Illinois Data Bank - Dataset

Version DOI Comment Publication Date
3 10.13012/B2IDB-5259667_V3 updated data formulation 2024-10-10
2 10.13012/B2IDB-5259667_V2 expanded dataset 2024-08-19
1 10.13012/B2IDB-5259667_V1 2024-03-25

3.55 KB File
9.01 MB File
237 MB File

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RelatedMaterial create: {"material_type"=>"Article", "availability"=>nil, "link"=>"", "uri"=>"10.1371/journal.pone.0316890", "uri_type"=>"DOI", "citation"=>"Mishra A, Lee H, Jeoung S, Torvik VI, Diesner J (2025) Patterns of diversity in biomedical coauthorships: An analysis across authors’ ethnicity, gender, age, and expertise. PLOS ONE 20(1): e0316890.", "dataset_id"=>2806, "selected_type"=>"Article", "datacite_list"=>"IsSupplementTo", "note"=>nil, "feature"=>nil} 2025-02-04T16:34:36Z
Dataset update: {"publisher"=>["University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign", "University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign"]} 2025-02-04T16:34:36Z
Dataset update: {"publication_state"=>["version candidate under curator review", "released"], "release_date"=>[nil, Thu, 10 Oct 2024]} 2024-10-10T13:53:39Z
Dataset update: {"description"=>["Diversity - PubMed dataset\r\nContact: Apratim Mishra (Oct, 2024)\r\n\r\nThis dataset presents article-level (pmid) and author-level (auid) diversity data for PubMed articles. The chosen selection includes articles retrieved from Authority 2018 [1], 907 024 papers, and 1 316 838 authors, and is an expanded dataset of V1. The sample of articles consists of the top 40 journals in the dataset, limited to 2-12 authors published between 1991 – 2014, which are article type \"journal type\" written in English. Files are 'gzip' compressed and separated by tab space, and V3 includes the correct author count for the included papers (pmids) and updates results with no NaNs.\r\n################################################\r\nFile1: auids_plos_3.csv.gz (Important columns defined, 5 in total)\r\n•\tAUID: a unique ID for each author\r\n•\tGenni: gender prediction\r\n•\tEthnea: ethnicity prediction\r\n#################################################\r\nFile2: pmids_plos_3.csv.gz (Important columns defined)\r\n•\tpmid: unique paper \r\n•\tauid: all unique auids (author-name unique identification)\r\n•\tyear: Year of paper publication\r\n•\tno_authors: Author count\r\n•\tjournal: Journal name\r\n•\tyears: first year of publication for every author\r\n•\tCountry-temporal: Country of affiliation for every author\r\n•\th_index: Journal h-index\r\n•\tTimeNovelty: Paper Time novelty [2]\r\n•\tnih_funded: Binary variable indicating funding for any author\r\n•\tprior_cit_mean: Mean of all authors’ prior citation rate\r\n•\tInsti_impact: All unique institutions’ citation rate\r\n•\tmesh_vals: Top MeSH values for every author of that paper\r\n•\trelative_citation_ratio: RCR\r\n\r\nThe ‘Readme’ includes a description for all columns.\r\n[1] Torvik, Vetle; Smalheiser, Neil (2021): Author-ity 2018 - PubMed author name disambiguated dataset. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.\r\n[2] Mishra, Shubhanshu; Torvik, Vetle I. (2018): Conceptual novelty scores for PubMed articles. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.\r\n", "Diversity - PubMed dataset\r\nContact: Apratim Mishra (Oct, 2024)\r\n\r\nThis dataset presents article-level (pmid) and author-level (auid) diversity data for PubMed articles. The chosen selection includes articles retrieved from Authority 2018 [1], 907 024 papers, and 1 316 838 authors, and is an expanded dataset of V1. The sample of articles consists of the top 40 journals in the dataset, limited to 2-12 authors published between 1991 – 2014, which are article type \"journal type\" written in English. Files are 'gzip' compressed and separated by tab space, and V3 includes the correct author count for the included papers (pmids) and updated results with no NaNs.\r\n################################################\r\nFile1: auids_plos_3.csv.gz (Important columns defined, 5 in total)\r\n•\tAUID: a unique ID for each author\r\n•\tGenni: gender prediction\r\n•\tEthnea: ethnicity prediction\r\n#################################################\r\nFile2: pmids_plos_3.csv.gz (Important columns defined)\r\n•\tpmid: unique paper \r\n•\tauid: all unique auids (author-name unique identification)\r\n•\tyear: Year of paper publication\r\n•\tno_authors: Author count\r\n•\tjournal: Journal name\r\n•\tyears: first year of publication for every author\r\n•\tCountry-temporal: Country of affiliation for every author\r\n•\th_index: Journal h-index\r\n•\tTimeNovelty: Paper Time novelty [2]\r\n•\tnih_funded: Binary variable indicating funding for any author\r\n•\tprior_cit_mean: Mean of all authors’ prior citation rate\r\n•\tInsti_impact: All unique institutions’ citation rate\r\n•\tmesh_vals: Top MeSH values for every author of that paper\r\n•\trelative_citation_ratio: RCR\r\n\r\nThe ‘Readme’ includes a description for all columns.\r\n[1] Torvik, Vetle; Smalheiser, Neil (2021): Author-ity 2018 - PubMed author name disambiguated dataset. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.\r\n[2] Mishra, Shubhanshu; Torvik, Vetle I. (2018): Conceptual novelty scores for PubMed articles. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.\r\n"]} 2024-10-10T13:28:55Z
Dataset update: {"description"=>["Diversity - PubMed dataset\r\nContact: Apratim Mishra (Oct, 2024)\r\n\r\nThis dataset presents article-level (pmid) and author-level (auid) diversity data for PubMed articles. The selection chosen includes articles retrieved from Authority 2018 [1], a total of 907 024 papers, and 1 316 838 authors. The sample of articles is based on the top 40 journals in the dataset, limited to 2-12 authors published between 1991 – 2014 inclusive. Files are 'gzip' compressed and separated by tab space.\r\n################################################\r\nFile1: auids_plos_3.csv.gz (Important columns defined, 5 in total)\r\n•\tAUID: a unique ID for each author\r\n•\tGenni: gender prediction\r\n•\tEthnea: ethnicity prediction\r\n#################################################\r\nFile2: pmids_plos_3.csv.gz (Important columns defined)\r\n•\tpmid: unique paper \r\n•\tauid: all unique auids (author-name unique identification)\r\n•\tyear: Year of paper publication\r\n•\tno_authors: Author count\r\n•\tjournal: Journal name\r\n•\tyears: first year of publication for every author\r\n•\tCountry-temporal: Country of affiliation for every author\r\n•\th_index: Journal h-index\r\n•\tTimeNovelty: Paper Time novelty [2]\r\n•\tnih_funded: Binary variable indicating funding for any author\r\n•\tprior_cit_mean: Mean of all authors’ prior citation rate\r\n•\tInsti_impact: All unique institutions’ citation rate\r\n•\tmesh_vals: Top MeSH values for every author of that paper\r\n•\trelative_citation_ratio: RCR\r\n\r\nThe ‘Readme’ includes a description for all columns.\r\n[1] Torvik, Vetle; Smalheiser, Neil (2021): Author-ity 2018 - PubMed author name disambiguated dataset. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.\r\n[2] Mishra, Shubhanshu; Torvik, Vetle I. (2018): Conceptual novelty scores for PubMed articles. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.\r\n", "Diversity - PubMed dataset\r\nContact: Apratim Mishra (Oct, 2024)\r\n\r\nThis dataset presents article-level (pmid) and author-level (auid) diversity data for PubMed articles. The chosen selection includes articles retrieved from Authority 2018 [1], 907 024 papers, and 1 316 838 authors, and is an expanded dataset of V1. The sample of articles consists of the top 40 journals in the dataset, limited to 2-12 authors published between 1991 – 2014, which are article type \"journal type\" written in English. Files are 'gzip' compressed and separated by tab space, and V3 includes the correct author count for the included papers (pmids) and updates results with no NaNs.\r\n################################################\r\nFile1: auids_plos_3.csv.gz (Important columns defined, 5 in total)\r\n•\tAUID: a unique ID for each author\r\n•\tGenni: gender prediction\r\n•\tEthnea: ethnicity prediction\r\n#################################################\r\nFile2: pmids_plos_3.csv.gz (Important columns defined)\r\n•\tpmid: unique paper \r\n•\tauid: all unique auids (author-name unique identification)\r\n•\tyear: Year of paper publication\r\n•\tno_authors: Author count\r\n•\tjournal: Journal name\r\n•\tyears: first year of publication for every author\r\n•\tCountry-temporal: Country of affiliation for every author\r\n•\th_index: Journal h-index\r\n•\tTimeNovelty: Paper Time novelty [2]\r\n•\tnih_funded: Binary variable indicating funding for any author\r\n•\tprior_cit_mean: Mean of all authors’ prior citation rate\r\n•\tInsti_impact: All unique institutions’ citation rate\r\n•\tmesh_vals: Top MeSH values for every author of that paper\r\n•\trelative_citation_ratio: RCR\r\n\r\nThe ‘Readme’ includes a description for all columns.\r\n[1] Torvik, Vetle; Smalheiser, Neil (2021): Author-ity 2018 - PubMed author name disambiguated dataset. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.\r\n[2] Mishra, Shubhanshu; Torvik, Vetle I. (2018): Conceptual novelty scores for PubMed articles. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.\r\n"]} 2024-10-10T13:26:35Z
Dataset update: {"description"=>["Diversity - PubMed dataset\r\nContact: Apratim Mishra (Aug, 2024)\r\n\r\nThis dataset presents article-level (pmid) and author-level (auid) diversity data for PubMed articles. The selection chosen includes articles retrieved from Authority 2018 [1], a total of 907 024 papers, and 1612 118 authors. The sample of articles is based on the top 40 journals in the dataset, limited to 2-12 authors published between 1991 – 2014 inclusive. Files are 'gzip' compressed and separated by tab space.\r\n################################################\r\nFile1: auids_plos_2.csv.gz (Important columns defined, 7 in total)\r\n•\tAUID: a unique ID for each author\r\n•\tEthnea: ethnicity prediction\r\n•\tGenni: gender prediction\r\n#################################################\r\nFile2: pmids_plos_2.csv.gz (Important columns defined)\r\n•\tpmid: unique paper \r\n•\tauid: all unique auids\r\n•\tyear: Year of paper publication\r\n•\tno_authors: Author count\r\n•\tjournal: Journal name\r\n•\tyears: first year of publication for every author\r\n•\tage_bin: Binned age for every author\r\n•\tCountry-temporal: Country of affiliation for every author\r\n•\th_index: Journal h-index\r\n•\tTimeNovelty: Paper Time novelty [2]\r\n•\tnih_funded: Binary variable indicating funding for any author\r\n•\tprior_cit_mean: Mean of all authors’ prior citation rate\r\n•\tInsti_impact: All unique institutions’ citation rate\r\n•\tmesh_vals: Top MeSH values for every author of that paper\r\n•\trelative_citation_ratio: RCR\r\n\r\nThe ‘Readme’ includes a description for all columns.\r\n[1] Torvik, Vetle; Smalheiser, Neil (2021): Author-ity 2018 - PubMed author name disambiguated dataset. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.\r\n[2] Mishra, Shubhanshu; Torvik, Vetle I. (2018): Conceptual novelty scores for PubMed articles. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.\r\n", "Diversity - PubMed dataset\r\nContact: Apratim Mishra (Oct, 2024)\r\n\r\nThis dataset presents article-level (pmid) and author-level (auid) diversity data for PubMed articles. The selection chosen includes articles retrieved from Authority 2018 [1], a total of 907 024 papers, and 1 316 838 authors. The sample of articles is based on the top 40 journals in the dataset, limited to 2-12 authors published between 1991 – 2014 inclusive. Files are 'gzip' compressed and separated by tab space.\r\n################################################\r\nFile1: auids_plos_3.csv.gz (Important columns defined, 5 in total)\r\n•\tAUID: a unique ID for each author\r\n•\tGenni: gender prediction\r\n•\tEthnea: ethnicity prediction\r\n#################################################\r\nFile2: pmids_plos_3.csv.gz (Important columns defined)\r\n•\tpmid: unique paper \r\n•\tauid: all unique auids (author-name unique identification)\r\n•\tyear: Year of paper publication\r\n•\tno_authors: Author count\r\n•\tjournal: Journal name\r\n•\tyears: first year of publication for every author\r\n•\tCountry-temporal: Country of affiliation for every author\r\n•\th_index: Journal h-index\r\n•\tTimeNovelty: Paper Time novelty [2]\r\n•\tnih_funded: Binary variable indicating funding for any author\r\n•\tprior_cit_mean: Mean of all authors’ prior citation rate\r\n•\tInsti_impact: All unique institutions’ citation rate\r\n•\tmesh_vals: Top MeSH values for every author of that paper\r\n•\trelative_citation_ratio: RCR\r\n\r\nThe ‘Readme’ includes a description for all columns.\r\n[1] Torvik, Vetle; Smalheiser, Neil (2021): Author-ity 2018 - PubMed author name disambiguated dataset. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.\r\n[2] Mishra, Shubhanshu; Torvik, Vetle I. (2018): Conceptual novelty scores for PubMed articles. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.\r\n"]} 2024-10-08T15:15:40Z
Dataset update: {"hold_state"=>["version candidate under curator review", "none"]} 2024-10-05T19:46:51Z
Dataset update: {"version_comment"=>["Updated data formulation", "updated data formulation"]} 2024-10-05T19:41:27Z
RelatedMaterial update: {"note"=>[nil, ""]} 2024-10-05T19:40:40Z
Dataset update: {"version_comment"=>[nil, "Create a new version of the dataset due to changes in data formulation."]} 2024-10-04T03:59:36Z
RelatedMaterial create: {"material_type"=>"Dataset", "availability"=>nil, "link"=>"", "uri"=>"10.13012/B2IDB-5259667_V2", "uri_type"=>"DOI", "citation"=>"Mishra, Apratim; Lee, Haejin; Jeoung, Sullam; Torvik, Vetle; Diesner, Jana (2024): Diversity - PubMed Dataset. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.", "dataset_id"=>2806, "selected_type"=>"Dataset", "datacite_list"=>"IsNewVersionOf", "note"=>nil, "feature"=>nil} 2024-10-04T03:58:40Z
Creator create: {"family_name"=>"Diesner", "given_name"=>"Jana", "identifier"=>"0000-0001-8183-7109", "email"=>"", "is_contact"=>false, "row_position"=>5} 2024-10-04T03:58:40Z
Creator create: {"family_name"=>"Torvik", "given_name"=>"Vetle", "identifier"=>"0000-0002-0035-1850", "email"=>"", "is_contact"=>false, "row_position"=>4} 2024-10-04T03:58:40Z
Creator create: {"family_name"=>"Jeoung", "given_name"=>"Sullam", "identifier"=>"0009-0008-8403-5441", "email"=>"", "is_contact"=>false, "row_position"=>3} 2024-10-04T03:58:40Z
Creator create: {"family_name"=>"Lee", "given_name"=>"Haejin", "identifier"=>"0009-0000-0260-0462", "email"=>"", "is_contact"=>false, "row_position"=>2} 2024-10-04T03:58:40Z
Creator create: {"family_name"=>"Mishra", "given_name"=>"Apratim", "identifier"=>"0000-0002-2946-308X", "email"=>"", "is_contact"=>true, "row_position"=>1} 2024-10-04T03:58:40Z
Dataset update: {"corresponding_creator_name"=>[nil, "Apratim Mishra"], "corresponding_creator_email"=>[nil, ""]} 2024-10-04T03:58:40Z