Displaying 576 - 600 of 668 in total

Subject Area

Life Sciences (365)
Social Sciences (136)
Physical Sciences (101)
Technology and Engineering (64)
Arts and Humanities (1)
Uncategorized (1)


Other (206)
U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) (193)
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) (68)
U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) (63)
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) (44)
Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) (17)
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) (7)
U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) (6)
Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) (4)
U.S. Army (2)

Publication Year

2021 (108)
2022 (108)
2020 (96)
2023 (78)
2019 (72)
2024 (70)
2018 (61)
2017 (36)
2016 (30)
2025 (4)
2009 (1)
2011 (1)
2012 (1)
2014 (1)
2015 (1)


CC0 (367)
CC BY (281)
custom (20)


published: 2020-03-14
Data on bank elevations determined from lidar data for the Upper Sangamon River, Illinois, the Mission River, Texas, and the White River in Indiana
keywords: bank elevations, rivers, meandering, lowland
published: 2020-03-08
This dataset inventories the availability of entrepreneurship and small business education, including co-curricular opportunities, in two-year colleges in the United States. The inventory provides a snapshot of activities at more than 1,650 public, not-for-profit, and private for-profit institutions, in 2014.
keywords: Small business education; entrepreneurship education; Kauffman Entrepreneurship Education Inventory; Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation; Paul J. Magelli
published: 2020-06-01
Dataset associated with Hoover et al AUK-19-093 submission: Local conspecific density does not influence reproductive output in a secondary cavity-nesting songbird. Excel CSV with all of the data used in analyses. Description of variables YEARS: year ORDINAL_DATE: number for what day of the year it is with 1 January = 1,……30 December = 365 SITE: acronym for each study site BOX: unique nest box identifier on each study site TREAT: designates whether nest box was in a high- or low- nest box density area within each study site ACTUAL_NO_NEIGHBORS: number of pairs of warblers using a nest box within 200 m of a given pair’s nest box CLUTCH_SIZE: number of warbler eggs in nest at the onset of incubation PROWN: number of warbler nestlings once eggs have hatched PROWF: number of warbler nestlings that fledged out of the nest box HATCH_SUCCESS: proportion of eggs in the nest that hatched FLEDG_SUCCESS: proportion of the nestlings that fledged from the nest box HATCH_SUCCESS2: binary category where “0” indicates there was some, and “1” indicates there was no hatching failure FLEDG_SUCCESS2: binary category where “0” indicates there was some, and “1” indicates there was no nestling failure (i.e. nestling death) BHCO_PARASIT2: binary category where “0” indicates no cowbird parasitism, and “1” indicates there was cowbird parasitism BHCOE: number of cowbird eggs in clutch BHCOF: number of cowbird nestlings that fledged from the nest PAIRID: unique number that identifies a male and female warbler that are together at a nest box and this number is the same in a subsequent nesting attempt or year if the same male and female are together again FEMALE_ID: unique identifier for each female which represents her leg band combination. Each letter represents a band with letters preceding the hyphen being on the right leg and after the hyphen the left leg FEM_AGE: binary category where “0” indicates a 1-year-old bird and “1” indicates a >1-year-old bird FEMALE_BREEDING_ATTEMPT: “1” indicates first, “2” indicates second,……..breeding attempt within a given year SECOND_ATTEMPT: for any female that fledged a brood in a given year, binary category where “0” represents that they did not, and “1” indicates that they did attempt a second brood that year F_TOT_PROWF: total reproductive output (number of warbler fledglings produced) for a given female in a given year MALE_ID: unique identifier for each male which represents his leg band combination. Each letter represents a band with letters preceding the hyphen being on the right leg and after the hyphen the left leg MALE_AGE2: binary category where “0” indicates a 1-year-old bird and “1” indicates a >1-year-old bird Provisioning_rate: total number of food provisions per nestling per hour by male and female warbler combined BROOD_MASS: average nestling mass (g) for the brood BROOD_TARSUS: average nestling tarsus length (mm) for the brood Brood_condition: unit-less index of nestling condition that uses the residuals of the BROOD_MASS/BROOD_TARSUS relationship A period (“.”) represents where data were not collected, not available, or because individual nest or female did not qualify for consideration of a category assignment. An empty cell represents no data available for this particular cell.
keywords: conspecific density; density dependence; food limitation; hatching success; nestling body condition; nestling provisioning; Prothonotary Warbler; reproductive output
published: 2020-02-27
These data were collected for an experiment examining effects of neonicotinoid (clothianidin) presence on hover fly (Diptera: Syrphidae) behavior. Hover flies of two species (Eristalis arbustorum and Toxomerus marginatus) were offered a choice to feed on artificial flowers laced with sucrose solution that was either contaminated (CLO) or not contaminated (CON) with clothianidin. Two different concentrations of clothianidin in 0.5 M sucrose solution were tested: 2.5 ppb and 150 ppb. We conducted four sets of 10 trials, each trial set examining a different combination of species and clothianidin dose. Across 6 hours of video for each trial we recorded 1) number of visits to each flower that resulted in feeding, and 2) amount of time spent feeding during each visit. We found that while neither species fed significantly longer on either of the solutions, E. arbustorum appeared to avoid flowers with clothianidin particularly at high rates. In the paper, we attribute this avoidance response, partially, to hover fly-visible spectral differences between the two flower choices and discuss potential implications for field and lab-based studies. In the enclosed zip file we have included all data for this project and code scripts from R. * Note: Data folder contains 4 files (instead of 6 as mentioned in Readme): e.tenax_photoreceptors.csv; hoverfly_data_UPDATE.csv; number_visits_UPDATE.csv; and Original 2018 hover fly choice test data_Clem2020.xlsx
keywords: Syrphidae; hoverfly; Eristalis; Toxomerus; Choice Experiment; Neonicotinoid; Clothianidin
published: 2020-02-01
This data describes habitat use, availability, landscape level influences, and daily movement of dabbling ducks in the Wabash River Valley of southeastern Illinois and southwestern Indiana. It contains triangulated locations of individual ducks, associated habitat assignments of those locations, flood survey data to determine water availability, and randomly generated points to assess landscape level questions.
keywords: waterfowl; ducks; dabbling; mallard; teal; habitat
published: 2020-01-28
This dataset includes two data files that provide the time series (Jul. - Sep. 2017) data of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF_760) collected under sunny conditions at two maize sites (one rainfed and the other irrigated) in Nebraska in 2017. Data contain 392 SIF_760 records at the rainfed site and 707 records at the irrigated site. The timestamp uses local standard time. Data are available for the sunny conditions from 8 am to 5 pm (corresponding to 9 am to 6 pm local time) throughout the study period.
keywords: sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF); maize; gross primary production(GPP); light use efficiency(LUE); SIF yield
published: 2020-01-27
Morphologic data of dunes in the World's big rivers. Morphologic descriptors for large dunes include: dune height, dune mean leeside angle, dune maximum leeside angle, dune wavelength, dune flow depth (at the crest), and the fractional height of the maximum slope on the leeside for each dune. Morphologic descriptors for small dunes include: dune height, dune mean leeside angle, dune maximum leeside angle, dune wavelength, and dune flow depth (at the crest).
keywords: dune; bedform; rivers; morphology;
published: 2019-12-22
Dataset providing calculation of a Competition Index (CI) for Late Pleistocene carnivore guilds in Laos and Vietnam and their relationship to humans. Prey mass spectra, Prey focus masses, and prey class raw data can be used to calculate the CI following Hemmer (2004). Mass estimates were calculated for each species following Van Valkenburgh (1990). Full citations to methodological papers are included as relationships with other resources
keywords: competition; Southeast Asia; carnivores; humans
published: 2019-12-17
This dataset provides the raw data, code and related figures for the paper, "Channel Activation of CHSH Nonlocality"
keywords: Super-activation; Non-locality breaking channel
published: 2019-10-16
Human annotations of randomly selected judged documents from the AP 88-89, Robust 2004, WT10g, and GOV2 TREC collections. Seven annotators were asked to read documents in their entirety and then select up to ten terms they felt best represented the main topic(s) of the document. Terms were chosen from among a set sampled from the document in question and from related documents.
keywords: TREC; information retrieval; document topicality; document description
published: 2019-11-12
We are sharing the tweet IDs of four social movements: #BlackLivesMatter, #WhiteLivesMatter, #AllLivesMatter, and #BlueLivesMatter movements. The tweets are collected between May 1st, 2015 and May 30, 2017. We eliminated the location to the United States and focused on extracting the original tweets, excluding the retweets. Recommended citations for the data: Rezapour, R. (2019). Data for: How do Moral Values Differ in Tweets on Social Movements?. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-9614170_V1 and Rezapour, R., Ferronato, P., and Diesner, J. (2019). How do moral values differ in tweets on social movements?. In 2019 Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion Publication (CSCW’19 Companion), Austin, TX.
keywords: Twitter; social movements; black lives matter; blue lives matter; all lives matter; white lives matter
published: 2019-10-18
Supporting secondary data used in a manuscript currently in submission regarding the invasion dynamics of the asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, in the state of Illinois
keywords: albopictus;mosquito
published: 2019-07-04
Software (Matlab .m files) for the article: Lying in Wait: Modeling the Control of Bacterial Infections via Antibiotic-Induced Proviruses. The files can be used to reproduce the analysis and figures in the article.
keywords: Matlab codes; antibiotic-induced dynamics
published: 2019-09-05
The data set here include data from NMR, LC-MS/MS, MALDI-MS, H/D exchange MS experiments used in paper "A novel rotifer derived alkaloid paralyzes schistosome larvae and prevents infection".
published: 2019-09-06
This is a dataset of 1101 comments from The New York Times (May 1, 2015-August 31, 2015) that contains a mention of the stemmed words vaccine or vaxx.
keywords: vaccine;online comments
published: 2019-08-15
Simulation data related to the paper "Mastitis risk effect on the economic consequences of paratuberculosis control in dairy cattle: A stochastic modeling study"
keywords: paratuberculosis;simulation;dairy
published: 2019-07-27
Genotype calls are provided for a collection of 583 Miscanthus sinensis clones across 1,108,836 loci mapped to version 7 of the Miscanthus sinensis reference genome. Sequence and alignment information for all unique RAD tags is also provided to facilitate cross-referencing to other genomes.
keywords: variant call format (VCF); sequence alignment/map format (SAM); miscanthus; single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP); restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq); bioenergy; grass
published: 2019-07-26
Data used in paper published in the Journal of Applied Ecology titled " Bee diversity in tallgrass prairies affected by management and its effects on above- and below-ground resources" Bee Community file contains info on bees sampled in each site. The first column contain the Tallgrass Prairie Sites sampled all additional columns contain the bee species name in the first row and all individuals recorded. Plant Community file contains info on plants sampled in each site. The first column contain the Tallgrass Prairie Sites sampled all additional columns contain the plant species name in the first row and all individuals recorded. Soil PC1 file contains the soil PC1 values used in the analyses. The first column contain the Tallgrass Prairie Sites sampled, the second column contains the calculated soil PC1 values.
keywords: bee; community; tallgrass prairie; grazing
published: 2019-07-08
These files contain the data presented in the manuscript entitles "Iron redox reactions can drive microtopographic variation in upland soil carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide emissions".
keywords: Iron; redox; carbon dioxide; nitrous oxide; chemodenitrification; Feammox; dissimilatory iron reduction; upland soils; flooding; global change
published: 2018-06-05
A complete building coverage area dataset (i.e. area occupied by building structures, excluding other built surfaces such as roads, parking lots, and public parks) at the level of census block groups for the contiguous United States (CONUS). The dataset was assembled based on an ensemble prediction of nonlinear hierarchical models to account for spatial heterogeneities in the distribution of built surfaces across different urban communities. Percentage of impervious land and housing density were used as predictors of the estimated area of buildings and cross-validation results showed that the product estimated area represented by buildings with a mean error of 0.049 %.
keywords: Building Coverage Area; Urban Geography; Regional; Sustainability; US Census Block Groups; CONUS Data
published: 2018-12-31
Sixty undergraduate STEM lecture classes were observed across 14 departments at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2015 and 2016. We selected the classes to observe using purposive sampling techniques with the objectives of (1) collecting classroom observations that were representative of the STEM courses offered; (2) conducting observations on non-test, typical class days; and (3) comparing these classroom observations using the Class Observation Protocol for Undergraduate STEM (COPUS) to record the presence and frequency of active learning practices utilized by Community of Practice (CoP) and non-CoP instructors. Decimal values are the result of combined observations. All COPUS codes listed are from Smith (2013) "The Classroom Observation Protocol for Undergraduate STEM (COPUS): A New Instrument to Characterize STEM Classroom Practices" paper. For more information on the data collection process, see "Evidence that communities of practice are associated with active learning in large STEM lectures" by Tomkin et. al. (2019) in the International Journal of STEM Education.
keywords: COPUS, Community of Practice
published: 2019-05-07
Data set of trophic cascade in mesocosms experiments for zooplankton (biomass and body size) and phytoplankton (chlorophyll a concentration) caused by Bluegill as well as zooplankton production in those same treatment groups. Zooplankton were collected by tube sampler and phytoplankton were collected through grab samples.
keywords: Trophic cascades; size-selective predation; compensatory mechanisms; biomanipulation; invasive fish; Daphnia; Moina
published: 2019-05-16
The associated data sets include information on stable isotopes from organic matter sources in high elevation lakes, the percentage of production assimilated from the different sources of organic matter, and the relationship between different metrics for trophic position and environmental variables.
keywords: Stable isotopes; macroinvertebrate production; trophic position
published: 2019-04-05
File Name: Inclusion_Criteria_Annotation.csv Data Preparation: Xiaoru Dong Date of Preparation: 2019-04-04 Data Contributions: Jingyi Xie, Xiaoru Dong, Linh Hoang Data Source: Cochrane systematic reviews published up to January 3, 2018 by 52 different Cochrane groups in 8 Cochrane group networks. Associated Manuscript authors: Xiaoru Dong, Jingyi Xie, Linh Hoang, and Jodi Schneider. Associated Manuscript, Working title: Machine classification of inclusion criteria from Cochrane systematic reviews. Description: The file contains lists of inclusion criteria of Cochrane Systematic Reviews and the manual annotation results. 5420 inclusion criteria were annotated, out of 7158 inclusion criteria available. Annotations are either "Only RCTs" or "Others". There are 2 columns in the file: - "Inclusion Criteria": Content of inclusion criteria of Cochrane Systematic Reviews. - "Only RCTs": Manual Annotation results. In which, "x" means the inclusion criteria is classified as "Only RCTs". Blank means that the inclusion criteria is classified as "Others". Notes: 1. "RCT" stands for Randomized Controlled Trial, which, in definition, is "a work that reports on a clinical trial that involves at least one test treatment and one control treatment, concurrent enrollment and follow-up of the test- and control-treated groups, and in which the treatments to be administered are selected by a random process, such as the use of a random-numbers table." [Randomized Controlled Trial publication type definition from https://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/pubtypes.html]. 2. In order to reproduce the relevant data to this, please get the code of the project published on GitHub at: https://github.com/XiaoruDong/InclusionCriteria and run the code following the instruction provided. 3. This datafile (V2) is a updated version of the datafile published at https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-5958960_V1 with some minor spelling mistakes in the data fixed.
keywords: Inclusion criteri; Randomized controlled trials; Machine learning; Systematic reviews
published: 2019-03-05
This dataset contains the raw nuclear background radiation data collected in the engineering campus of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It contains three columns, x, y, and counts, which corresponds to longitude, latitude, and radiation count rate (counts per second). In addition to the original background radiation data, there are several separate files that contain the simulated radioactive sources. For more detailed README file, please refer to this documentation: <a href= "https://www.dropbox.com/s/xjhmeog7fvijml7/README.pdf?dl=0">https://www.dropbox.com/s/xjhmeog7fvijml7/README.pdf?dl=0</a>
keywords: Nuclear Radiation