A newer version of this dataset is available.
View the latest version.
Version | DOI | Comment | Publication Date |
3 | 10.13012/B2IDB-2865725_V3 | The updates added a few more records and rearranged the sequence of the tables in order to support the upcoming publication. | 2021-04-19 |
2 | 10.13012/B2IDB-2865725_V2 | Updated data by adding more records and columns | 2019-10-22 |
1 | 10.13012/B2IDB-2865725_V1 | 2018-06-01 |
Contact the Research Data Service for help interpreting this log.
RelatedMaterial | update: {"datacite_list"=>["IsNewVersionOf", "IsPreviousVersionOf"]} | 2021-04-20T15:39:39Z |
RelatedMaterial | create: {"material_type"=>"Dataset", "availability"=>nil, "link"=>"https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-2865725_V3", "uri"=>"10.13012/B2IDB-2865725_V3", "uri_type"=>"DOI", "citation"=>"", "dataset_id"=>1108, "selected_type"=>"Dataset", "datacite_list"=>"IsNewVersionOf"} | 2021-04-20T15:16:40Z |
RelatedMaterial | update: {"citation"=>["Yushu Xia and Michelle Wander, Review of the Response and Utility of Tier 2 Soil Quality Indictors β-glucosidase, Fluorescein Diacetate Hydrolysis and Permanganate Oxidizable Carbon, Report for the Soil Health Institute, 6/1/2018. ", "Report for the Soil Health Institute."]} | 2019-10-28T19:47:37Z |