Metrics Dashboard
Charts and tables analyzing dataset count, size, subject, file type, and downloads over time from May 2016 through December 2023.
Dataset downloads json
Modified: March 12, 2025 15:50 Refresh
A json string detailing downloads calculated per dataset per day.
Datafile downloads json
Modified: March 09, 2025 01:16 Refresh
A json string detailing downloads calculated per datafile per day.
Datafiles listing
A listing of datafiles with associated links to their respective datasets.
Datasets TSV
Modified: March 09, 2025 01:16 Refresh
Button triggers a tab-separated-values (TSV) file download of select dataset features. (datasets)
Column Headings- doi: DOI that identifies this dataset
- ingest_date: Date this dataset was deposited into Illinois Data Bank.
- release_date: Date the files in this dataset were first available for download
- num_files: Total number of datafiles in this dataset
- num_bytes: Combined total size for all files in this dataset, in bytes
- total_downloads: Number of downloads for this dataset, calculated as described in our metrics help section:
- num_relationships: Number of related materials, excluding other versions of this dataset
- num_creators: Number of creators of this dataset
- subject: Subject Area of this dataset
- citation_text: Plain text citation of this dataset as displayed in Illinois Data Bank
Datafiles CSV
modified: March 12, 2025 02:52 Refresh
Button triggers a csv file download of datafile details. (data files)
Column Headings- doi: DOI that identifies the dataset this file is part of
- pub_date: Date this file was first made available for download
- filename: Name of the file, with extension
- file_format: Mime type (file format from the left column in the Medusa “statistics” view)
- num_bytes: Size of this files, in bytes
- total_downloads: Number of downloads for this file, calculated as described in our metrics help section:
Container File Contents (zip) CSV
modified: March 10, 2025 19:44 Refresh
Button triggers a csv file download of contents details for files in complex container formats (.zip, .tar.gz, .7z).
Column Headings- doi: DOI that identifies the dataset this file is part of
- container_filename: Filename of the container file
- content_filepath: Full path of the file, in the context of the container file
Filename of content file within the archive file
Duplicate filenames from different branches may be present. - file_format: Mime type of the content file
Related Materials CSV
Generated dynamically
Button triggers a csv file download. (related materials)
Column Headings- doi: The DOI that identifies THIS dataset in Illinois Data Bank
- datacite_relationship: The relationship registered with DataCite
- material_id_type: The related material identifier type (e.g., DOI, URL)
- material_id: The related material identifier
- material_type: Type of related material (e.g., article, thesis)
Funders CSV
Generated dynamically
Button triggers a csv file download. (funder and grant info)
Column Headings- doi: The DOI that identifies THIS dataset in Illinois Data Bank
- funder: The funder name
- grant: The grant identifier