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update: {"datacite_list"=>["IsSupplementTo,IsCitedBy", "IsSupplementTo"], "note"=>[nil, ""], "feature"=>[nil, false]}
update: {"material_type"=>[nil, ""]}
update: {"subject"=>[nil, "Life Sciences"]}
update: {"description"=>["Dataset includes maternal antigen treatment and early-life antigen treatment for male zebra finches. Also includes data on beak coloration and measures of song complexity for each male.", "Dataset includes maternal antigen treatment and early-life antigen treatment for male zebra finches. Also includes data on beak coloration, measures of song complexity for each male, and female responses to treated males.\r\n\r\nMale beak color and song metadata:\r\n* MATID= Maternal Identity\r\n* MATTRT=Maternal antigen treatment prior to egg laying (KLH=keyhole limpet hemocyanin, LPS= lipopolysaccharide, PBS=phosphate buffered saline)\r\n* YGTRT= Young antigen treatment post-hatch (KLH=keyhole limpet hemocyanin, LPS= lipopolysaccharide, PBS=phosphate buffered saline))\r\n* NESTBANDNUM= Nestling band number\r\n* Haptoglobin=haptoglobin levels at day 28 (mg/ml)\r\n* Mean TE= Mean number of total elements in that male's song\r\n* TE (z)= Z-transformed total elements\r\n* Mean UE=Mean number of unique elements in the song\r\n* UE (z)= z-transformed unique elements\r\n* mean phrases= Mean number of song phrases\r\n* Phrases (z)= z-transformed song phrases\r\n* Mean D= Mean song duration in seconds\r\n* D (z)=z-transformed song duration\r\n* B2 standard=beak brightness standardized so that lower values reflect less bright beaks\r\n* B2 (z)=z-transformed brightness\r\n* S1R standard= beak saturation at high wavelengths standardized so that lower values reflect less red beaks\r\n* S1R (z)=z-transformed S1R\r\n* S1U standard= beak saturation at low wavelengths standardized so that lower values reflect less red beaks\r\n* S1U (z)=z-transformed S1U\r\n* H4B standard= beak hue standardized so that lower values reflect less red beaks\r\n* H4B (z)=z-transformed H4B\r\n\r\nFemale choice metadata: \r\n* Control Bird=PBS denotes that all control males received phosphate buffered saline\r\n* Treatment Bird= Treatment the male received (keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) or lipopolysaccharide (LPS))\r\n* Beak Wipes Control=# of beak wipes the female performed when on the control male side\r\n* Beak Wipes Treatment=# of beak wipes the female performed when on the \"treatment male\" side \r\n* Hops Control=# of hops female performed when on the control male side\r\n* Hops Treatment=# of hops female performed when on the treatment male side\r\n* Time Spent Near Control=amount of time (sec) female spent on the control male side\r\n* Time Spent Near Treatment=amount of time (sec) the female spent on the treatment male side\r\n"]}
create: {"material_type"=>nil, "availability"=>nil, "link"=>"", "uri"=>"10.1111/1365-2435.12916 ", "uri_type"=>"DOI", "citation"=>"Merrill, L., Naylor, M. F., Dalimonte, M., McLaughlin, S., Stewart, T. E. and Grindstaff, J. L. (in press), Early-life immune activation increases song complexity and alters phenotypic associations between sexual ornaments. Funct Ecol. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.12916\r\n", "dataset_id"=>232, "selected_type"=>"Article", "datacite_list"=>"IsSupplementTo,IsCitedBy"}
update: {"keywords"=>["early-life; stress; immune; phenotypic correlation; sexual signal; zebra finch", "early-life; stress; immune response; phenotypic correlation; sexual signal; zebra finch;birdsongs; acoustic signals; beak coloration; mate selection"], "version_comment"=>[nil, ""]}