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Illinois Data Bank Dataset Search Results

Dataset Search Results

published: 2021-04-22
All code in Matlab .m scripts or functions (version R2019b) Affiliated with article “Temperate and chronic virus competition leads to low lysogen frequency” published in the Journal of Theoretical Biology (2021) Codes simulate and plot the solutions of an Ordinary Differential Equations model and generate bifurcation diagrams.
published: 2021-05-12
These are the data sets associated with our publication "Field borders provide winter refuge for beneficial predators and parasitoids: a case study on organic farms." For this project, we compared the communities of overwintering arthropod natural enemies in organic cultivated fields and wildflower-strip field borders at five different sites in central Illinois. Abstract: Semi-natural field borders are frequently used in midwestern U.S. sustainable agriculture. These habitats are meant to help diversify otherwise monocultural landscapes and provision them with ecosystem services, including biological control. Predatory and parasitic arthropods (i.e., potential natural enemies) often flourish in these habitats and may move into crops to help control pests. However, detailed information on the capacity of semi-natural field borders for providing overwintering refuge for these arthropods is poorly understood. In this study, we used soil emergence tents to characterize potential natural enemy communities (i.e., predacious beetles, wasps, spiders, and other arthropods) overwintering in cultivated organic crop fields and adjacent field borders. We found a greater abundance, species richness, and unique community composition of predatory and parasitic arthropods in field borders compared to arable crop fields, which were generally poorly suited as overwintering habitat. Furthermore, potential natural enemies tended to be positively associated with forb cover and negatively associated with grass cover, suggesting that grassy field borders with less forb cover are less well-suited as winter refugia. These results demonstrate that semi-natural habitats like field borders may act as a source for many natural enemies on a year-to-year basis and are important for conserving arthropod diversity in agricultural landscapes.
keywords: Natural enemy; wildflower strips; conservation biological control; semi-natural habitat; field border; organic farming
published: 2022-01-01
The file “Fla.fasta”, comprising 10526 positions, is the concatenated amino acid alignments of 51 orthologues of 182 bacterial strains. It was used for the maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony analyses of Flavobacteriales. Bacterial species names and strains were used as the sequence names, host names of insect endosymbionts were shown in brackets. The file “16S.fasta” is the alignment of 233 bacterial 16S rRNA sequences. It contains 1455 positions and was used for the maximum likelihood analysis of flavobacterial insect endosymbionts. The names of endosymbiont strains were replaced by the name of their hosts. In addition to the species names, National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) accession numbers were also indicated in the sequence names (e.g., sequence “Cicadellidae_Deltocephalinae_Macrostelini_Macrosteles_striifrons_AB795320” is the 16S rRNA of Macrosteles striifrons (Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae: Macrostelini) with a NCBI accession number AB795320). The file “Sulcia_pep.fasta” is the concatenated amino acid alignments of 131 orthologues of “Candidatus Sulcia muelleri” (Sulcia). It contains 41970 positions and presents 101 Sulcia strains and 3 Blattabacterium strains. This file was used for the maximum likelihood analysis of Sulcia. The file “Sulcia_nucleotide.fasta” is the concatenated nucleotide alignment corresponding to the sequences in “Sulcia_pep.fasta” but also comprises the alignment of 16S rRNA. It has 127339 positions and was used for the maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony analyses of Sulcia. Individual gene alignments (16S rRNA and 131 orthologues of Sulcia and Blattabacterium) are deposited in the compressed file “individual_gene_alignments.zip”, which were used to construct gene trees for multispecies coalescent analysis. The names of Sulcia strains were replaced by the name of their hosts in “Sulcia_pep.fasta”, “Sulcia_nucleotide.fasta” and the files in “individual_gene_alignments.zip”. In all the alignment files, gaps are indicated by “-”.
keywords: endosymbiont, “Candidatus Sulcia muelleri”, Auchenorrhyncha, coevolution
published: 2021-08-27
The dataset shows all poison frogs (superfamily Dendrobatoidea) in private U.S. collections during 1990–2020. For each species and color morph, there is a date of arrival, the way it arrived in U.S. collections, and detailed notes related to its presence in the pet trade.
keywords: pet trade; amphibians; Dendrobatidae
published: 2020-10-28
We studied we examined the role of stream flow on environmental DNA (eDNA) concentrations and detectability of an invasive clam (Corbicula fluminea), while also accounting for other abiotic and biotic variables. This data includes the eDNA concentrations, quadrat estimates of clam density, and abiotic variables.
keywords: Corbicula; detection probability; eDNA; invasive species; lotic; occupancy modeling
published: 2022-08-20
Dataset associated with Jones and Ward BEAS-D-21-00106R2 submission: Parasitic cowbird development up to fledging and subsequent post-fledging survival reflect life history variation found across host species. Excel CSV files and .inp file with data used in nest survival and Brown-headed Cowbird post-fledging analyses and file with descriptions of each column. The CSV file is setup for logistic exposure models in SAS or R and the .inp file is setup to be uploaded into program MARK for multi-state recaptures only analysis. Species included in the analyses: American Robin, Blue Grosbeak, Brown Thrasher, Blue-winged Warbler, Carolina Chickadee, Chipping Sparrow, Common Yellowthroat, Dickcissel, Eastern Bluebird, Eastern Phoebe, Eastern Towhee, Field Sparrow, Gray Catbird, House Wren, Indigo Bunting, Northern Cardinal, Red-winged Blackbird, Tree Swallow, Yellow-breasted Chat, and Yellow Warbler.
keywords: brood parasitism; cowbird; carryover effects; phenotypic plasticity; post-fledging; songbirds
published: 2022-06-01
This dataset contain information for the paper "Changes in neuropeptide prohormone genes among Cetartio-dactyla livestock and wild species associated with evolution and domestication" Veterinary Sciences, MDPI. Protein sequences were predicted using GeneWise for 98 neuropeptide prohormone genes from publicly available genomes of 118 Cetartiodactyla species. All predictions (CetartiodactylaSequences2022.zip) were manually verified. Sequences were aligned within each prohormone using MAFFT (MDPImultalign2022.zip includes multiple sequence alignment of all species available for each prohormone). Phylogenetic gene trees were constructed using PhyML and the species tree was constructed using ASTRAL (MDPItree2022.zip). The data is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
keywords: prohormone; neuropeptide; Cetartiodactyla; Cetartiodactyla; phylogenetics; gene tree; species tree
published: 2020-10-20
This dataset includes a total of 501 images of 42 fossil specimens of Striatopollis and 459 specimens of 45 extant species of the tribe Amherstieae-Fabaceae. These images were taken using Airyscan confocal superresolution microscopy at 630X magnification (63x/NA 1.4 oil DIC). The images are in the CZI file format. They can be opened using Zeiss propriety software (Zen, Zen lite) or in ImageJ. More information on how to open CZI files can be found here: [https://www.zeiss.com/microscopy/us/products/microscope-software/zen/czi.html#microscope---image-data].
keywords: Striatopollis catatumbus; superresolution microscopy; Cenozoic; tropics; Zeiss; CZI; striate pollen.
published: 2020-02-05
The Delt_Comb.NEX text file contains the original data used in the phylogenetic analyses of Zahniser & Dietrich, 2013 (European Journal of Taxonomy, 45: 1-211). The text file is marked up according to the standard NEXUS format commonly used by various phylogenetic analysis software packages. The file will be parsed automatically by a variety of programs that recognize NEXUS as a standard bioinformatics file format. The first nine lines of the file indicate the file type (Nexus), that 152 taxa were analyzed, that a total of 3971 characters were analyzed, the format of the data, and specification for two symbols used in the dataset. There are four datasets separated into blocks, one each for: 28S rDNA gene, Histone H3 gene, morphology, and insertion/deletion characters scored based on the alignment of the 28S rDNA dataset. Descriptions of the morphological characters and more details on the species and specimens included in the dataset are provided in the publication using this dataset. A text file, Delt_morph_char.txt, is available here that states the morphological characters and characters states that were scored in the Delt_Comb.NEX dataset. The original DNA sequence data are available from NCBI GenBank under the accession numbers indicated in publication. Chromatogram files for each sequencing read are available from the first author upon request.
keywords: phylogeny; DNA sequence; morphology; parsimony analysis; Insecta; Hemiptera; Cicadellidae; leafhopper; evolution; 28S rDNA; histone H3; bayesian analysis
published: 2022-04-19
List of differentially expressed genes in human endometrial stromal cells with knockdown of Basigin (BSG) gene expression during decidualization. The BSG siRNA or negative scrambled control siRNA were transfected into human endometrial stromal cells (HESCs) following the protocol of siLentFect™ Lipid (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA. Following complete knock down of BSG in HESCs (72 hours after adding siRNA), HESCs were treated with medium containing estrogen, progesterone and cAMP to induce decidualization. BSG siRNA and negative control scrambled siRNA were added to the cells every four days (day 0, 4) over the course of the decidualization protocol. Total RNA was harvested at day 6 of the decidualization protocol for microarray analysis. Microarray analysis was performed at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Roy J. Carver Biotechnology Center. Briefly, 0.2 micrograms of total RNA were labeled using the Agilent two color QuickAmp labeling kit (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. The optional spike-in controls were not used. Samples were hybridized to Human Gene Expression 4x44K v2 Microarray (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA) in an Agilent Hybridization Cassette according to standard protocols. The arrays were then scanned on an Axon GenePix 4000B scanner and the images were quantified using Axon GenePix 6.1. Microarray data pre-processing and statistical analyses were done in R (v3.6.2) using the limma package (3.42.0 (Ritchie et al., 2015). Median foreground and median background values from the 4 arrays were read into R and any spots that had been manually flagged (-100 values) were given a weight of zero. The background values were ignored because investigations showed that trying to use them to adjust for background fluorescence added more noise to the data; background was low and even for all arrays, therefore no background correction was done. The individual Cy5 and Cy3 fluorescence for each array were normalized together using the quantile method 3 (Yang and Thorne, 2003). Agilent's Human Gene Expression 4x44K v2 Microarray has a total of 45,220 probes: 1224 probes for positive controls, 153 negative control, 823 labeled “ignore” and 43,118 labeled “cDNA”. The pos+neg+ignore probes were used to ascertain the background level of fluorescence (6, on the log2 scale) then discarded. The cDNA probes comprise 34,127 unique 60mer probes, of which 999 probes are spotted 10 times each and the rest one time each. We averaged the replicate probes for those spotted 10 times and then fit a mixed model that had treatment and dye as fixed effects and array pairing as a random effect (Phipson et al., 2016; Smyth et al., 2005). After fitting the model but before False Discovery Rate (FDR) correction (Benjamini and Hochberg, 1995), probes were filtered out by the following criteria: 1) did not have at least 4/8 samples with expression values > 6 (14,105 probes removed), 2) no longer had an assigned Entrez Gene ID in Bioconductor’s HsAgilentDesign026652.db annotation package (v3.2.3; 2,152 probes removed) (Huber et al., 2015), 3) mapped to the same Entrez Gene ID as another probe but had a larger p-value for treatment effect (4,141 probes removed). This left 13,729 probes representing 13,729 unique genes. <b>*Please note: that there is a discrepancy between the file and the readme as this plain text is the actual data file of this dataset.</b>
keywords: Basigin; endometrium; decidualization; human
published: 2016-08-16
This archive contains all the alignments and trees used in the HIPPI paper [1]. The pfam.tar archive contains the PFAM families used to build the HMMs and BLAST databases. The file structure is: ./X/Y/initial.fasttree ./X/Y/initial.fasta where X is a Pfam family, Y is the cross-fold set (0, 1, 2, or 3). Inside the folder are two files, initial.fasta which is the Pfam reference alignment with 1/4 of the seed alignment removed and initial.fasttree, the FastTree-2 ML tree estimated on the initial.fasta. The query.tar archive contains the query sequences for each cross-fold set. The associated query sequences for a cross-fold Y is labeled as query.Y.Z.fas, where Z is the fragment length (1, 0.5, or 0.25). The query files are found in the splits directory. [1] Nguyen, Nam-Phuong D, Mike Nute, Siavash Mirarab, and Tandy Warnow. (2016) HIPPI: Highly Accurate Protein Family Classification with Ensembles of HMMs. To appear in BMC Genomics.
keywords: HIPPI dataset; ensembles of profile Hidden Markov models; Pfam
published: 2021-05-14
This document contains the Supplemental Materials for Chapter 4: Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture from the report "An Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change in Illinois" published in 2021.
keywords: Illinois; climate change; agriculture; impacts; adaptation; crop yield; ISAM; econometrics; days suitable for fieldwork
published: 2021-10-28
Bigheaded carp were collected from the Illinois and Des Plaines Rivers, parts of the Illinois Waterway, from May to November 2018. A total of 93 fish were collected during sampling for a study comprised of 40 females, 41 males, and 12 unsexed fish. GC/MS metabolite profiling analysis detected 180 compounds. Livers from carp at the leading edge had differences in energy use and metabolism, and suppression of protective mechanisms relative to downstream fish; differences were consistent across time. This body of work provides evidence that water quality is linked to carp movement in the Illinois River. As water quality in this region continues to improve, consideration of this impact on carp spread is essential to protect the Great Lakes.
keywords: water quality; metabolites; range expansion; energy; contaminants
published: 2023-10-26
This dataset contains MRI data and Imaris modeling analysis of CLARITY-cleared, immunostained tissue associated with a study that assessed the effects of lipid blends containing various levels of a hydrolyzed fat system on myelin development in healthy neonatal piglets. Data are from thirty-two piglets of mixed sexes across four diet treatment groups and includes a sow-fed reference group. MRI data (presented in Figure 2 of the associated article) consists of volumetric data from Voxel-Based Morphometry analysis in brain grey matter and white matter, as well as mean fractional anisotropy and mean orientation dispersion index data from Tract-Based Spatial Statistics analysis. Imaris data (presented in Figure 3 of the associated article) consists of twenty-one select output measures from 3D modeling analysis of PLP-stained prefrontal cortex tissue. All methods used for collection/generation/processing of data are described in the associated article: Louie AY, Rund LA, Komiyama-Kasai KA, Weisenberger KE, Stanke KL, Larsen RJ, Leyshon BJ, Kuchan MJ, Das T, Steelman AJ. A hydrolyzed lipid blend diet promotes myelination in neonatal piglets in a region and concentration-dependent manner. J Neurosci Res. 2023.
keywords: myelin; dietary lipid; white matter; CLARITY; Imaris; voxel-based morphometry; diffusion tensor imaging
published: 2021-06-24
This dataset contains EEG and Temperature data acquired from inside the bore of an MRI scanner during scanning with two different types of fMRI sequences: single-band and and multi-band. The EEG data were acquired from the heads of adult humans undergoing scanning, and can be used to assess differences in EEG data quality due to sequence type. The temperature data were acquired from a watermelon phantom and can be used to assess heating differences due to sequence type.
keywords: Simultaneous EEG-fMRI, Multi-band fMRI, Safety, Heating
published: 2023-09-01
An online and paper knowledge, attitudes, and practices survey on ticks and tick-borne diseases (TBD) was distributed to farmers in Illinois during summer 2020 to spring 2022 (paper version titled Final Draft Farmer KAP_v.SoftCopy_Revised.docx). These are the raw data associated with that survey and the survey questions used (FarmerTickKAPdata.csv, data dictionary in Data Description.docx). We have added calculated values (columns 286 to end, code for calculation in FarmerKAPvariableCalculation.R), including: the tick knowledge score, TBD knowledge score, and total knowledge score, which are the sum of the total number of correct answers in each category, and score percent, which are the proportion of correct answers in each category.
keywords: ticks; survey; tick-borne disease; farmer
published: 2021-10-22
This dataset includes the source data for Figures 1-4 and supplementary figures 1-10 for the manuscript "Kinetic and structural mechanism for DNA unwinding by a non-hexameric helicase".
published: 2021-12-01
An online knowledge, attitudes, and practices survey on ticks and tick-borne diseases was distributed to veterinary professionals in Southern and Central Illinois during summer and fall 2020. These are the raw data associated with that survey and the survey questions used. * NOTE: "age" and "gender" variables were removed from the data to protect participants.
keywords: ticks; veterinary medicine; tick-borne disease; survey
published: 2021-08-14
1. Rice H2 - Destructive Harvest - These data are for the destructive harvest (above-ground biomass) of 30 diverse indica rice genotypes that were grown to evaluate natural variation as well as the heritability of photosynthesis-related traits. Traits measured include: plant height, leaf area, plant fresh and dry weights, and tiller number. 2. Rice H2 - ACi Response Summary - These data characterize the response of CO2 uptake to change in intercellular CO2 concentration in 30 diverse indica rice genotypes. These measurements were taken to evaluate natural variation and the heritability of photosynthesis-related traits in rice. 3. Rice H2 - Survey Style Gas Exchange Measurements - These data document steady-state survey style gas exchange measurements in 30 diverse indica rice genotypes. These measurements were taken to evaluate natural variation and the heritability of photosynthesis-related traits in rice.
keywords: photosynthesis, photosynthetic capacity, natural variation, heritability, food security, rice
published: 2021-04-30
This repository includes scripts and datasets for the paper, "Accurate Large-scale Phylogeny-Aware Alignment using BAli-Phy" submitted to Bioinformatics.
keywords: BAli-Phy;Bayesian co-estimation;multiple sequence alignment
published: 2021-05-26
Steady-state and dynamic gas exchange data for maize (B73), sugarcane (CP88-1762) and sorghum (Tx430)
keywords: C4 plants; gas exchange
published: 2024-01-01
Supplementary data tables for the dissertation "Hybridization dynamics and population genomics of a Manacus hybrid zone." This work focuses on the dynamics of hybridization over time in two species of tropical birds, the golden-collared manakin (Manacus vitellinus) and white-collared manakin (Manacus candei) comparing data from historical museum samples and contemporary wild-caught birds. Table A1 contains the sample metadata for the Manacus Restriction site-associated DNA sequencing dataset used in the dissertation with associated NCBI Biosample Accession numbers, Smithsonian Museum of Natural History number (where applicable), sample IDs, sampling site locations, and sample information of year the sample was taken, age, and sex. Table A6 contains phenotypic measurements of male plumage traits of manakins used in cline analyses to assess hybrid zone movement over time in historical and contemporary datasets, including beard length (mm), epaulet width (mm), tail length (mm), collar color (nm), and belly color (nm). Table A7 contains a summary of male plumage measurements across the hybrid zone. Table C1 contains a list of annotated protein coding genes in candidate regions of interest in Manacus genomes using outlier regions of genomic divergence, linkage disequilibrium, and enrichment of parental private alleles.
keywords: csv; manacus; manakin; genomics; dissertation
published: 2020-10-16
Video footage of an Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) partially predating a Field Sparrow nest (Spizella pusilla) at 0845 h on the 31 of May 2020. Please note that the date on the video footage is incorrect due to user error, but the time is correct.
keywords: nest predation; turtle; songbird; nest camera; Terrapene carolina carolina; Spizella pusilla;
published: 2020-12-30
High-speed X-ray videos of four E. abruptus specimens recorded at the Advanced Photron Source (Argonne National lab) in the Summer of 2018 and corresponding position data of landmarks tracked during the motion. See readme file for more details.
published: 2020-12-31
This dataset contains the amino acid and nucleotide alignments corresponding to the phylogenetic analyses of South et al. 2020 in Systematic Entomology. This dataset also includes the gene trees that were used as input for coalescent analysis in ASTRAL.
keywords: Plecoptera; stoneflies; phylogeny; insects