Dataset Description
The data and code provided in this dataset can be used to generate plots that show the results of linear prediction algorithm and the amplified modes, supporting the key argument of the manuscript.
It is divided into five subfolders, each corresponding to one combination of external condition (magnetic field B, temperature), scan parameter (temperature, magnetic field B), pump laser polarization (linear s, linear p, and circular), and sample orientation ( B parallel to c axis, B perpendicular to c axis):
1) B parallel to c axis, linear pump polarization in s, linear THz emission polarization in s, field dependence (B_parallel_c_linear_spump_sprobe_field).
2) B parallel to c axis, linear pump polarization in s, linear THz emission polarization in s, temperature dependence (B_parallel_c_linear_spump_sprobe_temperature).
3) B perpendicular to c axis, linear pump polarization in s, linear THz emission polarization in s, field dependence (B_perp_c_linear_spump_sprobe_field).
4) B perpendicular to c axis, linear pump polarization in s, linear THz emission polarization in s, temperature dependence (B_perp_c_linear_spump_sprobe_temperature).
5) B parallel to c axis, circular pump polarization (left circularly polarized LCP and right circularly polarized RCP), linear THz emission polarization in s, field dependence (B_parallel_c_LCPRCP_pump_sprobe_field).
Each folder contains the raw data (.mat), the oscillator parameters obtained through linear prediction algorithm (.mat), and the plot-generating code (.m). The code plots the raw data, the fit to the processed data, and the amplified modes.
Codes are written in MATLAB R2024a; the working directory of each code should be the corresponding subfolder that contains it.