Displaying 526 - 550 of 682 in total
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published: 2022-12-05
These are similarity matrices of countries based on dfferent modalities of web use. Alexa website traffic, trending vidoes on Youtube and Twitter trends. Each matrix is a month of data aggregated
keywords: Global Internet Use
published: 2022-11-28
Detection data of carnivores and their prey species from camera traps in Fort Hood, Texas and Santa Cruz, California, USA. Non-carnivore and non-prey species (humans, domestic species, avian species, etc.) were excluded from this dataset. All detections of each species at a camera within 30 minutes have been combined to 1 detection (only first detection within that 30 minutes kept) to avoid pseudoreplication. Variable Description: Site= Study area data were collected MonitoringPeriod= year in which data was collected (data were collected at each location over multiple monitoring periods) CameraName= Unique name for each camera location Date= calendar date of detection Time= time of detection -Fort Hood= Central Time USA -Santa Cruz= Pacific Time USA Species= Common name of species detected
keywords: carnivore; community ecology; competition; interspecific interactions; keystone species; mesopredator; predation; trophic cascade
published: 2022-11-02
This dataset contains the behavioral, metabolic, and capture data which is reported within the manuscript Data for Capture is predicted by behavior and size, not metabolism, in Muskellunge
published: 2022-11-01
Datasets that accompany Beilke, Haulton, and O'Keefe 2022 publication (Title: Foliage-roosting eastern red bats select for features associated with management in a central hardwood forest; Journal: Forest Ecology and Management).
published: 2022-10-04
One of the newest types of multimedia involves body-connected interfaces, usually termed haptics. Haptics may use stylus-based tactile interfaces, glove-based systems, handheld controllers, balance boards, or other custom-designed body-computer interfaces. How well do these interfaces help students learn Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)? We conducted an updated review of learning STEM with haptics, applying meta-analytic techniques to 21 published articles reporting on 53 effects for factual, inferential, procedural, and transfer STEM learning. This deposit includes the data extracted from those articles and comprises the raw data used in the meta-analytic analyses.
keywords: Computer-based learning; haptic interfaces; meta-analysis
published: 2022-09-14
Datasets that accompany Beilke and O'Keefe 2022 publication (Title: Bats reduce insect density and defoliation in temperate forests: an exclusion experiment; Journal: Ecology).
keywords: bats; defoliation; ecosystem services; forests, insectivory; insects; trophic cascades
published: 2022-09-08
Data associated with the manuscript "Overlooked invaders? Ecological impacts of non-game, native transplant fishes in the United States" by Jordan H. Hartman and Eric R. Larson
keywords: freshwater; non-game; native transplant; impacts; invasive species
published: 2022-08-05
This data set documents bat activity (counts per detector-night per phonic group) and bat diversity (number of bat species per detector-night) in relation to distance to the nearest forested corridor in a row crop agriculture dominated landscape and in relation to relative crop pest abundance. This data set was used to assess if bats were homogeneously distributed over a near-uninterrupted agricultural landscape and to assess the importance of forested corridors and the presence of pest species on their distribution across the landscape. Data was collected with 50 AudioMoth bat detectors along 10 transects, with each transect having 5 detectors. The transects started at a forest corridor and extended out for 4 km into uninterrupted row crop agriculture. Pest abundance was extrapolated from data collected in the same county during the same time as the study. Potentially important weather covariates were extracted from the nearest operational weather station.
keywords: bats; bat activity; biodiversity; agricultural pest
published: 2022-08-01
Datasets that accompany Shearer and Beilke 2022 publication (Title: Playing it by ear: gregarious sparrows recognize and respond to isolated wingbeat sounds and predator-based cues.; Journal: Animal Cognition)
keywords: Vigilance; auditory detection; predator detection; predator-prey interaction; antipredator behavior
published: 2022-07-11
This dataset was developed as part of an online survey study that explores student characteristics that may predict what one finds helpful in replies to requests for help posted to an online college course discussion forum. 223 college students enrolled in an introductory statistics course were surveyed on their sense of belonging to their course community, as well as how helpful they found 20 examples of replies to requests for help posted to a statistics course discussion forum.
keywords: help-giving; discussion forums; sense of belonging; college student
published: 2022-06-20
This is a sentence-level parallel corpus in support of research on OCR quality. The source data comes from: (1) Project Gutenberg for human-proofread "clean" sentences; and, (2) HathiTrust Digital Library for the paired sentences with OCR errors. In total, this corpus contains 167,079 sentence pairs from 189 sampled books in four domains (i.e., agriculture, fiction, social science, world war history) published from 1793 to 1984. There are 36,337 sentences that have two OCR views paired with each clean version. In addition to sentence texts, this corpus also provides the location (i.e., sentence and chapter index) of each sentence in its belonging Gutenberg volume.
keywords: sentence-level parallel corpus; optical character recognition; OCR errors; Project Gutenberg; HathiTrust Digital Library; digital libraries; digital humanities;
published: 2022-04-20
This is the core data for Zinnen et al., "Functional traits and responses to nutrient and mycorrhizal addition are inconsistently related to wetland plant species’ coefficients of conservatism." This is submitted to Wetlands Ecology and Management. Two datasets are submitted here. The first is greenhouse-collected data of 9 plant traits and concurrent treatment responses of Illinois wetland plant species. The second are field-collected leaf trait data of Illinois wetland plant species. These data are analyzed in the paper. Please refer to the main manuscript to see how these data were produced and specific analyses.
keywords: ecological indicators; Floristic Quality Assessment; Floristic Quality Index; wetland degradation
published: 2022-03-19
Raw arthroscopic scores, histologic scores, cytokine measurements, and performance data for the study cohort described in the accompanying publication.
keywords: horse; metatarsophalangeal joint; arthroscopy; exercise; developmental orthopedic disease
published: 2022-02-14
Dataset associated with Allen et al. (In Review): Food caching by a solitary large carnivore supports optimal foraging theory If using this dataset, please cite this manuscript.
published: 2021-11-16
Data from an a field experiment at El Velo, Chiriqui, Republic of Panama. Data contain information about functional traits of seedlings growing in different treatments including type of forest, nitrogen addition and organic matter.
keywords: Mycorrhiza; nitrogen; oak forest; Panama; plant-soil feedbacks, seedling growth
published: 2021-10-15
Information on the location, dimensions, time of treefall or death, decay state, wood nutrient, wood pH and wood density data, and soil moisture, slope, distance from forest edge and soil nutrient data associated with the publication "Interspecific wood trait variation predicts decreased carbon residence time in changing forests" authored by Sierra Perez, Jennifer Fraterrigo, and James Dalling. ** <b>Note:</b> Blank cells indicate that no data were collected.
keywords: wood decay; carbon residence time; coarse woody debris; decomposition, temperate forests
published: 2021-08-28
Metabolite identifications and profiles of liver samples from 22 day old male and female pigs from gilt that exposed to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (P) or not (C) that were weaned at 21 days of age (W) or not (N). Profiles were obtained by University of Illinois Carver Metabolomics Center. Spectrum for each sample was acquired using a gas chromatography mass spectrometry system consisting of an Agilent 7890 gas chromatograph, an Agilent 5975 MSD, and an HP 7683B auto sampler.
keywords: gas chromatography; mass spectrometry; maternal immune activation; weaning; liver
published: 2021-08-04
This dataset contains data derived from large-scale particle velocimetry measurements obtained at the confluence of the Saline Branch and an unnamed tributary in Illinois. The data were collected using two cameras positioned about the confluence, one mounted on a cable and the other mounted on a tripod. A description of the content of the files can be found in Description of Files.rtf.
keywords: confluence; hydrodynamics; LSPIV; flow structure; stagnation
published: 2020-12-16
Terrorism is among the most pressing challenges to democratic governance around the world. The Responsible Terrorism Coverage (or ResTeCo) project aims to address a fundamental dilemma facing 21st century societies: how to give citizens the information they need without giving terrorists the kind of attention they want. The ResTeCo hopes to inform best practices by using extreme-scale text analytic methods to extract information from more than 70 years of terrorism-related media coverage from around the world and across 5 languages. Our goal is to expand the available data on media responses to terrorism and enable the development of empirically-validated models for socially responsible, effective news organizations. This particular dataset contains information extracted from terrorism-related stories in the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) published between 1995 and 2013. It includes variables that measure the relative share of terrorism-related topics, the valence and intensity of emotional language, as well as the people, places, and organizations mentioned. This dataset contains 3 files: 1. "ResTeCo Project FBIS Dataset Variable Descriptions.pdf" A detailed codebook containing a summary of the Responsible Terrorism Coverage (ResTeCo) Project Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Dataset and descriptions of all variables. 2. "resteco-fbis.csv" This file contains the data extracted from terrorism-related media coverage in the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) between 1995 and 2013. It includes variables that measure the relative share of topics, sentiment, and emotion present in this coverage. There are also variables that contain metadata and list the people, places, and organizations mentioned in these articles. There are 53 variables and 750,971 observations. The variable "id" uniquely identifies each observation. Each observation represents a single news article. Please note that care should be taken when using "resteco-fbis.csv". The file may not be suitable to use in a spreadsheet program like Excel as some of the values get to be quite large. Excel cannot handle some of these large values, which may cause the data to appear corrupted within the software. It is encouraged that a user of this data use a statistical package such as Stata, R, or Python to ensure the structure and quality of the data remains preserved. 3. "README.md" This file contains useful information for the user about the dataset. It is a text file written in mark down language Citation Guidelines 1) To cite this codebook please use the following citation: Althaus, Scott, Joseph Bajjalieh, Marc Jungblut, Dan Shalmon, Subhankar Ghosh, and Pradnyesh Joshi. 2020. Responsible Terrorism Coverage (ResTeCo) Project Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Dataset Variable Descriptions. Responsible Terrorism Coverage (ResTeCo) Project Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Dataset. Cline Center for Advanced Social Research. December 16. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. doi: https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-6360821_V1 2) To cite the data please use the following citation: Althaus, Scott, Joseph Bajjalieh, Marc Jungblut, Dan Shalmon, Subhankar Ghosh, and Pradnyesh Joshi. 2020. Responsible Terrorism Coverage (ResTeCo) Project Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Dataset. Cline Center for Advanced Social Research. December 16. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. doi: https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-6360821_V1
keywords: Terrorism, Text Analytics, News Coverage, Topic Modeling, Sentiment Analysis
published: 2021-06-14
Chronic contact exposure to realistic soil concentrations (0, 7.5, 15, and 100 ppb) of the neonicotinoid pesticide imidacloprid had species- and sex-specific effects on adult bee movement characteristics, but not on adult female bee brain development. This dataset contains two data files. The first contains information about adult bee movement characteristics for female Osmia lignaria and female and male Megachile rotundata over a 10-minute trial (total distance traveled and average movement speed). The second contains information about female Osmia lignaria and Megachile rotundata adult brain morphology. Detected effects included: female Osmia lignaria adults moved faster as they aged in the 0 and 7.5 ppb, but not in the 15 or 100 ppb, groups; young male Megachile rotundata adults moved more quickly (7.5 and 100 ppb) and farther (100 ppb) when treated with imidacloprid compared to the control group (0 ppb); and, while there was no impact of imidacloprid on adult female neuropil:Kenyon cell volume (N:K), N:K decreased with Osmia ligaria adult age and increased with Megachile rotundata adult age.
keywords: neonicotinoid; imidacloprid; bee; movement
published: 2021-05-14
Please cite as: Jim Miller, Sergiusz Czesny, Qihong Dai, James Ellis, Louis Iverson, Jeff Matthews, Charles Roswell, Cory Suski, John Taft, and Mike Ward. 2021. “Climate Change Impacts on Ecosystems: Scientific and Common Species Names”.
keywords: Scientific names; Common names; Illinois species
published: 2021-05-14
Supplemental Forest Data for Chapter 6: Climate Change Impacts on Ecosystems in "An Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change in Illinois"
published: 2021-04-19
Dataset compiled by Yushu Xia and Michelle Wander for the Soil Health Institute. Data were recovered from peer reviewed literature reporting results for three soil quality indicators (SQIs) (β-glucosidase (BG), fluorescein diacetate (FDA) hydrolysis, and permanganate oxidizable carbon (POXC)) in terms of their relative response to management where soils under grassland cover, no-tillage, cover crops, residue return and organic amendments were compared to conventionally managed controls. Peer-reviewed articles published between January of 1990 and May 2018 were searched using the Thomas Reuters Web of Science database (Thomas Reuters, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) and Google Scholar to identify studies reporting results for: “β-glucosidase”, “permanganate oxidizable carbon”, “active carbon”, “readily oxidizable carbon”, and “fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis”, together with one or more of the following: “management practice”, “tillage”, “cover crop”, “residue”, “organic fertilizer”, or “manure”. Records were tabulated to compare SQI abundance in soil maintained under a control and soil aggrading practice with the intent to contribute to SQI databases that will support development of interpretive frameworks and/or algorithms including pedo-transfer functions relating indicator abundance to management practices and site specific factors. Meta-data include the following key descriptor variables and covariates useful for development of scoring functions: 1) identifying factors for the study site (location, year of initiation of study and year in which data was reported), 2) soil textural class, pH, and SOC, 3) depth and timing of soil sampling, 4) analytical methods for SQI quantification, 5) units used in published works (i.e. equivalent mass, concentration), 6) SQI abundances, and 7) statistical significance of difference comparisons. *Note: Blank values in tables are considered unreported data.
keywords: Soil health promoting practices; Soil quality indicators; β-glucosidase; fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis; Permanganate oxidizable carbon; Greenhouse gas emissions; Scoring curves; Soil Management Assessment Framework
published: 2021-04-05
West Nile virus data, aggregated by 55 1-km hexagons, within the NWMAD jurisdiction Cook County, IL. The data incorporates deidentified human illness, mosquito infection and abundance, socio-economic data, and other abiotic and biotic predictors by epi-weeks 18-38 for the years 2005-2016.
keywords: WNV; modeling
published: 2020-12-14
Femoral skeletal traits (cross-sectional properties, maximum distal metaphyseal breadth of the femur, and maximum superior/inferior femoral head diameter) of 219 Taiwanese subadult individuals (aged 0 to 17) as used in the manuscript "Allometric scaling and growth: evaluation and applications in subadult body mass estimation."
keywords: femur; cross-sectional geometry; osteometrics; subadult