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1 10.13012/B2IDB-6382488_V1 2020-06-01
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update: {"nested_updated_at"=>[nil, Mon, 02 Mar 2020 16:40:09.008003000 UTC +00:00]} 2024-01-03T18:23:38Z
update: {"publication_state"=>["file embargo", "released"]} 2020-03-02T16:40:10Z
update: {"publication_state"=>["released", "file embargo"]} 2020-03-02T16:40:09Z
update: {"publication_state"=>["file embargo", "released"]} 2020-03-02T16:39:36Z
update: {"publication_state"=>["released", "file embargo"]} 2020-02-13T16:12:23Z
update: {"publication_state"=>["file embargo", "released"]} 2020-02-07T17:44:29Z
update: {"version_comment"=>[nil, ""], "subject"=>[nil, "Life Sciences"]} 2020-02-07T17:44:28Z
update: {"description"=>["Dataset associated with Hoover et al AUK-19-093 submission: Local conspecific density does not influence reproductive output in a secondary cavity-nesting songbird. Excel CSV with all of the data used in analyses.\r\n\r\nDescription of variables\r\n\r\nYEARS: year\r\nORDINAL_DATE: number for what day of the year it is with 1 January = 1,……30 December = 365 \r\nSITE: acronym for each study site\r\nBOX: unique nest box identifier on each study site\r\nTREAT: designates whether nest box was in a high- or low- nest box density area within each study site\r\nACTUAL_NO_NEIGHBORS: number of pairs of warblers using a nest box within 200 m of a given pair’s nest box\r\nCLUTCH_SIZE: number of warbler eggs in nest at the onset of incubation\r\nPROWN: number of warbler nestlings once eggs have hatched\r\nPROWF: number of warbler nestlings that fledged out of the nest box\r\nHATCH_SUCCESS: proportion of eggs in the nest that hatched\r\nFLEDG_SUCCESS: proportion of the nestlings that fledged from the nest box\r\nHATCH_SUCCESS2: binary category where “0” indicates there was some, and “1” indicates there was no hatching failure\r\nFLEDG_SUCCESS2: binary category where “0” indicates there was some, and “1” indicates there was no nestling failure (i.e. nestling death)\r\nBHCO_PARASIT2: binary category where “0” indicates no cowbird parasitism, and “1” indicates there was cowbird parasitism\r\nBHCOE: number of cowbird eggs in clutch\r\nBHCOF: number of cowbird nestlings that fledged from the nest\r\nPAIRID: unique number that identifies a male and female warbler that are together at a nest box and this number is the same in a subsequent nesting attempt or year if the same male and female are together again\r\nFEMALE_ID: unique identifier for each female which represents her leg band combination. Each letter represents a band with letters preceding the hyphen being on the right leg and after the hyphen the left leg\r\nFEM_AGE: binary category where “0” indicates a 1-year-old bird and “1” indicates a >1-year-old bird\r\nFEMALE_BREEDING_ATTEMPT: “1” indicates first, “2” indicates second,……..breeding attempt within a given year\r\nSECOND_ATTEMPT: for any female that fledged a brood in a given year, binary category where “0” represents that they did not, and “1” indicates that they did attempt a second brood that year\r\nF_TOT_PROWF: total reproductive output (number of warbler fledglings produced) for a given female in a given year\r\nMALE_ID: unique identifier for each male which represents his leg band combination. Each letter represents a band with letters preceding the hyphen being on the right leg and after the hyphen the left leg\r\nMALE_AGE2: binary category where “0” indicates a 1-year-old bird and “1” indicates a >1-year-old bird\r\nProvisioning_rate: total number of food provisions per nestling per hour by male and female warbler combined\r\nBROOD_MASS: average nestling mass (g) for the brood\r\nBROOD_TARSUS: average nestling tarsus length (mm) for the brood\r\nBrood_condition: unit-less index of nestling condition that uses the residuals of the BROOD_MASS/BROOD_TARSUS relationship\r\n\r\nA period (“.”) represents where data were not collected, not available, or because individual nest or female did not qualify for consideration of a category assignment.\r\n", "Dataset associated with Hoover et al AUK-19-093 submission: Local conspecific density does not influence reproductive output in a secondary cavity-nesting songbird. Excel CSV with all of the data used in analyses.\r\n\r\nDescription of variables\r\n\r\nYEARS: year\r\nORDINAL_DATE: number for what day of the year it is with 1 January = 1,……30 December = 365 \r\nSITE: acronym for each study site\r\nBOX: unique nest box identifier on each study site\r\nTREAT: designates whether nest box was in a high- or low- nest box density area within each study site\r\nACTUAL_NO_NEIGHBORS: number of pairs of warblers using a nest box within 200 m of a given pair’s nest box\r\nCLUTCH_SIZE: number of warbler eggs in nest at the onset of incubation\r\nPROWN: number of warbler nestlings once eggs have hatched\r\nPROWF: number of warbler nestlings that fledged out of the nest box\r\nHATCH_SUCCESS: proportion of eggs in the nest that hatched\r\nFLEDG_SUCCESS: proportion of the nestlings that fledged from the nest box\r\nHATCH_SUCCESS2: binary category where “0” indicates there was some, and “1” indicates there was no hatching failure\r\nFLEDG_SUCCESS2: binary category where “0” indicates there was some, and “1” indicates there was no nestling failure (i.e. nestling death)\r\nBHCO_PARASIT2: binary category where “0” indicates no cowbird parasitism, and “1” indicates there was cowbird parasitism\r\nBHCOE: number of cowbird eggs in clutch\r\nBHCOF: number of cowbird nestlings that fledged from the nest\r\nPAIRID: unique number that identifies a male and female warbler that are together at a nest box and this number is the same in a subsequent nesting attempt or year if the same male and female are together again\r\nFEMALE_ID: unique identifier for each female which represents her leg band combination. Each letter represents a band with letters preceding the hyphen being on the right leg and after the hyphen the left leg\r\nFEM_AGE: binary category where “0” indicates a 1-year-old bird and “1” indicates a >1-year-old bird\r\nFEMALE_BREEDING_ATTEMPT: “1” indicates first, “2” indicates second,……..breeding attempt within a given year\r\nSECOND_ATTEMPT: for any female that fledged a brood in a given year, binary category where “0” represents that they did not, and “1” indicates that they did attempt a second brood that year\r\nF_TOT_PROWF: total reproductive output (number of warbler fledglings produced) for a given female in a given year\r\nMALE_ID: unique identifier for each male which represents his leg band combination. Each letter represents a band with letters preceding the hyphen being on the right leg and after the hyphen the left leg\r\nMALE_AGE2: binary category where “0” indicates a 1-year-old bird and “1” indicates a >1-year-old bird\r\nProvisioning_rate: total number of food provisions per nestling per hour by male and female warbler combined\r\nBROOD_MASS: average nestling mass (g) for the brood\r\nBROOD_TARSUS: average nestling tarsus length (mm) for the brood\r\nBrood_condition: unit-less index of nestling condition that uses the residuals of the BROOD_MASS/BROOD_TARSUS relationship\r\n\r\nA period (“.”) represents where data were not collected, not available, or because individual nest or female did not qualify for consideration of a category assignment.\r\nAn empty cell represents no data available for this particular cell. \r\n"]} 2019-12-12T16:34:49Z