Displaying 76 - 100 of 101 in total

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U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) (45)
Other (20)
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) (18)
U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) (4)
U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) (3)
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) (2)
Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) (1)
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) (1)
Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) (0)
U.S. Army (0)

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published: 2021-05-10
This dataset contains the emulated global multi-model urban daily temperature projections under RCP 8.5 scenario. The dataset is derived from the study "Large model structural uncertainty in global projections of urban heat waves" (XXXX). Details about this dataset and the local urban climate emulator are described in the article. This dataset documents the global urban daily temperatures of 17 CMIP5 Earth system models for 2006-2015 and 2061-2070. This dataset may be useful for multiple communities regarding urban climate change, heat waves, impacts, vulnerability, risks, and adaptation applications.
keywords: Urban heat waves; CMIP; urban warming; heat stress; urban climate change
published: 2017-09-08
Transport and MFM data of brickwork artificial spin ice composed of permalloy are included, which are reproductions of the data in an article named "Magnetic response of brickwork artificial spin ice". Transport data represent magnetic response of connected brickwork artificial spin ice, and MFM data represent how both connected and disconnected brickwork artificial spin ice react to external magnetic fields. SEM images of typical samples are included, where individual nanowire leg (island) is approximately 660 nm long and 140 nm wide with a 40 nm thickness. For the transport, each sample was measured in a longitudinal and a transverse geometry. Red curves are the 2500 Oe to -2500 Oe sweeps and the blue curves are -2500 Oe to 2500 Oe sweeps. Transport measurements were taken by using a standard 4-wire technique. Each plot was saved in pdf format.
keywords: Magnetotransport
published: 2023-08-24
This data set includes all of data related to strain-resilient FETs based on 2D heterostructures including optical images of FETs, Raman characteristics data, Transport measurement data, and AFM topography data.
keywords: 2D materials; Stretchable electronics
published: 2019-03-19
This dataset includes images and extracted centerlines from experiments looking at the formation and evolution of meltwater meandering channels on ice. The laboratory data includes centimeter- and millimeter-scale rivulets. Dataset also includes an image and corresponding centerlines from the Peterman Ice Island. All centerlines were manually digitized in Matlab but no distributable code was developed for the process. Once digitized, centerlines were smoothed and standardized following methods and routines developed by other authors (Zolezzi and Guneralp, 2016; Guneralp and Rhoads, 2008). Details about the preparation of the centerlines and processing with these methods is included in the dissertation by Fernández (2018) linked to this dataset. "Millimeter scale and Peterman Ice Island centerlines.pdf": This file includes the images of two mm-scale experimetns and the Peterman Ice Island image. Seventeen centerlines were digitized from the former and seven were digitized from the latter. Those centerlines are shown above the images themselves. "Centimeter scale rivulet images.pdf": This file includes images corresponding to all cm-scale centerlines used for the analysis presented in the dissertation by Fernandez (2018). Each image has a short caption indicating the run ID and the time at which it was captured. The images were used to extract centerlines to look at the planform evolution of cm-scale meltwater meandering rivulets on ice. Images include 26 centerlines from four different runs. "Meltwater meandering channel centerlines.xlsx": This spreadsheet contains the centerline data for all fifty centerlines. The workbook includes 51 sheets. The first 50 are related to each one of the channels. The mm scale and Peterman Ice Island ones are identified using the same IDs shown in "Millimeter scale and Peterman Ice Island centerlines.pdf". The cm-scale centerlines are identified by run ID and a number indicating the time in minutes (with t = 0 min being the time at which water started flowing over the ice block). The naming convention is also associated to the images in "Centimeter scale rivulet images.pdf". The last sheet in the workbook includes a summary of the channel widths measured from every image for each centerline. The 50 sheets with the centerline information have four columns each. The titles of the columns are X, Y, S, and C. X,Y are dimensionless coordinates of the centerline. S is dimensionless streamwise coordinate (location along the centerline). C is dimensionless curvature value. All these values were non-dimensionalized with the channel width. See Fernandez (2018), Zolezzi and Guneralp (2016), and Guneralp and Rhoads (2008) for more details regarding the process of smoothing, standardizing and non-dimensionalization of the centerline coordinates.
keywords: Meltwater, Meandering, Ice, Supraglacial, Experiments
published: 2019-05-01
This dataset contains scripts and data developed as a part of the research manuscript titled “Spatial and Temporal Allocation of Ammonia Emissions from Fertilizer Application Important for Air Quality Predictions in U.S. Corn Belt”. This includes (1) Spatial and temporal factors for ammonia emissions from agricultural fertilizer usage developed using the hybrid ISS-DNDC method for the Midwest U.S., (2) CAMx job scripts and outputs of predictions of ambient ammonia and total and speciated PM2.5, (3) Observation data used to statistically evaluate CAMx predictions, and (4) MATLAB programs developed to pair CAMx predictions with ground-based observation data in space and time.
keywords: Air quality; Ammonia; Emissions; PM2.5; CAMx; DNDC; spatial resolution; Midwest U.S.
published: 2018-01-11
Dataset includes structure and values of a causal model for Training Quality in nuclear power plants. Each entry refers to a piece of evidence supporting causality of the Training Quality causal model. Includes bibliographic information, context-specific text from the reference, and three weighted values; (M1) credibility of reference, (2) causality determined by the author, and (3) analysts confidence level. (M1, M2, and M3) Weight metadata are based on probability language from <a href="https://www.ipcc.ch/ipccreports/tar/vol4/english/index.htm" style="text-decoration: none" >Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Climate Change 2001: Synthesis Report</a>. The language can be found in the “Summary for Policymakers” section, in the PDF format. Weight Metadata: LowerBound_Probability, UpperBound_Probability, Qualitative Language 0.99, 1, Virtually Certain 0.9, 0.99, Very Likely 0.66, 0.9, Likely 0.33, 0.66, Medium Likelihood 0.1, 0.33, Unlikely 0.01, 0.1, Very Unlikely 0, 0.01, Extremely Unlikely
keywords: Data-Theoretic; Training; Organization; Probabilistic Risk Assessment; Training Quality; Causal Model; DT-BASE; Bayesian Belief Network; Bayesian Network; Theory-Building
published: 2018-05-21
This dataset contains bonding networks and tolerance ranges for geometric magnetic dimensionality. The data can be searched in the html frontend above, code obtained at the GitHub repository, or the raw data can be downloaded as csv below. The csv data contains the results of 42520 compounds (unique icsd_code) from ICSD FindIt v3.5.0. The csv is semicolon-delimited since some fields contain multiple comma-separated values.
keywords: materials science; physics; magnetism; crystallography
published: 2018-12-13
A 3D CNN method to land cover classification using LiDAR and multitemporal imagery
keywords: 3DCNN; land cover classification; LiDAR; multitemporal imagery
published: 2016-11-28
These show the topography and relief of the Precambrian surface of the Cratonic Platform of the United States.
keywords: precambrian; geology; relief; elevation
published: 2016-12-12
This dataset is the field measurements of water depth at the Wax Lake delta conducted in late 2012.
keywords: Wax Lake delta; Bathymetry
published: 2016-12-12
This dataset is the field measurements of currents at two stations (Big Hogs Bayou and Delta1) in the the Wax Lake delta in November 2012 and February 2013.
keywords: Wax Lake delta; Currents
published: 2016-12-12
This dataset is the field measurements of water depth at the Wax Lake delta on the date 2012-12-01.
keywords: Wax Lake delta; Bathymetry
published: 2016-12-12
This dataset includes data of the the Wax Lake delta from four public agencies: NGDC, USGS, NDBC, and NOAA CO-OPS. Besides the original data, the processed data associated with analyzed figures are also shared.
keywords: Wax Lake delta; NOAA CO-OPS; NGDC; USGS; NDBC
published: 2016-12-18
This dataset is the numerical simulation data of the computational study of the cold front-related hydrodynamics in the Wax Lake delta. The numerical model used is ECOM-si.
keywords: Wax Lake delta; Hydrodynamics; Cold front
published: 2023-03-16
This dataset consists of all the figure files that are part of the main text of the manuscript titled "Magnetic-field sensitive charge density waves in the superconductor UTe2". For detailed information on the individual files refer to the readme file.
keywords: superconductor; spin-triplet; topological; unconventional; CDW; PDW; magnetic field;
published: 2023-01-10
Agriculture is the largest user of water in the United States. Yet, we do not understand the spatially resolved sources of irrigation water use by crop. The goal of this study is to estimate crop-specific irrigation water use from surface water withdrawals, total groundwater withdrawals, and nonrenewable groundwater depletion for the Continental United States. Water use by source is provided for 20 crops and crop groups from 2008 to 2020 at the county spatial resolution. These results present the first national-scale assessment of irrigation by crop, county, water source, and year. In total, there are nearly 2.5 million data points in this dataset (3,142 counties; 13 years; 3 water sources; and 20 crops). This dataset supports the paper by Ruess et al (2023) in Water Resources Research, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022WR032804. When using, please cite as: Ruess, P.J., Konar, M., Wanders, N. , & Bierkens, M. (2023). Irrigation by crop in the Continental United States from 2008 to 2020, Water Resources Research, 59, e2022WR032804. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022WR032804
keywords: Water use; irrigation; surface water; groundwater; groundwater depletion; counties; crops; time series
published: 2021-08-04
This dataset contains data derived from large-scale particle velocimetry measurements obtained at the confluence of the Saline Branch and an unnamed tributary in Illinois. The data were collected using two cameras positioned about the confluence, one mounted on a cable and the other mounted on a tripod. A description of the content of the files can be found in Description of Files.rtf.
keywords: confluence; hydrodynamics; LSPIV; flow structure; stagnation
published: 2020-08-01
This data set includes information used to determine patterns of mixing at three small confluences in East Central Illinois based on differences in the temperature or turbidity of the two confluent flows.
keywords: mixing; confluences; flow structure
published: 2020-01-27
Morphologic data of dunes in the World's big rivers. Morphologic descriptors for large dunes include: dune height, dune mean leeside angle, dune maximum leeside angle, dune wavelength, dune flow depth (at the crest), and the fractional height of the maximum slope on the leeside for each dune. Morphologic descriptors for small dunes include: dune height, dune mean leeside angle, dune maximum leeside angle, dune wavelength, and dune flow depth (at the crest).
keywords: dune; bedform; rivers; morphology;
published: 2019-12-17
This dataset provides the raw data, code and related figures for the paper, "Channel Activation of CHSH Nonlocality"
keywords: Super-activation; Non-locality breaking channel
published: 2018-06-05
A complete building coverage area dataset (i.e. area occupied by building structures, excluding other built surfaces such as roads, parking lots, and public parks) at the level of census block groups for the contiguous United States (CONUS). The dataset was assembled based on an ensemble prediction of nonlinear hierarchical models to account for spatial heterogeneities in the distribution of built surfaces across different urban communities. Percentage of impervious land and housing density were used as predictors of the estimated area of buildings and cross-validation results showed that the product estimated area represented by buildings with a mean error of 0.049 %.
keywords: Building Coverage Area; Urban Geography; Regional; Sustainability; US Census Block Groups; CONUS Data
published: 2019-03-05
This dataset contains the raw nuclear background radiation data collected in the engineering campus of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It contains three columns, x, y, and counts, which corresponds to longitude, latitude, and radiation count rate (counts per second). In addition to the original background radiation data, there are several separate files that contain the simulated radioactive sources. For more detailed README file, please refer to this documentation: <a href= "https://www.dropbox.com/s/xjhmeog7fvijml7/README.pdf?dl=0">https://www.dropbox.com/s/xjhmeog7fvijml7/README.pdf?dl=0</a>
keywords: Nuclear Radiation
published: 2018-05-16
These data are for two companion papers on use of LSPIV obtained from UAS (i.e. drones) to measure flow structure in streams. The LSPIV1 folder contains spreadsheet data used in each case referred to in Table 1 in the manuscript. In the spreadsheets, there is a cell that denotes which figure was constructed with which data. The LSPIV2 folder contains spreadsheets with data used for the constructed figures, and are labeled by figure.
keywords: LSPIV; drone; UAS; flow structure; rivers