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1 10.13012/B2IDB-6771049_V1 2020-09-17
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RelatedMaterial update: {"link"=>["", ""], "uri"=>["", "10.1002/ecs2.3287"], "uri_type"=>["", "DOI"], "citation"=>["Refsland, T.K., B. Knapp, K. Stephan and J.M. Fraterrigo. 2020. Sixty-five years of fire manipulation reveals climate and fire interact to determine growth rates of Quercus spp. Ecosphere", "Refsland, T., Knapp, B., Stephan, K., and Fraterrigo, J.. 2020. Sixty‐five years of fire manipulation reveals climate and fire interact to determine growth rates of Quercus spp. Ecosphere 11( 11):e03287. 10.1002/ecs2.3287"], "datacite_list"=>["", "IsSupplementTo"]} 2020-11-10T16:47:39Z
Funder update: {"grant"=>["ILLU 875-952", "ILLU 875-925"]} 2020-11-10T15:55:52Z
RelatedMaterial update: {"uri"=>[nil, ""], "uri_type"=>[nil, ""], "datacite_list"=>[nil, ""]} 2020-09-21T17:53:33Z
Dataset update: {"title"=>["Refsland Missouri Tree Ring Data 09-15-2020", "Data for \"Sixty-five years of fire manipulation reveals climate and fire interact to determine growth rates of Quercus spp\""], "description"=>["Data are from a long-term fire manipulation experiment in the Missouri Ozarks, USA. Data include the raw, annual ring-width increment (rwl), basal area increment (BAI), population-level annual growth resistance (Drs) and resilience (Drl) to drought, intrinsic water use efficiency values (WUEi) and oxygen isotopic composition of individual radial growth rings (δ18O) from southern red oak (Quercus falcata) and post oak (Q. stellata) trees. ", "Data are from a long-term fire manipulation experiment in the Missouri Ozarks, USA. Data include the raw, annual ring-width increment (rwl), basal area increment (BAI), population-level annual growth resistance (Drs) and resilience (Drl) to drought, intrinsic water use efficiency values (WUEi) and oxygen isotopic composition of individual radial growth rings (δ18O) from southern red oak (Quercus falcata) and post oak (Q. stellata) trees. \r\n\r\n----------------------\r\nTITLE: \r\nData for \"Sixty-five years of fire manipulation reveals climate and fire interact to determine growth rates of Quercus spp.\"\r\n \r\n----------------------\r\nFILE OVERVIEW:\r\nThis dataset contains four (4) CSV files as described below:\r\nRefsland_et_al_ECS20-0465_BAI.csv: annual basal area increment between 1948-2015 for trees across the fire manipulation experiment\r\nRefsland_et_al_ECS20-0465_DroughtIndices.csv: population-level drought resistance and resilience of trees during each target drought period\r\nRefsland_et_al_ECS20-0465_WUEi.csv: carbon isotope indicators of drought stress for trees across the fire manipulation experiment\r\nRefsland_et_al_ECS20-0465_d18Or.csv: oxygen isotope indicators of drought stress for trees across the fire manipulation experiment\r\n\r\n----------------------\r\nVARIABLE EXPLANATION:\r\nAll the variables in those four files are explained as below:\r\n\r\ntreeID: unique character string that identifies subject tree\r\nblock: integer (1, 2) that identifies the study block\r\nplot: integer (1-12) that identifies the plot nested within each study block \r\ntrt: character string (Annual, Control, Periodic) that identifies the fire treatment of a given plot\r\nspecies: character string (Quercus falcata, Quercus stellata) that identifies species of subject tree\r\nyear: integer (1948-2015) that identifies the dated year of each tree ring\r\nrwl_mm: numerical value representing the annual tree ring-width, in mm\r\nbai_cm2: numerical value representing the annual basal area increment, in cm2\r\n\r\ntimeperiod: integer value (1953, 1964, 2007, 2012) representing the periods encompassing target dry and wet years\r\nDrs_2yr: numerical value representing the drought resistance, defined as the population-level annual growth of trees during drought years relative to pre-drought years for a given time period\r\nDrl_2yr: numerical value representing the drought resilience, defined as the population-level annual growth of trees following drought years relative to pre-drought years for a given time period\r\nstand_ba_m2ha: numerical value representing the total basal area of a given plot, in m2 per ha\r\nstand_density_stems_ha: numerical value representing the total stem density of a given plot, in stems per ha\r\n\r\npool: numerical value (1-40) identifying the set of tree ring samples pooled for analysis. Samples were pooled by block, plot, year and species \r\nperiod: integer value (1953, 1964, 1980, 2007, 2012) representing the periods encompassing target dry and wet years\r\ntype: character string (Dry, Wet) indicating the water availability of a given year\r\nd13C: numerical value representing the carbon isotopic composition of radial growth rings within a given sample pool, in per mil\r\nWUEi: numerical value representing the annual intrinsic water use efficiency of radial growth rings within a given sample pool\r\nd18O: numerical value representing the oxygen isotopic composition of radial growth rings within a given sample pool, in per mil"], "version_comment"=>[nil, ""], "subject"=>[nil, "Life Sciences"]} 2020-09-21T17:53:33Z