Version DOI Comment Publication Date
3 10.13012/B2IDB-6128763_V3 Added a new column "pub_date" to report_list.csv. Corrected mistakes in supplementary_reference_list.pdf for report #28 and report #80 2023-07-05
2 10.13012/B2IDB-6128763_V2 Added new columns, changed file name, corrected and adjusted some information. Please refer to the Readme for the detailed updates. 2022-10-07
1 10.13012/B2IDB-6128763_V1 2022-07-01
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146 KB View File
146 KB View File
8.36 KB View File

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Dataset update: {"version_comment"=>["Need a comment here", "Added a new column \"pub_date\" to report_list.csv. Corrected mistakes in supplementary_reference_list.pdf for report #28 and report #80"]} 2023-07-05T14:35:08Z