Version DOI Comment Publication Date
1 10.13012/B2IDB-2643961_V1 2020-09-25
374 MB File
2.78 GB File

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RelatedMaterial create: {"material_type"=>"Code", "availability"=>nil, "link"=>"", "uri"=>"", "uri_type"=>"URL", "citation"=>"Multiple Sequence Alignment using Graph Clustering (MAGUS)", "dataset_id"=>1474, "selected_type"=>"Code", "datacite_list"=>"IsSupplementTo"} 2020-12-06T20:38:09Z
RelatedMaterial create: {"material_type"=>"Article", "availability"=>nil, "link"=>"ttps://", "uri"=>"10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa992", "uri_type"=>"DOI", "citation"=>"Vladimir Smirnov, Tandy Warnow, MAGUS: Multiple Sequence Alignment using Graph Clustering, Bioinformatics, , btaa992,", "dataset_id"=>1474, "selected_type"=>"Article", "datacite_list"=>"IsSupplementTo"} 2020-12-06T20:38:09Z
Dataset update: {"description"=>["This repository contains the datasets and corresponding results for the paper \"MAGUS: Multiple Sequence Alignment using Graph Clustering\".\r\nThe archive contains the ROSE, Balibase, Gutell, and RNASim datasets used in our experiments. \r\nThe archive contains the outputs of running our methods against these datasets.\r\n\r\nDatasets used:\r\n\r\nROSE: 10 simulated nucleotide model conditions from the SATe paper, each with 20 replicates, and with 1000 sequences per replicate. \r\nThe ROSE datasets were originally taken from\r\n\r\nRNASim: This is a collection of simulated nucleotide datasets that were generated under a model of evolution that reflects selection due to RNA structural constraints. We sampled 20 subsets of 1000 sequences each, as well as 10 subsets of 10000 each, by randomly sampling from the original million-sequence RNASim dataset.\r\n\r\n16S.M, 16S.3, 16S.T, 16S.B.ALL: Four biological nucleotide datasets from the Comparative Ribosomal Website (CRW) with cleaned reference alignments from SATe. Since PASTA is restricted to datasets without sequence length heterogeneity, these were modified to remove sequences that deviate by more than 20% from the median length. The scrubbed datasets range from 740 to 24,246 sequences. The pre-screened 16S datasets were taken from\r\n\r\nBAliBASE: We use eight BAliBASE amino acid datasets used in the PASTA paper. As above, we remove outlier sequences, which leaves us with sizes ranging from 195 to 732 sequences. The pre-screened Balibase datasets were taken from", "This repository contains the datasets and corresponding results for the paper \"MAGUS: Multiple Sequence Alignment using Graph Clustering\".\r\nThe archive contains the ROSE, balibase, Gutell, and RNASim datasets used in our experiments. \r\nThe archive contains the outputs of running our methods against these datasets.\r\n\r\nDatasets used:\r\n\r\nROSE: 10 simulated nucleotide model conditions from the SATe paper, each with 20 replicates, and with 1000 sequences per replicate. \r\nThe ROSE datasets were originally taken from <a href=\"\"></a>\r\n\r\nRNASim: This is a collection of simulated nucleotide datasets that were generated under a model of evolution that reflects selection due to RNA structural constraints. We sampled 20 subsets of 1000 sequences each, as well as 10 subsets of 10000 each, by randomly sampling from the original million-sequence RNASim dataset.\r\n\r\nGutell: 16S.M, 16S.3, 16S.T, 16S.B.ALL: Four biological nucleotide datasets from the Comparative Ribosomal Website (CRW) with cleaned reference alignments from SATe. Since PASTA is restricted to datasets without sequence length heterogeneity, these were modified to remove sequences that deviate by more than 20% from the median length. The scrubbed datasets range from 740 to 24,246 sequences. The pre-screened 16S datasets were taken from <a href=\"\"></a>\r\n\r\nBAliBASE: We use eight BAliBASE amino acid datasets used in the PASTA paper. As above, we remove outlier sequences, which leaves us with sizes ranging from 195 to 732 sequences. The pre-screened Balibase datasets were taken from <a href=\"\"></a>"], "version_comment"=>[nil, ""], "subject"=>[nil, "Life Sciences"]} 2020-09-30T20:54:07Z
Dataset update: {"description"=>["This repository contains the datasets and corresponding results for the paper \"MAGUS: Multiple Sequence Alignment using Graph Clustering\".\r\nThe archive contains the ROSE, Balibase, Gutell, and RNASim datasets used in our experiments. \r\nThe archive contains the outputs of running our methods against these datasets.\r\n\r\nDatasets used:\r\nROSE Datasets: 10 simulated nucleotide model conditions from the SATe paper, each with 20 replicates, and with 1000 sequences per replicate. \r\nThe ROSE datasets were originally taken from\r\n\r\nRNASim: This is a collection of simulated nucleotide datasets that were generated under a model of evolution that reflects selection due to RNA structural constraints. We sampled 20 subsets of 1000 sequences each, as well as 10 subsets of 10000 each, by randomly sampling from the original million-sequence RNASim dataset.\r\n\r\n16S.M, 16S.3, 16S.T, 16S.B.ALL: Four biological nucleotide datasets from the Comparative Ribosomal Website (CRW) with cleaned reference alignments from SATe. Since PASTA is restricted to datasets without sequence length heterogeneity, these were modified to remove sequences that deviate by more than 20% from the median length. The scrubbed datasets range from 740 to 24,246 sequences. The pre-screened 16S datasets were taken from\r\n\r\nBAliBASE datasets: We use eight BAliBASE amino acid datasets used in the PASTA paper. As above, we remove outlier sequences, which leaves us with sizes ranging from 195 to 732 sequences. The pre-screened Balibase datasets were taken from", "This repository contains the datasets and corresponding results for the paper \"MAGUS: Multiple Sequence Alignment using Graph Clustering\".\r\nThe archive contains the ROSE, Balibase, Gutell, and RNASim datasets used in our experiments. \r\nThe archive contains the outputs of running our methods against these datasets.\r\n\r\nDatasets used:\r\n\r\nROSE: 10 simulated nucleotide model conditions from the SATe paper, each with 20 replicates, and with 1000 sequences per replicate. \r\nThe ROSE datasets were originally taken from\r\n\r\nRNASim: This is a collection of simulated nucleotide datasets that were generated under a model of evolution that reflects selection due to RNA structural constraints. We sampled 20 subsets of 1000 sequences each, as well as 10 subsets of 10000 each, by randomly sampling from the original million-sequence RNASim dataset.\r\n\r\n16S.M, 16S.3, 16S.T, 16S.B.ALL: Four biological nucleotide datasets from the Comparative Ribosomal Website (CRW) with cleaned reference alignments from SATe. Since PASTA is restricted to datasets without sequence length heterogeneity, these were modified to remove sequences that deviate by more than 20% from the median length. The scrubbed datasets range from 740 to 24,246 sequences. The pre-screened 16S datasets were taken from\r\n\r\nBAliBASE: We use eight BAliBASE amino acid datasets used in the PASTA paper. As above, we remove outlier sequences, which leaves us with sizes ranging from 195 to 732 sequences. The pre-screened Balibase datasets were taken from"]} 2020-09-25T17:35:32Z
Dataset update: {"description"=>["This repository contains the datasets and corresponding results for the paper \"MAGUS: Multiple Sequence Alignment using Graph Clustering\".\r\nThe archive contains the ROSE, Balibase, Gutell, and RNASim datasets used in our experiments. \r\nThe archive contains the outputs of running our methods against these datasets.\r\n\r\nDatasets used:\r\nROSE Datasets: 10 simulated nucleotide model conditions from the SATe paper, each with 20 replicates, and with 1000 sequences per replicate. \r\nThe ROSE datasets were originally taken from\r\n\r\nRNASim: This is a collection of simulated nucleotide datasets that were generated under a model of evolution that reflects selection due to RNA structural constraints. We sampled 20 subsets of 1000 sequences each, as well as 10 subsets of 10000 each, by randomly sampling from the original million-sequence RNASim dataset.\r\n\r\n16S.M, 16S.3, 16S.T, 16S.B.ALL: Four biological nucleotide datasets from the Comparative Ribosomal Website (CRW) with cleaned reference alignments from SATe. Since PASTA is restricted to datasets without sequence length heterogeneity, these were modified to remove sequences that deviate by more than 20\\% from the median length. The scrubbed datasets range from 740 to 24,246 sequences.\r\nThe pre-screened 16S datasets were taken from:\r\n\r\nBAliBASE datasets: We use eight BAliBASE amino acid datasets used in the PASTA paper. As above, we remove outlier sequences, which leaves us with sizes ranging from 195 to 732 sequences. \r\nThe pre-screened Balibase datasets were taken from", "This repository contains the datasets and corresponding results for the paper \"MAGUS: Multiple Sequence Alignment using Graph Clustering\".\r\nThe archive contains the ROSE, Balibase, Gutell, and RNASim datasets used in our experiments. \r\nThe archive contains the outputs of running our methods against these datasets.\r\n\r\nDatasets used:\r\nROSE Datasets: 10 simulated nucleotide model conditions from the SATe paper, each with 20 replicates, and with 1000 sequences per replicate. \r\nThe ROSE datasets were originally taken from\r\n\r\nRNASim: This is a collection of simulated nucleotide datasets that were generated under a model of evolution that reflects selection due to RNA structural constraints. We sampled 20 subsets of 1000 sequences each, as well as 10 subsets of 10000 each, by randomly sampling from the original million-sequence RNASim dataset.\r\n\r\n16S.M, 16S.3, 16S.T, 16S.B.ALL: Four biological nucleotide datasets from the Comparative Ribosomal Website (CRW) with cleaned reference alignments from SATe. Since PASTA is restricted to datasets without sequence length heterogeneity, these were modified to remove sequences that deviate by more than 20% from the median length. The scrubbed datasets range from 740 to 24,246 sequences. The pre-screened 16S datasets were taken from\r\n\r\nBAliBASE datasets: We use eight BAliBASE amino acid datasets used in the PASTA paper. As above, we remove outlier sequences, which leaves us with sizes ranging from 195 to 732 sequences. The pre-screened Balibase datasets were taken from"]} 2020-09-25T17:34:49Z
Dataset update: {"description"=>["This repository contains the datasets and corresponding results for the paper \"MAGUS: Multiple Sequence Alignment using Graph Clustering\".\r\nThe archive contains the ROSE, Balibase, Gutell, and RNASim datasets used in our experiments. \r\nThe archive contains the outputs of running our methods against these datasets.", "This repository contains the datasets and corresponding results for the paper \"MAGUS: Multiple Sequence Alignment using Graph Clustering\".\r\nThe archive contains the ROSE, Balibase, Gutell, and RNASim datasets used in our experiments. \r\nThe archive contains the outputs of running our methods against these datasets.\r\n\r\nDatasets used:\r\nROSE Datasets: 10 simulated nucleotide model conditions from the SATe paper, each with 20 replicates, and with 1000 sequences per replicate. \r\nThe ROSE datasets were originally taken from\r\n\r\nRNASim: This is a collection of simulated nucleotide datasets that were generated under a model of evolution that reflects selection due to RNA structural constraints. We sampled 20 subsets of 1000 sequences each, as well as 10 subsets of 10000 each, by randomly sampling from the original million-sequence RNASim dataset.\r\n\r\n16S.M, 16S.3, 16S.T, 16S.B.ALL: Four biological nucleotide datasets from the Comparative Ribosomal Website (CRW) with cleaned reference alignments from SATe. Since PASTA is restricted to datasets without sequence length heterogeneity, these were modified to remove sequences that deviate by more than 20\\% from the median length. The scrubbed datasets range from 740 to 24,246 sequences.\r\nThe pre-screened 16S datasets were taken from:\r\n\r\nBAliBASE datasets: We use eight BAliBASE amino acid datasets used in the PASTA paper. As above, we remove outlier sequences, which leaves us with sizes ranging from 195 to 732 sequences. \r\nThe pre-screened Balibase datasets were taken from"]} 2020-09-25T17:33:21Z