Illinois Data Bank - Dataset

Version DOI Comment Publication Date
1 10.13012/B2IDB-7298951_V1 2024-01-01

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4.02 MB File

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RelatedMaterial destroy: {"material_type"=>"Presentation", "availability"=>nil, "link"=>"", "uri"=>"", "uri_type"=>"", "citation"=>"Edmonds, D. “Timing Prescribed Burns to Avoid Ornate Box Turtles.” Oral Presentation. 20th Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles. Tucson, Arizona.", "dataset_id"=>2561, "selected_type"=>"Presentation", "datacite_list"=>"", "note"=>"", "feature"=>false} 2025-01-08T23:48:47Z
Dataset update: {"subject"=>["", "Life Sciences"]} 2024-05-03T20:41:18Z
Dataset update: {"publication_state"=>["file embargo", "released"]} 2024-01-01T08:00:09Z
Dataset update: {"publication_state"=>["released", "file embargo"]} 2023-10-24T16:23:19Z
Dataset update: {"publication_state"=>["file embargo", "released"]} 2023-10-24T16:23:19Z
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