update: {"material_type"=>["Dataset", "Article"], "link"=>["", ""], "uri"=>["10.13012/B2IDB-4829913_V1", "10.1111/gcbb.13097"], "citation"=>["Njuguna, Joyce; Clark, Lindsay; Lipka, Alexander; Anzoua, Kossonou; Bagmet, Larisa; Chebukin, Pavel; Dwiyanti, Maria; Dzyubenko, Elena; Dzyubenko, Nicolay; Ghimire, Bimal; Jin, Xiaoli; Johnson, Douglas; Kjeldsen, Jens; Nagano, Hironori; Oliverira, Ivone; Peng, Junhua; Petersen, Karen; Sabitov, Andrey; Seong, Eun; Yamada, Toshihiko; Yoo, Ji; Yu, Chang; Zhao, Hu; Munoz, Patricio; Long , Stephen; Sacks, Erik (2023): Impact of genotype-calling methodologies on genome-wide association and genomic prediction in polyploids. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.", "Njuguna, J. N., Clark, L.\r\nV., Lipka, A. E., Anzoua, K. G., Bagmet, L.,\r\nChebukin, P., Dwiyanti, M. S., Dzyubenko, E., Dzyubenko, N., Ghimire, B. K., Jin, X., Johnson, D. A., Nagano, H., Peng, J., Petersen, K. K., Sabitov, A., Seong, E. S., Yamada, T., Yoo, J. H. … Sacks, E. J. (2023). Genome-wide association and genomic prediction for yield and component traits of Miscanthus sacchariflorus. GCB Bioenergy, 00, 1–18.\r\n"], "selected_type"=>["Dataset", "Article"], "datacite_list"=>["IsSupplementedBy", "IsSupplementTo"], "note"=>[nil, ""], "feature"=>[nil, false]}