Illinois Data Bank - Dataset

Version DOI Comment Publication Date
1 10.13012/B2IDB-9572729_V1 2025-03-12

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Dataset update: {"description"=>["References\r\n- Jeong, Gangwon, Umberto Villa, and Mark A. Anastasio. \"Revisiting the joint estimation of initial pressure and speed-of-sound distributions in photoacoustic computed tomography with consideration of canonical object constraints.\" Photoacoustics (2025): 100700.\r\n- Park, Seonyeong, et al. \"Stochastic three-dimensional numerical phantoms to enable computational studies in quantitative optoacoustic computed tomography of breast cancer.\" Journal of biomedical optics 28.6 (2023): 066002-066002.\r\n\r\nOverview\r\n- This dataset includes 80 two-dimensional slices extracted from 3D numerical breast phantoms (NBPs) for photoacoustic computed tomography (PACT) studies. The anatomical structures of these NBPs were obtained using tools from the Virtual Imaging Clinical Trial for Regulatory Evaluation (VICTRE) project. The methods used to modify and extend the VICTRE NBPs for use in PACT studies are described in the publication cited above.\r\n- The NBPs in this dataset represent the following four ACR BI-RADS breast composition categories:\r\n> Type A - The breast is almost entirely fatty\r\n> Type B - There are scattered areas of fibroglandular density in the breast\r\n> Type C - The breast is heterogeneously dense\r\n> Type D - The breast is extremely dense\r\n- Each 2D slice is taken from a different 3D NBP, ensuring that no more than one slice comes from any single phantom.\r\n\r\nFile Name Format\r\n - Each data file is stored as a .mat file. The filenames follow this format: {type}{subject_id}.mat where{type} indicates the breast type (A, B, C, or D), and {subject_id} is a unique identifier assigned to each sample. For example, in the filename D510022534.mat, \"D\" represents the breast type, and \"510022534\" is the sample ID.\r\n\r\nFile Contents\r\n - Each file contains the following variables:\r\n > \"type\": Breast type\r\n > \"p0\": Initial pressure distribution [Pa] \r\n > \"sos\": Speed-of-sound map [mm/μs] \r\n > \"att\": Acoustic attenuation (power-law prefactor) map [dB/ MHzʸ mm]\r\n > \"y\": power-law exponent\r\n > \"pressure_lossless\": Simulated noiseless pressure data obtained by numerically solving the first-order acoustic wave equation using the k-space pseudospectral method, under the assumption of a lossless medium (corresponding to Studies I, II, and III).\r\n > \"pressure_lossy\": Simulated noiseless pressure data obtained by numerically solving the first-order acoustic wave equation using the k-space pseudospectral method, incorporating a power-law acoustic absorption model to account for medium losses (corresponding to Study IV).\r\n * The pressure data were simulated using a ring-array transducer that consists of 512 receiving elements uniformly distributed along a ring with a radius of 72 mm.\r\n\r\n- In Study I, all spatial maps (e.g., sos) have dimensions of 512 × 512 pixels, with a pixel size of 0.32 mm × 0.32 mm.\r\n- In Study II and Study III, all spatial maps (sos) have dimensions of 1024 × 1024 pixels, with a pixel size of 0.16 mm × 0.16 mm.\r\n- In Study IV, both the sos and att maps have dimensions of 1024 × 1024 pixels, with a pixel size of 0.16 mm × 0.16 mm.", "References\r\n- Jeong, Gangwon, Umberto Villa, and Mark A. Anastasio. \"Revisiting the joint estimation of initial pressure and speed-of-sound distributions in photoacoustic computed tomography with consideration of canonical object constraints.\" Photoacoustics (2025): 100700.\r\n- Park, Seonyeong, et al. \"Stochastic three-dimensional numerical phantoms to enable computational studies in quantitative optoacoustic computed tomography of breast cancer.\" Journal of biomedical optics 28.6 (2023): 066002-066002.\r\n\r\nOverview\r\n- This dataset includes 80 two-dimensional slices extracted from 3D numerical breast phantoms (NBPs) for photoacoustic computed tomography (PACT) studies. The anatomical structures of these NBPs were obtained using tools from the Virtual Imaging Clinical Trial for Regulatory Evaluation (VICTRE) project. The methods used to modify and extend the VICTRE NBPs for use in PACT studies are described in the publication cited above.\r\n- The NBPs in this dataset represent the following four ACR BI-RADS breast composition categories:\r\n> Type A - The breast is almost entirely fatty\r\n> Type B - There are scattered areas of fibroglandular density in the breast\r\n> Type C - The breast is heterogeneously dense\r\n> Type D - The breast is extremely dense\r\n- Each 2D slice is taken from a different 3D NBP, ensuring that no more than one slice comes from any single phantom.\r\n\r\nFile Name Format\r\n - Each data file is stored as a .mat file. The filenames follow this format: {type}{subject_id}.mat where{type} indicates the breast type (A, B, C, or D), and {subject_id} is a unique identifier assigned to each sample. For example, in the filename D510022534.mat, \"D\" represents the breast type, and \"510022534\" is the sample ID.\r\n\r\nFile Contents\r\n - Each file contains the following variables:\r\n > \"type\": Breast type\r\n > \"p0\": Initial pressure distribution [Pa] \r\n > \"sos\": Speed-of-sound map [mm/μs] \r\n > \"att\": Acoustic attenuation (power-law prefactor) map [dB/ MHzʸ mm]\r\n > \"y\": power-law exponent\r\n > \"pressure_lossless\": Simulated noiseless pressure data obtained by numerically solving the first-order acoustic wave equation using the k-space pseudospectral method, under the assumption of a lossless medium (corresponding to Studies I, II, and III).\r\n > \"pressure_lossy\": Simulated noiseless pressure data obtained by numerically solving the first-order acoustic wave equation using the k-space pseudospectral method, incorporating a power-law acoustic absorption model to account for medium losses (corresponding to Study IV).\r\n * The pressure data were simulated using a ring-array transducer that consists of 512 receiving elements uniformly distributed along a ring with a radius of 72 mm.\r\n * Note: These pressure data are noiseless simulations. In Studies II–IV of the referenced paper, additive Gaussian i.i.d. noise were added to the measurement data. Users may add similar noise to the provided data as needed for their own studies.\r\n\r\n- In Study I, all spatial maps (e.g., sos) have dimensions of 512 × 512 pixels, with a pixel size of 0.32 mm × 0.32 mm.\r\n- In Study II and Study III, all spatial maps (sos) have dimensions of 1024 × 1024 pixels, with a pixel size of 0.16 mm × 0.16 mm.\r\n- In Study IV, both the sos and att maps have dimensions of 1024 × 1024 pixels, with a pixel size of 0.16 mm × 0.16 mm."]} 2025-03-12T16:35:18Z