Version DOI Comment Publication Date
2 10.13012/B2IDB-6862941_V2 "Culture-dependent Isolate table with taxonomic determination and sequence data.csv" file is added to this version 2020-11-05
1 10.13012/B2IDB-6862941_V1 2019-06-05
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RelatedMaterial create: {"material_type"=>"Article", "availability"=>nil, "link"=>"", "uri"=>"10.3354/ame01969", "uri_type"=>"DOI", "citation"=>"Raudabaugh DB, Bach EM, Allen JM, Miller AN (2021) Fungal communities of submerged fine detritus from temperate peatland and stream habitats. Aquat Microb Ecol 86:191-207.", "dataset_id"=>1572, "selected_type"=>"Article", "datacite_list"=>"IsSupplementTo"} 2021-06-09T16:25:14Z