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Illinois Data Bank Dataset Search Results

Dataset Search Results

published: 2021-05-17
Please cite as: Wuebbles, D., J. Angel, K. Petersen, and A.M. Lemke, (Eds.), 2021: An Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change in Illinois. The Nature Conservancy, Illinois, USA. https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-1260194_V1 Climate change is a major environmental challenge that is likely to affect many aspects of life in Illinois, ranging from human and environmental health to the economy. Illinois is already experiencing impacts from the changing climate and, as climate change progresses and temperatures continue to rise, these impacts are expected to increase over time. This assessment takes an in-depth look at how the climate is changing now in Illinois, and how it is projected to change in the future, to provide greater clarity on how climate change could affect urban and rural communities in the state. Beyond providing an overview of anticipated climate changes, the report explores predicted effects on hydrology, agriculture, human health, and native ecosystems.
keywords: Climate change; Illinois; Public health; Agriculture; Environment; Water; Hydrology; Ecosystems
release date: 2025-01-23
These are the responses to an open, convenience sample survey of residents of Illinois to understand their interactions with wild deer. The survey was available on REDCap between December 19, 2022 and December 19, 2023, and was publicized through listserves, Facebook groups, and media reporting. The file "COVID Deer Survey _ REDCap.pdf" contains the codebook for the survey, including the questions; all factor variables have ".factor" added to their name in the dataset. The file "DeerSurveyData.csv" contains the dataset. The file "Score_calculation_for_sharing.R" is the code to create the cleaned dataset used for analysis from the raw survey responses. Throughout, NA is used to represent null/not available/not applicable; this is most likely either a failure to answer the question or, in some cases, a question that was not presented as it is not relevant based on answers to previous questions.
keywords: deer; survey
published: 2023-07-14
This dataset includes a total of 300 images of 45 extant species of Podocarpus (Podocarpaceae) and nine images of fossil specimens of the morphogenus Podocarpidites. The goal of this dataset is to capture the diversity of morphology within the genus and create an image database for training machine learning models. The images were taken using Airyscan confocal superresolution microscopy at 630x magnification (63x/NA 1.4 oil DIC). The images are in the CZI file format. They can be opened using Zeiss propriety software (Zen, Zen lite) or open microscopy software, such as ImageJ. More information on how to open CZI files can be found here: [https://www.zeiss.com/microscopy/us/products/software/zeiss-zen/czi-image-file-format.html] Please cite this dataset and listed publications when using these images.
keywords: optical superresolution microscopy; Zeiss Airyscan; CZI images; conifer; saccate pollen; Podocarpus; Podocarpidites; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
published: 2025-01-17
This is the data set for a publication titled, "Coupling carbon dioxide gas within a bubble curtain enhances its effectiveness to deter fish." The current study sought to quantify whether adding carbon dioxide gas (CO2) to a bubble curtain would enhance its efficacy to block fish. For this, a choice tank was outfitted with bubble curtains infused with either compressed air alone, or with two different concentrations of CO2 [30 or 100 mg/L]. Passage rates and position of common carp (an invasive Cyprinid) and black bullhead (a native Ictalurid) exposed to these treatments were compared. The data set consists of data from each of the experiments performed during the study.
keywords: invasive species; multimodal barriers; deterrents; biodiversity; species range; distribution
published: 2025-01-06
The complete data for the publication "RNA helicase MOV10 suppresses fear memory and dendritic arborization and regulates microtubule dynamics in hippocampal neurons," excluding sequencing data deposited in GEO, is provided here.
keywords: MOV10; NUMA1; hippocampal neurons; behavior; cytoskeleton; tiff; czi; dv; mp4; mpg; ndpi; csv; xlsx; R
published: 2025-01-15
Data was generated from acoustic transmitters implanted in tournament caught and non-angled control largemouth bass across multiple seasons. This data was used to quantify post-release movement, behavior, and mortality in response to angling tournaments at different times of year and varying water temperatures.
published: 2024-11-12
This is the data set for the article entitled "Pollinator seed mixes are phenologically dissimilar to prairie remnants," a manuscript pending publication in Restoration Ecology. This represents the core phenology data of prairie remnant and pollinator seed mixes that were used for the main analyses. Note that additional data associated with the manuscript are intended to be published as a supplement in the journal.
keywords: native plants; ecological restoration; tallgrass prairie; native plant materials
published: 2023-07-01
This is the data used in the paper "Assessment of spatiotemporal flood risk due to compound precipitation extremes across the contiguous United States". Code from the Github repository https://github.com/adtonks/precip_extremes can be used with the data here to reproduce the paper's results. v1.0.0 of the code is also archived at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8104252 This dataset is derived from NOAA-CIRES-DOE 20th Century Reanalysis V3. The NOAA-CIRES-DOE Twentieth Century Reanalysis Project version 3 used resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center managed by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 and used resources of NOAA's Remotely Deployed High Performance Computing Systems.
keywords: spatiotemporal; CONUS; United States; precipitation; extremes; flooding
published: 2023-07-05
This dataset contains all data used in the paper "Impact of genotype-calling methodologies on genome-wide association and genomic prediction in polyploids". The dataset includes genotypes and phenotypic data from two autotetraploid species Miscanthus sacchariflorus and Vaccinium corymbosum that was used used for genome wide association studies and genomic prediction and the scripts used in the analysis. In this V2, 2 files have the raw data are added: "Miscanthus_sacchariflorus_RADSeq.vcf" is the VCF file with the raw SNP calls of the Miscanthus sacchariflorus data used for genotype calling using the 6 genotype calling methods. "Blueberry_data_read_depths.RData" is the a RData file with the read depth data that was used for genotype calling in the Blueberry dataset.
keywords: Polyploid; allelic dosage; Bayesian genotype-calling; Genome-wide association; Genomic prediction
published: 2024-04-05
The following files include specimen information, DNA sequence data, and additional information on the analyses used to reconstruct the phylogeny of the leafhopper genus Neoaliturus as described in the Methods section of the original paper: 1. Taxon_sampling.csv: contains data on the individual specimens from which DNA was extracted, including sample code, taxon name, collection data (locality, date and name of collector) and museum unique identifier. 2. Alignments.zip: a ZIP archive containing 432 separate FASTA files representing the aligned nucleotide sequences of individual gene loci used in the analysis. 3. Concatenated_Matrix.fa: is a FASTA file containing the concatenated individual gene alignments used for the maximum likelihood analysis in IQ-TREE. 4. Genes_and_Loci.rtf: identifies the individual genes and loci used in the analysis. The partition name is the same as the name of the individual alignment file in the zipped Alignments folder. 5. Partitions_best_scheme.nex: is a text file in the standard NEXUS format that indicates the names of the individual data partitions and their locations in the concatenated matrix, and also indicates the substitution model for each partition. 6. (New in this version 2) Scripts & Description.zip includes 8 custom shell or perl scripts used to assemble the DNA sequence data by perform reciprocal blast searches between the reference sequences and assemblies for each sample, extract the best sequences based on the blast searches, screen the hits for each locus and keep only the best result, and generate the nucleotide sequence dataset for the predicted orthologues (see the file description.txt for details). 7. (New in this version 2) Full_genetic_distances_matrix.csv shows the genetic distances between pairs of samples in the datset (proportion of nucleotides that differ between samples).
keywords: leafhopper; phylogeny; anchored-hybrid-enrichment; DNA sequence; insect
planned publication date: 2025-04-24
These are the datasets underlying the figures in the manuscript "Methods of active surveillance for hard ticks and associated tick-borne pathogens of public health importance in the contiguous United States: A Comprehensive Systematic Review". The review considered only publications reporting on active tick or tick-borne pathogen surveillance in the contiguous United States published between 1944 and 2018. For the purposes of this review, we were only concerned with studies of Ixodidae (hard ticks) and/or studies of tick-borne pathogens (in humans, animals, or hard ticks) of public health importance to humans. Study designs included cross-sectional, serological, epidemiological, ecological, or observational studies. Only peer-reviewed publications published in the English language were included. Studies were excluded if they focused on a tick that is not a vector of a human pathogen or on a pathogen that does not cause disease in humans, if the tick or tick-borne pathogen findings were incidental, or if they did not include quantitative surveillance data. For the purpose of this study, we defined surveillance data as information on ticks or pathogens provided through active sampling in natural areas; it should be noted that this does not match the strict definition used by the CDC, which requires sustained sampling efforts across time. Studies were also excluded if they: explored regions other than the contiguous US; focused on treatment, vaccine, or therapeutics development and/or diagnostics of human disease; focused on tick or pathogen genetics; focused on experimental studies with ticks or hosts; were tick control and/or management studies; performed only passive surveillance; were review articles; were not peer reviewed; were in a language other than English; the full text was not available; and if the disease was not a risk to the general public. In addition, for articles which reported data that had previously been published, we only included previously unreported information collected by the authors, and we referenced the specific period of collection for these data to ensure we were not double-recording data. Due to publication delays, we also performed a non-systematic review of the literature of articles published between 2019 – 2023 on tick and tickborne pathogen surveillance methods conducted in the contiguous United States. Keyword search was performed in PubMed Central and Web of Science Core Collection databases. The search algorithm keywords included tick(s), Amblyomma, Dermacentor, Ixodes, Rhipicephalus, Acari Ixodidea, tick host(s), Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Spotted Fever Group, Rickettsiosis, Ehrlichiosis, Anaplasmosis, Borreliosis, Tularemia, Babesiosis, tick-borne pathogen, Powassan, Heartland, Bourbon, Colorado tick fever, Pacific Coast tick fever, tick surveillance, surveillance, (sero)epidemiology, prevalence, distribution, ecology, United States. The search algorithm utilized is provided as follows: TI= ((ticks OR Ixodes OR Amblyomma OR Dermacentor OR Rhipicephalus OR "Acari Ixodidi" OR "tick hosts" OR "tick host") OR ("Lyme Disease" OR "Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever" OR "Spotted Fever Group" OR Rickettsiosis OR Rickettsial OR Ehrlichiosis OR Anaplasmosis OR Borreliosis OR Tularemia OR Babesiosis OR Borrelia OR Ehrlichia OR Anaplasma OR Rickettsia OR Babesia OR "tick-borne pathogen" OR "tick borne pathogen")) AND TS= ("tick surveillance" OR surveillance OR epidemiology OR seroepidemiology OR ecology) AND CU=("United States of America" OR "USA" OR "United States" OR United-States). These datasets are the collated data underlying the figures in the manuscript. For more details, please see the publication. The following are explanations for variables used in all the CSV files: Tick: Species of tick collected Tick_Method: Method of collecting ticks Pathogen: Species of pathogen tested for Path_Method: Method of testing for pathogens Decade: Decade of publication n: Number of publications STATE: state in which study was conducted COUNTY: county in which study was conducted 1944 - 2018 (Was surveillance performed?): was there at least one publication included with a publication date within the 1944-2018 period in this geographic region? 2019 - 2023 (Was surveillance performed?): was there at least one publication included with a publication date within the 2019-2023 period in this geographic region?
keywords: ticks; systematic review; surveillance
published: 2023-05-30
Primary occurrence data for Clem, Hart, & McElrath. 2023. A century of Illinois hover flies (Diptera: Syrphidae): Museum and citizen science data reveal recent range expansions, contractions, and species of potential conservation significance. Included are a license.txt file, the cleaned occurrences from each of the six merged datasets, and a cleaned, merged dataset containing all occurrence records in one spreadsheet, formatted according to Darwin Core standards, with a few extra fields such as GBIF identifiers that were included in some of the original downloads.
keywords: csv; occurrences; syrphidae; hover flies; flies; biodiversity; darwin core; darwin-core; GBIF; citizen science; iNaturalist
published: 2024-02-08
This dataset contains transcribed entries from the "Prairie Directory of North America" (Adelman and Schwartz 2013) for the Tallgrass, Mixed Grass, and Shortgrass prairie regions of the united states. We identified the historical spatial extent of the Tallgrass, Mixed Grass, and Shortgrass prairie regions using Ricketts et al. (1999), Olson et al. (2001), and Dixon et al. (2014) and selected the counties entirely or partially within these boundaries from the USDA Forest Service (2022) file. The resulting lists of counties are included as separate files. The dataset contains information on publicly accessible grasslands and prairies in these regions including acreage and amenities like hunting access, restrooms, parking, and trails.
keywords: grasslands; prairies; prairie directory of north america; site amenities; site attributes
published: 2024-09-17
The following seven zip files are compressed folders containing the input datasets/trees, main output files and the scripts of the related analyses performed in this study. I. ancestral_microhabitat_reconstruction.zip: contains four files, including two input files (microhabitats.csv, timetree.tre) and a script (simmap_microhabitat.R) for ancestral states reconstruction of microhabitat by make.simmap implemented in the R package phytools v1.5, as well as the main output file (ancestral_microhabitats.csv). 1. ancestral_microhabitats.csv: reconstructed ancestral microhabitats for each node. 2. microhabitats.csv: microhabitats of the studies species. 3. simmap_microhabitat.R: the R script of make.simmap for ancestral microhabitat reconstruction 4. timetree.tre: dated tree used for ancestral state reconstruction for microhabitat and morphological characters II. ancestral_morphology_reconstruction.zip: contains six files, including an input file (morphology.csv) and a script (simmap_morphology.R) for ancestral states reconstruction of morphology by make.simmap implemented in the R package phytools v1.5, as well as four main output files(forewing_ancestral_state.csv, frontal_sutures_ancestral_state.csv, hind_wing_ancestral_state.csv, ocellus_ancestral_state.csv). 1. forewing_ancestral_state.csv: reconstructed ancestral states of the development of the forewing for each node. 2. frontal_sutures_ancestral_state.csv: reconstructed ancestral states of the development of frontal sutures for each node. 3. hind_wing_ancestral_state.csv: reconstructed ancestral states of the development of the hind wing for each node. 4. morphology.csv: the states of the development of ocellus, forewing, hing wing and frontal sutures for each studies species. 5. ocellus_ancestral_state.csv: reconstructed ancestral states of the development of the ocellus for each node. 6. simmap_morphology.R: the R script of make.simmap for ancestral state reconstruction of morphology III. biogeographic_reconstruction.zip: contains four files, including three input files (dispersal_probablity.txt, distributions.csv, timetree_noOutgroup.tre) used for a stratified biogeographic analysis by BioGeoBEARS in RASP v4.2 and the main output file (DIVELIKE_result.txt). 1. dispersal_probablity.txt: relative dispersal probabilities among biogeographical regions at different geological epochs. 2. distributions.csv: current distributions of the studied species. 3. DIVELIKE_result.txt: BioGeoBEARS result of ancestral areas based on the DIVELIKE model. 4. timetree_noOutgroup.tre: the dated tree with the outgroup lineage (Eurymelinae) excluded. IV. coalescent_analysis.zip: contains a folder and two files, including a folder (individual_gene_alignment) of input files used to construct gene trees, an input file (MLtree_BS70.tre) used for the multi-species coalescent analysis by ASTRAL v 4.10.5 and the main output file (coalescent_species_tree.tre). 1. coalescent_species_tree.tre: the species tree generated by the multi-species coalescent analysis with the quartet support, effective number of genes and the local posterior probability indicated. 2. individual_gene_alignment: a folder containing 427 FASTA files, each one represents the nucleotide alignment for a gene. Hyphens are used to represent gaps. These files were used to construct gene trees using IQ-TREE v1.6.12. 3. MLtree_BS70.tre: 165 gene trees with the average SH-aLRT and ultrafast bootstrap values of ≥ 70%. This file was used to estimate the species tree by ASTRAL v 4.10.5. V. divergence_time_estimation.zip: contains five files, including two input files (treefile_rooted_noBranchLength.tre, treefile_rooted.tre) and two control files (baseml.ctl, mcmctree.ctl) used for divergence time estimation by BASEML and MCMCTREE in PAML v4.9, as well as the main output file (timetree_with95%HPD.tre). 1. baseml.ctl: the control file used for the estimation of substitution rates by BASEML in PAML v4.9. 2. mcmctree.ctl: the control file used for the estimation of divergence times by MCMCTREE in PAML v4.9. 3. timetree_with95%HPD.tre: dated tree with the 95% highest posterior density confidence intervals indicated. 4. treefile_rooted_noBranchLength.tre: the maximum likelihood tree based on the concatenated nucleotide dataset with calibrations for the crown and internal nodes. Branch length and support values were not indicated. 5. treefile_rooted.tre: the maximum likelihood tree based on the concatenated nucleotide dataset with a secondary calibration on the root age. Branch support values were not indicated. VI. maximum_likelihood_analysis_aa.zip: contains three files, including two input files (concatenated_aa_partition.nex, concatenated_aa.phy) used for the maximum likelihood analysis by IQ-TREE v1.6.12 and the main output file (MLtree_aa.tre). 1. concatenated_aa_partition.nex: the partitioning schemes for the maximum likelihood analysis using concatenated_aa.phy. This file partitions the 52,024 amino acid positions into 427 character sets. 2. concatenated_aa.phy: a concatenated amino acid dataset with 52,024 amino acid positions. Hyphens are used to represent gaps. This dataset was used for the maximum likelihood analysis. 3. MLtree_aa.tre: the maximum likelihood tree based on the concatenated amino acid dataset, with SH-aLRT values and ultrafast bootstrap values indicated. VII. maximum_likelihood_analysis_nt.zip: contains three files, including two input files (concatenated_nt_partition.nex, concatenated_nt.phy) used for the maximum likelihood analysis by IQ-TREE v1.6.12 and the main output file (MLtree_nt.tre). 1. concatenated_nt_partition.nex: the partitioning schemes for the maximum likelihood analysis using concatenated_nt.phy. This file partitions the 156,072 nucleotide positions into 427 character sets. 2. concatenated_nt.phy: a concatenated nucleotide dataset with 156,072 nucleotide positions. Hyphens are used to represent gaps. This dataset was used for the maximum likelihood analysis as well as divergence time estimation. 3. MLtree_nt.tre: the maximum likelihood tree based on the concatenated nucleotide dataset, with SH-aLRT values and ultrafast bootstrap values indicated. VIII. Taxon_sampling.csv: contains the sample IDs (1st column) which were used in the alignments and the taxonomic information (2nd to 6th columns).
keywords: Anchored Hybrid Enrichment, Biogeography, Cicadellidae, Phylogenomics, Treehoppers
published: 2018-11-21
This set of scripts accompanies the manuscript describing the R package polyRAD, which uses DNA sequence read depth to estimate allele dosage in diploids and polyploids. Using several high-confidence SNP datasets from various species, allelic read depth from a typical RAD-seq dataset was simulated, then genotypes were estimated with polyRAD and other software and compared to the true genotypes, yielding error estimates.
keywords: R programming language; genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS); restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq); polyploidy; single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP); Bayesian genotype calling; simulation
published: 2023-06-01
Results of RT-LAMP reactions for influenza A virus diagnostic development.
keywords: swine influenza; LAMP; gBlock
published: 2022-09-16
This dataset contains model code (including input data) to replicate the outcomes for "Assessing the Efficiency Implications of Renewable Fuel Policy Design in the United States". The model consists of: (1) The replication codes and data for the model. To run the model, using GAMS to run the "Models.gms" file.
keywords: Renewable Fuel Standard; Nested structure; cellulosic waiver credit; RIN
published: 2022-08-22
This dataset contains Raman spectra, each acquired from an individual, living, primary murine cell belonging to one of the six most immature hematopoietic cell populations found in the body: hematopoietic stem cell (HSC), mutipotent progenitor 1 (MPP1), multipotent progenitor 2 (MPP2), multipotent progenitor 3 (MPP3), common lymphoid progenitor, common myeloid progenitor (CLP). These spectra are useful for identifying spectral signatures that are characteristic of each hematopoietic stem or early progenitor cell population. *NOTE: __MACOSX folder and files start with “._[file name]” found in "Raman spectra of single cells text files.zip" were created by the computer operation system, in unreadable format, which are not part of the data and can be removed/ignored when using the data.
keywords: Raman spectroscopy; single-cell spectrum; hematopoietic cell; hematopoietic stem cell; multipotent progenitor cell; common myeloid progenitor; common lymphoid progenitor
published: 2022-09-07
The availability of economically marginal land for energy crops is identified using the Cropland Data Layer and other soil, wind, climate data resources. All data are recognized on a 30m spatial resolution across the continental United States.
keywords: marginal land; biofuel production; remote sensing; land use change; Cropland Data Layer
published: 2022-09-19
Data characterize zooplankton in Shelbyville Reservoir, Illinois, United States of America. Zooplankton were sampled with a conical zooplankton net (0.5m diameter mouth) when water was deeper than 2 m and by grab sample when water was shallower. Zooplankton samples were concentrated and subsampled with a Hensen-Stempel pipette following protocols described in Detmer et al. (2019). Zooplankton were identified to the lowest feasible taxonomic unit according to Pennak (1989) and Thorp and Covich (2001) and were enumerated in a 1 mL Sedgewick-Rafter cell. Subsamples were analyzed until at least 200 individuals were enumerated from each site.were counted across for each of the three main taxonomic groups (cladocerans, copepods, and rotifers). Given the variation in zooplankton concentrations at each site, this process often lead to far more than 200 individuals being counted (x̄ = 269, min = 200, max = 487). A summary of the sample size from each site can be found in Supplementary Table S2. Abundances were corrected for volume of water filtered. For rare taxa (< 20 individuals per sample), all individuals were measured for length. For abundant taxa, length measurements were collected on the first 20 organisms of each abundant taxon encountered in a subsample. Dry mass was calculated from equations for microcrustaceans, rotifers, and Chaoborus sp. (Rosen ,1981; Botrell et al., 1976; Dumont and Balvay, 1979).
keywords: Reservoir; Zooplankton
published: 2022-10-13
The text file contains the original DNA nucleotide sequence data used in the phylogenetic analyses of Xue et al. (in review), comprising the 13 protein-coding genes and 2 ribosomal gene subunits of the mitochondrial genome. The text file is marked up according to the standard NEXUS format commonly used by various phylogenetic analysis software packages. The file will be parsed automatically by a variety of programs that recognize NEXUS as a standard bioinformatics file format. The first six lines of the file identify the file as NEXUS, indicate that the file contains data for 30 taxa (species) and 13078 characters, indicate that the characters are DNA sequence, that gaps inserted into the DNA sequence alignment are indicated by a dash, and that missing data are indicated by a question mark. The positions of data partitions are indicated in the mrbayes block of commands for the phylogenetic program MrBayes (version 3.2.6) beginning near the end of the file. The mrbayes block also contains instructions for MrBayes on various non-default settings for that program. These are explained in the Methods section of the submitted manuscript. Two supplementary tables in the provided PDF file provide additional information on the species in the dataset, including the GenBank accession numbers for the sequence data (Table S1) and the DNA substitution models used for each of the individual mitochondrial genes and for different codon positions of the protein-coding genes used for analyses in the programs MrBayes and IQ-Tree (version 1.6.8) (Table S2). Full citations for references listed in Table S1 can be found by searching GenBank using the corresponding accession number. The supplemental tables will also be linked to the article upon publication at the journal website.
keywords: Hemiptera; phylogeny; mitochondrial genome; morphology; leafhopper
published: 2022-10-14
The Membracoidea_morph_data_Final.nex text file contains the original data used in the phylogenetic analyses of Dietrich et al. (Insect Systematics and Diversity, in review). The text file is marked up according to the standard NEXUS format commonly used by various phylogenetic analysis software packages. The file will be parsed automatically by a variety of programs that recognize NEXUS as a standard bioinformatics file format. The complete taxon names corresponding to the 131 genus names listed under “BEGIN TAXA” are listed in Table 1 in the included PDF file “Taxa_and_characters”; the 229 morphological characters (names abbreviated under under “BEGIN CHARACTERS” are fully explained in the list of character descriptions following Table 1 in the same PDF). The data matrix follows “MATRIX” and gives the numerical values of characters for each taxon. Question marks represent missing data. The lists of characters and taxa and details on the methods used for phylogenetic analysis are included in the submitted manuscript.
keywords: leafhopper; treehopper; evolution; Cretaceous; Eocene
published: 2022-03-31
This dataset contains our bi-hourly temperature recordings from 40 rocket box style artificial roosts of 5 designs deployed in Indiana and Kentucky, USA from April through September 2019. This dataset also includes our endothermic and faculatively heterothermic daily energy expenditure datasets used in our bioenergetic analysis, which were calculated from the bi-hourly rocket box temperature data. Lastly, we include our overheating counts dataset which summarizes daily overheating events (i.e., temperatures > 40 Celsius) in each rocket box style bat box over the course of the study period, these daily summaries were also calculated from the bi-hourly rocket box temperature recordings.
keywords: artificial roost; bat box; microcllimate; temperature
published: 2022-05-13
The files are plain text and contain the original data used in phylogenetic analyses of of Typhlocybinae (Bin, Dietrich, Yu, Meng, Dai and Yang 2022: Ecology & Evolution, in press). The three files with extension .phy are text files with aligned DNA sequences in the standard PHYLIP format and correspond to Matrix 1 (amino acid alignment), Matrix 2 (nucleotide alignment of first two codon positions of protein-coding genes) and Matrix 3 (nucleotide alignment of protein-coding genes plus 2 ribosomal genes) described in the Methods section. An additional text file in NEXUS format (.nex extension) contains the morphological character data used in the ancestral state reconstruction (ASCR) analysis described in the Methods. NEXUS is a standard format used by various phylogenetic analysis software. For more information on data file content, see the included "readme" files.
keywords: Hemiptera; phylogeny; mitochondrial genome; morphology; leafhopper
published: 2022-08-31
This dataset includes data on soil properties, soil N pools, and soil N fluxes presented in the manuscript, "Refining the role of nitrogen mineralization in mycorrhizal nutrient syndromes". Please refer to that publication for details about methodologies used to generate these data and for the experimental design. For this verison 2, we added specific gross nitrogen mineralization rates (ugN/gOM/d), microbial biomass carbon (ugC/gdw), microbial biomass nitrogen (ugN/gdw) and microbial biomass C:N ratios to the newest version of the data set. Additionally, we updated values for gross nitrogen mineralization, microbial NO3 assimilation and microbial NH4 assimilation to reflect slight changes in data processing. Those changes are reflected in "220829_All data_repository.csv". "220829_nitrogen_mineralization_readme.txt " is updated readme for the new file. The other 2 files begin with “220426_” are older version and same as in V1.
keywords: Nitrogen cycling; Ectomycorrhizal fungi; Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi; Nitrogen fertilization; Gross mineralization