Illinois Data Bank - Dataset

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1 10.13012/B2IDB-3254797_V1 2023-07-14

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RelatedMaterial create: {"material_type"=>"Poster", "availability"=>nil, "link"=>"", "uri"=>"", "uri_type"=>"Handle", "citation"=>"Jodi Schneider, Jacqueline Léveillé, Randi Proescholdt, Susmita Das, and The RISRS Team. Characterization of Publications on Post-Retraction Citation of Retracted Articles. Presented at the Ninth International Congress on Peer Review and Scientific Publication, September 8-10, 2022 hybrid in Chicago. ", "dataset_id"=>2429, "selected_type"=>"Other", "datacite_list"=>"IsSupplementTo"} 2023-08-02T16:16:15Z
Dataset update: {"description"=>["Data for Post-retraction citation: A review of scholarly research on the spread of retracted science\r\nSchneider, Jodi; Das, Susmita; Léveillé, Jacqueline; Proescholdt, Randi \r\nContact: Jodi Schneider &\r\n\r\n**********\r\nOVERVIEW \r\n**********\r\nThis dataset provides further analysis for an ongoing literature review about post-retraction citation. \r\nThis ongoing work extends a poster presented as:\r\nJodi Schneider, Jacqueline Léveillé, Randi Proescholdt, Susmita Das, and The RISRS Team. \r\nCharacterization of Publications on Post-Retraction Citation of Retracted Articles. \r\nPresented at the Ninth International Congress on Peer Review and Scientific Publication, \r\nSeptember 8-10, 2022 hybrid in Chicago. (now also in )\r\nItems as of the poster version are listed in the bibliography 92-PRC-items.pdf.\r\n\r\nNote that following the poster, we made several changes to the dataset (see changes-since-PRC-poster.txt). For both the poster dataset and the current dataset, 5 items have 2 categories (see 5-items-have-2-categories.txt).\r\n\r\nArticles were selected from the Empirical Retraction Lit bibliography ( and ). The current dataset includes 92 items; 91 items were selected from the 386 total items in Empirical Retraction Lit bibliography version v.2.15.0 (July 2021); 1 item was added because it is the final form publication of a grouping of 2 items from the bibliography: Yang (2022) Do retraction practices work effectively? Evidence from citations of psychological retracted articles \r\n\r\nItems were classified into 7 topics; 2 of the 7 topics have been analyzed to date.\r\n\r\n**********************\r\nOVERVIEW OF ANALYSIS\r\n**********************\r\nDATA ANALYZED:\r\n2 of the 7 topics have been analyzed to date:\r\n\r\nfield-based case studies (n = 20)\r\nauthor-focused case studies of 1 or several authors with many retracted publications (n = 15)\r\n\r\n\r\nFUTURE DATA TO BE ANALYZED, NOT YET COVERED:\r\n5 of the 7 topics have not yet been analyzed as of this release:\r\ndatabase-focused analyses (n = 33)\r\npaper-focused case studies of 1 to 125 selected papers (n = 15)\r\nstudies of retracted publications cited in review literature (n = 8)\r\ngeographic case studies (n = 4)\r\nstudies selecting retracted publications by method (n = 2)\r\n\r\n**************\r\nFILE LISTING\r\n**************\r\n------------------\r\nBIBLIOGRAPHY \r\n------------------\r\n92-PRC-items.pdf\r\n\r\n------------------\r\nTEXT FILES\r\n------------------\r\nREADME.txt\r\n5-items-have-2-categories.txt\r\nchanges-since-PRC-poster.txt\r\n\r\n------------------\r\nCODEBOOKS\r\n------------------\r\nCodebook for authors.docx\r\nCodebook for authors.pdf\r\nCodebook for field.docx\r\nCodebook for field.pdf\r\nCodebook for KEY.docx\r\nCodebook for KEY.pdf\r\n\r\n------------------\r\nSPREADSHEETS\r\n------------------\r\nfield.csv\r\nfield.xlsx\r\nmultipleauthors.csv\r\nmultipleauthors.xlsx\r\nmultipleauthors-not-named.csv\r\nmultipleauthors-not-named.xlsx\r\nsingleauthors.csv\r\nsingleauthors.xlsx\r\n\r\n\r\n***************************\r\nDESCRIPTION OF FILE TYPES\r\n***************************\r\nBIBLIOGRAPHY (92-PRC-items.pdf) presents the items, as of the poster version. This has minor differences from the current data set. Consult changes-since-PRC-poster.txt for details on the differences.\r\n\r\nTEXT FILES provide notes for additional context. These files end in .txt.\r\n\r\nCODEBOOKS describe the data we collected. The same data is provided in both Word (.docx) and PDF format.\r\n\r\nThere is one general codebook that is referred to in the other codebooks: Codebook for KEY lists fields assigned (e.g., for a journal or conference). Note that this is distinct from the overall analysis in the Empirical Retraction Lit bibliography of fields analyzed; for that analysis see Proescholdt, Randi (2021): RISRS Retraction Review - Field Variation Data. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.\r\n\r\nOther codebooks document specific information we entered on each column of a spreadsheet. \r\n\r\n\r\nSPREADSHEETS present the data collected. The same data is provided in both Excel (.xlsx) and CSV format.\r\n\r\nEach data row describes a publication or item (e.g., thesis, poster, preprint). \r\nFor column header explainations, see the associated codebook. \r\n\r\n*****************************\r\nDETAILS ON THE SPREADSHEETS\r\n*****************************\r\nfield-based case studies\r\nCODEBOOK: Codebook for field \r\n--REFERS TO: Codebook for KEY\r\nDATA SHEET: field\r\nREFERS TO: Codebook for KEY\r\n--NUMBER OF DATA ROWS: 20 NOTE: Each data row describes a publication/item.\r\n--NUMBER OF PUBLICATION GROUPINGS: 17\r\n--GROUPED PUBLICATIONS: Rubbo (2019) - 2 items, Yang (2022) - 3 items\r\n\r\nauthor-focused case studies of 1 or several authors with many retracted publications\r\nCODEBOOK: Codebook for authors\r\n--REFERS TO: Codebook for KEY\r\nDATA SHEET 1: singleauthors (n = 9)\r\n--NUMBER OF DATA ROWS: 9\r\n--NUMBER OF PUBLICATION GROUPINGS: 9\r\nDATA SHEET 2: multipleauthors (n = 5\r\n--NUMBER OF DATA ROWS: 5\r\n--NUMBER OF PUBLICATION GROUPINGS: 5\r\nDATA SHEET 3: multipleauthors-not-named (n = 1)\r\n--NUMBER OF DATA ROWS: 1\r\n--NUMBER OF PUBLICATION GROUPINGS: 1\r\n\r\n*********************************\r\nCRediT <> \r\n*********************************\r\nSusmita Das: Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Methodology\r\nJaqueline Léveillé: Data curation, Investigation\r\nRandi Proescholdt: Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Methodology\r\nJodi Schneider: Conceptualization, Data curation, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Supervision", "Data for Post-retraction citation: A review of scholarly research on the spread of retracted science\r\nSchneider, Jodi; Das, Susmita; Léveillé, Jacqueline; Proescholdt, Randi \r\nContact: Jodi Schneider &\r\n\r\n**********\r\nOVERVIEW \r\n**********\r\nThis dataset provides further analysis for an ongoing literature review about post-retraction citation. \r\nThis ongoing work extends a poster presented as:\r\nJodi Schneider, Jacqueline Léveillé, Randi Proescholdt, Susmita Das, and The RISRS Team. Characterization of Publications on Post-Retraction Citation of Retracted Articles. Presented at the Ninth International Congress on Peer Review and Scientific Publication, September 8-10, 2022 hybrid in Chicago. (now also in )\r\nItems as of the poster version are listed in the bibliography 92-PRC-items.pdf.\r\n\r\nNote that following the poster, we made several changes to the dataset (see changes-since-PRC-poster.txt). For both the poster dataset and the current dataset, 5 items have 2 categories (see 5-items-have-2-categories.txt).\r\n\r\nArticles were selected from the Empirical Retraction Lit bibliography ( and ). The current dataset includes 92 items; 91 items were selected from the 386 total items in Empirical Retraction Lit bibliography version v.2.15.0 (July 2021); 1 item was added because it is the final form publication of a grouping of 2 items from the bibliography: Yang (2022) Do retraction practices work effectively? Evidence from citations of psychological retracted articles \r\n\r\nItems were classified into 7 topics; 2 of the 7 topics have been analyzed to date.\r\n\r\n**********************\r\nOVERVIEW OF ANALYSIS\r\n**********************\r\nDATA ANALYZED:\r\n2 of the 7 topics have been analyzed to date:\r\n\r\nfield-based case studies (n = 20)\r\nauthor-focused case studies of 1 or several authors with many retracted publications (n = 15)\r\n\r\n\r\nFUTURE DATA TO BE ANALYZED, NOT YET COVERED:\r\n5 of the 7 topics have not yet been analyzed as of this release:\r\ndatabase-focused analyses (n = 33)\r\npaper-focused case studies of 1 to 125 selected papers (n = 15)\r\nstudies of retracted publications cited in review literature (n = 8)\r\ngeographic case studies (n = 4)\r\nstudies selecting retracted publications by method (n = 2)\r\n\r\n**************\r\nFILE LISTING\r\n**************\r\n------------------\r\nBIBLIOGRAPHY \r\n------------------\r\n92-PRC-items.pdf\r\n\r\n------------------\r\nTEXT FILES\r\n------------------\r\nREADME.txt\r\n5-items-have-2-categories.txt\r\nchanges-since-PRC-poster.txt\r\n\r\n------------------\r\nCODEBOOKS\r\n------------------\r\nCodebook for authors.docx\r\nCodebook for authors.pdf\r\nCodebook for field.docx\r\nCodebook for field.pdf\r\nCodebook for KEY.docx\r\nCodebook for KEY.pdf\r\n\r\n------------------\r\nSPREADSHEETS\r\n------------------\r\nfield.csv\r\nfield.xlsx\r\nmultipleauthors.csv\r\nmultipleauthors.xlsx\r\nmultipleauthors-not-named.csv\r\nmultipleauthors-not-named.xlsx\r\nsingleauthors.csv\r\nsingleauthors.xlsx\r\n\r\n\r\n***************************\r\nDESCRIPTION OF FILE TYPES\r\n***************************\r\nBIBLIOGRAPHY (92-PRC-items.pdf) presents the items, as of the poster version. This has minor differences from the current data set. Consult changes-since-PRC-poster.txt for details on the differences.\r\n\r\nTEXT FILES provide notes for additional context. These files end in .txt.\r\n\r\nCODEBOOKS describe the data we collected. The same data is provided in both Word (.docx) and PDF format.\r\n\r\nThere is one general codebook that is referred to in the other codebooks: Codebook for KEY lists fields assigned (e.g., for a journal or conference). Note that this is distinct from the overall analysis in the Empirical Retraction Lit bibliography of fields analyzed; for that analysis see Proescholdt, Randi (2021): RISRS Retraction Review - Field Variation Data. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.\r\n\r\nOther codebooks document specific information we entered on each column of a spreadsheet. \r\n\r\n\r\nSPREADSHEETS present the data collected. The same data is provided in both Excel (.xlsx) and CSV format.\r\n\r\nEach data row describes a publication or item (e.g., thesis, poster, preprint). \r\nFor column header explainations, see the associated codebook. \r\n\r\n*****************************\r\nDETAILS ON THE SPREADSHEETS\r\n*****************************\r\nfield-based case studies\r\nCODEBOOK: Codebook for field \r\n--REFERS TO: Codebook for KEY\r\nDATA SHEET: field\r\nREFERS TO: Codebook for KEY\r\n--NUMBER OF DATA ROWS: 20 NOTE: Each data row describes a publication/item.\r\n--NUMBER OF PUBLICATION GROUPINGS: 17\r\n--GROUPED PUBLICATIONS: Rubbo (2019) - 2 items, Yang (2022) - 3 items\r\n\r\nauthor-focused case studies of 1 or several authors with many retracted publications\r\nCODEBOOK: Codebook for authors\r\n--REFERS TO: Codebook for KEY\r\nDATA SHEET 1: singleauthors (n = 9)\r\n--NUMBER OF DATA ROWS: 9\r\n--NUMBER OF PUBLICATION GROUPINGS: 9\r\nDATA SHEET 2: multipleauthors (n = 5\r\n--NUMBER OF DATA ROWS: 5\r\n--NUMBER OF PUBLICATION GROUPINGS: 5\r\nDATA SHEET 3: multipleauthors-not-named (n = 1)\r\n--NUMBER OF DATA ROWS: 1\r\n--NUMBER OF PUBLICATION GROUPINGS: 1\r\n\r\n*********************************\r\nCRediT <> \r\n*********************************\r\nSusmita Das: Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Methodology\r\nJaqueline Léveillé: Data curation, Investigation\r\nRandi Proescholdt: Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Methodology\r\nJodi Schneider: Conceptualization, Data curation, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Supervision"], "version_comment"=>[nil, ""], "subject"=>[nil, "Social Sciences"]} 2023-08-02T16:16:15Z
Dataset update: {"description"=>["Data for Post-retraction citation: A review of scholarly research on the spread of retracted science\r\nSchneider, Jodi; Das, Susmita; Léveillé, Jacqueline; Proescholdt, Randi \r\nContact: Jodi Schneider &\r\n\r\n**********\r\nOVERVIEW \r\n**********\r\nThis dataset provides further analysis for an ongoing literature review about post-retraction citation. \r\nThis ongoing work extends a poster presented as:\r\nJodi Schneider, Jacqueline Léveillé, Randi Proescholdt, Susmita Das, and The RISRS Team. \r\nCharacterization of Publications on Post-Retraction Citation of Retracted Articles. \r\nPresented at the Ninth International Congress on Peer Review and Scientific Publication, \r\nSeptember 8-10, 2022 hybrid in Chicago.\r\nItems as of the poster version are listed in the bibliography 92-PRC-items.pdf.\r\n\r\nNote that following the poster, we made several changes to the dataset (see changes-since-PRC-poster.txt). For both the poster dataset and the current dataset, 5 items have 2 categories (see 5-items-have-2-categories.txt).\r\n\r\nArticles were selected from the Empirical Retraction Lit bibliography ( and ). The current dataset includes 92 items; 91 items were selected from the 386 total items in Empirical Retraction Lit bibliography version v.2.15.0 (July 2021); 1 item was added because it is the final form publication of a grouping of 2 items from the bibliography: Yang (2022) Do retraction practices work effectively? Evidence from citations of psychological retracted articles \r\n\r\nItems were classified into 7 topics; 2 of the 7 topics have been analyzed to date.\r\n\r\n**********************\r\nOVERVIEW OF ANALYSIS\r\n**********************\r\nDATA ANALYZED:\r\n2 of the 7 topics have been analyzed to date:\r\n\r\nfield-based case studies (n = 20)\r\nauthor-focused case studies of 1 or several authors with many retracted publications (n = 15)\r\n\r\n\r\nFUTURE DATA TO BE ANALYZED, NOT YET COVERED:\r\n5 of the 7 topics have not yet been analyzed as of this release:\r\ndatabase-focused analyses (n = 33)\r\npaper-focused case studies of 1 to 125 selected papers (n = 15)\r\nstudies of retracted publications cited in review literature (n = 8)\r\ngeographic case studies (n = 4)\r\nstudies selecting retracted publications by method (n = 2)\r\n\r\n**************\r\nFILE LISTING\r\n**************\r\n------------------\r\nBIBLIOGRAPHY \r\n------------------\r\n92-PRC-items.pdf\r\n\r\n------------------\r\nTEXT FILES\r\n------------------\r\nREADME.txt\r\n5-items-have-2-categories.txt\r\nchanges-since-PRC-poster.txt\r\n\r\n------------------\r\nCODEBOOKS\r\n------------------\r\nCodebook for authors.docx\r\nCodebook for authors.pdf\r\nCodebook for field.docx\r\nCodebook for field.pdf\r\nCodebook for KEY.docx\r\nCodebook for KEY.pdf\r\n\r\n------------------\r\nSPREADSHEETS\r\n------------------\r\nfield.csv\r\nfield.xlsx\r\nmultipleauthors.csv\r\nmultipleauthors.xlsx\r\nmultipleauthors-not-named.csv\r\nmultipleauthors-not-named.xlsx\r\nsingleauthors.csv\r\nsingleauthors.xlsx\r\n\r\n\r\n***************************\r\nDESCRIPTION OF FILE TYPES\r\n***************************\r\nBIBLIOGRAPHY (92-PRC-items.pdf) presents the items, as of the poster version. This has minor differences from the current data set. Consult changes-since-PRC-poster.txt for details on the differences.\r\n\r\nTEXT FILES provide notes for additional context. These files end in .txt.\r\n\r\nCODEBOOKS describe the data we collected. The same data is provided in both Word (.docx) and PDF format.\r\n\r\nThere is one general codebook that is referred to in the other codebooks: Codebook for KEY lists fields assigned (e.g., for a journal or conference). Note that this is distinct from the overall analysis in the Empirical Retraction Lit bibliography of fields analyzed; for that analysis see Proescholdt, Randi (2021): RISRS Retraction Review - Field Variation Data. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.\r\n\r\nOther codebooks document specific information we entered on each column of a spreadsheet. \r\n\r\n\r\nSPREADSHEETS present the data collected. The same data is provided in both Excel (.xlsx) and CSV format.\r\n\r\nEach data row describes a publication or item (e.g., thesis, poster, preprint). \r\nFor column header explainations, see the associated codebook. \r\n\r\n*****************************\r\nDETAILS ON THE SPREADSHEETS\r\n*****************************\r\nfield-based case studies\r\nCODEBOOK: Codebook for field \r\n--REFERS TO: Codebook for KEY\r\nDATA SHEET: field\r\nREFERS TO: Codebook for KEY\r\n--NUMBER OF DATA ROWS: 20 NOTE: Each data row describes a publication/item.\r\n--NUMBER OF PUBLICATION GROUPINGS: 17\r\n--GROUPED PUBLICATIONS: Rubbo (2019) - 2 items, Yang (2022) - 3 items\r\n\r\nauthor-focused case studies of 1 or several authors with many retracted publications\r\nCODEBOOK: Codebook for authors\r\n--REFERS TO: Codebook for KEY\r\nDATA SHEET 1: singleauthors (n = 9)\r\n--NUMBER OF DATA ROWS: 9\r\n--NUMBER OF PUBLICATION GROUPINGS: 9\r\nDATA SHEET 2: multipleauthors (n = 5\r\n--NUMBER OF DATA ROWS: 5\r\n--NUMBER OF PUBLICATION GROUPINGS: 5\r\nDATA SHEET 3: multipleauthors-not-named (n = 1)\r\n--NUMBER OF DATA ROWS: 1\r\n--NUMBER OF PUBLICATION GROUPINGS: 1\r\n\r\n*********************************\r\nCRediT <> \r\n*********************************\r\nSusmita Das: Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Methodology\r\nJaqueline Léveillé: Data curation, Investigation\r\nRandi Proescholdt: Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Methodology\r\nJodi Schneider: Conceptualization, Data curation, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Supervision", "Data for Post-retraction citation: A review of scholarly research on the spread of retracted science\r\nSchneider, Jodi; Das, Susmita; Léveillé, Jacqueline; Proescholdt, Randi \r\nContact: Jodi Schneider &\r\n\r\n**********\r\nOVERVIEW \r\n**********\r\nThis dataset provides further analysis for an ongoing literature review about post-retraction citation. \r\nThis ongoing work extends a poster presented as:\r\nJodi Schneider, Jacqueline Léveillé, Randi Proescholdt, Susmita Das, and The RISRS Team. \r\nCharacterization of Publications on Post-Retraction Citation of Retracted Articles. \r\nPresented at the Ninth International Congress on Peer Review and Scientific Publication, \r\nSeptember 8-10, 2022 hybrid in Chicago. (now also in )\r\nItems as of the poster version are listed in the bibliography 92-PRC-items.pdf.\r\n\r\nNote that following the poster, we made several changes to the dataset (see changes-since-PRC-poster.txt). For both the poster dataset and the current dataset, 5 items have 2 categories (see 5-items-have-2-categories.txt).\r\n\r\nArticles were selected from the Empirical Retraction Lit bibliography ( and ). The current dataset includes 92 items; 91 items were selected from the 386 total items in Empirical Retraction Lit bibliography version v.2.15.0 (July 2021); 1 item was added because it is the final form publication of a grouping of 2 items from the bibliography: Yang (2022) Do retraction practices work effectively? Evidence from citations of psychological retracted articles \r\n\r\nItems were classified into 7 topics; 2 of the 7 topics have been analyzed to date.\r\n\r\n**********************\r\nOVERVIEW OF ANALYSIS\r\n**********************\r\nDATA ANALYZED:\r\n2 of the 7 topics have been analyzed to date:\r\n\r\nfield-based case studies (n = 20)\r\nauthor-focused case studies of 1 or several authors with many retracted publications (n = 15)\r\n\r\n\r\nFUTURE DATA TO BE ANALYZED, NOT YET COVERED:\r\n5 of the 7 topics have not yet been analyzed as of this release:\r\ndatabase-focused analyses (n = 33)\r\npaper-focused case studies of 1 to 125 selected papers (n = 15)\r\nstudies of retracted publications cited in review literature (n = 8)\r\ngeographic case studies (n = 4)\r\nstudies selecting retracted publications by method (n = 2)\r\n\r\n**************\r\nFILE LISTING\r\n**************\r\n------------------\r\nBIBLIOGRAPHY \r\n------------------\r\n92-PRC-items.pdf\r\n\r\n------------------\r\nTEXT FILES\r\n------------------\r\nREADME.txt\r\n5-items-have-2-categories.txt\r\nchanges-since-PRC-poster.txt\r\n\r\n------------------\r\nCODEBOOKS\r\n------------------\r\nCodebook for authors.docx\r\nCodebook for authors.pdf\r\nCodebook for field.docx\r\nCodebook for field.pdf\r\nCodebook for KEY.docx\r\nCodebook for KEY.pdf\r\n\r\n------------------\r\nSPREADSHEETS\r\n------------------\r\nfield.csv\r\nfield.xlsx\r\nmultipleauthors.csv\r\nmultipleauthors.xlsx\r\nmultipleauthors-not-named.csv\r\nmultipleauthors-not-named.xlsx\r\nsingleauthors.csv\r\nsingleauthors.xlsx\r\n\r\n\r\n***************************\r\nDESCRIPTION OF FILE TYPES\r\n***************************\r\nBIBLIOGRAPHY (92-PRC-items.pdf) presents the items, as of the poster version. This has minor differences from the current data set. Consult changes-since-PRC-poster.txt for details on the differences.\r\n\r\nTEXT FILES provide notes for additional context. These files end in .txt.\r\n\r\nCODEBOOKS describe the data we collected. The same data is provided in both Word (.docx) and PDF format.\r\n\r\nThere is one general codebook that is referred to in the other codebooks: Codebook for KEY lists fields assigned (e.g., for a journal or conference). Note that this is distinct from the overall analysis in the Empirical Retraction Lit bibliography of fields analyzed; for that analysis see Proescholdt, Randi (2021): RISRS Retraction Review - Field Variation Data. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.\r\n\r\nOther codebooks document specific information we entered on each column of a spreadsheet. \r\n\r\n\r\nSPREADSHEETS present the data collected. The same data is provided in both Excel (.xlsx) and CSV format.\r\n\r\nEach data row describes a publication or item (e.g., thesis, poster, preprint). \r\nFor column header explainations, see the associated codebook. \r\n\r\n*****************************\r\nDETAILS ON THE SPREADSHEETS\r\n*****************************\r\nfield-based case studies\r\nCODEBOOK: Codebook for field \r\n--REFERS TO: Codebook for KEY\r\nDATA SHEET: field\r\nREFERS TO: Codebook for KEY\r\n--NUMBER OF DATA ROWS: 20 NOTE: Each data row describes a publication/item.\r\n--NUMBER OF PUBLICATION GROUPINGS: 17\r\n--GROUPED PUBLICATIONS: Rubbo (2019) - 2 items, Yang (2022) - 3 items\r\n\r\nauthor-focused case studies of 1 or several authors with many retracted publications\r\nCODEBOOK: Codebook for authors\r\n--REFERS TO: Codebook for KEY\r\nDATA SHEET 1: singleauthors (n = 9)\r\n--NUMBER OF DATA ROWS: 9\r\n--NUMBER OF PUBLICATION GROUPINGS: 9\r\nDATA SHEET 2: multipleauthors (n = 5\r\n--NUMBER OF DATA ROWS: 5\r\n--NUMBER OF PUBLICATION GROUPINGS: 5\r\nDATA SHEET 3: multipleauthors-not-named (n = 1)\r\n--NUMBER OF DATA ROWS: 1\r\n--NUMBER OF PUBLICATION GROUPINGS: 1\r\n\r\n*********************************\r\nCRediT <> \r\n*********************************\r\nSusmita Das: Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Methodology\r\nJaqueline Léveillé: Data curation, Investigation\r\nRandi Proescholdt: Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Methodology\r\nJodi Schneider: Conceptualization, Data curation, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Supervision"]} 2023-07-21T14:58:19Z