.\r\n\r\n<i>2. Methods for processing the data:</i> Seasonal Mean and daily average values were extracted from 6-hourly model output.\r\n\r\n<i>3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data:</i> CDO-1.7.1, Grads-2.0.a9, Matlab2016b\r\n\r\n<i>4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>5. Environmental/experimental conditions:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission:</i> Sudipta Ghosh, Nicole Riemer, Graziano Giuliani, Filippo Giorgi, Dilip Ganguly, Sagnik Dey\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_fix_data.tar.gz</b>\r\n\r\n<i>1. Number of variables:</i> 29\r\n\r\n<i>2. Number of cases/rows:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>3. Variable List:</i> Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less), precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1), temperature (K) , v-wind (m s-1), u-wind (m s-1), Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2), Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2)\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_dyn_data.tar.gz</b>\r\n\r\n<i>1. Number of variables:</i> 30\r\n\r\n<i>2. Number of cases/rows:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>3. Variable List:</i> Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less); precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1); temperature (K); v-wind (m s-1); u-wind (m s-1); Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2); Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2); ageingscale (s-1)\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat</b>\r\n\r\n<i>1. Number of variables:</i> 12\r\n\r\n<i>2. Number of cases/rows:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>3. Variable List:</i> Surface shortwave downward flux for clear sky (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons); Surface shortwave downward flux for all sky conditions (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons).\r\n\r\n<b>NOTE:</b> The following information applies for all three (3) files:\r\n\r\n<i> Missing data codes:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>Specialized formats or other abbreviations used:</i> NA\r\n\r\n"]} 2021-01-11T18:12:43Z
update: {"publication_state"=>["file embargo", "released"]} 2021-01-11T18:06:36Z
update: {"publication_state"=>["released", "file embargo"]} 2021-01-11T18:06:35Z
update: {"description"=>["This dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM\". This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4. The dataset contains two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn. It consists of the seasonal mean and daily mean values of the variables that were used to create the visualizations of this study. The Expt_fix and Expt_dyn dataset contain 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively. The CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat file is the comparison between CERES shortwave downward flux at the surface and same model outputs from two experiments for clear sky and all sky conditions.\r\n--------------------------------------------------\r\nThe following information about the dataset was generated on 2021-01-08 by SUDIPTA GHOSH\r\n\r\n<b>GENERAL INFORMATION</b>\r\n\r\n<i>1. Title of Dataset</i>: Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM \r\n\r\n<i>2. Author Information</i>:\r\n\t A. Principal Investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Sudipta Ghosh\r\n\t\tInstitution: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi\r\n\t\tAddress: Room 322, Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India\r\n\t\tEmail:,\r\n\r\n\tB. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Nicole Riemer\r\n\t\tInstitution: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign\r\n\t\tAddress: 3054 Natural History Building, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, School of Earth, Society and the Environment at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1301 W. Green St., Urbana, IL 61801\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tC. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Graziano Giuliani\r\n\t\tInstitution: The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)\r\n\t\tAddress: SISSA-246, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, (ICTP), Strada Costiera 11, 34151 Trieste, Italy.\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tD. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Filippo Giorgi\r\n\t\tInstitution: The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)\r\n\t\tAddress: SISSA-254, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, (ICTP), Strada Costiera 11, 34151 Trieste, Italy.\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tE. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Dilip Ganguly\r\n\t\tInstitution: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi\r\n\t\tAddress: Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tF. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Sagnik Dey\r\n\t\tInstitution: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi\r\n\t\tAddress: Room 324, Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India \r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\t\r\n<i>3. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date)</i>: 2019-01-01 to 2019-12-31\r\n\r\n<i>4. Geographic location of data collection</i>: Urbana-Champaign,Illinois, USA\r\n\r\n<i>5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data</i>: This work is supported by the MoEFCC under the NCAP-COALESCE project [Grant No. 14/10/2014-CC]. The first author acknowledges DST-INSPIRE fellowship [IF150055] and Fulbright-Kalam Climate Doctoral fellowship. N. R. acknowledges funding from NSF AGS-1254428 and DOE grant DE-SC0019192. Department of Science and Technology, Funds for Improvement of Science and Technology infrastructure in universities and higher educational institutions (DST-FIST) grant (SR/FST/ESII-016/2014) are acknowledged for the computing support.\r\n\r\n<b>DATA & FILE OVERVIEW</b>\r\n\r\n1. File List: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contain the analysed seasonal means and daily means of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of the Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively.\r\n\r\n2. Relationship between files, if important: NA\r\n\r\n3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: No\r\n\r\n<b>METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION</b>\r\n\r\n1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: \r\nThe model RegCM4 code is freely available online from <a href=\"\"></a>. \r\n\r\nThe anthropogenic aerosol emissions considered for the simulations are taken from IIASA inventory. The data used can be easily accessed online <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nTRMM observed precipitation data can be assessed from <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nCRU temperature data is available at <a href=\"\"></a>. \r\n\r\nCERES satellite surface shortwave downward fluxes are available at <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nInput files for the RegCM4 model are archived in <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nThis dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM \". Two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn consists of the output data . This dataset only contains the analysed seasonal mean and daily mean of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of Expt_fix and Expt_dyn contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files respectively. This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4.\r\n\r\n2. Methods for processing the data: Seasonal Mean and daily average values were extracted from 6-hourly model output.\r\n\r\n3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: CDO-1.7.1, Grads-2.0.a9, Matlab2016b\r\n\r\n4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: NA\r\n\r\n5. Environmental/experimental conditions: NA\r\n\r\n6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: NA\r\n\r\n7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Sudipta Ghosh, Nicole Riemer, Graziano Giuliani, Filippo Giorgi, Dilip Ganguly, Sagnik Dey\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_fix_data.tar.gz</b>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 29\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less), precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1), temperature (K) , v-wind (m s-1), u-wind (m s-1), Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2), Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2)\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_dyn_data.tar.gz</b>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 30\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less); precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1); temperature (K); v-wind (m s-1); u-wind (m s-1); Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2); Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2); ageingscale (s-1)\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat</b>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 12\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Surface shortwave downward flux for clear sky (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons); Surface shortwave downward flux for all sky conditions (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons).\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n", "This dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM\". This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4. The dataset contains two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn. It consists of the seasonal mean and daily mean values of the variables that were used to create the visualizations of this study. The Expt_fix and Expt_dyn dataset contain 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively. The CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat file is the comparison between CERES shortwave downward flux at the surface and same model outputs from two experiments for clear sky and all sky conditions.\r\n--------------------------------------------------\r\nThe following information about the dataset was generated on 2021-01-08 by SUDIPTA GHOSH\r\n\r\n<b>GENERAL INFORMATION</b>\r\n\t\r\n<i>1. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date):</i> 2019-01-01 to 2019-12-31\r\n\r\n<i>2. Geographic location of data collection:</i> Urbana-Champaign,Illinois, USA\r\n\r\n<i>3. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data:</i> This work is supported by the MoEFCC under the NCAP-COALESCE project [Grant No. 14/10/2014-CC]. The first author acknowledges DST-INSPIRE fellowship [IF150055] and Fulbright-Kalam Climate Doctoral fellowship. N. R. acknowledges funding from NSF AGS-1254428 and DOE grant DE-SC0019192. Department of Science and Technology, Funds for Improvement of Science and Technology infrastructure in universities and higher educational institutions (DST-FIST) grant (SR/FST/ESII-016/2014) are acknowledged for the computing support.\r\n\r\n<b>DATA & FILE OVERVIEW</b>\r\n\r\n<i>1. File List:</i> Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contain the analysed seasonal means and daily means of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of the Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively.\r\n\r\n<i>2. Relationship between files, if important:</i> NA\r\n\r\n<i>3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package:</i> No\r\n\r\n<b>METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION</b>\r\n\r\n1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: \r\nThe model RegCM4 code is freely available online from <a href=\"\"></a>. \r\n\r\nThe anthropogenic aerosol emissions considered for the simulations are taken from IIASA inventory. The data used can be easily accessed online <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nTRMM observed precipitation data can be assessed from <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nCRU temperature data is available at <a href=\"\"></a>. \r\n\r\nCERES satellite surface shortwave downward fluxes are available at <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nInput files for the RegCM4 model are archived in <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nThis dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM \". Two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn consists of the output data . This dataset only contains the analysed seasonal mean and daily mean of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of Expt_fix and Expt_dyn contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files respectively. This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4.\r\n\r\n2. Methods for processing the data: Seasonal Mean and daily average values were extracted from 6-hourly model output.\r\n\r\n3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: CDO-1.7.1, Grads-2.0.a9, Matlab2016b\r\n\r\n4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: NA\r\n\r\n5. Environmental/experimental conditions: NA\r\n\r\n6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: NA\r\n\r\n7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Sudipta Ghosh, Nicole Riemer, Graziano Giuliani, Filippo Giorgi, Dilip Ganguly, Sagnik Dey\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_fix_data.tar.gz</b>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 29\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less), precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1), temperature (K) , v-wind (m s-1), u-wind (m s-1), Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2), Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2)\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_dyn_data.tar.gz</b>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 30\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less); precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1); temperature (K); v-wind (m s-1); u-wind (m s-1); Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2); Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2); ageingscale (s-1)\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat</b>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 12\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Surface shortwave downward flux for clear sky (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons); Surface shortwave downward flux for all sky conditions (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons).\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n"]} 2021-01-11T18:06:35Z
update: {"publication_state"=>["file embargo", "released"]} 2021-01-11T18:03:43Z
update: {"publication_state"=>["released", "file embargo"]} 2021-01-11T18:03:42Z
update: {"description"=>["This dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM\". This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4. The dataset contains two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn. It consists of the seasonal mean and daily mean values of the variables that were used to create the visualizations of this study. The Expt_fix and Expt_dyn dataset contain 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively. The CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat file is the comparison between CERES shortwave downward flux at the surface and same model outputs from two experiments for clear sky and all sky conditions.\r\n--------------------------------------------------\r\nThe following information about the dataset was generated on 2021-01-08 by SUDIPTA GHOSH\r\n\r\n<b>GENERAL INFORMATION</b>\r\n\r\n1. Title of Dataset: Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM \r\n\r\n2. Author Information\r\n\t A. Principal Investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Sudipta Ghosh\r\n\t\tInstitution: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi\r\n\t\tAddress: Room 322, Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India\r\n\t\tEmail:,\r\n\r\n\tB. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Nicole Riemer\r\n\t\tInstitution: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign\r\n\t\tAddress: 3054 Natural History Building, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, School of Earth, Society and the Environment at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1301 W. Green St., Urbana, IL 61801\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tC. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Graziano Giuliani\r\n\t\tInstitution: The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)\r\n\t\tAddress: SISSA-246, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, (ICTP), Strada Costiera 11, 34151 Trieste, Italy.\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tD. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Filippo Giorgi\r\n\t\tInstitution: The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)\r\n\t\tAddress: SISSA-254, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, (ICTP), Strada Costiera 11, 34151 Trieste, Italy.\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tE. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Dilip Ganguly\r\n\t\tInstitution: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi\r\n\t\tAddress: Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tF. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Sagnik Dey\r\n\t\tInstitution: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi\r\n\t\tAddress: Room 324, Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India \r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\t\r\n3. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date): 2019-01-01 to 2019-12-31\r\n\r\n4. Geographic location of data collection: Urbana-Champaign,Illinois, USA\r\n\r\n5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This work is supported by the MoEFCC under the NCAP-COALESCE project [Grant No. 14/10/2014-CC]. The first author acknowledges DST-INSPIRE fellowship [IF150055] and Fulbright-Kalam Climate Doctoral fellowship. N. R. acknowledges funding from NSF AGS-1254428 and DOE grant DE-SC0019192. Department of Science and Technology, Funds for Improvement of Science and Technology infrastructure in universities and higher educational institutions (DST-FIST) grant (SR/FST/ESII-016/2014) are acknowledged for the computing support.\r\n\r\n<b>DATA & FILE OVERVIEW</b>\r\n\r\n1. File List: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contain the analysed seasonal means and daily means of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of the Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively.\r\n\r\n2. Relationship between files, if important: NA\r\n\r\n3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: No\r\n\r\n<b>METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION</b>\r\n\r\n1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: \r\nThe model RegCM4 code is freely available online from <a href=\"\"></a>. \r\n\r\nThe anthropogenic aerosol emissions considered for the simulations are taken from IIASA inventory. The data used can be easily accessed online <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nTRMM observed precipitation data can be assessed from <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nCRU temperature data is available at <a href=\"\"></a>. \r\n\r\nCERES satellite surface shortwave downward fluxes are available at <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nInput files for the RegCM4 model are archived in <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nThis dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM \". Two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn consists of the output data . This dataset only contains the analysed seasonal mean and daily mean of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of Expt_fix and Expt_dyn contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files respectively. This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4.\r\n\r\n2. Methods for processing the data: Seasonal Mean and daily average values were extracted from 6-hourly model output.\r\n\r\n3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: CDO-1.7.1, Grads-2.0.a9, Matlab2016b\r\n\r\n4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: NA\r\n\r\n5. Environmental/experimental conditions: NA\r\n\r\n6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: NA\r\n\r\n7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Sudipta Ghosh, Nicole Riemer, Graziano Giuliani, Filippo Giorgi, Dilip Ganguly, Sagnik Dey\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_fix_data.tar.gz</b>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 29\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less), precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1), temperature (K) , v-wind (m s-1), u-wind (m s-1), Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2), Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2)\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_dyn_data.tar.gz</b>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 30\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less); precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1); temperature (K); v-wind (m s-1); u-wind (m s-1); Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2); Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2); ageingscale (s-1)\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat</b>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 12\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Surface shortwave downward flux for clear sky (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons); Surface shortwave downward flux for all sky conditions (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons).\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n", "This dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM\". This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4. The dataset contains two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn. It consists of the seasonal mean and daily mean values of the variables that were used to create the visualizations of this study. The Expt_fix and Expt_dyn dataset contain 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively. The CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat file is the comparison between CERES shortwave downward flux at the surface and same model outputs from two experiments for clear sky and all sky conditions.\r\n--------------------------------------------------\r\nThe following information about the dataset was generated on 2021-01-08 by SUDIPTA GHOSH\r\n\r\n<b>GENERAL INFORMATION</b>\r\n\r\n<i>1. Title of Dataset</i>: Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM \r\n\r\n<i>2. Author Information</i>:\r\n\t A. Principal Investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Sudipta Ghosh\r\n\t\tInstitution: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi\r\n\t\tAddress: Room 322, Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India\r\n\t\tEmail:,\r\n\r\n\tB. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Nicole Riemer\r\n\t\tInstitution: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign\r\n\t\tAddress: 3054 Natural History Building, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, School of Earth, Society and the Environment at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1301 W. Green St., Urbana, IL 61801\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tC. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Graziano Giuliani\r\n\t\tInstitution: The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)\r\n\t\tAddress: SISSA-246, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, (ICTP), Strada Costiera 11, 34151 Trieste, Italy.\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tD. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Filippo Giorgi\r\n\t\tInstitution: The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)\r\n\t\tAddress: SISSA-254, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, (ICTP), Strada Costiera 11, 34151 Trieste, Italy.\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tE. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Dilip Ganguly\r\n\t\tInstitution: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi\r\n\t\tAddress: Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tF. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Sagnik Dey\r\n\t\tInstitution: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi\r\n\t\tAddress: Room 324, Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India \r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\t\r\n<i>3. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date)</i>: 2019-01-01 to 2019-12-31\r\n\r\n<i>4. Geographic location of data collection</i>: Urbana-Champaign,Illinois, USA\r\n\r\n<i>5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data</i>: This work is supported by the MoEFCC under the NCAP-COALESCE project [Grant No. 14/10/2014-CC]. The first author acknowledges DST-INSPIRE fellowship [IF150055] and Fulbright-Kalam Climate Doctoral fellowship. N. R. acknowledges funding from NSF AGS-1254428 and DOE grant DE-SC0019192. Department of Science and Technology, Funds for Improvement of Science and Technology infrastructure in universities and higher educational institutions (DST-FIST) grant (SR/FST/ESII-016/2014) are acknowledged for the computing support.\r\n\r\n<b>DATA & FILE OVERVIEW</b>\r\n\r\n1. File List: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contain the analysed seasonal means and daily means of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of the Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively.\r\n\r\n2. Relationship between files, if important: NA\r\n\r\n3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: No\r\n\r\n<b>METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION</b>\r\n\r\n1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: \r\nThe model RegCM4 code is freely available online from <a href=\"\"></a>. \r\n\r\nThe anthropogenic aerosol emissions considered for the simulations are taken from IIASA inventory. The data used can be easily accessed online <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nTRMM observed precipitation data can be assessed from <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nCRU temperature data is available at <a href=\"\"></a>. \r\n\r\nCERES satellite surface shortwave downward fluxes are available at <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nInput files for the RegCM4 model are archived in <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nThis dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM \". Two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn consists of the output data . This dataset only contains the analysed seasonal mean and daily mean of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of Expt_fix and Expt_dyn contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files respectively. This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4.\r\n\r\n2. Methods for processing the data: Seasonal Mean and daily average values were extracted from 6-hourly model output.\r\n\r\n3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: CDO-1.7.1, Grads-2.0.a9, Matlab2016b\r\n\r\n4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: NA\r\n\r\n5. Environmental/experimental conditions: NA\r\n\r\n6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: NA\r\n\r\n7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Sudipta Ghosh, Nicole Riemer, Graziano Giuliani, Filippo Giorgi, Dilip Ganguly, Sagnik Dey\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_fix_data.tar.gz</b>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 29\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less), precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1), temperature (K) , v-wind (m s-1), u-wind (m s-1), Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2), Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2)\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_dyn_data.tar.gz</b>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 30\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less); precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1); temperature (K); v-wind (m s-1); u-wind (m s-1); Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2); Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2); ageingscale (s-1)\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat</b>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 12\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Surface shortwave downward flux for clear sky (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons); Surface shortwave downward flux for all sky conditions (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons).\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n"]} 2021-01-11T18:03:42Z
update: {"publication_state"=>["file embargo", "released"]} 2021-01-11T18:01:27Z
update: {"publication_state"=>["released", "file embargo"]} 2021-01-11T18:01:26Z
update: {"description"=>["This dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM\". This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4. The dataset contains two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn. It consists of the seasonal mean and daily mean values of the variables that were used to create the visualizations of this study. The Expt_fix and Expt_dyn dataset contain 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively. The CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat file is the comparison between CERES shortwave downward flux at the surface and same model outputs from two experiments for clear sky and all sky conditions.\r\n--------------------------------------------------\r\nThe following information about the dataset was generated on 2021-01-08 by SUDIPTA GHOSH\r\n\r\n<b>GENERAL INFORMATION</b>\r\n\r\n1. Title of Dataset: Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM \r\n\r\n2. Author Information\r\n\tA. Principal Investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Sudipta Ghosh\r\n\t\tInstitution: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi\r\n\t\tAddress: Room 322, Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India\r\n\t\tEmail:,\r\n\r\n\tB. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Nicole Riemer\r\n\t\tInstitution: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign\r\n\t\tAddress: 3054 Natural History Building, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, School of Earth, Society and the Environment at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1301 W. Green St., Urbana, IL 61801\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tC. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Graziano Giuliani\r\n\t\tInstitution: The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)\r\n\t\tAddress: SISSA-246, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, (ICTP), Strada Costiera 11, 34151 Trieste, Italy.\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tD. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Filippo Giorgi\r\n\t\tInstitution: The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)\r\n\t\tAddress: SISSA-254, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, (ICTP), Strada Costiera 11, 34151 Trieste, Italy.\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tE. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Dilip Ganguly\r\n\t\tInstitution: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi\r\n\t\tAddress: Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tF. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Sagnik Dey\r\n\t\tInstitution: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi\r\n\t\tAddress: Room 324, Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India \r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\t\r\n3. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date): 2019-01-01 to 2019-12-31\r\n\r\n4. Geographic location of data collection: Urbana-Champaign,Illinois, USA\r\n\r\n5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This work is supported by the MoEFCC under the NCAP-COALESCE project [Grant No. 14/10/2014-CC]. The first author acknowledges DST-INSPIRE fellowship [IF150055] and Fulbright-Kalam Climate Doctoral fellowship. N. R. acknowledges funding from NSF AGS-1254428 and DOE grant DE-SC0019192. Department of Science and Technology, Funds for Improvement of Science and Technology infrastructure in universities and higher educational institutions (DST-FIST) grant (SR/FST/ESII-016/2014) are acknowledged for the computing support.\r\n\r\n<b>DATA & FILE OVERVIEW</b>\r\n\r\n1. File List: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contain the analysed seasonal means and daily means of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of the Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively.\r\n\r\n2. Relationship between files, if important: NA\r\n\r\n3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: No\r\n\r\n<b>METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION</b>\r\n\r\n1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: \r\nThe model RegCM4 code is freely available online from <a href=\"\"></a>. \r\n\r\nThe anthropogenic aerosol emissions considered for the simulations are taken from IIASA inventory. The data used can be easily accessed online <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nTRMM observed precipitation data can be assessed from <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nCRU temperature data is available at <a href=\"\"></a>. \r\n\r\nCERES satellite surface shortwave downward fluxes are available at <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nInput files for the RegCM4 model are archived in <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nThis dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM \". Two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn consists of the output data . This dataset only contains the analysed seasonal mean and daily mean of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of Expt_fix and Expt_dyn contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files respectively. This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4.\r\n\r\n2. Methods for processing the data: Seasonal Mean and daily average values were extracted from 6-hourly model output.\r\n\r\n3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: CDO-1.7.1, Grads-2.0.a9, Matlab2016b\r\n\r\n4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: NA\r\n\r\n5. Environmental/experimental conditions: NA\r\n\r\n6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: NA\r\n\r\n7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Sudipta Ghosh, Nicole Riemer, Graziano Giuliani, Filippo Giorgi, Dilip Ganguly, Sagnik Dey\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_fix_data.tar.gz</b>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 29\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less), precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1), temperature (K) , v-wind (m s-1), u-wind (m s-1), Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2), Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2)\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_dyn_data.tar.gz</b>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 30\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less); precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1); temperature (K); v-wind (m s-1); u-wind (m s-1); Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2); Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2); ageingscale (s-1)\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat</b>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 12\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Surface shortwave downward flux for clear sky (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons); Surface shortwave downward flux for all sky conditions (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons).\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n", "This dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM\". This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4. The dataset contains two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn. It consists of the seasonal mean and daily mean values of the variables that were used to create the visualizations of this study. The Expt_fix and Expt_dyn dataset contain 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively. The CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat file is the comparison between CERES shortwave downward flux at the surface and same model outputs from two experiments for clear sky and all sky conditions.\r\n--------------------------------------------------\r\nThe following information about the dataset was generated on 2021-01-08 by SUDIPTA GHOSH\r\n\r\n<b>GENERAL INFORMATION</b>\r\n\r\n1. Title of Dataset: Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM \r\n\r\n2. Author Information\r\n\t A. Principal Investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Sudipta Ghosh\r\n\t\tInstitution: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi\r\n\t\tAddress: Room 322, Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India\r\n\t\tEmail:,\r\n\r\n\tB. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Nicole Riemer\r\n\t\tInstitution: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign\r\n\t\tAddress: 3054 Natural History Building, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, School of Earth, Society and the Environment at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1301 W. Green St., Urbana, IL 61801\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tC. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Graziano Giuliani\r\n\t\tInstitution: The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)\r\n\t\tAddress: SISSA-246, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, (ICTP), Strada Costiera 11, 34151 Trieste, Italy.\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tD. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Filippo Giorgi\r\n\t\tInstitution: The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)\r\n\t\tAddress: SISSA-254, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, (ICTP), Strada Costiera 11, 34151 Trieste, Italy.\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tE. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Dilip Ganguly\r\n\t\tInstitution: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi\r\n\t\tAddress: Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tF. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Sagnik Dey\r\n\t\tInstitution: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi\r\n\t\tAddress: Room 324, Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India \r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\t\r\n3. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date): 2019-01-01 to 2019-12-31\r\n\r\n4. Geographic location of data collection: Urbana-Champaign,Illinois, USA\r\n\r\n5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This work is supported by the MoEFCC under the NCAP-COALESCE project [Grant No. 14/10/2014-CC]. The first author acknowledges DST-INSPIRE fellowship [IF150055] and Fulbright-Kalam Climate Doctoral fellowship. N. R. acknowledges funding from NSF AGS-1254428 and DOE grant DE-SC0019192. Department of Science and Technology, Funds for Improvement of Science and Technology infrastructure in universities and higher educational institutions (DST-FIST) grant (SR/FST/ESII-016/2014) are acknowledged for the computing support.\r\n\r\n<b>DATA & FILE OVERVIEW</b>\r\n\r\n1. File List: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contain the analysed seasonal means and daily means of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of the Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively.\r\n\r\n2. Relationship between files, if important: NA\r\n\r\n3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: No\r\n\r\n<b>METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION</b>\r\n\r\n1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: \r\nThe model RegCM4 code is freely available online from <a href=\"\"></a>. \r\n\r\nThe anthropogenic aerosol emissions considered for the simulations are taken from IIASA inventory. The data used can be easily accessed online <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nTRMM observed precipitation data can be assessed from <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nCRU temperature data is available at <a href=\"\"></a>. \r\n\r\nCERES satellite surface shortwave downward fluxes are available at <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nInput files for the RegCM4 model are archived in <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nThis dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM \". Two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn consists of the output data . This dataset only contains the analysed seasonal mean and daily mean of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of Expt_fix and Expt_dyn contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files respectively. This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4.\r\n\r\n2. Methods for processing the data: Seasonal Mean and daily average values were extracted from 6-hourly model output.\r\n\r\n3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: CDO-1.7.1, Grads-2.0.a9, Matlab2016b\r\n\r\n4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: NA\r\n\r\n5. Environmental/experimental conditions: NA\r\n\r\n6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: NA\r\n\r\n7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Sudipta Ghosh, Nicole Riemer, Graziano Giuliani, Filippo Giorgi, Dilip Ganguly, Sagnik Dey\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_fix_data.tar.gz</b>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 29\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less), precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1), temperature (K) , v-wind (m s-1), u-wind (m s-1), Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2), Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2)\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_dyn_data.tar.gz</b>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 30\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less); precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1); temperature (K); v-wind (m s-1); u-wind (m s-1); Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2); Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2); ageingscale (s-1)\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat</b>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 12\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Surface shortwave downward flux for clear sky (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons); Surface shortwave downward flux for all sky conditions (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons).\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n"]} 2021-01-11T18:01:26Z
update: {"publication_state"=>["file embargo", "released"]} 2021-01-11T17:58:38Z
update: {"publication_state"=>["released", "file embargo"]} 2021-01-11T17:58:37Z
update: {"description"=>["This dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM\". This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4. The dataset contains two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn. It consists of the seasonal mean and daily mean values of the variables that were used to create the visualizations of this study. The Expt_fix and Expt_dyn dataset contain 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively. The CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat file is the comparison between CERES shortwave downward flux at the surface and same model outputs from two experiments for clear sky and all sky conditions.\r\n--------------------------------------------------\r\nThis Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM README.txt file was generated on 2021-01-08 by SUDIPTA GHOSH\r\n\r\nGENERAL INFORMATION\r\n\r\n1. Title of Dataset: Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM \r\n\r\n2. Author Information\r\n\tA. Principal Investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Sudipta Ghosh\r\n\t\tInstitution: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi\r\n\t\tAddress: Room 322, Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas,\r\n New Delhi 110016, India\r\n\t\tEmail:,\r\n\r\n\tB. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Nicole Riemer\r\n\t\tInstitution: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign\r\n\t\tAddress: 3054 Natural History Building, Department of Atmospheric Sciences\r\n School of Earth, Society and the Environment University of Illinois at\r\n Urbana-Champaign, 1301 W. Green St., Urbana, IL 61801\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tC. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Graziano Giuliani\r\n\t\tInstitution: The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)\r\n\t\tAddress: SISSA-246, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics\r\n (ICTP), Strada Costiera 11, 34151 Trieste, Italy.\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tD. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Filippo Giorgi\r\n\t\tInstitution: The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)\r\n\t\tAddress: SISSA-254, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics\r\n (ICTP), Strada Costiera 11, 34151 Trieste, Italy.\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\r\n\tE. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Dilip Ganguly\r\n\t\tInstitution: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi\r\n\t\tAddress: Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi\r\n 110016, India\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tF. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Sagnik Dey\r\n\t\tInstitution: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi\r\n\t\tAddress: Room 324, Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas,\r\n New Delhi 110016, India \r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\t\r\n3. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date) <suggested format YYYY-MM-DD>: 2019-01-01 to 2019-12-31\r\n\r\n4. Geographic location of data collection <latitude, longitude, or city/region, State, Country, as appropriate>: Urbana-Champaign,Illinois, USA\r\n\r\n5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This work is supported by the MoEFCC under the NCAP-COALESCE project [Grant No. 14/10/2014-CC]. The first author acknowledges DST-INSPIRE fellowship [IF150055] and Fulbright-Kalam Climate Doctoral fellowship. N. R. acknowledges funding from NSF AGS-1254428 and DOE grant DE-SC0019192. Department of Science and Technology, Funds for Improvement of Science and Technology infrastructure in universities and higher educational institutions (DST-FIST) grant (SR/FST/ESII-016/2014) are acknowledged for the computing support.\r\n\r\nSHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION\r\n\r\n1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0\r\n\r\n2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: None to this date\r\n\r\n3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: None\r\n\r\n4. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: None\r\n\r\n5. Was data derived from another source? no\r\n\tA. If yes, list source(s): \r\n\r\n6. Recommended citation for this dataset: \r\n\r\n\r\nDATA & FILE OVERVIEW\r\n\r\n1. File List: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contain the analysed seasonal means and daily means of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of the Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively.\r\n<list all files (or folders, as appropriate for dataset organization) contained in the dataset, with a brief description>\r\n\r\n2. Relationship between files, if important: NA\r\n\r\n3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: No\r\n\r\n4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? Yes\r\n\tA. If yes, name of file(s) that was updated: Expt_fix_data.tar.gz and Expt_dyn_data.tar.gz\r\n\t\ti. Why was the file updated? The files were updated as part of the review process of our study.\r\n\t\tii. When was the file updated? January 7, 2021\r\n\r\n\r\nMETHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION\r\n\r\n1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: \r\n<Include links or references to publications or other documentation containing experimental design or protocols used in data collection>\r\n\r\nThe model RegCM4 code is freely available online from ( ).\r\n\r\nThe anthropogenic aerosol emissions considered for the simulations are taken from IIASA inventory. The data used can be easily accessed online ( ) website. \r\n\r\nTRMM observed precipitation data can be assessed from ( ) website. \r\n\r\nCRU temperature data is available at . \r\n\r\nCERES satellite surface shortwave downward fluxes are available at website. \r\n\r\nInput files for the RegCM4 model are archived in website. \r\n\r\nThis dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM \". Two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn consists of the output data . This dataset only contains the analysed seasonal mean and daily mean of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of Expt_fix and Expt_dyn contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files respectively. This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4.\r\n\r\n2. Methods for processing the data: Seasonal Mean and daily average values were extracted from 6-hourly model output.\r\n<describe how the submitted data were generated from the raw or collected data>\r\n\r\n3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: CDO-1.7.1, Grads-2.0.a9, Matlab2016b\r\n<include full name and version of software, and any necessary packages or libraries needed to run scripts>\r\n\r\n4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: NA\r\n\r\n5. Environmental/experimental conditions: NA\r\n\r\n6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: NA\r\n\r\n7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Sudipta Ghosh, Nicole Riemer, Graziano Giuliani, Filippo Giorgi, Dilip Ganguly, Sagnik Dey\r\n\r\nDATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_fix_data.tar.gz\r\n<repeat this section for each dataset, folder or file, as appropriate>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 29\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less), precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1), temperature (K) , v-wind (m s-1), u-wind (m s-1), Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2), Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2)\r\n<list variable name(s), description(s), unit(s)and value labels as appropriate for each>\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n<list code/symbol and definition>n\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\nDATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_dyn_data.tar.gz\r\n<repeat this section for each dataset, folder or file, as appropriate>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 30\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less); precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1); temperature (K); v-wind (m s-1); u-wind (m s-1); Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2); Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2); ageingscale (s-1)\r\n<list variable name(s), description(s), unit(s)and value labels as appropriate for each>\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n<list code/symbol and definition>n\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\nDATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat\r\n<repeat this section for each dataset, folder or file, as appropriate>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 12\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Surface shortwave downward flux for clear sky (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons); Surface shortwave downward flux for all sky conditions (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons).\r\n<list variable name(s), description(s), unit(s)and value labels as appropriate for each>\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n<list code/symbol and definition>n\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n", "This dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM\". This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4. The dataset contains two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn. It consists of the seasonal mean and daily mean values of the variables that were used to create the visualizations of this study. The Expt_fix and Expt_dyn dataset contain 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively. The CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat file is the comparison between CERES shortwave downward flux at the surface and same model outputs from two experiments for clear sky and all sky conditions.\r\n--------------------------------------------------\r\nThe following information about the dataset was generated on 2021-01-08 by SUDIPTA GHOSH\r\n\r\n<b>GENERAL INFORMATION</b>\r\n\r\n1. Title of Dataset: Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM \r\n\r\n2. Author Information\r\n\tA. Principal Investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Sudipta Ghosh\r\n\t\tInstitution: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi\r\n\t\tAddress: Room 322, Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India\r\n\t\tEmail:,\r\n\r\n\tB. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Nicole Riemer\r\n\t\tInstitution: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign\r\n\t\tAddress: 3054 Natural History Building, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, School of Earth, Society and the Environment at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1301 W. Green St., Urbana, IL 61801\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tC. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Graziano Giuliani\r\n\t\tInstitution: The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)\r\n\t\tAddress: SISSA-246, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, (ICTP), Strada Costiera 11, 34151 Trieste, Italy.\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tD. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Filippo Giorgi\r\n\t\tInstitution: The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)\r\n\t\tAddress: SISSA-254, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, (ICTP), Strada Costiera 11, 34151 Trieste, Italy.\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tE. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Dilip Ganguly\r\n\t\tInstitution: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi\r\n\t\tAddress: Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tF. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Sagnik Dey\r\n\t\tInstitution: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi\r\n\t\tAddress: Room 324, Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India \r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\t\r\n3. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date): 2019-01-01 to 2019-12-31\r\n\r\n4. Geographic location of data collection: Urbana-Champaign,Illinois, USA\r\n\r\n5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This work is supported by the MoEFCC under the NCAP-COALESCE project [Grant No. 14/10/2014-CC]. The first author acknowledges DST-INSPIRE fellowship [IF150055] and Fulbright-Kalam Climate Doctoral fellowship. N. R. acknowledges funding from NSF AGS-1254428 and DOE grant DE-SC0019192. Department of Science and Technology, Funds for Improvement of Science and Technology infrastructure in universities and higher educational institutions (DST-FIST) grant (SR/FST/ESII-016/2014) are acknowledged for the computing support.\r\n\r\n<b>DATA & FILE OVERVIEW</b>\r\n\r\n1. File List: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contain the analysed seasonal means and daily means of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of the Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively.\r\n\r\n2. Relationship between files, if important: NA\r\n\r\n3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: No\r\n\r\n<b>METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION</b>\r\n\r\n1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: \r\nThe model RegCM4 code is freely available online from <a href=\"\"></a>. \r\n\r\nThe anthropogenic aerosol emissions considered for the simulations are taken from IIASA inventory. The data used can be easily accessed online <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nTRMM observed precipitation data can be assessed from <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nCRU temperature data is available at <a href=\"\"></a>. \r\n\r\nCERES satellite surface shortwave downward fluxes are available at <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nInput files for the RegCM4 model are archived in <a href=\"\"></a> website. \r\n\r\nThis dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM \". Two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn consists of the output data . This dataset only contains the analysed seasonal mean and daily mean of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of Expt_fix and Expt_dyn contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files respectively. This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4.\r\n\r\n2. Methods for processing the data: Seasonal Mean and daily average values were extracted from 6-hourly model output.\r\n\r\n3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: CDO-1.7.1, Grads-2.0.a9, Matlab2016b\r\n\r\n4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: NA\r\n\r\n5. Environmental/experimental conditions: NA\r\n\r\n6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: NA\r\n\r\n7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Sudipta Ghosh, Nicole Riemer, Graziano Giuliani, Filippo Giorgi, Dilip Ganguly, Sagnik Dey\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_fix_data.tar.gz</b>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 29\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less), precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1), temperature (K) , v-wind (m s-1), u-wind (m s-1), Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2), Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2)\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_dyn_data.tar.gz</b>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 30\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less); precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1); temperature (K); v-wind (m s-1); u-wind (m s-1); Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2); Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2); ageingscale (s-1)\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n<b>DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat</b>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 12\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Surface shortwave downward flux for clear sky (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons); Surface shortwave downward flux for all sky conditions (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons).\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n"]} 2021-01-11T17:58:36Z
update: {"publication_state"=>["file embargo", "released"]} 2021-01-11T17:44:08Z
update: {"description"=>["This dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM\". This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4. The dataset contains two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn. It consists of the seasonal mean and daily mean values of the variables that were used to create the visualizations of this study. The Expt_fix and Expt_dyn dataset contain 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively. The CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat file is the comparison between CERES shortwave downward flux at the surface and same model outputs from two experiments for clear sky and all sky conditions.\r\n", "This dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM\". This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4. The dataset contains two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn. It consists of the seasonal mean and daily mean values of the variables that were used to create the visualizations of this study. The Expt_fix and Expt_dyn dataset contain 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively. The CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat file is the comparison between CERES shortwave downward flux at the surface and same model outputs from two experiments for clear sky and all sky conditions.\r\n--------------------------------------------------\r\nThis Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM README.txt file was generated on 2021-01-08 by SUDIPTA GHOSH\r\n\r\nGENERAL INFORMATION\r\n\r\n1. Title of Dataset: Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM \r\n\r\n2. Author Information\r\n\tA. Principal Investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Sudipta Ghosh\r\n\t\tInstitution: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi\r\n\t\tAddress: Room 322, Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas,\r\n New Delhi 110016, India\r\n\t\tEmail:,\r\n\r\n\tB. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Nicole Riemer\r\n\t\tInstitution: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign\r\n\t\tAddress: 3054 Natural History Building, Department of Atmospheric Sciences\r\n School of Earth, Society and the Environment University of Illinois at\r\n Urbana-Champaign, 1301 W. Green St., Urbana, IL 61801\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tC. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Graziano Giuliani\r\n\t\tInstitution: The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)\r\n\t\tAddress: SISSA-246, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics\r\n (ICTP), Strada Costiera 11, 34151 Trieste, Italy.\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tD. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Filippo Giorgi\r\n\t\tInstitution: The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)\r\n\t\tAddress: SISSA-254, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics\r\n (ICTP), Strada Costiera 11, 34151 Trieste, Italy.\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\r\n\tE. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Dilip Ganguly\r\n\t\tInstitution: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi\r\n\t\tAddress: Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi\r\n 110016, India\r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\r\n\tF. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information\r\n\t\tName: Sagnik Dey\r\n\t\tInstitution: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi\r\n\t\tAddress: Room 324, Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, IIT Delhi, Hauz Khas,\r\n New Delhi 110016, India \r\n\t\tEmail:\r\n\t\r\n3. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date) <suggested format YYYY-MM-DD>: 2019-01-01 to 2019-12-31\r\n\r\n4. Geographic location of data collection <latitude, longitude, or city/region, State, Country, as appropriate>: Urbana-Champaign,Illinois, USA\r\n\r\n5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This work is supported by the MoEFCC under the NCAP-COALESCE project [Grant No. 14/10/2014-CC]. The first author acknowledges DST-INSPIRE fellowship [IF150055] and Fulbright-Kalam Climate Doctoral fellowship. N. R. acknowledges funding from NSF AGS-1254428 and DOE grant DE-SC0019192. Department of Science and Technology, Funds for Improvement of Science and Technology infrastructure in universities and higher educational institutions (DST-FIST) grant (SR/FST/ESII-016/2014) are acknowledged for the computing support.\r\n\r\nSHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION\r\n\r\n1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0\r\n\r\n2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: None to this date\r\n\r\n3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: None\r\n\r\n4. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: None\r\n\r\n5. Was data derived from another source? no\r\n\tA. If yes, list source(s): \r\n\r\n6. Recommended citation for this dataset: \r\n\r\n\r\nDATA & FILE OVERVIEW\r\n\r\n1. File List: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contain the analysed seasonal means and daily means of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of the Expt_fix and Expt_dyn datasets contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files, respectively.\r\n<list all files (or folders, as appropriate for dataset organization) contained in the dataset, with a brief description>\r\n\r\n2. Relationship between files, if important: NA\r\n\r\n3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: No\r\n\r\n4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? Yes\r\n\tA. If yes, name of file(s) that was updated: Expt_fix_data.tar.gz and Expt_dyn_data.tar.gz\r\n\t\ti. Why was the file updated? The files were updated as part of the review process of our study.\r\n\t\tii. When was the file updated? January 7, 2021\r\n\r\n\r\nMETHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION\r\n\r\n1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: \r\n<Include links or references to publications or other documentation containing experimental design or protocols used in data collection>\r\n\r\nThe model RegCM4 code is freely available online from ( ).\r\n\r\nThe anthropogenic aerosol emissions considered for the simulations are taken from IIASA inventory. The data used can be easily accessed online ( ) website. \r\n\r\nTRMM observed precipitation data can be assessed from ( ) website. \r\n\r\nCRU temperature data is available at . \r\n\r\nCERES satellite surface shortwave downward fluxes are available at website. \r\n\r\nInput files for the RegCM4 model are archived in website. \r\n\r\nThis dataset contains the RegCM4 simulations used in the article \" Implementation of dynamic ageing of carbonaceous aerosols in regional climate model RegCM \". Two sets of simulations: Expt_fix and Expt_dyn consists of the output data . This dataset only contains the analysed seasonal mean and daily mean of the variables that have been used to create the visualizations of this study. Each of Expt_fix and Expt_dyn contains 34 and 38 NetCDF files respectively. This dataset was used to investigate the impact of a new aging parameterisation scheme implemented in a regional climate model RegCM4.\r\n\r\n2. Methods for processing the data: Seasonal Mean and daily average values were extracted from 6-hourly model output.\r\n<describe how the submitted data were generated from the raw or collected data>\r\n\r\n3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: CDO-1.7.1, Grads-2.0.a9, Matlab2016b\r\n<include full name and version of software, and any necessary packages or libraries needed to run scripts>\r\n\r\n4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: NA\r\n\r\n5. Environmental/experimental conditions: NA\r\n\r\n6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: NA\r\n\r\n7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Sudipta Ghosh, Nicole Riemer, Graziano Giuliani, Filippo Giorgi, Dilip Ganguly, Sagnik Dey\r\n\r\nDATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_fix_data.tar.gz\r\n<repeat this section for each dataset, folder or file, as appropriate>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 29\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL, OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less), precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1), temperature (K) , v-wind (m s-1), u-wind (m s-1), Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2), Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2)\r\n<list variable name(s), description(s), unit(s)and value labels as appropriate for each>\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n<list code/symbol and definition>n\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\nDATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Expt_dyn_data.tar.gz\r\n<repeat this section for each dataset, folder or file, as appropriate>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 30\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Mass concentration (Kg m-3) of BC, BC_HB, BC_HL, OC, OC_HB, OC_HL; Columnar burden (mg m-2)] of BC, BC_HL, BC_HB, OC; Dry deposition flux (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due washout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; Wet deposition flux due to rainout (mg m-2 day-1) of BC_HB, BC_HL OC_HB, OC_HL; AOD (unit less); precipitation (Kg m-2 s-1); temperature (K); v-wind (m s-1); u-wind (m s-1); Surface shortwave downward flux (W m-2); Shortwave radiative forcing at the surface and top of atmosphere (W m-2); ageingscale (s-1)\r\n<list variable name(s), description(s), unit(s)and value labels as appropriate for each>\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n<list code/symbol and definition>n\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\nDATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: CERES_vs_2expts_new.mat\r\n<repeat this section for each dataset, folder or file, as appropriate>\r\n\r\n1. Number of variables: 12\r\n\r\n2. Number of cases/rows: NA\r\n\r\n3. Variable List: Surface shortwave downward flux for clear sky (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons); Surface shortwave downward flux for all sky conditions (W/m-2) for CERES, Expt_fix, Expt_dyn (for winter JF and monsoon JJAS seasons).\r\n<list variable name(s), description(s), unit(s)and value labels as appropriate for each>\r\n\r\n4. Missing data codes: NA\r\n<list code/symbol and definition>n\r\n\r\n5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: NA\r\n\r\n"]} 2021-01-11T17:44:07Z