Version DOI Comment Publication Date
1 10.13012/B2IDB-5975383_V1 2017-02-28
1.79 KB File
1.78 MB File

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Dataset update: {"version_comment"=>[nil, ""], "subject"=>[nil, "Technology and Engineering"]} 2018-02-09T16:12:49Z
Dataset update: {"publication_state"=>["file embargo", "released"], "release_date"=>[nil, Tue, 28 Feb 2017]} 2017-02-28T19:22:46Z
Dataset update: {"release_date"=>[Mon, 01 May 2017, nil]} 2017-02-28T19:22:46Z
Dataset update: {"keywords"=>["smartphone; sensor; driving; accelerometer; gyroscope; magnetometer; gps; nmea; barometer; satellite; temperature; humidity;", "smartphone; sensor; driving; accelerometer; gyroscope; magnetometer; gps; nmea; barometer; satellite; temperature; humidity"]} 2017-02-22T16:50:01Z
RelatedMaterial update: {"citation"=>["Freedman, Ryan (2017): Smartphone recorded driving sensor data: Indianapolis Int'l Airport to Urbana, IL. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.", "Freedman, Ryan (2017): Smartphone recorded driving sensor data: Indianapolis International Airport to Urbana, IL. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign."]} 2017-02-22T16:47:15Z
RelatedMaterial create: {"material_type"=>"Dataset", "availability"=>nil, "link"=>"", "uri"=>"", "uri_type"=>"", "citation"=>"Freedman, Ryan (2017): Smartphone recorded driving sensor data: Indianapolis Int'l Airport to Urbana, IL. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.", "dataset_id"=>176, "selected_type"=>"Dataset", "datacite_list"=>""} 2017-02-22T16:42:34Z
Dataset update: {"description"=>["Leesburg, VA to Indianapolis, Indiana:\r\nSampling Rate: 0.1 Hz\r\nTotal Travel Time: 31100007 ms or 518 minutes or 8.6 hours\r\nDistance Traveled: 570 miles via I-70\r\nNumber of Data Points: 3112\r\nDevice used: Samsung Galaxy S4\r\nDate Recorded: 2017-01-15\r\nParameters Recorded:\r\n ACCELEROMETER X (m/s²)\r\n ACCELEROMETER Y (m/s²)\r\n ACCELEROMETER Z (m/s²)\r\n GRAVITY X (m/s²)\r\n GRAVITY Y (m/s²)\r\n GRAVITY Z (m/s²)\r\n LINEAR ACCELERATION X (m/s²)\r\n LINEAR ACCELERATION Y (m/s²)\r\n LINEAR ACCELERATION Z (m/s²)\r\n GYROSCOPE X (rad/s)\r\n GYROSCOPE Y (rad/s)\r\n GYROSCOPE Z (rad/s)\r\n LIGHT (lux)\r\n MAGNETIC FIELD X (microT)\r\n MAGNETIC FIELD Y (microT)\r\n MAGNETIC FIELD Z (microT)\r\n ORIENTATION Z (azimuth °)\r\n ORIENTATION X (pitch °)\r\n ORIENTATION Y (roll °)\r\n PROXIMITY (i)\r\n ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE (hPa)\r\n Relative Humidity (%)\r\n Temperature (F)\r\n SOUND LEVEL (dB)\r\n LOCATION Latitude\r\n LOCATION Longitude\r\n LOCATION Altitude (m)\r\n LOCATION Altitude-google (m)\r\n LOCATION Altitude-atmospheric pressure (m)\r\n LOCATION Speed (kph)\r\n LOCATION Accuracy (m)\r\n LOCATION ORIENTATION (°)\r\n Satellites in range\r\n GPS NMEA\r\n Time since start in ms \r\n Current time in YYYY-MO-DD HH-MI-SS_SSS format\r\nQuality Notes:\r\nThere are some things to note about the quality of this data set that you may want to consider while doing preprocessing. This dataset was taken continuously but had multiple stops to refuel (without the data recording ceasing). This can be removed by parsing out all data that has a speed of 0. The mount for this dataset was fairly stable (as can be seen by the consistent orientation angle throughout the dataset). It was mounted tightly between two seats in the back of the vehicle. Unfortunately, the frequency for this dataset was set fairly low at one per ten seconds.", "Leesburg, VA to Indianapolis, Indiana:\r\n\r\nSampling Rate: 0.1 Hz\r\nTotal Travel Time: 31100007 ms or 518 minutes or 8.6 hours\r\nDistance Traveled: 570 miles via I-70\r\nNumber of Data Points: 3112\r\nDevice used: Samsung Galaxy S4\r\nDate Recorded: 2017-01-15\r\n\r\nParameters Recorded:\r\n* ACCELEROMETER X (m/s²)\r\n* ACCELEROMETER Y (m/s²)\r\n* ACCELEROMETER Z (m/s²)\r\n* GRAVITY X (m/s²)\r\n* GRAVITY Y (m/s²)\r\n* GRAVITY Z (m/s²)\r\n* LINEAR ACCELERATION X (m/s²)\r\n* LINEAR ACCELERATION Y (m/s²)\r\n* LINEAR ACCELERATION Z (m/s²)\r\n* GYROSCOPE X (rad/s)\r\n* GYROSCOPE Y (rad/s)\r\n* GYROSCOPE Z (rad/s)\r\n* LIGHT (lux)\r\n* MAGNETIC FIELD X (microT)\r\n* MAGNETIC FIELD Y (microT)\r\n* MAGNETIC FIELD Z (microT)\r\n* ORIENTATION Z (azimuth °)\r\n* ORIENTATION X (pitch °)\r\n* ORIENTATION Y (roll °)\r\n* PROXIMITY (i)\r\n* ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE (hPa)\r\n* Relative Humidity (%)\r\n* Temperature (F)\r\n* SOUND LEVEL (dB)\r\n* LOCATION Latitude\r\n* LOCATION Longitude\r\n* LOCATION Altitude (m)\r\n* LOCATION Altitude-google (m)\r\n* LOCATION Altitude-atmospheric pressure (m)\r\n* LOCATION Speed (kph)\r\n* LOCATION Accuracy (m)\r\n* LOCATION ORIENTATION (°)\r\n* Satellites in range\r\n* GPS NMEA\r\n* Time since start in ms \r\n* Current time in YYYY-MO-DD HH-MI-SS_SSS format\r\n\r\nQuality Notes:\r\nThere are some things to note about the quality of this data set that you may want to consider while doing preprocessing. This dataset was taken continuously but had multiple stops to refuel (without the data recording ceasing). This can be removed by parsing out all data that has a speed of 0. The mount for this dataset was fairly stable (as can be seen by the consistent orientation angle throughout the dataset). It was mounted tightly between two seats in the back of the vehicle. Unfortunately, the frequency for this dataset was set fairly low at one per ten seconds."]} 2017-02-22T16:42:34Z
Dataset update: {"keywords"=>["smartphone; sensor; driving; accelerometer; gyroscope; magnetometer; gps; nmea; barometer; satellite;", "smartphone; sensor; driving; accelerometer; gyroscope; magnetometer; gps; nmea; barometer; satellite; temperature; humidity;"]} 2017-02-17T22:26:11Z