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1 10.13012/B2IDB-3414496_V1 2022-03-19
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RelatedMaterial update: {"link"=>["TBD", ""], "uri"=>["", "10.1111/evj.13575"], "uri_type"=>["", "DOI"], "citation"=>["McCoy, Annette; Secor, Erica; Roady, Patrick; Gray, Sarah; Klein, Julie; Gutierrez-Nibeyro, Santiago (2022) Plantar osteochondral fragments in young Standardbreds are associated with minimal joint inflammation at the time of surgical removal. Equine Veterinary Journal [Epub ahead of print]", "McCoy, A.M., Secor, E.J., Roady, P.J., Gray, S.M., Klein, J. and Gutierrez-Nibeyro, S.D. (2022), Plantar osteochondral fragments in young Standardbreds are associated with minimal joint inflammation at the time of surgical removal. Equine Vet J. Accepted Author Manuscript."], "datacite_list"=>["", "IsSupplementTo"]} 2022-03-22T17:49:58Z
RelatedMaterial update: {"citation"=>["TBD", "McCoy, Annette; Secor, Erica; Roady, Patrick; Gray, Sarah; Klein, Julie; Gutierrez-Nibeyro, Santiago (2022) Plantar osteochondral fragments in young Standardbreds are associated with minimal joint inflammation at the time of surgical removal. Equine Veterinary Journal [Epub ahead of print]"]} 2022-03-19T16:38:46Z