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Illinois Data Bank Dataset Search Results

Dataset Search Results

published: 2024-02-27
Coups d'Ètat are important events in the life of a country. They constitute an important subset of irregular transfers of political power that can have significant and enduring consequences for national well-being. There are only a limited number of datasets available to study these events (Powell and Thyne 2011, Marshall and Marshall 2019). Seeking to facilitate research on post-WWII coups by compiling a more comprehensive list and categorization of these events, the Cline Center for Advanced Social Research (previously the Cline Center for Democracy) initiated the Coup d’État Project as part of its Societal Infrastructures and Development (SID) project. More specifically, this dataset identifies the outcomes of coup events (i.e., realized, unrealized, or conspiracy) the type of actor(s) who initiated the coup (i.e., military, rebels, etc.), as well as the fate of the deposed leader. Version 2.1.3 adds 19 additional coup events to the data set, corrects the date of a coup in Tunisia, and reclassifies an attempted coup in Brazil in December 2022 to a conspiracy. Version 2.1.2 added 6 additional coup events that occurred in 2022 and updated the coding of an attempted coup event in Kazakhstan in January 2022. Version 2.1.1 corrected a mistake in version 2.1.0, where the designation of “dissident coup” had been dropped in error for coup_id: 00201062021. Version 2.1.1 fixed this omission by marking the case as both a dissident coup and an auto-coup. Version 2.1.0 added 36 cases to the data set and removed two cases from the v2.0.0 data. This update also added actor coding for 46 coup events and added executive outcomes to 18 events from version 2.0.0. A few other changes were made to correct inconsistencies in the coup ID variable and the date of the event. Version 2.0.0 improved several aspects of the previous version (v1.0.0) and incorporated additional source material to include: • Reconciling missing event data • Removing events with irreconcilable event dates • Removing events with insufficient sourcing (each event needs at least two sources) • Removing events that were inaccurately coded as coup events • Removing variables that fell below the threshold of inter-coder reliability required by the project • Removing the spreadsheet ‘CoupInventory.xls’ because of inadequate attribution and citations in the event summaries • Extending the period covered from 1945-2005 to 1945-2019 • Adding events from Powell and Thyne’s Coup Data (Powell and Thyne, 2011) <br> <b>Items in this Dataset</b> 1. <i>Cline Center Coup d'État Codebook v.2.1.3 Codebook.pdf</i> - This 15-page document describes the Cline Center Coup d’État Project dataset. The first section of this codebook provides a summary of the different versions of the data. The second section provides a succinct definition of a coup d’état used by the Coup d'État Project and an overview of the categories used to differentiate the wide array of events that meet the project's definition. It also defines coup outcomes. The third section describes the methodology used to produce the data. <i>Revised February 2024</i> 2. <i>Coup Data v2.1.3.csv</i> - This CSV (Comma Separated Values) file contains all of the coup event data from the Cline Center Coup d’État Project. It contains 29 variables and 1000 observations. <i>Revised February 2024</i> 3. <i>Source Document v2.1.3.pdf</i> - This 325-page document provides the sources used for each of the coup events identified in this dataset. Please use the value in the coup_id variable to identify the sources used to identify that particular event. <i>Revised February 2024</i> 4. <i>README.md</i> - This file contains useful information for the user about the dataset. It is a text file written in markdown language. <i>Revised February 2024</i> <br> <b> Citation Guidelines</b> 1. To cite the codebook (or any other documentation associated with the Cline Center Coup d’État Project Dataset) please use the following citation: Peyton, Buddy, Joseph Bajjalieh, Dan Shalmon, Michael Martin, Jonathan Bonaguro, and Scott Althaus. 2024. “Cline Center Coup d’État Project Dataset Codebook”. Cline Center Coup d’État Project Dataset. Cline Center for Advanced Social Research. V.2.1.3. February 27. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. doi: 10.13012/B2IDB-9651987_V7 2. To cite data from the Cline Center Coup d’État Project Dataset please use the following citation (filling in the correct date of access): Peyton, Buddy, Joseph Bajjalieh, Dan Shalmon, Michael Martin, Jonathan Bonaguro, and Emilio Soto. 2024. Cline Center Coup d’État Project Dataset. Cline Center for Advanced Social Research. V.2.1.3. February 27. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. doi: 10.13012/B2IDB-9651987_V7
published: 2023-05-02
Tab-separated value (TSV) file. 14745 data rows. Each data row represents publication metadata as retrieved from Crossref (http://crossref.org) 2023-04-05 when searching for retracted publications. Each row has the following columns: Index - Our index, starting with 0. DOI - Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for the publication Year - Publication year associated with the DOI. URL - Web location associated with the DOI. Title - Title associated with the DOI. May be blank. Author - Author(s) associated with the DOI. Journal - Publication venue (journal, conference, ...) associated with the DOI RetractionYear - Retraction Year associated with the DOI. May be blank. Category - One or more categories associated with the DOI. May be blank. Our search was via the Crossref REST API and searched for: Update_type=( 'retraction', 'Retraction', 'retracion', 'retration', 'partial_retraction', 'withdrawal','removal')
keywords: retraction; metadata; Crossref; RISRS
published: 2020-04-22
Data on Croatian restaurant allergen disclosures on restaurant websites, on-line menus and social media comments
keywords: restaurant; allergen; disclosure; tourism
published: 2023-07-11
The dissertation_demo.zip contains the base code and demonstration purpose for the dissertation: A Conceptual Model for Transparent, Reusable, and Collaborative Data Cleaning. Each chapter has a demo folder for demonstrating provenance queries or tools. The Airbnb dataset for demonstration and simulation is not included in this demo but is available to access directly from the reference website. Any updates on demonstration and examples can be found online at: https://github.com/nikolausn/dissertation_demo
published: 2024-11-19
This project investigates retraction indexing agreement among data sources: Crossref, Retraction Watch, Scopus, and Web of Science. As of July 2024, this reassesses the April 2023 union list of Schneider et al. (2023): https://doi.org/10.55835/6441e5cae04dbe5586d06a5f. As of April 2023, over 1 in 5 DOIs had discrepancies in retraction indexing among the 49,924 DOIs indexed as retracted in at least one of Crossref, Retraction Watch, Scopus, and Web of Science (Schneider et al., 2023). Here, we determine what changed in 15 months. Pipeline code to get the results files can be found in the GitHub repository https://github.com/infoqualitylab/retraction-indexing-agreement in the iPython notebook 'MET-STI2024_Reassessment_of_retraction_indexing_agreement.ipynb' Some files have been redacted to remove proprietary data, as noted in README.txt. Among our sources, data is openly available only for Crossref and Retraction Watch. FILE FORMATS: 1) unionlist_completed_2023-09-03-crws-ressess.csv - UTF-8 CSV file 2) unionlist_completed-ria_2024-07-09-crws-ressess.csv - UTF-8 CSV file 3) unionlist-15months-period_sankey.png - Portable Network Graphics (PNG) file 4) unionlist_ria_proportion_comparison.png - Portable Network Graphics (PNG) file 5) README.txt - text file FILE DESCRIPTION: Description of the files can be found in README.txt
keywords: retraction status; data quality; indexing; retraction indexing; metadata; meta-science; RISRS
published: 2023-04-12
The XSEDE program manages the database of allocation awards for the portfolio of advanced research computing resources funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The database holds data for allocation awards dating to the start of the TeraGrid program in 2004 through the XSEDE operational period, which ended August 31, 2022. The project data include lead researcher and affiliation, title and abstract, field of science, and the start and end dates. Along with the project information, the data set includes resource allocation and usage data for each award associated with the project. The data show the transition of resources over a fifteen year span along with the evolution of researchers, fields of science, and institutional representation. Because the XSEDE program has ended, the allocation_award_history file includes all allocations activity initiated via XSEDE processes through August 31, 2022. The Resource Providers and successor program to XSEDE agreed to honor all project allocations made during XSEDE. Thus, allocation awards that extend beyond the end of XSEDE may not reflect all activity that may ultimately be part of the project award. Similarly, allocation usage data only reflects usage reported through August 31, 2022, and may not reflect all activity that may ultimately be conducted by projects that were active beyond XSEDE.
keywords: allocations; cyberinfrastructure; XSEDE
published: 2023-06-06
This dataset is derived from the COCI, the OpenCitations Index of Crossref open DOI-to-DOI references (opencitations.net). Silvio Peroni, David Shotton (2020). OpenCitations, an infrastructure organization for open scholarship. Quantitative Science Studies, 1(1): 428-444. https://doi.org/10.1162/qss_a_00023 We have curated it to remove duplicates, self-loops, and parallel edges. These data were copied from the Open Citations website on May 6, 2023 and subsequently processed to produce a node list and an edge-list. Integer_ids have been assigned to the DOIs to reduce memory and storage needs when working with these data. As noted on the Open Citation website, each record is a citing-cited pair that uses DOIs as persistent identifiers.
keywords: open citations; bibliometrics; citation network; scientometrics
published: 2018-07-25
The PDF describes the process and data used for the heuristic user evaluation described in the related article “<i>Evaluating an automatic data extraction tool based on the theory of diffusion of innovation</i>” by Linh Hoang, Frank Scannapieco, Linh Cao, Yingjun Guan, Yi-Yun Cheng, and Jodi Schneider (under submission).<br /> Frank Scannapieco assessed RobotReviewer data extraction performance on ten articles in 2018-02. Articles are included papers from an update review: Sabharwal A., G.-F.I., Stellrecht E., Scannapeico F.A. <i>Periodontal therapy to prevent the initiation and/or progression of common complex systemic diseases and conditions</i>. An update. Periodontol 2000. In Press. <br/> The form was created in consultation with Linh Hoang and Jodi Schneider. To do the assessment, Frank Scannapieco entered PDFs for these ten articles into RobotReviewer and then filled in ten evaluation forms, based on the ten Robot Reviewer automatic data extraction reports. Linh Hoang analyzed these ten evaluation forms and synthesized Frank Scannapieco’s comments to arrive at the evaluation results for the heuristic user evaluation.
keywords: RobotReviewer; systematic review automation; data extraction
published: 2018-09-06
The XSEDE program manages the database of allocation awards for the portfolio of advanced research computing resources funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The database holds data for allocation awards dating to the start of the TeraGrid program in 2004 to present, with awards continuing through the end of the second XSEDE award in 2021. The project data include lead researcher and affiliation, title and abstract, field of science, and the start and end dates. Along with the project information, the data set includes resource allocation and usage data for each award associated with the project. The data show the transition of resources over a fifteen year span along with the evolution of researchers, fields of science, and institutional representation.
keywords: allocations; cyberinfrastructure; XSEDE
published: 2023-01-12
This dataset was developed as part of a study that examined the correlational relationships between local journal authorship, local and external citation counts, full-text downloads, link-resolver clicks, and four global journal impact factor indices within an all-disciplines journal collection of 12,200 titles and six subject subsets at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Library. While earlier investigations of the relationships between usage (downloads) and citation metrics have been inconclusive, this study shows strong correlations in the all-disciplines set and most subject subsets. The normalized Eigenfactor was the only global impact factor index that correlated highly with local journal metrics. Some of the identified disciplinary variances among the six subject subsets may be explained by the journal publication aspirations of UIUC researchers. The correlations between authorship and local citations in the six specific subject subsets closely match national department or program rankings. All the raw data used in this analysis, in the form of relational database tables with multiple columns. Can be opned using MS Access. Description for variables can be viewed through "Design View" (by right clik on the selected table, choose "Design View"). The 2 PDF files provide an overview of tables are included in each MDB file. In addition, the processing scripts and Pearson correlation code is available at <a href="https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-0931140_V1">https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-0931140_V1</a>.
keywords: Usage and local citation relationships; publication; citation and usage metrics; publication; citation and usage correlation analysis; Pearson correlation analysis
published: 2022-07-25
This dataset is derived from the raw dataset (https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-4950847_V1) and collects entity mentions that were manually determined to be noisy, non-species entities.
keywords: synthetic biology; NERC data; species mentions, noisy entities
published: 2022-07-25
This dataset is derived from the raw entity mention dataset (https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-4950847_V1) for species entities and represents those that were determined to be species (i.e., were not noisy entities) but for which no corresponding concept could be found in the NCBI taxonomy database.
keywords: synthetic biology; NERC data; species mentions, not found entities
published: 2022-07-25
This dataset represents the results of manual cleaning and annotation of the entity mentions contained in the raw dataset (https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-4163883_V1). Each mention has been consolidated and linked to an identifier for a matching concept from the NCBI's taxonomy database.
keywords: synthetic biology; NERC data; chemical mentions; cleaned data; ChEBI ontology
published: 2022-07-25
This dataset is derived from the raw dataset (https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-4163883_V1) and collects entity mentions that were manually determined to be noisy, non-chemical entities.
keywords: synthetic biology; NERC data; chemical mentions, noisy entities
published: 2022-07-25
This dataset is derived from the raw entity mention dataset (https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-4163883_V1) for checmical entities and represents those that were determined to be chemicals (i.e., were not noisy entities) but for which no corresponding concept could be found in the ChEBI ontology.
keywords: synthetic biology; NERC data; chemical mentions, not found entities
published: 2022-07-25
A set of gene and gene-related entity mentions derived from an NERC dataset analyzing 900 synthetic biology articles published by the ACS. This data is associated with the Synthetic Biology Knowledge System repository (https://web.synbioks.org/). The data in this dataset are raw mentions from the NERC data.
keywords: synthetic biology; NERC data; gene mentions
published: 2023-01-12
These processing and Pearson correlational scripts were developed to support the study that examined the correlational relationships between local journal authorship, local and external citation counts, full-text downloads, link-resolver clicks, and four global journal impact factor indices within an all-disciplines journal collection of 12,200 titles and six subject subsets at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Library. This study shows strong correlations in the all-disciplines set and most subject subsets. Special processing scripts and web site dashboards were created, including Pearson correlational analysis scripts for reading values from relational databases and displaying tabular results. The raw data used in this analysis, in the form of relational database tables with multiple columns, is available at <a href="https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-6810203_V1">https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-6810203_V1</a>.
keywords: Pearson Correlation Analysis Scripts; Journal Publication; Citation and Usage Data; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Scholarly Communication
published: 2022-07-25
A set of cell-line entity mentions derived from an NERC dataset analyzing 900 synthetic biology articles published by the ACS. This data is associated with the Synthetic Biology Knowledge System repository (https://web.synbioks.org/). The data in this dataset are raw mentions from the NERC data.
keywords: synthetic biology; NERC data; cell-line mentions
published: 2022-06-20
This is a sentence-level parallel corpus in support of research on OCR quality. The source data comes from: (1) Project Gutenberg for human-proofread "clean" sentences; and, (2) HathiTrust Digital Library for the paired sentences with OCR errors. In total, this corpus contains 167,079 sentence pairs from 189 sampled books in four domains (i.e., agriculture, fiction, social science, world war history) published from 1793 to 1984. There are 36,337 sentences that have two OCR views paired with each clean version. In addition to sentence texts, this corpus also provides the location (i.e., sentence and chapter index) of each sentence in its belonging Gutenberg volume.
keywords: sentence-level parallel corpus; optical character recognition; OCR errors; Project Gutenberg; HathiTrust Digital Library; digital libraries; digital humanities;
published: 2024-03-27
To gather news articles from the web that discuss the Cochrane Review, we used Altmetric Explorer from Altmetric.com and retrieved articles on August 1, 2023. We selected all articles that were written in English, published in the United States, and had a publication date prior to March 10, 2023 (according to the “Mention Date” on Altmetric.com). This date is significant as it is when Cochrane issued a statement about the "misleading interpretation" of the Cochrane Review. The collection of news articles is presented in the Altmetric_data.csv file. The dataset contains the following data that we exported from Altmetric Explorer: - Publication date of the news article - Title of the news article - Source/publication venue of the news article - URL - Country We manually checked and added the following information: - Whether the article still exists - Whether the article is accessible - Whether the article is from the original source We assigned MAXQDA IDs to the news articles. News articles were assigned the same ID when they were (a) identical or (b) in the case of Article 207, closely paraphrased, paragraph by paragraph. Inaccessible items were assigned a MAXQDA ID based on their "Mention Title". For each article from Altmetric.com, we first tried to use the Web Collector for MAXQDA to download the article from the website and imported it into MAXQDA (version 22.7.0). If an article could not be retrieved using the Web Collector, we either downloaded the .html file or in the case of Article 128, retrieved it from the NewsBank database through the University of Illinois Library. We then manually extracted direct quotations from the articles using MAXQDA. We included surrounding words and sentences, and in one case, a news agency’s commentary, around direct quotations for context where needed. The quotations (with context) are the positions in our analysis. We also identified who was quoted. We excluded quotations when we could not identify who or what was being quoted. We annotated quotations with codes representing groups (government agencies, other organizations, and research publications) and individuals (authors of the Cochrane Review, government agency representatives, journalists, and other experts such as epidemiologists). The MAXQDA_data.csv file contains excerpts from the news articles that contain the direct quotations we identified. For each excerpt, we included the following information: - MAXQDA ID of the document from which the excerpt originates; - The collection date and source of the document; - The code with which the excerpt is annotated; - The code category; - The excerpt itself.
keywords: altmetrics; MAXQDA; polylogue analysis; masks for COVID-19; scientific controversies; news articles
published: 2021-05-07
Prepared by Vetle Torvik 2021-05-07 The dataset comes as a single tab-delimited Latin-1 encoded file (only the City column uses non-ASCII characters). • How was the dataset created? The dataset is based on a snapshot of PubMed (which includes Medline and PubMed-not-Medline records) taken in December, 2018. (NLMs baseline 2018 plus updates throughout 2018). Affiliations are linked to a particular author on a particular article. Prior to 2014, NLM recorded the affiliation of the first author only. However, MapAffil 2018 covers some PubMed records lacking affiliations that were harvested elsewhere, from PMC (e.g., PMID 22427989), NIH grants (e.g., 1838378), and Microsoft Academic Graph and ADS (e.g. 5833220). Affiliations are pre-processed (e.g., transliterated into ASCII from UTF-8 and html) so they may differ (sometimes a lot; see PMID 27487542) from PubMed records. All affiliation strings where processed using the MapAffil procedure, to identify and disambiguate the most specific place-name, as described in: Torvik VI. MapAffil: A bibliographic tool for mapping author affiliation strings to cities and their geocodes worldwide. D-Lib Magazine 2015; 21 (11/12). 10p • Look for Fig. 4 in the following article for coverage statistics over time: Palmblad, M., Torvik, V.I. Spatiotemporal analysis of tropical disease research combining Europe PMC and affiliation mapping web services. Trop Med Health 45, 33 (2017). <a href="https://doi.org/10.1186/s41182-017-0073-6">https://doi.org/10.1186/s41182-017-0073-6</a> Expect to see big upticks in coverage of PMIDs around 1988 and for non-first authors in 2014. • The code and back-end data is periodically updated and made available for query by PMID at http://abel.ischool.illinois.edu/cgi-bin/mapaffil/search.py • What is the format of the dataset? The dataset contains 52,931,957 rows (plus a header row). Each row (line) in the file has a unique PMID and author order, and contains the following eighteen columns, tab-delimited. All columns are ASCII, except city which contains Latin-1. 1. PMID: positive non-zero integer; int(10) unsigned 2. au_order: positive non-zero integer; smallint(4) 3. lastname: varchar(80) 4. firstname: varchar(80); NLM started including these in 2002 but many have been harvested from outside PubMed 5. initial_2: middle name initial 6. orcid: From 2019 ORCID Public Data File https://orcid.org/ and from PubMed XML 7. year: year of the publication 8. journal: name of journal that the publication is published 9. affiliation: author's affiliation?? 10. disciplines: extracted from departments, divisions, schools, laboratories, centers, etc. that occur on at least unique 100 affiliations across the dataset, some with standardization (e.g., 1770799), English translations (e.g., 2314876), or spelling corrections (e.g., 1291843) 11. grid: inferred using a high-recall technique focused on educational institutions (but, for experimental purposes, includes a few select hospitals, national institutes/centers, international companies, governmental agencies, and 200+ other IDs [RINGGOLD, Wikidata, ISNI, VIAF, http] for institutions not in GRID). Based on 2019 GRID version https://www.grid.ac/ 12. type: EDU, HOS, EDU-HOS, ORG, COM, GOV, MIL, UNK 13. city: varchar(200); typically 'city, state, country' but could include further subdivisions; unresolved ambiguities are concatenated by '|' 14. state: Australia, Canada and USA (which includes territories like PR, GU, AS, and post-codes like AE and AA) 15. country 16. lat: at most 3 decimals (only available when city is not a country or state) 17. lon: at most 3 decimals (only available when city is not a country or state) 18. fips: varchar(5); for USA only retrieved by lat-lon query to https://geo.fcc.gov/api/census/block/find
keywords: PubMed, MEDLINE, Digital Libraries, Bibliographic Databases; Author Affiliations; Geographic Indexing; Place Name Ambiguity; Geoparsing; Geocoding; Toponym Extraction; Toponym Resolution; institution name disambiguation
published: 2021-07-20
This dataset contains data from extreme-disagreement analysis described in paper “Aaron M. Cohen, Jodi Schneider, Yuanxi Fu, Marian S. McDonagh, Prerna Das, Arthur W. Holt, Neil R. Smalheiser, 2021, Fifty Ways to Tag your Pubtypes: Multi-Tagger, a Set of Probabilistic Publication Type and Study Design Taggers to Support Biomedical Indexing and Evidence-Based Medicine.” In this analysis, our team experts carried out an independent formal review and consensus process for extreme disagreements between MEDLINE indexing and model predictive scores. “Extreme disagreements” included two situations: (1) an abstract was MEDLINE indexed as a publication type but received low scores for this publication type, and (2) an abstract received high scores for a publication type but lacked the corresponding MEDLINE index term. “High predictive score” is defined as the top 100 high-scoring, and “low predictive score” is defined as the bottom 100 low-scoring. Three publication types were analyzed, which are CASE_CONTROL_STUDY, COHORT_STUDY, and CROSS_SECTIONAL_STUDY. Results were recorded in three Excel workbooks, named after the publication types: case_control_study.xlsx, cohort_study.xlsx, and cross_sectional_study.xlsx. The analysis shows that, when the tagger gave a high predictive score (>0.9) on articles that lacked a corresponding MEDLINE indexing term, independent review suggested that the model assignment was correct in almost all cases (CROSS_SECTIONAL_STUDY (99%), CASE_CONTROL_STUDY (94.9%), and COHORT STUDY (92.2%)). Conversely, when articles received MEDLINE indexing but model predictive scores were very low (<0.1), independent review suggested that the model assignment was correct in the majority of cases: CASE_CONTROL_STUDY (85.4%), COHORT STUDY (76.3%), and CROSS_SECTIONAL_STUDY (53.6%). Based on the extreme disagreement analysis, we identified a number of false-positives (FPs) and false-negatives (FNs). For case control study, there were 5 FPs and 14 FNs. For cohort study, there were 7 FPs and 22 FNs. For cross-sectional study, there were 1 FP and 45 FNs. We reviewed and grouped them based on patterns noticed, providing clues for further improving the models. This dataset reports the instances of FPs and FNs along with their categorizations.
keywords: biomedical informatics; machine learning; evidence based medicine; text mining
published: 2021-03-14
This dataset contains all the code, notebooks, datasets used in the study conducted to measure the spatial accessibility of COVID-19 healthcare resources with a particular focus on Illinois, USA. Specifically, the dataset measures spatial access for people to hospitals and ICU beds in Illinois. The spatial accessibility is measured by the use of an enhanced two-step floating catchment area (E2FCA) method (Luo & Qi, 2009), which is an outcome of interactions between demands (i.e, # of potential patients; people) and supply (i.e., # of beds or physicians). The result is a map of spatial accessibility to hospital beds. It identifies which regions need more healthcare resources, such as the number of ICU beds and ventilators. This notebook serves as a guideline of which areas need more beds in the fight against COVID-19. ## What's Inside A quick explanation of the components of the zip file * `COVID-19Acc.ipynb` is a notebook for calculating spatial accessibility and `COVID-19Acc.html` is an export of the notebook as HTML. * `Data` contains all of the data necessary for calculations: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; * `Chicago_Network.graphml`/`Illinois_Network.graphml` are GraphML files of the OSMNX street networks for Chicago and Illinois respectively. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; * `GridFile/` has hexagonal gridfiles for Chicago and Illinois &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; * `HospitalData/` has shapefiles for the hospitals in Chicago and Illinois &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; * `IL_zip_covid19/COVIDZip.json` has JSON file which contains COVID cases by zip code from IDPH &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; * `PopData/` contains population data for Chicago and Illinois by census tract and zip code. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; * `Result/` is where we write out the results of the spatial accessibility measures &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; * `SVI/`contains data about the Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) * `img/` contains some images and HTML maps of the hospitals (the notebook generates the maps) * `README.md` is the document you're currently reading! * `requirements.txt` is a list of Python packages necessary to use the notebook (besides Jupyter/IPython). You can install the packages with `python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt`
keywords: COVID-19; spatial accessibility; CyberGISX
published: 2020-07-16
Dataset to be for SocialMediaIE tutorial
keywords: social media; deep learning; natural language processing