This repository includes HRLDAS Noah-MP model output generated as part of Bieri et al. (2025) - Implementing deep soil and dynamic root uptake in Noah-MP (v4.5): Impact on Amazon dry-season transpiration.
These data are distributed in two different formats: Raw model output files and subsetted files that include data for a specific variable. All files are .nc format (NetCDF) and aggregated into .tar files to facilitate download. Given the size of these datasets, Globus transfer is the best way to download them.
Raw model output for four model experiments is available: FD (control), GW, SOIL, and ROOT. See the associated publication for information on the different experiments. These data span an approximately 20 year period from 01 Jun 2000 to 31 Dec 2019. The data have a spatial resolution of 4 km and a temporal frequency of 3 hours. These data are for a domain in the southern Amazon basin (see Figure 1 in the associated publication). Data for each experiment is available as a .tar file which includes 3-hourly NetCDF files. All default Noah-MP output variables are included in each file. As a result, the .tar files are quite large and may take many hours or even days to transfer depending on your network speed and local configurations. These files are named 'noahmp_output_2000_2019_EXP.tar', where EXP is the name of the experiment (FD, GW, SOIL, or ROOT).
Subsetted model output at a daily temporal resolution for all four model experiments is also available. These .tar files include the following variables: water table depth (ZWT), latent heat flux (LH), sensible heat flux (HFX), soil moisture (SOIL_M), canopy evaporation (ECAN), ground evaporation (EDIR), transpiration (ETRAN), rainfall rate at the surface (QRAIN), and two variables that are specific to the ROOT experiment: ROOTACTIVITY (root activity function) and GWRD (active root water uptake depth). There is one file for each variable within the tarred files. These files are named 'noahmp_output_subset_2000_2019_EXP.tar', where EXP is the name of the experiment (FD, GW, SOIL, or ROOT).
Finally, there is a sample dataset with raw 3-hourly output from the ROOT experiment for one day. The purpose of this sample dataset is to allow users to confirm if these data meet their needs before initiating a full transfer via Globus. This file is named 'noahmp_output_sample_ROOT.tar'.
The README.txt file provides information on the Noah-MP output variables in these datasets, among other specifications.
Information on HRLDAS Noah-MP and names/definitions of model output variables that are useful in working with these data are available here: Note that some output variables may be listed in this document under a different variable name, so searching for the long name (e.g. 'baseflow' instead of 'QRF') is recommended.
Information on additional output variables that were added to the model as part of this study is available here:
Model code, configuration files, and forcing data used to carry out the model simulations are linked in the related resources section.