Version DOI Comment Publication Date
2 10.13012/B2IDB-7809185_V2 Include 9 code files (Matlab and R) which allow for the analysis of the data files already submitted. 2024-07-11
1 10.13012/B2IDB-7809185_V1 2024-05-28

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Contact the Research Data Service for help interpreting this log.

Dataset update: {"publication_state"=>["version candidate under curator review", "released"], "release_date"=>[nil, Thu, 11 Jul 2024]} 2024-07-11T21:38:00Z
Dataset update: {"description"=>["This dataset includes the gas exchange and TDL (tunable diode laser) files between 4 accessions of Glycine soja and 1 elite accession of Glycine max (soybean) during light induction. Code files for Matlab and R are also included to calculate mesophyll conductance and calculate the limitation on photosynthesis, respectively. ", "This dataset includes the gas exchange and TDL (tunable diode laser) files between 4 accessions of Glycine soja and 1 elite accession of Glycine max (soybean) during light induction. \r\n\r\nIn this V2, code files for Matlab and R are also included to calculate mesophyll conductance and calculate the limitation on photosynthesis, respectively. "], "version_comment"=>["Include the code files which allow for the analysis of the data files already submitted.", "Include 9 code files (Matlab and R) which allow for the analysis of the data files already submitted."]} 2024-07-11T15:27:21Z
Dataset update: {"description"=>["This dataset includes the gas exchange and TDL (tunable diode laser) files between 4 accessions of Glycine soja and 1 elite accession of Glycine max (soybean) during light induction. ", "This dataset includes the gas exchange and TDL (tunable diode laser) files between 4 accessions of Glycine soja and 1 elite accession of Glycine max (soybean) during light induction. Code files for Matlab and R are also included to calculate mesophyll conductance and calculate the limitation on photosynthesis, respectively. "]} 2024-07-11T15:14:25Z
RelatedMaterial update: {"note"=>[nil, ""]} 2024-07-10T21:59:31Z
Dataset update: {"hold_state"=>["version candidate under curator review", "none"]} 2024-07-10T21:54:25Z
Dataset update: {"version_comment"=>[nil, "I want to include the code files which allow for the analysis of the data files already submitted."]} 2024-07-10T17:58:27Z
RelatedMaterial create: {"material_type"=>"Dataset", "availability"=>nil, "link"=>"", "uri"=>"10.13012/B2IDB-7809185_V1", "uri_type"=>"DOI", "citation"=>"Pelech, Elena; Long, Steve (2024): Soybean/Soja mesophyll conductance during light induction. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.", "dataset_id"=>2740, "selected_type"=>"Dataset", "datacite_list"=>"IsNewVersionOf", "note"=>nil, "feature"=>nil} 2024-07-10T17:56:57Z
Creator create: {"family_name"=>"Long", "given_name"=>"Steve", "identifier"=>"0000-0002-8501-7164", "email"=>"", "is_contact"=>true, "row_position"=>2} 2024-07-10T17:56:57Z
Dataset update: {"corresponding_creator_name"=>[nil, "Steve Long"], "corresponding_creator_email"=>[nil, ""]} 2024-07-10T17:56:57Z
Creator create: {"family_name"=>"Pelech", "given_name"=>"Elena", "identifier"=>"0000-0001-5084-324X", "email"=>"", "is_contact"=>false, "row_position"=>1} 2024-07-10T17:56:57Z