Version DOI Comment Publication Date
1 10.13012/B2IDB-4050038_V1 2021-05-21
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Dataset update: {"description"=>["Data sets from \"Inferring Species Trees from Gene-Family with Duplication and Loss using Multi-Copy Gene-Family Tree Decomposition.\" It contains trees and sequences simulated with gene duplication and loss under a variety of different conditions.\r\n\r\n<b>*Note:</b>\r\n- biological.tar.gz contains the gene trees used as inputs for the experiments we ran on empirical data sets as well as species trees outputted by the methods we tested on those data sets. \r\n\r\n- stats.txt list statistics (such as AD, MGTE, and average size) for our simulated model conditions.", "Data sets from \"Inferring Species Trees from Gene-Family with Duplication and Loss using Multi-Copy Gene-Family Tree Decomposition.\" It contains trees and sequences simulated with gene duplication and loss under a variety of different conditions.\r\n\r\n<b>Note:</b>\r\n\r\n- trees.tar.gz contains the simulated gene-family trees used in our experiments (both true trees from SimPhy as well as trees estimated from alignements).\r\n\r\n- sequences.tar.gz contains simulated sequence data used for estimating the gene-family trees as well as the concatenation analysis. \r\n\r\n- biological.tar.gz contains the gene trees used as inputs for the experiments we ran on empirical data sets as well as species trees outputted by the methods we tested on those data sets. \r\n\r\n- stats.txt list statistics (such as AD, MGTE, and average size) for our simulated model conditions."]} 2021-05-31T16:22:38Z