Illinois Data Bank - Dataset

Version DOI Comment Publication Date
1 10.13012/B2IDB-8658584_V1 2017-06-16

19.9 KB File

Contact the Research Data Service for help interpreting this log.

Dataset update: {"subject"=>[nil, "Life Sciences"]} 2018-02-09T16:15:23Z
RelatedMaterial update: {"material_type"=>[nil, "Article"]} 2017-07-20T20:28:48Z
RelatedMaterial create: {"material_type"=>nil, "availability"=>nil, "link"=>"", "uri"=>"10.1016/j.ecoinf.2017.06.005", "uri_type"=>"DOI", "citation"=>"Derek S. Haselhorst, David K. Tcheng, J. Enrique Moreno,\r\nSurangi W. Punyasena , The effects of seasonal and long-term climatic variability on Neotropical flowering phenology: An ecoinformatic analysis of aerial pollen data, Ecological Informatics (2017), doi: 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2017.06.005\r\n", "dataset_id"=>243, "selected_type"=>"Article", "datacite_list"=>"IsSupplementTo"} 2017-07-18T15:38:46Z
Dataset update: {"version_comment"=>[nil, ""]} 2017-07-18T15:38:46Z
Dataset update: {"title"=>["Table S2. Raw pollen counts and climatic data for each seasonal sampling period", "Pollen and climate data from Haselhorst et al. (2017) Ecological Informatics: Table S2. Raw pollen counts and climatic data for each seasonal sampling period"]} 2017-06-21T18:35:38Z