Version DOI Comment Publication Date
2 10.13012/B2IDB-4829913_V2 Added 2 new files: Blueberry_data_read_depths.RData and Miscanthus_sacchariflorous_RADSeq.vcf 2023-07-05
1 10.13012/B2IDB-4829913_V1 2023-03-30
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1.51 GB File
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491 MB File
530 MB File
491 MB File
530 MB File
491 MB File
530 MB File
491 MB File

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RelatedMaterial create: {"material_type"=>"Article", "availability"=>nil, "link"=>"", "uri"=>"10.1002/tpg2.20401", "uri_type"=>"DOI", "citation"=>"Njuguna, J. N., Clark, L. V., Lipka, A. E., Anzoua, K. G., Bagmet, L., Chebukin, P., Dwiyanti, M. S., Dzyubenko, E., Dzyubenko, N., Ghimire, B. K., Jin, X., Johnson, D. A., Kjeldsen, J. B., Nagano, H., de Bem Oliveira, I., Peng, J., Petersen, K. K., Sabitov, A., Seong, E. S., … Sacks, E. J. (2023). Impact of genotype-calling methodologies on genome-wide association and genomic prediction in polyploids. The Plant Genome, 00, e20401.", "dataset_id"=>2535, "selected_type"=>"Article", "datacite_list"=>"IsSupplementTo", "note"=>nil, "feature"=>nil} 2023-11-03T14:50:57Z
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