Dataset Description
These are text files downloaded from the Web of Science for the bibliographic analyses found in Zinnen et al. (2020) in Applied Vegetation Science. They represent the papers and reference lists from six expert-based indicator systems: Floristic Quality Assessment, hemeroby, naturalness indicator values (& social behaviors), Ellenberg indicator values, grassland utilization values, and urbanity indicator values.
To examine data, download VOSviewer and see instructrions from van Eck & Waltman (2019) for how to upload data. Although we used bibliographic coupling, there are a number of other interesting bibliographic analyses you can use with these data (e.g., visualizing citations between journals from this set of documents).
Note: There are two caveats to note about these data and Supplements 1 & 2 associated with our paper. First, there are some overlapping papers in these text files (i.e., raw data). When added individually, the papers sum to more than the numbers we give. However, when combined VOSviewer recognizes these as repeats, and matches the numbers we list in S1 and the manuscript. Second, we labelled the downloaded papers in S2 with their respective systems. In some cases, the labels do not completely match our counts listed in S1 and raw data. This is because some of these papers use another system, but were not captured in our systematic literature search (e.g., a paper may have used hemeroby, but was not picked up by WoS, so this paper is not listed as one of the 52 hemeroby papers).