Version DOI Comment Publication Date
1 10.13012/B2IDB-9706842_V1 2017-05-22
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RelatedMaterial update: {"material_type"=>[nil, ""]} 2018-02-09T16:14:02Z
Dataset update: {"subject"=>[nil, "Life Sciences"]} 2018-02-09T16:14:02Z
RelatedMaterial update: {"citation"=>["Nelson, K. A., Collins, S. F., Sass, G. G. and Wahl, D. H. (), A response-surface examination of competition and facilitation between native and invasive juvenile fishes. Funct Ecol. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.12922", "Nelson, K. A., Collins, S. F., Sass, G. G. and Wahl, D. H. (2017), A response-surface examination of competition and facilitation between native and invasive juvenile fishes. Funct Ecol. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1111/1365-2435.12922"]} 2017-06-19T16:03:46Z
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Dataset update: {"title"=>["A response-surface examination of competition and facilitation between native and invasive fishes - dataset", "Data from: A response-surface examination of competition and facilitation between native and invasive fishes"], "version_comment"=>[nil, ""]} 2017-05-23T00:50:43Z