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Illinois Data Bank Dataset Search Results
Dataset Search Results
published: 2020-02-12
Asplund, Joshua; Karahalios, Karrie (2020): Data for: Auditing Race and Gender Discrimination in Online Housing Markets. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This dataset contains the results of a three month audit of housing advertisements. It accompanies the 2020 ICWSM paper "Auditing Race and Gender Discrimination in Online Housing Markets". It covers data collected between Dec 7, 2018 and March 19, 2019. There are two json files in the dataset: The first contains a list of json objects representing advertisements separated by newlines. Each object includes the date and time it was collected, the image and title (if collected) of the ad, the page on which it was displayed, and the training treatment it received. The second file is a list of json objects representing a visit to a housing lister separated by newlines. Each object contains the url, training treatment applied, the location searched, and the metadata of the top sites scraped. This metadata includes location, price, and number of rooms. The dataset also includes the raw images of ads collected in order to code them by interest and targeting. These were captured by selenium and named using a perceptive hash to de-duplicate images.
algorithmic audit; advertisement audit;
published: 2018-12-20
Dong, Xiaoru; Xie, Jingyi; Linh, Hoang (2018): Inclusion_Criteria_Annotation. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
File Name: Inclusion_Criteria_Annotation.csv Data Preparation: Xiaoru Dong Date of Preparation: 2018-12-14 Data Contributions: Jingyi Xie, Xiaoru Dong, Linh Hoang Data Source: Cochrane systematic reviews published up to January 3, 2018 by 52 different Cochrane groups in 8 Cochrane group networks. Associated Manuscript authors: Xiaoru Dong, Jingyi Xie, Linh Hoang, and Jodi Schneider. Associated Manuscript, Working title: Machine classification of inclusion criteria from Cochrane systematic reviews. Description: The file contains lists of inclusion criteria of Cochrane Systematic Reviews and the manual annotation results. 5420 inclusion criteria were annotated, out of 7158 inclusion criteria available. Annotations are either "Only RCTs" or "Others". There are 2 columns in the file: - "Inclusion Criteria": Content of inclusion criteria of Cochrane Systematic Reviews. - "Only RCTs": Manual Annotation results. In which, "x" means the inclusion criteria is classified as "Only RCTs". Blank means that the inclusion criteria is classified as "Others". Notes: 1. "RCT" stands for Randomized Controlled Trial, which, in definition, is "a work that reports on a clinical trial that involves at least one test treatment and one control treatment, concurrent enrollment and follow-up of the test- and control-treated groups, and in which the treatments to be administered are selected by a random process, such as the use of a random-numbers table." [Randomized Controlled Trial publication type definition from]. 2. In order to reproduce the relevant data to this, please get the code of the project published on GitHub at: and run the code following the instruction provided.
Inclusion criteria, Randomized controlled trials, Machine learning, Systematic reviews
published: 2020-07-16
Mishra, Shubhanshu (2020): SocialMediaIE Tutorial Material for IC2S2 2020. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Dataset to be for SocialMediaIE tutorial
social media; deep learning; natural language processing
published: 2021-11-05
Keralis, Spencer D. C.; Yakin, Syamil (2021): Becoming A Trans Inclusive Library - Library Employee Survey. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This data set contains survey results from a 2021 survey of University of Illinois University Library employees conducted as part of the Becoming A Trans Inclusive Library Project to evaluate the awareness of University of Illinois faculty, staff, and student employees regarding transgender identities, and to assess the professional development needs of library employees to better serve trans and gender non-conforming patrons. The survey instrument is available in the IDEALS repository:
transgender awareness, academic library, gender identity awareness, professional development opportunities
published: 2016-12-19
Hahn, James (2016): API analysis of the Minrva mobile app (May 2015 – December 2015). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Files in this dataset represent an investigation into use of the Library mobile app Minrva during the months of May 2015 through December 2015. During this time interval 45,975 API hits were recorded by the Minrva web server. The dataset included herein is an analysis of the following: 1) a delineation of API hits to mobile app modules use in the Minrva app by month, 2) a general analysis of Minrva app downloads to module use, and 3) the annotated data file providing associations from API hits to specific modules used, organized by month (May 2015 – December 2015).
API analysis; log analysis; Minrva Mobile App
published: 2023-03-28
Hsiao, Tzu-Kun; Torvik, Vetle (2023): OpCitance: Citation contexts identified from the PubMed Central open access articles. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Sentences and citation contexts identified from the PubMed Central open access articles ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The dataset is delivered as 24 tab-delimited text files. The files contain 720,649,608 sentences, 75,848,689 of which are citation contexts. The dataset is based on a snapshot of articles in the XML version of the PubMed Central open access subset (i.e., the PMCOA subset). The PMCOA subset was collected in May 2019. The dataset is created as described in: Hsiao TK., & Torvik V. I. (manuscript) OpCitance: Citation contexts identified from the PubMed Central open access articles. <b>Files</b>: • A_journal_IntxtCit.tsv – Sentences and citation contexts identified from articles published in journals with journal titles starting with A. • B_journal_IntxtCit.tsv – Sentences and citation contexts identified from articles published in journals with journal titles starting with B. • C_journal_IntxtCit.tsv – Sentences and citation contexts identified from articles published in journals with journal titles starting with C. • D_journal_IntxtCit.tsv – Sentences and citation contexts identified from articles published in journals with journal titles starting with D. • E_journal_IntxtCit.tsv – Sentences and citation contexts identified from articles published in journals with journal titles starting with E. • F_journal_IntxtCit.tsv – Sentences and citation contexts identified from articles published in journals with journal titles starting with F. • G_journal_IntxtCit.tsv – Sentences and citation contexts identified from articles published in journals with journal titles starting with G. • H_journal_IntxtCit.tsv – Sentences and citation contexts identified from articles published in journals with journal titles starting with H. • I_journal_IntxtCit.tsv – Sentences and citation contexts identified from articles published in journals with journal titles starting with I. • J_journal_IntxtCit.tsv – Sentences and citation contexts identified from articles published in journals with journal titles starting with J. • K_journal_IntxtCit.tsv – Sentences and citation contexts identified from articles published in journals with journal titles starting with K. • L_journal_IntxtCit.tsv – Sentences and citation contexts identified from articles published in journals with journal titles starting with L. • M_journal_IntxtCit.tsv – Sentences and citation contexts identified from articles published in journals with journal titles starting with M. • N_journal_IntxtCit.tsv – Sentences and citation contexts identified from articles published in journals with journal titles starting with N. • O_journal_IntxtCit.tsv – Sentences and citation contexts identified from articles published in journals with journal titles starting with O. • P_p1_journal_IntxtCit.tsv – Sentences and citation contexts identified from articles published in journals with journal titles starting with P (part 1). • P_p2_journal_IntxtCit.tsv – Sentences and citation contexts identified from articles published in journals with journal titles starting with P (part 2). • Q_journal_IntxtCit.tsv – Sentences and citation contexts identified from articles published in journals with journal titles starting with Q. • R_journal_IntxtCit.tsv – Sentences and citation contexts identified from articles published in journals with journal titles starting with R. • S_journal_IntxtCit.tsv – Sentences and citation contexts identified from articles published in journals with journal titles starting with S. • T_journal_IntxtCit.tsv – Sentences and citation contexts identified from articles published in journals with journal titles starting with T. • UV_journal_IntxtCit.tsv – Sentences and citation contexts identified from articles published in journals with journal titles starting with U or V. • W_journal_IntxtCit.tsv – Sentences and citation contexts identified from articles published in journals with journal titles starting with W. • XYZ_journal_IntxtCit.tsv – Sentences and citation contexts identified from articles published in journals with journal titles starting with X, Y or Z. Each row in the file is a sentence/citation context and contains the following columns: • pmcid: PMCID of the article • pmid: PMID of the article. If an article does not have a PMID, the value is NONE. • location: The article component (abstract, main text, table, figure, etc.) to which the citation context/sentence belongs. • IMRaD: The type of IMRaD section associated with the citation context/sentence. I, M, R, and D represent introduction/background, method, results, and conclusion/discussion, respectively; NoIMRaD indicates that the section type is not identifiable. • sentence_id: The ID of the citation context/sentence in the article component • total_sentences: The number of sentences in the article component. • intxt_id: The ID of the citation. • intxt_pmid: PMID of the citation (as tagged in the XML file). If a citation does not have a PMID tagged in the XML file, the value is "-". • intxt_pmid_source: The sources where the intxt_pmid can be identified. Xml represents that the PMID is only identified from the XML file; xml,pmc represents that the PMID is not only from the XML file, but also in the citation data collected from the NCBI Entrez Programming Utilities. If a citation does not have an intxt_pmid, the value is "-". • intxt_mark: The citation marker associated with the inline citation. • best_id: The best source link ID (e.g., PMID) of the citation. • best_source: The sources that confirm the best ID. • best_id_diff: The comparison result between the best_id column and the intxt_pmid column. • citation: A citation context. If no citation is found in a sentence, the value is the sentence. • progression: Text progression of the citation context/sentence. <b>Supplementary Files</b> • PMC-OA-patci.tsv.gz – This file contains the best source link IDs for the references (e.g., PMID). Patci [1] was used to identify the best source link IDs. The best source link IDs are mapped to the citation contexts and displayed in the *_journal IntxtCit.tsv files as the best_id column. Each row in the PMC-OA-patci.tsv.gz file is a citation (i.e., a reference extracted from the XML file) and contains the following columns: • pmcid: PMCID of the citing article. • pos: The citation's position in the reference list. • fromPMID: PMID of the citing article. • toPMID: Source link ID (e.g., PMID) of the citation. This ID is identified by Patci. • SRC: The sources that confirm the toPMID. • MatchDB: The origin bibliographic database of the toPMID. • Probability: The match probability of the toPMID. • toPMID2: PMID of the citation (as tagged in the XML file). • SRC2: The sources that confirm the toPMID2. • intxt_id: The ID of the citation. • journal: The first letter of the journal title. This maps to the *_journal_IntxtCit.tsv files. • same_ref_string: Whether the citation string appears in the reference list more than once. • DIFF: The comparison result between the toPMID column and the toPMID2 column. • bestID: The best source link ID (e.g., PMID) of the citation. • bestSRC: The sources that confirm the best ID. • Match: Matching result produced by Patci. [1] Agarwal, S., Lincoln, M., Cai, H., & Torvik, V. (2014). Patci – a tool for identifying scientific articles cited by patents. GSLIS Research Showcase 2014. • intxt_cit_license_fromPMC.tsv – This file contains the CC licensing information for each article. The licensing information is from PMC's file lists [2], retrieved on June 19, 2020, and March 9, 2023. It should be noted that the license information for 189,855 PMCIDs is <b>NO-CC CODE</b> in the file lists, and 521 PMCIDs are absent in the file lists. The absence of CC licensing information does not indicate that the article lacks a CC license. For example, PMCID: 6156294 (<b>NO-CC CODE</b>) and PMCID: 6118074 (absent in the PMC's file lists) are under CC-BY licenses according to their PDF versions of articles. The intxt_cit_license_fromPMC.tsv file has two columns: • pmcid: PMCID of the article. • license: The article’s CC license information provided in PMC’s file lists. The value is nan when an article is not present in the PMC’s file lists. [2] • – This file contains the code for generating the dataset.
citation context; in-text citation; inline citation; bibliometrics; science of science
published: 2023-04-12
Towns, John; Hart, David (2023): XSEDE: Allocations Awards and Usage for the NSF Cyberfrastructure Portfolio, 2004-2022. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The XSEDE program manages the database of allocation awards for the portfolio of advanced research computing resources funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The database holds data for allocation awards dating to the start of the TeraGrid program in 2004 through the XSEDE operational period, which ended August 31, 2022. The project data include lead researcher and affiliation, title and abstract, field of science, and the start and end dates. Along with the project information, the data set includes resource allocation and usage data for each award associated with the project. The data show the transition of resources over a fifteen year span along with the evolution of researchers, fields of science, and institutional representation. Because the XSEDE program has ended, the allocation_award_history file includes all allocations activity initiated via XSEDE processes through August 31, 2022. The Resource Providers and successor program to XSEDE agreed to honor all project allocations made during XSEDE. Thus, allocation awards that extend beyond the end of XSEDE may not reflect all activity that may ultimately be part of the project award. Similarly, allocation usage data only reflects usage reported through August 31, 2022, and may not reflect all activity that may ultimately be conducted by projects that were active beyond XSEDE.
allocations; cyberinfrastructure; XSEDE
published: 2023-08-02
Jeng, Amos; Bosch, Nigel; Perry, Michelle (2023): Data for: Phatic Expressions Influence Perceived Helpfulness in Online Peer Help-Giving: A Mixed Methods Study. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This dataset was developed as part of an online survey study that investigates how phatic expressions—comments that are social rather than informative in nature—influence the perceived helpfulness of online peer help-giving replies in an asynchronous college course discussion forum. During the study, undergraduate students (N = 320) rated and described the helpfulness of examples of replies to online requests for help, both with and without four types of phatic expressions: greeting/parting tokens, other-oriented comments, self-oriented comments, and neutral comments.
help-giving; phatic expression; discussion forum; online learning; engagement
published: 2023-07-14
Schneider, Jodi; Das, Susmita; Léveillé, Jacqueline ; Proescholdt, Randi (2023): Data for Post-retraction citation: A review of scholarly research on the spread of retracted science. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Data for Post-retraction citation: A review of scholarly research on the spread of retracted science Schneider, Jodi; Das, Susmita; Léveillé, Jacqueline; Proescholdt, Randi Contact: Jodi Schneider & ********** OVERVIEW ********** This dataset provides further analysis for an ongoing literature review about post-retraction citation. This ongoing work extends a poster presented as: Jodi Schneider, Jacqueline Léveillé, Randi Proescholdt, Susmita Das, and The RISRS Team. Characterization of Publications on Post-Retraction Citation of Retracted Articles. Presented at the Ninth International Congress on Peer Review and Scientific Publication, September 8-10, 2022 hybrid in Chicago. (now also in ) Items as of the poster version are listed in the bibliography 92-PRC-items.pdf. Note that following the poster, we made several changes to the dataset (see changes-since-PRC-poster.txt). For both the poster dataset and the current dataset, 5 items have 2 categories (see 5-items-have-2-categories.txt). Articles were selected from the Empirical Retraction Lit bibliography ( and ). The current dataset includes 92 items; 91 items were selected from the 386 total items in Empirical Retraction Lit bibliography version v.2.15.0 (July 2021); 1 item was added because it is the final form publication of a grouping of 2 items from the bibliography: Yang (2022) Do retraction practices work effectively? Evidence from citations of psychological retracted articles Items were classified into 7 topics; 2 of the 7 topics have been analyzed to date. ********************** OVERVIEW OF ANALYSIS ********************** DATA ANALYZED: 2 of the 7 topics have been analyzed to date: field-based case studies (n = 20) author-focused case studies of 1 or several authors with many retracted publications (n = 15) FUTURE DATA TO BE ANALYZED, NOT YET COVERED: 5 of the 7 topics have not yet been analyzed as of this release: database-focused analyses (n = 33) paper-focused case studies of 1 to 125 selected papers (n = 15) studies of retracted publications cited in review literature (n = 8) geographic case studies (n = 4) studies selecting retracted publications by method (n = 2) ************** FILE LISTING ************** ------------------ BIBLIOGRAPHY ------------------ 92-PRC-items.pdf ------------------ TEXT FILES ------------------ README.txt 5-items-have-2-categories.txt changes-since-PRC-poster.txt ------------------ CODEBOOKS ------------------ Codebook for authors.docx Codebook for authors.pdf Codebook for field.docx Codebook for field.pdf Codebook for KEY.docx Codebook for KEY.pdf ------------------ SPREADSHEETS ------------------ field.csv field.xlsx multipleauthors.csv multipleauthors.xlsx multipleauthors-not-named.csv multipleauthors-not-named.xlsx singleauthors.csv singleauthors.xlsx *************************** DESCRIPTION OF FILE TYPES *************************** BIBLIOGRAPHY (92-PRC-items.pdf) presents the items, as of the poster version. This has minor differences from the current data set. Consult changes-since-PRC-poster.txt for details on the differences. TEXT FILES provide notes for additional context. These files end in .txt. CODEBOOKS describe the data we collected. The same data is provided in both Word (.docx) and PDF format. There is one general codebook that is referred to in the other codebooks: Codebook for KEY lists fields assigned (e.g., for a journal or conference). Note that this is distinct from the overall analysis in the Empirical Retraction Lit bibliography of fields analyzed; for that analysis see Proescholdt, Randi (2021): RISRS Retraction Review - Field Variation Data. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Other codebooks document specific information we entered on each column of a spreadsheet. SPREADSHEETS present the data collected. The same data is provided in both Excel (.xlsx) and CSV format. Each data row describes a publication or item (e.g., thesis, poster, preprint). For column header explainations, see the associated codebook. ***************************** DETAILS ON THE SPREADSHEETS ***************************** field-based case studies CODEBOOK: Codebook for field --REFERS TO: Codebook for KEY DATA SHEET: field REFERS TO: Codebook for KEY --NUMBER OF DATA ROWS: 20 NOTE: Each data row describes a publication/item. --NUMBER OF PUBLICATION GROUPINGS: 17 --GROUPED PUBLICATIONS: Rubbo (2019) - 2 items, Yang (2022) - 3 items author-focused case studies of 1 or several authors with many retracted publications CODEBOOK: Codebook for authors --REFERS TO: Codebook for KEY DATA SHEET 1: singleauthors (n = 9) --NUMBER OF DATA ROWS: 9 --NUMBER OF PUBLICATION GROUPINGS: 9 DATA SHEET 2: multipleauthors (n = 5 --NUMBER OF DATA ROWS: 5 --NUMBER OF PUBLICATION GROUPINGS: 5 DATA SHEET 3: multipleauthors-not-named (n = 1) --NUMBER OF DATA ROWS: 1 --NUMBER OF PUBLICATION GROUPINGS: 1 ********************************* CRediT <> ********************************* Susmita Das: Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Methodology Jaqueline Léveillé: Data curation, Investigation Randi Proescholdt: Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Methodology Jodi Schneider: Conceptualization, Data curation, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Supervision
retraction; citation of retracted publications; post-retraction citation; data extraction for scoping reviews; data extraction for literature reviews;
published: 2021-05-01
Cheng, Ti-Chung; Li, Tiffany Wenting; Karahalios, Karrie; Sundaram, Hari (2021): Dataset for '“I can show what I really like.”: Eliciting Preferences via Quadratic Voting'. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This is the first version of the dataset. This dataset contains anonymize data collected during the experiments mentioned in the publication: “I can show what I really like.”: Eliciting Preferences via Quadratic Voting that would appear in April 2021. Once the publication link is public, we would provide an update here. These data were collected through our open-source online systems that are available at (experiment1)[] and (experiment 2)[] There are two folders in this dataset. The first folder (exp1_data) contains data collected during experiment 1; the second folder (exp2_data) contains data collected during experiment 2.
Quadratic Voting; Likert scale; Empirical studies; Collective decision-making
published: 2023-07-11
Parulian, Nikolaus (2023): Data for A Conceptual Model for Transparent, Reusable, and Collaborative Data Cleaning. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The contains the base code and demonstration purpose for the dissertation: A Conceptual Model for Transparent, Reusable, and Collaborative Data Cleaning. Each chapter has a demo folder for demonstrating provenance queries or tools. The Airbnb dataset for demonstration and simulation is not included in this demo but is available to access directly from the reference website. Any updates on demonstration and examples can be found online at:
published: 2019-09-17
Mishra, Shubhanshu (2019): Trained models for multi-task multi-dataset learning for text classification in tweets. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Trained models for multi-task multi-dataset learning for text classification in tweets. Classification tasks include sentiment prediction, abusive content, sarcasm, and veridictality. Models were trained using: <a href=""></a> See <a href=""></a> and <a href=""></a> for details. If you are using this data, please also cite the related article: Shubhanshu Mishra. 2019. Multi-dataset-multi-task Neural Sequence Tagging for Information Extraction from Tweets. In Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT '19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 283-284. DOI:
twitter; deep learning; machine learning; trained models; multi-task learning; multi-dataset learning; sentiment; sarcasm; abusive content;
published: 2019-09-17
Mishra, Shubhanshu (2019): Trained models for multi-task multi-dataset learning for sequence prediction in tweets. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Trained models for multi-task multi-dataset learning for sequence tagging in tweets. Sequence tagging tasks include POS, NER, Chunking, and SuperSenseTagging. Models were trained using: <a href=""></a> See <a href=""></a> and <a href=""></a> for details. If you are using this data, please also cite the related article: Shubhanshu Mishra. 2019. Multi-dataset-multi-task Neural Sequence Tagging for Information Extraction from Tweets. In Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT '19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 283-284. DOI:
twitter; deep learning; machine learning; trained models; multi-task learning; multi-dataset learning;
published: 2022-07-25
Jett, Jacob (2022): SBKS - Species Not Found Entity Mentions. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This dataset is derived from the raw entity mention dataset ( for species entities and represents those that were determined to be species (i.e., were not noisy entities) but for which no corresponding concept could be found in the NCBI taxonomy database.
synthetic biology; NERC data; species mentions, not found entities
published: 2022-07-25
Jett, Jacob (2022): SBKS - Chemical - Cleaned & Grounded Entity Mentions. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This dataset represents the results of manual cleaning and annotation of the entity mentions contained in the raw dataset ( Each mention has been consolidated and linked to an identifier for a matching concept from the NCBI's taxonomy database.
synthetic biology; NERC data; chemical mentions; cleaned data; ChEBI ontology
published: 2022-07-25
Jett, Jacob (2022): SBKS - Chemical Not Found Entity Mentions. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This dataset is derived from the raw entity mention dataset ( for checmical entities and represents those that were determined to be chemicals (i.e., were not noisy entities) but for which no corresponding concept could be found in the ChEBI ontology.
synthetic biology; NERC data; chemical mentions, not found entities
published: 2022-07-25
Jett, Jacob (2022): SBKS - Genes Raw Entity Mentions. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
A set of gene and gene-related entity mentions derived from an NERC dataset analyzing 900 synthetic biology articles published by the ACS. This data is associated with the Synthetic Biology Knowledge System repository ( The data in this dataset are raw mentions from the NERC data.
synthetic biology; NERC data; gene mentions
published: 2022-07-25
Jett, Jacob (2022): SBKS - Celllines Raw Entity Mentions. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
A set of cell-line entity mentions derived from an NERC dataset analyzing 900 synthetic biology articles published by the ACS. This data is associated with the Synthetic Biology Knowledge System repository ( The data in this dataset are raw mentions from the NERC data.
synthetic biology; NERC data; cell-line mentions
published: 2022-07-25
Jett, Jacob (2022): SBKS - Species Raw Entity Mentions. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
A set of species entity mentions derived from an NERC dataset analyzing 900 synthetic biology articles published by the ACS. This data is associated with the Synthetic Biology Knowledge System repository ( The data in this dataset are raw mentions from the NERC data.
synthetic biology; NERC data; species mentions
published: 2022-07-25
Jett, Jacob (2022): SBKS - Species Ambiguous Entity Mentions. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Related to the raw entity mentions, this dataset represents the effects of the data cleaning process and collates all of the entity mentions which were too ambiguous to successfully link to the NCBI's taxonomy identifier system.
synthetic biology; NERC data; species mentions, ambiguous entities
published: 2022-07-25
Jett, Jacob (2022): SBKS - Species - Cleaned & Grounded Entity Mentions. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This dataset represents the results of manual cleaning and annotation of the entity mentions contained in the raw dataset ( Each mention has been consolidated and linked to an identifier for a matching concept from the NCBI's taxonomy database.
synthetic biology; NERC data; species mentions; cleaned data; NCBI TaxonID
published: 2022-07-25
Jett, Jacob (2022): SBKS - Species Noisy Entity Mentions. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This dataset is derived from the raw dataset ( and collects entity mentions that were manually determined to be noisy, non-species entities.
synthetic biology; NERC data; species mentions, noisy entities
published: 2023-07-20
Atallah, Shady; Huang, Ju-Chin; Leahy, Jessica; Bennett, Karen P. (2023): Family Forest Landowner Preferences for Managing Invasive Species: Control Methods, Ecosystem Services, and Neighborhood Effects.. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This is a dataset from a choice experiment survey on family forest landowner preferences for managing invasive species.
ecosystem services, forests, invasive species control, neighborhood effect
published: 2022-04-21
Andrade, Flavia (2022): Data for A biopsychosocial examination of chronic back pain, limitations on usual activities, and treatment in Brazil, 2019. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This dataset was created based on the publicly available microdata from PNS-2019, a national health survey conducted by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica (IBGE, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics). IBGE is a federal agency responsible for the official collection of statistical information in Brazil – essentially, the Brazilian census bureau. Data on selected variables focusing on biopsychosocial domains related to pain prevalence, limitations and treatment are available. The Fundação Instituto Oswaldo Cruz has detailed information about the PNS, including questionnaires, survey design, and datasets ( The microdata can be found on the IBGE website (
back pain; health status disparities; biopsychosocial; Brazil
published: 2023-06-21
Cline Center for Advanced Social Research (2023): Global News Index and Extracted Features Repository (v.1.2.0). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The Cline Center Global News Index is a searchable database of textual features extracted from millions of news stories, specifically designed to provide comprehensive coverage of events around the world. In addition to searching documents for keywords, users can query metadata and features such as named entities extracted using Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods and variables that measure sentiment and emotional valence. Archer is a web application purpose-built by the Cline Center to enable researchers to access data from the Global News Index. Archer provides a user-friendly interface for querying the Global News Index (with the back-end indexing still handled by Solr). By default, queries are built using icons and drop-down menus. More technically-savvy users can use Lucene/Solr query syntax via a ‘raw query’ option. Archer allows users to save and iterate on their queries, and to visualize faceted query results, which can be helpful for users as they refine their queries. Additional Resources: - Access to Archer and the Global News Index is limited to account-holders. If you are interested in signing up for an account, please fill out the <a href=""><b>Archer Access Request Form</b></a> so we can determine if you are eligible for access or not. - Current users who would like to provide feedback, such as reporting a bug or requesting a feature, can fill out the <a href=""><b>Archer User Feedback Form</b></a>. - The Cline Center sends out periodic email newsletters to the Archer Users Group. Please fill out this <a href=""><b>form</b></a> to subscribe to it. <b>Citation Guidelines:</b> 1) To cite the GNI codebook (or any other documentation associated with the Global News Index and Archer) please use the following citation: Cline Center for Advanced Social Research. 2023. Global News Index and Extracted Features Repository [codebook], v1.2.0. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois. June. XX. doi:10.13012/B2IDB-5649852_V5 2) To cite data from the Global News Index (accessed via Archer or otherwise) please use the following citation (filling in the correct date of access): Cline Center for Advanced Social Research. 2023. Global News Index and Extracted Features Repository [database], v1.2.0. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois. Jun. XX. Accessed Month, DD, YYYY. doi:10.13012/B2IDB-5649852_V5 *NOTE: V4 is suppressed and V5 is replacing V4 with updated ‘Archer’ documents.