Illinois Data Bank - Dataset

Version DOI Comment Publication Date
1 10.13012/B2IDB-1932389_V1 2018-11-20

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137 MB File

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RelatedMaterial update: {"note"=>[nil, ""], "feature"=>[nil, false]} 2024-01-29T19:44:15Z
RelatedMaterial update: {"note"=>[nil, ""], "feature"=>[nil, false]} 2024-01-29T19:44:15Z
RelatedMaterial update: {"note"=>[nil, ""], "feature"=>[nil, false]} 2024-01-29T19:44:15Z
RelatedMaterial update: {"uri"=>["", "10.1109/ICASSP.2019.8682733"], "uri_type"=>["URL", "DOI"], "note"=>[nil, ""], "feature"=>[nil, false]} 2024-01-29T19:44:15Z
RelatedMaterial create: {"material_type"=>"Article", "availability"=>nil, "link"=>"", "uri"=>"10.1016/j.apacoust.2021.108229", "uri_type"=>"DOI", "citation"=>"Juan De La Torre Cruz, Francisco Jesús Cañadas Quesada, Damián Martínez-Muñoz, Nicolás Ruiz Reyes, Sebastián García Galán, and Julio José Carabias Orti. 2021. \"An incremental algorithm based on multichannel non-negative matrix partial co-factorization for ambient denoising in auscultation\". Applied Acoustics. Volume 182, 2021, 108229.", "dataset_id"=>724, "selected_type"=>"Article", "datacite_list"=>"IsCitedBy"} 2021-06-22T18:25:12Z
RelatedMaterial update: {"uri"=>[nil, "10.13012/B2IDB-6216881_V1"], "uri_type"=>[nil, "DOI"], "datacite_list"=>[nil, "IsSupplementedBy"]} 2021-06-22T18:25:12Z
RelatedMaterial update: {"uri"=>[nil, ""], "uri_type"=>[nil, "URL"], "datacite_list"=>[nil, "IsSupplementTo"]} 2021-06-22T18:25:12Z
RelatedMaterial create: {"material_type"=>"Dataset", "availability"=>nil, "link"=>"", "uri"=>nil, "uri_type"=>nil, "citation"=>"Corey, Ryan M.; Skarha, Matthew D.; Singer, Andrew C. (2019): Massive Distributed Microphone Array Dataset. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. ", "dataset_id"=>724, "selected_type"=>"Dataset", "datacite_list"=>nil} 2019-10-20T21:48:48Z
RelatedMaterial create: {"material_type"=>"Website", "availability"=>nil, "link"=>"", "uri"=>nil, "uri_type"=>nil, "citation"=>"Innovation in Augmented Listening Technology", "dataset_id"=>724, "selected_type"=>"Other", "datacite_list"=>nil} 2019-10-20T21:48:48Z
RelatedMaterial update: {"link"=>["", ""]} 2019-10-20T21:48:48Z
Dataset update: {"data_curation_network"=>[false, true]} 2019-05-29T16:09:45Z
RelatedMaterial update: {"link"=>["", ""], "uri"=>[nil, ""], "uri_type"=>[nil, "URL"], "datacite_list"=>[nil, "IsSupplementTo"]} 2019-03-12T20:07:34Z
RelatedMaterial create: {"material_type"=>"Article", "availability"=>nil, "link"=>"", "uri"=>nil, "uri_type"=>nil, "citation"=>"Ryan M. Corey, Naoki Tsuda, and Andrew C. Singer. \"Acoustic Impulse Responses for Wearable Audio Devices,\" IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brighton, UK, May 2019.", "dataset_id"=>724, "selected_type"=>"Article", "datacite_list"=>nil} 2019-03-05T21:22:45Z
Dataset update: {"description"=>["A dataset of acoustic impulse responses for microphones worn on the body. Microphones were placed at 80 positions on the body of a human subject and a plastic mannequin. The impulse responses can be used to study the acoustic effects of the body and can be convolved with sound sources to simulate wearable audio devices and microphone arrays. The dataset also includes measurements with different articles of clothing covering some of the microphones and with microphones placed on different hats and accessories. The measurements were performed from 24 angles of arrival in an acoustically treated laboratory.\r\n\r\nAll impulse responses are sampled at 48 kHz and truncated to 500 ms. The impulse response data is provided in WAVE audio and MATLAB data file formats. The microphone locations are provided in tab-separated-value files for each experiment and are also depicted graphically in the documentation.\r\n\r\nThe file contains both WAVE- and MATLAB-format impulse responses.\r\nThe file contains only MATLAB-format impulse responses.\r\nThe file contains only WAVE-format impulse responses.", "A dataset of acoustic impulse responses for microphones worn on the body. Microphones were placed at 80 positions on the body of a human subject and a plastic mannequin. The impulse responses can be used to study the acoustic effects of the body and can be convolved with sound sources to simulate wearable audio devices and microphone arrays. The dataset also includes measurements with different articles of clothing covering some of the microphones and with microphones placed on different hats and accessories. The measurements were performed from 24 angles of arrival in an acoustically treated laboratory.\r\n\r\nRelated Paper: Ryan M. Corey, Naoki Tsuda, and Andrew C. Singer. \"Acoustic Impulse Responses for Wearable Audio Devices,\" IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brighton, UK, May 2019.\r\n\r\nAll impulse responses are sampled at 48 kHz and truncated to 500 ms. The impulse response data is provided in WAVE audio and MATLAB data file formats. The microphone locations are provided in tab-separated-value files for each experiment and are also depicted graphically in the documentation.\r\n\r\nThe file contains both WAVE- and MATLAB-format impulse responses.\r\nThe file contains only MATLAB-format impulse responses.\r\nThe file contains only WAVE-format impulse responses."]} 2019-03-05T21:22:45Z