Version DOI Comment Publication Date
1 10.13012/B2IDB-8275554_V1 2021-07-10
1.28 GB File
2.47 GB File
2.35 GB File
1.12 GB File
2.15 GB File
1.77 GB File
12.1 MB File

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Dataset update: {"description"=>["This dataset containes the images of B73xMS71 RIL population used in QTL linkage mapping for maize epidermal traits in year 2016 and 2017. Raw images produced by Optical topometry (nms files) were processed to strengthen the edges of cell outlines and were transformed into TIFs. All images with epidermal cells predicted using the Mask R-CNN model were shown. Images used for model training and validation were attached as well.", "This dataset containes the images of B73xMS71 RIL population used in QTL linkage mapping for maize epidermal traits in year 2016 and 2017. \r\n2016RIL_all_mns.rar and 2017RIL_all_mns.rar: contain raw images produced by Nanofocus lsurf Explorer Optical Topometer (Oberhausen, Germany) at 20X magnification with 0.6 numerical aperture. Files were processed in Nanofocus μsurf analysis extended software (Oberhausen,Germany). \r\n2016RIL_all_TIF.rar and 2017RIL_all_TIF.rar: contain images processed from the Topology layer in each nms file to strengthen the edges of cell outlines, and used in downstream cell detection.\r\n2016RIL_all_detection_result.rar and 2017RIL_all_detection_result.rar: contain images with epidermal cells predicted using the Mask R-CNN model. \r\ntraining data.rar: contain images used for Mask R-CNN model training and validation."]} 2021-07-31T00:56:16Z