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help interpreting this log.
destroy: {"material_type"=>"Dataset", "availability"=>nil, "link"=>"", "uri"=>"", "uri_type"=>"", "citation"=>"Freedman, Ryan (2017): Smartphone recorded driving sensor data: Leesburg, VA to Indianapolis, IN. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.", "dataset_id"=>175, "selected_type"=>"Dataset", "datacite_list"=>"", "note"=>nil, "feature"=>nil}
update: {"version_comment"=>[nil, ""], "subject"=>[nil, "Technology and Engineering"]}
update: {"publication_state"=>["file embargo", "released"]}
create: {"material_type"=>"Dataset", "availability"=>nil, "link"=>"", "uri"=>"", "uri_type"=>"", "citation"=>"Freedman, Ryan (2017): Smartphone recorded driving sensor data: Leesburg, VA to Indianapolis, IN. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.", "dataset_id"=>175, "selected_type"=>"Dataset", "datacite_list"=>""}
update: {"title"=>["Smartphone recorded driving sensor data: Indianapolis Int'l Airport to Urbana, IL", "Smartphone recorded driving sensor data: Indianapolis International Airport to Urbana, IL"], "description"=>["Indianapolis Int'l Airport to Urbana:\r\nSampling Rate: 2 Hz\r\nTotal Travel Time: 5901534 ms or 98.4 minutes\r\nNumber of Data Points: 11805\r\nDistance Traveled: 124 miles via I-74\r\nDevice used: Samsung Galaxy S6\r\nDate Recorded: 2016-11-27\r\nParameters Recorded: \r\n ACCELEROMETER X (m/s²)\r\n ACCELEROMETER Y (m/s²)\r\n ACCELEROMETER Z (m/s²)\r\n GRAVITY X (m/s²)\r\n GRAVITY Y (m/s²)\r\n GRAVITY Z (m/s²)\r\n LINEAR ACCELERATION X (m/s²)\r\n LINEAR ACCELERATION Y (m/s²)\r\n LINEAR ACCELERATION Z (m/s²)\r\n GYROSCOPE X (rad/s)\r\n GYROSCOPE Y (rad/s)\r\n GYROSCOPE Z (rad/s)\r\n LIGHT (lux)\r\n MAGNETIC FIELD X (microT)\r\n MAGNETIC FIELD Y (microT)\r\n MAGNETIC FIELD Z (microT)\r\n ORIENTATION Z (azimuth °)\r\n ORIENTATION X (pitch °)\r\n ORIENTATION Y (roll °)\r\n PROXIMITY (i)\r\n ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE (hPa)\r\n SOUND LEVEL (dB)\r\n LOCATION Latitude\r\n LOCATION Longitude\r\n LOCATION Altitude (m)\r\n LOCATION Altitude-google (m)\r\n LOCATION Altitude-atmospheric pressure (m)\r\n LOCATION Speed (kph)\r\n LOCATION Accuracy (m)\r\n LOCATION ORIENTATION (°)\r\n Satellites in range\r\n GPS NMEA\r\n Time since start in ms \r\n Current time in YYYY-MO-DD HH-MI-SS_SSS format\r\nQuality Notes:\r\nThere are some things to note about the quality of this data set that you may want to consider while doing preprocessing. This dataset was taken continuously as a single trip, no stop was made for gas along the way making this a very long continuous dataset. It starts in the parking lot of the Indianapolis International Airport and continues directly towards a gas station on Lincoln Avenue in Urbana, IL. There are a couple parts of the trip where the phones orientation had to be changed because my navigation cut out. These times are easy to account for based on Orientation X/Y/Z change. I would also advise cutting out the first couple hundred points or the points leading up to highway speed. The phone was mounted in the cupholder in the front seat of the car.", "Indianapolis Int'l Airport to Urbana:\r\n\r\nSampling Rate: 2 Hz\r\nTotal Travel Time: 5901534 ms or 98.4 minutes\r\nNumber of Data Points: 11805\r\nDistance Traveled: 124 miles via I-74\r\nDevice used: Samsung Galaxy S6\r\nDate Recorded: 2016-11-27\r\n\r\nParameters Recorded: \r\n* ACCELEROMETER X (m/s²)\r\n* ACCELEROMETER Y (m/s²)\r\n* ACCELEROMETER Z (m/s²)\r\n* GRAVITY X (m/s²)\r\n* GRAVITY Y (m/s²)\r\n* GRAVITY Z (m/s²)\r\n* LINEAR ACCELERATION X (m/s²)\r\n* LINEAR ACCELERATION Y (m/s²)\r\n* LINEAR ACCELERATION Z (m/s²)\r\n* GYROSCOPE X (rad/s)\r\n* GYROSCOPE Y (rad/s)\r\n* GYROSCOPE Z (rad/s)\r\n* LIGHT (lux)\r\n* MAGNETIC FIELD X (microT)\r\n* MAGNETIC FIELD Y (microT)\r\n* MAGNETIC FIELD Z (microT)\r\n* ORIENTATION Z (azimuth °)\r\n* ORIENTATION X (pitch °)\r\n* ORIENTATION Y (roll °)\r\n* PROXIMITY (i)\r\n* ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE (hPa)\r\n* SOUND LEVEL (dB)\r\n* LOCATION Latitude\r\n* LOCATION Longitude\r\n* LOCATION Altitude (m)\r\n* LOCATION Altitude-google (m)\r\n* LOCATION Altitude-atmospheric pressure (m)\r\n* LOCATION Speed (kph)\r\n* LOCATION Accuracy (m)\r\n* LOCATION ORIENTATION (°)\r\n* Satellites in range\r\n* GPS NMEA\r\n* Time since start in ms \r\n* Current time in YYYY-MO-DD HH-MI-SS_SSS format\r\n\r\nQuality Notes:\r\nThere are some things to note about the quality of this data set that you may want to consider while doing preprocessing. This dataset was taken continuously as a single trip, no stop was made for gas along the way making this a very long continuous dataset. It starts in the parking lot of the Indianapolis International Airport and continues directly towards a gas station on Lincoln Avenue in Urbana, IL. There are a couple parts of the trip where the phones orientation had to be changed because my navigation cut out. These times are easy to account for based on Orientation X/Y/Z change. I would also advise cutting out the first couple hundred points or the points leading up to highway speed. The phone was mounted in the cupholder in the front seat of the car."], "keywords"=>["smartphone; sensor; driving; accelerometer; gyroscope; magnetometer; gps; nmea; barometer; satellite;", "smartphone; sensor; driving; accelerometer; gyroscope; magnetometer; gps; nmea; barometer; satellite"]}