Version DOI Comment Publication Date
1 10.13012/B2IDB-8967648_V1 2021-10-27

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RelatedMaterial update: {"link"=>["", ""], "citation"=>["Luis Miguel de Jesús Astacio, Kaumudi H. Prabhakara, Zeqian Li, Harry Mickalide, Seppe Kuehn. Closed microbial communities self-organize to persistently cycle carbon. bioRxiv. doi:", "Luis Miguel de Jesús Astacioa, Kaumudi H. Prabhakara, Zeqian Li, Harry Mickalide, Seppe Kuehn. Closed microbial communities self-organize to persistently cycle carbon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Nov 2021, 118 (45) e2013564118; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2013564118\r\n"]} 2021-11-14T20:12:12Z
Dataset update: {"description"=>["", "Shared dataset consists of 16S sequencing data of microbial communities. Each community is composed of heterotrophic bacteria derived from one of two soil samples and the model algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Each comunity was placed in a materially closed environment with an initial supply of carbon in the media and subjected to light-dark cycles. The closed microbial ecosystems (CES) survived via carbon cycling. Each CES was subjected to rounds of dilution, after which the community was sequenced (data provided here). The shared dataset allowed us to conclude that CES consistently self-assembled to cycle carbon (data not provided) via conserved metabolic capabilites (data not provided) dispite differences in taxonomic composition (data provided). \r\n---------------------------\r\nNaming convention: \r\n[soil sample = A or B][CES replicate = 1,2,3, or 4]_[round number = 1,2,3,or 4]_[reverse read = R or forward read = F]_filt.fastq\r\nExample -- A1_r1_F_filt.fastq means soil sample A, CES replicate 1, end of round1, forward read"], "keywords"=>["", "16S seq; .fastq; closed microbial ecosystems; carbon cycling"]} 2021-11-14T20:12:12Z
Dataset update: {"subject"=>["", "Life Sciences"]} 2021-11-11T20:10:34Z
RelatedMaterial update: {"link"=>["", ""], "uri"=>[nil, "10.1101/2020.05.28.121848"], "uri_type"=>[nil, "DOI"], "citation"=>["", "Luis Miguel de Jesús Astacio, Kaumudi H. Prabhakara, Zeqian Li, Harry Mickalide, Seppe Kuehn. Closed microbial communities self-organize to persistently cycle carbon. bioRxiv. doi:"], "datacite_list"=>[nil, "IsSupplementTo"]} 2021-11-02T19:56:19Z
Dataset update: {"version_comment"=>[nil, ""], "subject"=>[nil, ""]} 2021-11-02T19:56:19Z