Illinois Data Bank - Dataset

Version DOI Comment Publication Date
2 10.13012/B2IDB-0852856_V2 Records added to fruitSet.csv and seedSet.csv 2018-08-03

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2.1 KB File
9.06 KB File

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RelatedMaterial update: {"note"=>[nil, ""], "feature"=>[nil, false]} 2024-02-01T17:34:41Z
RelatedMaterial update: {"datacite_list"=>["IsNewVersionOf", "IsSupplementTo,IsNewVersionOf"], "note"=>[nil, ""], "feature"=>[nil, false]} 2024-02-01T17:34:41Z
RelatedMaterial update: {"link"=>["", ""], "uri"=>["", "10.1371/journal.pone.0209176"], "uri_type"=>["", "DOI"], "citation"=>["Kim, Eun Sun; Zaya, David N.; Fant, Jeremie B.; Ashley, Mary V. (2018) Reproductive trade-offs maintain bract color polymorphism in Scarlet Indian paintbrush (Castilleja coccinea). PLoS ONE, In review", "Kim ES, Zaya DN, Fant JB, Ashley MV (2019) Reproductive trade-offs maintain bract color polymorphism in Scarlet Indian paintbrush (Castilleja coccinea). PLoS ONE 14(1): e0209176."]} 2019-01-08T19:47:20Z
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