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published: 2020-11-18
This is the dataset that accompanies the paper titled "A Dual-Frequency Radar Retrieval of Snowfall Properties Using a Neural Network", submitted for peer review in August 2020. Please see the github for the most up-to-date data after the revision process: https://github.com/dopplerchase/Chase_et_al_2021_NN Authors: Randy J. Chase, Stephen W. Nesbitt and Greg M. McFarquhar Corresponding author: Randy J. Chase (randyjc2@illinois.edu) Here we have the data used in the manuscript. Please email me if you have specific questions about units etc. 1) DDA/GMM database of scattering properties: base_df_DDA.csv This is the combined dataset from the following papers: Leinonen & Moisseev, 2015; Leinonen & Szyrmer, 2015; Lu et al., 2016; Kuo et al., 2016; Eriksson et al., 2018. The column names are D: Maximum dimension in meters, M: particle mass in grams kg, sigma_ku: backscatter cross-section at ku in m^2, sigma_ka: backscatter cross-section at ka in m^2, sigma_w: backscatter cross-section at w in m^2. The first column is just an index column. 2) Synthetic Data used to train and test the neural network: Unrimed_simulation_wholespecturm_train_V2.nc, Unrimed_simulation_wholespecturm_test_V2.nc This was the result of combining the PSDs and DDA/GMM particles randomly to build the training and test dataset. 3) Notebook for training the network using the synthetic database and Google Colab (tensorflow): Train_Neural_Network_Chase2020.ipynb This is the notebook used to train the neural network. 4)Trained tensorflow neural network: NN_6by8.h5 This is the hdf5 tensorflow model that resulted from the training. You will need this to run the retrieval. 5) Scalers needed to apply the neural network: scaler_X_V2.pkl, scaler_y_V2.pkl These are the sklearn scalers used in training the neural network. You will need these to scale your data if you wish to run the retrieval. 6) <b>New in this version</b> - Example notebook of how to run the trained neural network on Ku- Ka- band observations. We showed this with the 3rd case in the paper: Run_Chase2021_NN.ipynb 7) <b>New in this version</b> - APR data used to show how to run the neural network retrieval: Chase_2021_NN_APR03Dec2015.nc The data for the analysis on the observations are not provided here because of the size of the radar data. Please see the GHRC website (<a href="https://ghrc.nsstc.nasa.gov/home/">https://ghrc.nsstc.nasa.gov/home/</a>) if you wish to download the radar and in-situ data or contact me. We can coordinate transferring the exact datafiles used. The GPM-DPR data are avail. here: <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.5067/GPM/DPR/GPM/2A/05">http://dx.doi.org/10.5067/GPM/DPR/GPM/2A/05</a>
published: 2024-04-15
The dataset contains trajectories of Pt nanoparticles in 1.98 mM NaBH4 and NaCl, tracked under liquid-phase TEM. The coordinates (x, y) of nanoparticles are provided, together with the conversion factor that translates pixel size to actual distance. In the file, ∆t denotes the time interval and NaN indicates the absence of a value when the nanoparticle has not emerged or been tracked. The labeling of nanoparticles in the paper is also noted in the second row of the file.
keywords: nanomotor; liquid-phase TEM
published: 2024-07-15
Rising global temperatures and urban heat island effects challenge environmental health and energy systems at the city level, particularly in summer. Increased heatwaves raise energy demand for cooling, stressing power facilities, increasing costs, and risking blackouts. Heat impacts vary across cities due to differences in urban morphology, geography, land use, and land cover, highlighting vulnerable areas needing targeted heat mitigation. Urban tree canopies, a nature-based solution, effectively mitigate heat. Trees provide shade and cooling through evaporation, improving thermal comfort, reducing air conditioning energy consumption, and enhancing climate resilience. This report focused on the ComEd service area in the Chicago Metropolitan Region and assessed the impacts of population growth, urbanization, climate change, and an ambitious plan to plant 1 million trees. The report evaluated planting 1 million trees to quantify regional cooling effects projected for the 2030s. Afforestation locations were selected to avoid interference with existing infrastructure. Key findings include (i) extreme hot hours (>95°F) will increase from 30 to 200 per year, adding 420 Cooling Degree Days (CCD) by the 2030s, (ii) greener areas can be up to 10°F cooler than less vegetated neighborhoods in summer, (iii) tree canopies can create localized cooling, reducing temperatures by 0.7°F and lowering annual CCD by 60 to 65, and (iv) afforestation can reduce the region’s temperature by 0.7°F, saving 400 to 1100 Megawatt hours of daily power usage during summer. <b>Note: The data is available upon request from <a href="mailto:dpiclimate@uilliois.edu">dpiclimate@uilliois.edu</br>.
keywords: urban heat; cooling degree days; afforestation; tree canopy; Chicago region
published: 2024-05-13
Supplemental data for the paper titled 'Environmental modulators of algae-bacteria interactions at scale'. Each of the excel workbooks corresponding to datasets 1, 2, and 3 contain a README sheet explaining the reported data. Dataset 4 comprising microscopy data contains a README text file describing the image files.
keywords: Algae-bacteria interactions; high-throughput; microfluidic-droplet platform
published: 2024-05-30
This dataset contains all the datasets used in the study conducted for the research publication titled "Mapping dynamic human sentiments of heat exposure with location-based social media data". This paper develops a cyberGIS framework to analyze and visualize human sentiments of heat exposure dynamically based on near real-time location-based social media (LBSM) data. Large volumes and low-cost LBSM data, together with a content analysis algorithm based on natural language processing are used effectively to generate heat exposure maps from human sentiments on social media. ## What’s inside - A quick explanation of the components of the zip file * US folder includes the shapefile corresponding to the United State with County as spatial unit
 * Census_tract folder includes the shapefile corresponding to the Cook County with census tract as spatial unit * data/data.txt includes instruction to retrieve the sample data either from Keeling or figshare * geo/data20000.txt is the heat dictionary created in this paper, please refer to the corresponding publication to see the data creation process Jupyter notebook and code attached to this publication can be found at: https://github.com/cybergis/real_time_heat_exposure_with_LBSMD
keywords: CyberGIS; Heat Exposure; Location-based Social Media Data; Urban Heat
published: 2024-05-29
Data from manuscript Atomic-Scale Visualization of a Cascade of Magnetic Orders in the Layered Antiferromagnet GdTe3, to be published in npj Quantum Materials. Powerpoint file has details on how the data can be opened and how the data are labeled.
keywords: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy; Physics; GdTe3; Rare-Earth Tritellurides
published: 2024-05-07
Optical, AFM, and PFM image of α-In2Se3; Short-circuit current and open circuit voltage maps, I-V curve for different intensities; Dependence of the short-circuit current density, open-circuit voltage, depolarization field, and efficiency on intensity and thickness; Benchmarking the performance.
published: 2024-05-23
This dataset consists of all the figure files that are part of the main text and supplementary of the manuscript titled "Optical manipulation of the charge density wave state in RbV3Sb5". For detailed information on the individual files refer to the readme file.
keywords: kagome superconductor; optics; charge density wave
published: 2021-04-18
This dataset contains all the code, notebooks, datasets used in the study conducted for the research publication titled "Multi-scale CyberGIS Analytics for Detecting Spatiotemporal Patterns of COVID-19 Data". Specifically, this package include the artifacts used to conduct spatial-temporal analysis with space time kernel density estimation (STKDE) using COVID-19 data, which should help readers to reproduce some of the analysis and learn about the methods that were conducted in the associated book chapter. ## What’s inside - A quick explanation of the components of the zip file * Multi-scale CyberGIS Analytics for Detecting Spatiotemporal Patterns of COVID-19.ipynb is a jupyter notebook for this project. It contains codes for preprocessing, space time kernel density estimation, postprocessing, and visualization. * data is a folder containing all data needed for the notebook * data/county.txt: US counties information and fip code from Natural Resources Conservation Service. * data/us-counties.txt: County-level COVID-19 data collected from New York Times COVID-19 github repository on August 9th, 2020. * data/covid_death.txt: COVID-19 death information derived after preprocessing step, preparing the input data for STKDE. Each record is if the following format (fips, spatial_x, spatial_y, date, number of death ). * data/stkdefinal.txt: result obtained by conducting STKDE. * wolfram_mathmatica is a folder for 3D visulization code. * wolfram_mathmatica/Visualization.nb: code for visulization of STKDE result via weolfram mathmatica. * img is a folder for figures. * img/above.png: result of 3-D visulization result, above view. * img/side.png: result of 3-D visulization, side view.
keywords: CyberGIS; COVID-19; Space-time kernel density estimation; Spatiotemporal patterns
published: 2022-04-11
This data set contains all the map data used for "Quantifying transportation energy vulnerability and its spatial patterns in the United States". The multiple dimensions (i.e., exposure, sensitivity, adaptive capacity) of transportation energy vulnerability (TEV) at the census tract level in the United States, the changes in TEV with electric vehicles adoption, and the detailed data for Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York are in the dataset.
keywords: Transport energy; Vulnerability; Fuel costs; Electric vehicles
published: 2024-04-19
Read me file for the data repository ******************************************************************************* This repository has raw data for the publication "Enhancing Carrier Mobility In Monolayer MoS2 Transistors With Process Induced Strain". We arrange the data following the figure in which it first appeared. For all electrical transfer measurement, we provide the up-sweep and down-sweep data, with voltage units in V and conductance unit in S. All Raman modes have unit of cm^-1. ******************************************************************************* How to use this dataset All data in this dataset is stored in binary Numpy array format as .npy file. To read a .npy file: use the Numpy module of the python language, and use np.load() command. Example: suppose the filename is example_data.npy. To load it into a python program, open a Jupyter notebook, or in the python program, run: import numpy as np data = np.load("example_data.npy") Then the example file is stored in the data object. *******************************************************************************
published: 2024-01-30
This data set includes the cochlear implant (CI) electrodograms recorded in 2 different acoustic conditions using acoustic head KEMAR. It is a part of a study intended to explore the effect of interaural asymmetry on interaural coherence after CI processing.
keywords: cochlear implant; electrodogram; KEMAR; interaural coherence
published: 2023-12-20
Important Note: the raw transient files need to be downloaded through this separate link: https://uofi.box.com/s/oagdxhea1wi8tvfij4robj0z0w8wq7j4. Once downloaded, place the file within the within the .d folder in the unzipped 20210930_ShortTransient_S3_5 folder to perform reconstruction step. The minimal datasets to run the computational pipeline MEISTER introduced in the manuscript titled "Integrative Multiscale Biochemical Mapping of the Brain via Deep-Learning-Enhanced High-Throughput Mass Spectrometry". The key steps of our computational pipeline include (1) tissue mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) reconstruction; (2) multimodal image registration and 3D reconstruction; (3) regional analysis; and (4) single-cell and tissue data integration. Detailed protocols to reproduce our results in the manuscript are provided with an example data set shared for learning the protocols. Our computational processing codes are implemented mostly in Python as well as MATLAB (for image registration).
keywords: deep learning;mass spectrometry;single cells
published: 2023-06-29
This database provides estimates of agricultural and food commodity flows [in both tons and $US] between the US and China for the year 2017. Pairwise information is provided between US states and Chinese provinces, and US counties and Chinese provinces for 7 Standardized Classification of Transported Goods (SCTG) commodity categories. Additionally, crosswalks are provided to match Harmonized System (HS) codes and China's Multi-Regional Input Output (MRIO) commodity sectors to their corresponding SCTG commodity codes. The included SCTG commodities are: - SCTG 01: Iive animals and fish - SCTG 02: cereal grains - SCTG 03: agricultural products (except for animal feed, cereal grains, and forage products) - SCTG 04: animal feed, eggs, honey, and other products of animal origin - SCTG 05: meat, poultry, fish, seafood, and their preparations - SCTG 06: milled grain products and preparations, and bakery products - SCTG 07: other prepared foodstuffs, fats and oils For additional information, please see the related paper by Pandit et al. (2022) in Environmental Research Letters. ADD DOI WHEN RECEIVED
keywords: Food flows; High-resolution; County-scale; Bilateral; United States; China
published: 2024-03-28
Read me file for the data repository ******************************************************************************* This repository has raw data for the publication "Enhancing Carrier Mobility In Monolayer MoS2 Transistors With Process Induced Strain". We arrange the data following the figure in which it first appeared. For all electrical transfer measurement, we provide the up-sweep and down-sweep data, with voltage units in V and conductance unit in S. All Raman modes have unit of cm^-1. ******************************************************************************* How to use this dataset All data in this dataset is stored in binary Numpy array format as .npy file. To read a .npy file: use the Numpy module of the python language, and use np.load() command. Example: suppose the filename is example_data.npy. To load it into a python program, open a Jupyter notebook, or in the python program, run: import numpy as np data = np.load("example_data.npy") Then the example file is stored in the data object. *******************************************************************************
published: 2022-02-14
This dataset contains simulation results from numerical model PartMC-MOSAIC used in the article "Quantifying the effects of mixing state on aerosol optical properties". This article is submitted to the journal Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry. There are total 100 scenario directories in this dataset, denoted from 00-99. Each scenario contains 25 NetCDF files hourly output from PartMC-MOSAIC simulations containing the simulated gas and particle information. The data was produced using version 2.5.0 of PartMC-MOSAIC. Instructions to compile and run PartMC-MOSAIC are available at https://github.com/compdyn/partmc. The chemistry code MOSAIC is available by request from Rahul.Zaveri@pnl.gov. For more details of reproducing the cases, please contact nriemer@illinois.edu and yuyao3@illinois.edu.
keywords: Aerosol mixing state; Aerosol optical properties; Mie calculation; Black Carbon
published: 2024-01-04
This data set includes all of data related to stretchable TFTs based on 2D heterostructures including optical images of TFTs, Raman and Photoluminescence characteristics data, Transport measurement data, and AFM topography data. Abstract Two-dimensional (2D) materials are outstanding candidates for stretchable electronics, but a significant challenge is their heterogeneous integration into stretchable geometries on soft substrates. Here, we demonstrate a strategy for stretchable thin film transistors (2D S-TFT) based on wrinkled heterostructures on elastomer substrates where 2D materials formed the gate, source, drain, and channel, and characterized them with Raman spectroscopy and transport measurements.
keywords: 2D materials; 2D heterstructures; Stretchable electronics; transistors; buckling engineering
published: 2022-04-19
This data repository includes the features and the trained backbone parameters used in the ICLR 2022 Paper "On the Importance of Firth Bias Reduction in Few-Shot Classification". The code accompanying this data is open-source and available at https://github.com/ehsansaleh/firth_bias_reduction The code and the data have three modules: 1. The "code_firth" module (10 files) relates to the basic ResNet backbones and logistic classifiers (e.g., Figures 2 and 3 in the main paper). 2. The "code_s2m2rf" module (2 files) relates to the S2M2R feature backbones and cosine classifiers (e.g., Figure 4 in the main paper). 3. The "code_dcf" module (3 files) relates to the few-shot Distribution Calibration (DC) method (e.g., Table 1 in the main paper). The relevant files for each module have the module name as a prefix in their name. 1. For instance, the "code_dcf_features.tar" file should be placed at the "features" directory of the "code_dcf" module. 2. As another example, "code_firth_features_cifarfs_novel.tar" should be placed in the "features" directory of the "code_firth" module, and it includes the features extracted from the novel split of mini-ImageNet dataset. Each tar-ball should be extracted in its relevant directory, and the md5 check-sums of the extracted files are also provided in the open-source code repository for verification. Please note that the actual datasets of images are not included here (since we do not own those datasets). However, helper scripts for automatically downloading the original datasets are also provided in the every module and sub-directory of the GitHub code repository.
keywords: Computer Vision; Few-Shot Classification; Few-Shot Learning; Firth Bias Reduction
published: 2022-11-09
This dataset includes the blue water intensity by sector (41 industries and service sectors) for provinces in China, economic and virtual water network flow for China in 2017, and the corresponding network properties for these two networks.
keywords: Economic network; Virtual water; Supply chains; Network analysis; Multilayer; MRIO
published: 2023-06-10
Data and code supporting the paper titled "Estimating the Electric Vehicle Charging Demand of Multi-Unit Dwelling Residents in the United States" by Xi Cheng and Eleftheria Kontou at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. The data and the code enable analytics and assessment of multi-unit dwelling residents travel patterns and their electric vehicle charging demand.
keywords: multi-unit residents; electric vehicles; home charging; travel patterns; energy use
published: 2024-04-10
This dataset provides estimates of total Irrigation Water Use (IWU) by crop, county, water source, and year for the Continental United States. Total irrigation from Surface Water Withdrawals (SWW), total Groundwater Withdrawals (GWW), and nonrenewable Groundwater Depletion (GWD) is provided for 20 crops and crop groups from 2008 to 2020 at the county spatial resolution. In total, there are nearly 2.5 million data points in this dataset (3,142 counties; 13 years; 3 water sources; and 20 crops). This dataset supports the paper by Ruess et al (2024) "Total irrigation by crop in the Continental United States from 2008 to 2020", Scientific Data, doi: 10.1038/s41597-024-03244-w When using, please cite as: Ruess, P.J., Konar, M., Wanders, N., and Bierkens, M.F.P. (2024) Total irrigation by crop in the Continental United States from 2008 to 2020, Scientific Data, doi: 10.1038/s41597-024-03244-w
keywords: water use; irrigation; surface water; groundwater; groundwater depletion; counties; crops; time series
published: 2024-01-30
The data files are for the paper entitled: Melting of the charge density wave by generation of pairs of topological defects in UTe2 to be published in Nature Physics. The data was obtained on a 300 mK custom designed Unisoku scanning tunneling microscope using the Nanonis module. All the data files have been named based on the Figure numbers that they represent.
keywords: superconductivity; triplet; topology; heavy fermion; Kondo; magnetic field; charge density wave
published: 2024-01-04
This is a collection of 31 quasi-linear convective system (QLCS) mesovortices (MVs) that were manually identified and analyzed using the lowest elevation scan of the nearest relevant Weather Surveillance Radar–1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) during the two years (springs of 2022 and 2023) of the Propagation, Evolution, and Rotation in Linear Storms (PERiLS) field campaign. Throughout the two years of PERiLS, a total of nine intensive observing periods (IOPs) occurred (see https://catalog.eol.ucar.edu/perils_2022/missions and https://catalog.eol.ucar.edu/perils_2023/missions for exact IOP dates/times). However, only six of these IOPs (specifically, IOPs 2, 3, and 4 from both years) are included in this dataset. The inclusion criteria were based on the presence of strictly QLCS MVs within the C-band On Wheels (COW) domain, one of the research radars deployed in the field for the PERiLS project. Further details on how MVs were identified are provided below. This analysis was completed using the Gibson Ridge radar-viewing software (GR2Analyst). Each MV had to be produced by a QLCS, defined as a continuous area of 35 dBZ radar reflectivity over at least 100 km when viewed from the lowest elevation scan. The MVs analyzed also had to pass through/near the COW’s domain at some point during their lifetimes to allow for additional analysis using the COW data. Tornadic (TOR), wind-damaging (WD), and non-damaging (ND) MVs were analyzed. ND MVs were ones that usually had a tornado warning placed on them but did not produce any damage and persisted for five or more radar scans; this was done to target the strongest MVs that forecasters thought could be tornadic. The QLCS MVs were identified using objective criteria, which included the existence of a circulation with a maximum differential velocity (dV; i.e., the difference between the maximum outbound and minimum inbound velocities at a constant range) of at least 20 kt over a distance ≤ 7 km. The following radar-based characteristics were catalogued for each QLCS MV at the lowest elevation angle of the nearest WSR-88D: latitude and longitude locations of the MV, the genesis to decay time of the MV, the maximum dV across the MV, the maximum rotational velocity (Vrot; i.e., dV divided by two), diameter of the MV, the range from the radar of the MV center, and the height above radar level of the MV center. In the Excel sheet, there are a total of 37 sheets. 32 of the 37 sheets are for each MV that was examined. One of those MVs (sheet titled 'EFU_tor_iop3') was not included in the final count of MVs (31). This MV produced an EFU tornado and only tornadoes that were given ratings were used to calculate MV statistics. The 31 MV sheets that were used to calculate MV statistics are labeled following the convention 'mv#_iop#_qlcs'. ‘mv#’ is the unique number that was assigned to each MV for clear identification, 'iop#' is the IOP in which the MV occurred, 'qlcs' denotes that the MV was produced by a QLCS, and the 2023 IOPs are denoted by ‘_2023’ after ‘qlcs’ in the sheet name. In these sheets, there are notes on what was visually seen in the radar data, damage associated with each MV (using the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) database), and the characteristics of the MV at each time step of its lifetime. The yellow rows in each of the sheets indicate the last row of data included in the pretornadic, predamaging (wind damage), and pre-nondamaging statistics. The orange boxes in the notes column indicate any reports that were in NCEI but not in GR2Analyst. There are also sheets that examine pretornadic and predamaging diameter trends, box and whisker plot statistics of the overall characteristics of the different types of MVs, and the overall characteristics of each MV, with one Excel sheet (‘combined_qlcs_mvs’) examining the characteristics of each MV over its entire lifetime and one Excel sheet (‘combined_qlcs_mvs_before_report’) examining the characteristics of each MV before it first produced damage or had a tornado warning placed on it.
keywords: quasi-linear convective system; QLCS; tornado; radar; mesovortex; PERiLS; low-level rotation; tornadic; nontornadic; wind-damaging; Propagation, Evolution, and Rotation in Linear Storms; tornado warning; C-band On Wheels