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1 10.13012/B2IDB-1678505_V1 2019-02-07
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RelatedMaterial update: {"uri"=>["", ""], "uri_type"=>["", "URL"], "datacite_list"=>["", "IsSupplementedBy"], "note"=>[nil, ""], "feature"=>[nil, false]} 2024-02-05T21:49:46Z
RelatedMaterial update: {"material_type"=>["Dataset", "Article"], "link"=>["", ""], "uri"=>["", "10.1093/nar/gkn879"], "uri_type"=>["", "DOI"], "citation"=>["Cole, J. R., Wang, Q., Cardenas, E., Fish, J., Chai, B., Farris, R. J., Kulam-Syed-Mohideen, A. S., McGarrell, D. M., Marsh, T., Garrity, G. M., and Tiedje, J. M. (2009). The Ribosomal Database Project: improved alignments and new tools for rRNA analysis. Nucleic acids research, 37(Database issue), D141–5.", "J. R. Cole, Q. Wang, E. Cardenas, J. Fish, B. Chai, R. J. Farris, A. S. Kulam-Syed-Mohideen, D. M. McGarrell, T. Marsh, G. M. Garrity, J. M. Tiedje, The Ribosomal Database Project: improved alignments and new tools for rRNA analysis, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 37, Issue suppl_1, 1 January 2009, Pages D141–D145,"], "selected_type"=>["Dataset", "Article"], "datacite_list"=>["", "IsSupplementedBy"], "note"=>[nil, ""], "feature"=>[nil, false]} 2024-02-05T21:49:46Z
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Dataset update: {"subject"=>["", "Life Sciences"]} 2019-02-12T19:48:43Z
RelatedMaterial update: {"uri"=>[nil, ""], "uri_type"=>[nil, ""], "datacite_list"=>[nil, ""]} 2019-02-07T22:31:46Z
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Dataset update: {"keywords"=>["microbiome, data visualization, graphics, phylogenetics, 16S", "microbiome; data visualization; graphics; phylogenetics; 16S"], "version_comment"=>[nil, ""], "subject"=>[nil, ""]} 2019-02-07T22:31:46Z