Displaying 101 - 125 of 135 in total

Subject Area

Social Sciences (135)


Other (31)
U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) (28)
U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) (26)
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) (1)

Publication Year

2022 (25)
2018 (23)
2020 (23)
2019 (15)
2021 (15)
2023 (15)
2016 (8)
2024 (6)
2017 (5)


CC BY (74)
CC0 (61)


published: 2019-12-22
Dataset providing calculation of a Competition Index (CI) for Late Pleistocene carnivore guilds in Laos and Vietnam and their relationship to humans. Prey mass spectra, Prey focus masses, and prey class raw data can be used to calculate the CI following Hemmer (2004). Mass estimates were calculated for each species following Van Valkenburgh (1990). Full citations to methodological papers are included as relationships with other resources
keywords: competition; Southeast Asia; carnivores; humans
published: 2019-10-16
Human annotations of randomly selected judged documents from the AP 88-89, Robust 2004, WT10g, and GOV2 TREC collections. Seven annotators were asked to read documents in their entirety and then select up to ten terms they felt best represented the main topic(s) of the document. Terms were chosen from among a set sampled from the document in question and from related documents.
keywords: TREC; information retrieval; document topicality; document description
published: 2019-11-12
We are sharing the tweet IDs of four social movements: #BlackLivesMatter, #WhiteLivesMatter, #AllLivesMatter, and #BlueLivesMatter movements. The tweets are collected between May 1st, 2015 and May 30, 2017. We eliminated the location to the United States and focused on extracting the original tweets, excluding the retweets. Recommended citations for the data: Rezapour, R. (2019). Data for: How do Moral Values Differ in Tweets on Social Movements?. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-9614170_V1 and Rezapour, R., Ferronato, P., and Diesner, J. (2019). How do moral values differ in tweets on social movements?. In 2019 Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion Publication (CSCW’19 Companion), Austin, TX.
keywords: Twitter; social movements; black lives matter; blue lives matter; all lives matter; white lives matter
published: 2019-09-17
Trained models for multi-task multi-dataset learning for text classification as well as sequence tagging in tweets. Classification tasks include sentiment prediction, abusive content, sarcasm, and veridictality. Sequence tagging tasks include POS, NER, Chunking, and SuperSenseTagging. Models were trained using: <a href="https://github.com/socialmediaie/SocialMediaIE/blob/master/SocialMediaIE/scripts/multitask_multidataset_classification_tagging.py">https://github.com/socialmediaie/SocialMediaIE/blob/master/SocialMediaIE/scripts/multitask_multidataset_classification_tagging.py</a> See <a href="https://github.com/socialmediaie/SocialMediaIE">https://github.com/socialmediaie/SocialMediaIE</a> and <a href="https://socialmediaie.github.io">https://socialmediaie.github.io</a> for details. If you are using this data, please also cite the related article: Shubhanshu Mishra. 2019. Multi-dataset-multi-task Neural Sequence Tagging for Information Extraction from Tweets. In Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (HT '19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 283-284. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3342220.3344929
keywords: twitter; deep learning; machine learning; trained models; multi-task learning; multi-dataset learning; classification; sequence tagging
published: 2019-09-06
This is a dataset of 1101 comments from The New York Times (May 1, 2015-August 31, 2015) that contains a mention of the stemmed words vaccine or vaxx.
keywords: vaccine;online comments
published: 2019-07-08
# Overview These datasets were created in conjunction with the dissertation "Predicting Controlled Vocabulary Based on Text and Citations: Case Studies in Medical Subject Headings in MEDLINE and Patents," by Adam Kehoe. The datasets consist of the following: * twin_not_abstract_matched_complete.tsv: a tab-delimited file consisting of pairs of MEDLINE articles with identical titles, authors and years of publication. This file contains the PMIDs of the duplicate publications, as well as their medical subject headings (MeSH) and three measures of their indexing consistency. * twin_abstract_matched_complete.tsv: the same as above, except that the MEDLINE articles also have matching abstracts. * mesh_training_data.csv: a comma-separated file containing the training data for the model discussed in the dissertation. * mesh_scores.tsv: a tab-delimited file containing a pairwise similarity score based on word embeddings, and MeSH hierarchy relationship. ## Duplicate MEDLINE Publications Both the twin_not_abstract_matched_complete.tsv and twin_abstract_matched_complete.tsv have the same structure. They have the following columns: 1. pmid_one: the PubMed unique identifier of the first paper 2. pmid_two: the PubMed unique identifier of the second paper 3. mesh_one: A list of medical subject headings (MeSH) from the first paper, delimited by the "|" character 4. mesh_two: a list of medical subject headings from the second paper, delimited by the "|" character 5. hoopers_consistency: The calculation of Hooper's consistency between the MeSH of the first and second paper 6. nonhierarchicalfree: a word embedding based consistency score described in the dissertation 7. hierarchicalfree: a word embedding based consistency score additionally limited by the MeSH hierarchy, described in the dissertation. ## MeSH Training Data The mesh_training_data.csv file contains the training data for the model discussed in the dissertation. It has the following columns: 1. pmid: the PubMed unique identifier of the paper 2. term: a candidate MeSH term 3. cit_count: the log of the frequency of the term in the citation candidate set 4. total_cit: the log of the total number the paper's citations 5. citr_count: the log of the frequency of the term in the citations of the paper's citations 6. total_citofcit: the log of the total number of the citations of the paper's citations 7. absim_count: the log of the frequency of the term in the AbSim candidate set 8. total_absim_count: the log of the total number of AbSim records for the paper 9. absimr_count: the log of the frequency of the term in the citations of the AbSim records 10. total_absimr_count: the log of the total number of citations of the AbSim record 11. log_medline_frequency: the log of the frequency of the candidate term in MEDLINE. 12. relevance: a binary indicator (True/False) if the candidate term was assigned to the target paper ## Cosine Similarity The mesh_scores.tsv file contains a pairwise list of all MeSH terms including their cosine similarity based on the word embedding described in the dissertation. Because the MeSH hierarchy is also used in many of the evaluation measures, the relationship of the term pair is also included. It has the following columns: 1. mesh_one: a string of the first MeSH heading. 2. mesh_two: a string of the second MeSH heading. 3. cosine_similarity: the cosine similarity between the terms 4. relationship_type: a string identifying the relationship type, consisting of none, parent/child, sibling, ancestor and direct (terms are identical, i.e. a direct hierarchy match). The mesh_model.bin file contains a binary word2vec C format file containing the MeSH term embeddings. It was generated using version 3.7.2 of the Python gensim library (https://radimrehurek.com/gensim/). For an example of how to load the model file, see https://radimrehurek.com/gensim/models/word2vec.html#usage-examples, specifically the directions for loading the "word2vec C format."
keywords: MEDLINE;MeSH;Medical Subject Headings;Indexing
published: 2019-07-08
Wikipedia category tree embeddings based on wikipedia SQL dump dated 2017-09-20 (<a href="https://archive.org/download/enwiki-20170920">https://archive.org/download/enwiki-20170920</a>) created using the following algorithms: * Node2vec * Poincare embedding * Elmo model on the category title The following files are present: * wiki_cat_elmo.txt.gz (15G) - Elmo embeddings. Format: category_name (space replaced with "_") <tab> 300 dim space separated embedding. * wiki_cat_elmo.txt.w2v.gz (15G) - Elmo embeddings. Format: word2vec format can be loaded using Gensin Word2VecKeyedVector.load_word2vec_format. * elmo_keyedvectors.tar.gz - Gensim Word2VecKeyedVector format of Elmo embeddings. Nodes are indexed using * node2vec.tar.gz (3.4G) - Gensim word2vec model which has node2vec embedding for each category identified using the position (starting from 0) in category.txt * poincare.tar.gz (1.8G) - Gensim poincare embedding model which has poincare embedding for each category identified using the position (starting from 0) in category.txt * wiki_category_random_walks.txt.gz (1.5G) - Random walks generated by node2vec algorithm (https://github.com/aditya-grover/node2vec/tree/master/node2vec_spark), each category identified using the position (starting from 0) in category.txt * categories.txt - One category name per line (with spaces). The line number (starting from 0) is used as category ID in many other files. * category_edges.txt - Category edges based on category names (with spaces). Format from_category <tab> to_category * category_edges_ids.txt - Category edges based on category ids, each category identified using the position (starting from 1) in category.txt * wiki_cats-G.json - NetworkX format of category graph, each category identified using the position (starting from 1) in category.txt Software used: * <a href="https://github.com/napsternxg/WikiUtils">https://github.com/napsternxg/WikiUtils</a> - Processing sql dumps * <a href="https://github.com/napsternxg/node2vec">https://github.com/napsternxg/node2vec</a> - Generate random walks for node2vec * <a href="https://github.com/RaRe-Technologies/gensim">https://github.com/RaRe-Technologies/gensim</a> (version 3.4.0) - generating node2vec embeddings from random walks generated usinde node2vec algorithm * <a href="https://github.com/allenai/allennlp">https://github.com/allenai/allennlp</a> (version 0.8.2) - Generate elmo embeddings for each category title Code used: * wiki_cat_node2vec_commands.sh - Commands used to * wiki_cat_generate_elmo_embeddings.py - generate elmo embeddings * wiki_cat_poincare_embedding.py - generate poincare embeddings
keywords: Wikipedia; Wikipedia Category Tree; Embeddings; Elmo; Node2Vec; Poincare;
published: 2018-12-31
Sixty undergraduate STEM lecture classes were observed across 14 departments at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2015 and 2016. We selected the classes to observe using purposive sampling techniques with the objectives of (1) collecting classroom observations that were representative of the STEM courses offered; (2) conducting observations on non-test, typical class days; and (3) comparing these classroom observations using the Class Observation Protocol for Undergraduate STEM (COPUS) to record the presence and frequency of active learning practices utilized by Community of Practice (CoP) and non-CoP instructors. Decimal values are the result of combined observations. All COPUS codes listed are from Smith (2013) "The Classroom Observation Protocol for Undergraduate STEM (COPUS): A New Instrument to Characterize STEM Classroom Practices" paper. For more information on the data collection process, see "Evidence that communities of practice are associated with active learning in large STEM lectures" by Tomkin et. al. (2019) in the International Journal of STEM Education.
keywords: COPUS, Community of Practice
published: 2019-04-05
File Name: Inclusion_Criteria_Annotation.csv Data Preparation: Xiaoru Dong Date of Preparation: 2019-04-04 Data Contributions: Jingyi Xie, Xiaoru Dong, Linh Hoang Data Source: Cochrane systematic reviews published up to January 3, 2018 by 52 different Cochrane groups in 8 Cochrane group networks. Associated Manuscript authors: Xiaoru Dong, Jingyi Xie, Linh Hoang, and Jodi Schneider. Associated Manuscript, Working title: Machine classification of inclusion criteria from Cochrane systematic reviews. Description: The file contains lists of inclusion criteria of Cochrane Systematic Reviews and the manual annotation results. 5420 inclusion criteria were annotated, out of 7158 inclusion criteria available. Annotations are either "Only RCTs" or "Others". There are 2 columns in the file: - "Inclusion Criteria": Content of inclusion criteria of Cochrane Systematic Reviews. - "Only RCTs": Manual Annotation results. In which, "x" means the inclusion criteria is classified as "Only RCTs". Blank means that the inclusion criteria is classified as "Others". Notes: 1. "RCT" stands for Randomized Controlled Trial, which, in definition, is "a work that reports on a clinical trial that involves at least one test treatment and one control treatment, concurrent enrollment and follow-up of the test- and control-treated groups, and in which the treatments to be administered are selected by a random process, such as the use of a random-numbers table." [Randomized Controlled Trial publication type definition from https://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/pubtypes.html]. 2. In order to reproduce the relevant data to this, please get the code of the project published on GitHub at: https://github.com/XiaoruDong/InclusionCriteria and run the code following the instruction provided. 3. This datafile (V2) is a updated version of the datafile published at https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-5958960_V1 with some minor spelling mistakes in the data fixed.
keywords: Inclusion criteri; Randomized controlled trials; Machine learning; Systematic reviews
published: 2019-01-07
Vendor transcription of the Catalogue of Copyright Entries, Part 1, Group 1, Books: New Series, Volume 29 for the Year 1932. This file contains all of the entries from the indicated volume.
keywords: copyright; Catalogue of Copyright Entries; Copyright Office
published: 2018-12-20
File Name: AllWords.csv Data Preparation: Xiaoru Dong, Linh Hoang Date of Preparation: 2018-12-12 Data Contributions: Jingyi Xie, Xiaoru Dong, Linh Hoang Data Source: Cochrane systematic reviews published up to January 3, 2018 by 52 different Cochrane groups in 8 Cochrane group networks. Associated Manuscript authors: Xiaoru Dong, Jingyi Xie, Linh Hoang, and Jodi Schneider. Associated Manuscript, Working title: Machine classification of inclusion criteria from Cochrane systematic reviews. Description: The file contains lists of all words (all features) from the bag-of-words feature extraction. Notes: In order to reproduce the data in this file, please get the code of the project published on GitHub at: https://github.com/XiaoruDong/InclusionCriteria and run the code following the instruction provided.
keywords: Inclusion criteria; Randomized controlled trials; Machine learning; Systematic reviews
published: 2018-12-20
File Name: Error_Analysis.xslx Data Preparation: Xiaoru Dong Date of Preparation: 2018-12-12 Data Contributions: Xiaoru Dong, Linh Hoang, Jingyi Xie, Jodi Schneider Data Source: The classification prediction results of prediction in testing data set Associated Manuscript authors: Xiaoru Dong, Jingyi Xie, Linh Hoang, and Jodi Schneider Associated Manuscript, Working title: Machine classification of inclusion criteria from Cochrane systematic reviews Description: The file contains lists of the wrong and correct prediction of inclusion criteria of Cochrane Systematic Reviews from the testing data set and the length (number of words) of the inclusion criteria. Notes: In order to reproduce the relevant data to this, please get the code of the project published on GitHub at: https://github.com/XiaoruDong/InclusionCriteria and run the code following the instruction provided.
keywords: Inclusion criteria, Randomized controlled trials, Machine learning, Systematic reviews
published: 2018-12-14
Spreadsheet with data about whether or not the indicated institutional repository website provides metadata documentation. See readme file for more information.
keywords: institutional repositories; metadata; best practices; metadata documentation
published: 2018-12-20
File Name: WordsSelectedByManualAnalysis.csv Data Preparation: Xiaoru Dong, Linh Hoang Date of Preparation: 2018-12-14 Data Contributions: Jingyi Xie, Xiaoru Dong, Linh Hoang Data Source: Cochrane systematic reviews published up to January 3, 2018 by 52 different Cochrane groups in 8 Cochrane group networks. Associated Manuscript authors: Xiaoru Dong, Jingyi Xie, Linh Hoang, and Jodi Schneider. Associated Manuscript, Working title: Machine classification of inclusion criteria from Cochrane systematic reviews. Description: this file contains the list of 407 informative words reselected from the 1655 words by manual analysis. In particular, from the 1655 words that we got from information gain feature selection, we then manually read and eliminated the domain specific words. The remaining words then were selected into the "Manual Analysis Words" as the results. Notes: Even though the list of words in this file was selected manually. However, in order to reproduce the relevant data to this, please get the code of the project published on GitHub at: https://github.com/XiaoruDong/InclusionCriteria and run the code following the instruction provided.
keywords: Inclusion criteria; Randomized controlled trials; Machine learning; Systematic reviews
published: 2018-12-20
File Name: WordsSelectedByInformationGain.csv Data Preparation: Xiaoru Dong, Linh Hoang Date of Preparation: 2018-12-12 Data Contributions: Jingyi Xie, Xiaoru Dong, Linh Hoang Data Source: Cochrane systematic reviews published up to January 3, 2018 by 52 different Cochrane groups in 8 Cochrane group networks. Associated Manuscript authors: Xiaoru Dong, Jingyi Xie, Linh Hoang, and Jodi Schneider. Associated Manuscript, Working title: Machine classification of inclusion criteria from Cochrane systematic reviews. Description: the file contains a list of 1655 informative words selected by applying information gain feature selection strategy. Information gain is one of the methods commonly used for feature selection, which tells us how many bits of information the presence of the word are helpful for us to predict the classes, and can be computed in a specific formula [Jurafsky D, Martin JH. Speech and language processing. London: Pearson; 2014 Dec 30].We ran Information Gain feature selection on Weka -- a machine learning tool. Notes: In order to reproduce the data in this file, please get the code of the project published on GitHub at: https://github.com/XiaoruDong/InclusionCriteria and run the code following the instruction provided.
keywords: Inclusion criteria; Randomized controlled trials; Machine learning; Systematic reviews
published: 2018-09-04
This dataset contains records of five years of interlibrary loan (ILL) transactions for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library. It is for the materials lent to other institutions during period 2009-2013. It includes 169,890 transactions showing date; borrowing institution’s type, state and country; material format, imprint city, imprint country, imprint region, call number, language, local circulation count, ILL lending count, and OCLC holdings count. The dataset was generated putting together monthly ILL reports. Circulation and ILL lending fields were added from the ILS records. Borrower region and imprint region fields are created based on Title VI Region List. OCLC holdings field has been added from WorldCat records.
keywords: Interlibrary Loan; ILL; Lending; OCLC Holding; Library; Area Studies; Collection; Circulation; Collaborative; Shared; Resource Sharing
published: 2018-07-28
This dataset presents a citation analysis and citation context analysis used in Linh Hoang, Frank Scannapieco, Linh Cao, Yingjun Guan, Yi-Yun Cheng, and Jodi Schneider. Evaluating an automatic data extraction tool based on the theory of diffusion of innovation. Under submission. We identified the papers that directly describe or evaluate RobotReviewer from the list of publications on the RobotReviewer website <http://www.robotreviewer.net/publications>, resulting in 6 papers grouped into 5 studies (we collapsed a conference and journal paper with the same title and authors into one study). We found 59 citing papers, combining results from Google Scholar on June 05, 2018 and from Scopus on June 23, 2018. We extracted the citation context around each citation to the RobotReviewer papers and categorized these quotes into emergent themes.
keywords: RobotReviewer; citation analysis; citation context analysis
published: 2018-07-13
Qualitative Data collected from the websites of undergraduate research journals between October, 2014 and May, 2015. Two CSV files. The first file, "Sample", includes the sample of journals with secondary data collected. The second file, "Population", includes the remainder of the population for which secondary data was not collected. Note: That does not add up to 800 as indicated in article, rows were deleted for journals that had broken links or defunct websites during random sampling process.
keywords: undergraduate research; undergraduate journals; scholarly communication; libraries; liaison librarianship
published: 2018-04-23
Self-citation analysis data based on PubMed Central subset (2002-2005) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Created by Shubhanshu Mishra, Brent D. Fegley, Jana Diesner, and Vetle Torvik on April 5th, 2018 ## Introduction This is a dataset created as part of the publication titled: Mishra S, Fegley BD, Diesner J, Torvik VI (2018) Self-Citation is the Hallmark of Productive Authors, of Any Gender. PLOS ONE. It contains files for running the self citation analysis on articles published in PubMed Central between 2002 and 2005, collected in 2015. The dataset is distributed in the form of the following tab separated text files: * Training_data_2002_2005_pmc_pair_First.txt (1.2G) - Data for first authors * Training_data_2002_2005_pmc_pair_Last.txt (1.2G) - Data for last authors * Training_data_2002_2005_pmc_pair_Middle_2nd.txt (964M) - Data for middle 2nd authors * Training_data_2002_2005_pmc_pair_txt.header.txt - Header for the data * COLUMNS_DESC.txt file - Descriptions of all columns * model_text_files.tar.gz - Text files containing model coefficients and scores for model selection. * results_all_model.tar.gz - Model coefficient and result files in numpy format used for plotting purposes. v4.reviewer contains models for analysis done after reviewer comments. * README.txt file ## Dataset creation Our experiments relied on data from multiple sources including properitery data from [Thompson Rueter's (now Clarivate Analytics) Web of Science collection of MEDLINE citations](<a href="https://clarivate.com/products/web-of-science/databases/">https://clarivate.com/products/web-of-science/databases/</a>). Author's interested in reproducing our experiments should personally request from Clarivate Analytics for this data. However, we do make a similar but open dataset based on citations from PubMed Central which can be utilized to get similar results to those reported in our analysis. Furthermore, we have also freely shared our datasets which can be used along with the citation datasets from Clarivate Analytics, to re-create the datased used in our experiments. These datasets are listed below. If you wish to use any of those datasets please make sure you cite both the dataset as well as the paper introducing the dataset. * MEDLINE 2015 baseline: <a href="https://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/licensee/2015_stats/baseline_doc.html">https://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/licensee/2015_stats/baseline_doc.html</a> * Citation data from PubMed Central (original paper includes additional citations from Web of Science) * Author-ity 2009 dataset: - Dataset citation: <a href="https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-4222651_V1">Torvik, Vetle I.; Smalheiser, Neil R. (2018): Author-ity 2009 - PubMed author name disambiguated dataset. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-4222651_V1</a> - Paper citation: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1145/1552303.1552304">Torvik, V. I., & Smalheiser, N. R. (2009). Author name disambiguation in MEDLINE. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 3(3), 1–29. https://doi.org/10.1145/1552303.1552304</a> - Paper citation: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.20105">Torvik, V. I., Weeber, M., Swanson, D. R., & Smalheiser, N. R. (2004). A probabilistic similarity metric for Medline records: A model for author name disambiguation. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 56(2), 140–158. https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.20105</a> * Genni 2.0 + Ethnea for identifying author gender and ethnicity: - Dataset citation: <a href="https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-9087546_V1">Torvik, Vetle (2018): Genni + Ethnea for the Author-ity 2009 dataset. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-9087546_V1</a> - Paper citation: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1145/2467696.2467720">Smith, B. N., Singh, M., & Torvik, V. I. (2013). A search engine approach to estimating temporal changes in gender orientation of first names. In Proceedings of the 13th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries - JCDL ’13. ACM Press. https://doi.org/10.1145/2467696.2467720</a> - Paper citation: <a href="http://hdl.handle.net/2142/88927">Torvik VI, Agarwal S. Ethnea -- an instance-based ethnicity classifier based on geo-coded author names in a large-scale bibliographic database. International Symposium on Science of Science March 22-23, 2016 - Library of Congress, Washington DC, USA. http://hdl.handle.net/2142/88927</a> * MapAffil for identifying article country of affiliation: - Dataset citation: <a href="https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-4354331_V1">Torvik, Vetle I. (2018): MapAffil 2016 dataset -- PubMed author affiliations mapped to cities and their geocodes worldwide. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-4354331_V1</a> - Paper citation: <a href="http://doi.org/10.1045/november2015-torvik">Torvik VI. MapAffil: A Bibliographic Tool for Mapping Author Affiliation Strings to Cities and Their Geocodes Worldwide. D-Lib magazine : the magazine of the Digital Library Forum. 2015;21(11-12):10.1045/november2015-torvik</a> * IMPLICIT journal similarity: - Dataset citation: <a href="https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-4742014_V1">Torvik, Vetle (2018): Author-implicit journal, MeSH, title-word, and affiliation-word pairs based on Author-ity 2009. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-4742014_V1</a> * Novelty dataset for identify article level novelty: - Dataset citation: <a href="https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-5060298_V1">Mishra, Shubhanshu; Torvik, Vetle I. (2018): Conceptual novelty scores for PubMed articles. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-5060298_V1</a> - Paper citation: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1045/september2016-mishra"> Mishra S, Torvik VI. Quantifying Conceptual Novelty in the Biomedical Literature. D-Lib magazine : The Magazine of the Digital Library Forum. 2016;22(9-10):10.1045/september2016-mishra</a> - Code: <a href="https://github.com/napsternxg/Novelty">https://github.com/napsternxg/Novelty</a> * Expertise dataset for identifying author expertise on articles: * Source code provided at: <a href="https://github.com/napsternxg/PubMed_SelfCitationAnalysis">https://github.com/napsternxg/PubMed_SelfCitationAnalysis</a> **Note: The dataset is based on a snapshot of PubMed (which includes Medline and PubMed-not-Medline records) taken in the first week of October, 2016.** Check <a href="https://www.nlm.nih.gov/databases/download/pubmed_medline.html">here</a> for information to get PubMed/MEDLINE, and NLMs data Terms and Conditions Additional data related updates can be found at <a href="http://abel.ischool.illinois.edu">Torvik Research Group</a> ## Acknowledgments This work was made possible in part with funding to VIT from <a href="https://projectreporter.nih.gov/project_info_description.cfm?aid=8475017&icde=18058490">NIH grant P01AG039347</a> and <a href="http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1348742">NSF grant 1348742</a>. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. ## License Self-citation analysis data based on PubMed Central subset (2002-2005) by Shubhanshu Mishra, Brent D. Fegley, Jana Diesner, and Vetle Torvik is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at <a href="https://github.com/napsternxg/PubMed_SelfCitationAnalysis">https://github.com/napsternxg/PubMed_SelfCitationAnalysis</a>.
keywords: Self citation; PubMed Central; Data Analysis; Citation Data;
published: 2018-04-23
Contains a series of datasets that score pairs of tokens (words, journal names, and controlled vocabulary terms) based on how often they co-occur within versus across authors' collections of papers. The tokens derive from four different fields of PubMed papers: journal, affiliation, title, MeSH (medical subject headings). Thus, there are 10 different datasets, one for each pair of token type: affiliation-word vs affiliation-word, affiliation-word vs journal, affiliation-word vs mesh, affiliation-word vs title-word, mesh vs mesh, mesh vs journal, etc. Using authors to link papers and in turn pairs of tokens is an alternative to the usual within-document co-occurrences, and using e.g., citations to link papers. This is particularly striking for journal pairs because a paper almost always appears in a single journal and so within-document co-occurrences are 0, i.e., useless. The tokens are taken from the Author-ity 2009 dataset which has a cluster of papers for each inferred author, and a summary of each field. For MeSH, title-words, affiliation-words that summary includes only the top-20 most frequent tokens after field-specific stoplisting (e.g., university is stoplisted from affiliation and Humans is stoplisted from MeSH). The score for a pair of tokens A and B is defined as follows. Suppose Ai and Bi are the number of occurrences of token A (and B, respectively) across the i-th author's papers, then nA = sum(Ai); nB = sum(Ai) nAB = sum(Ai*Bi) if A not equal B; nAA = sum(Ai*(Ai-1)/2) otherwise nAnB = nA*nB if A not equal B; nAnA = nA*(nA-1)/2 otherwise score = 1000000*nAB/nAnB if A is not equal B; 1000000*nAA/nAnA otherwise Token pairs are excluded when: score < 5, or nA < cut-off, or nB < cut-off, or nAB < cut-offAB. The cut-offs differ for token types and can be inferred from the datasets. For example, cut-off = 200 and cut-offAB = 20 for journal pairs. Each dataset has the following 7 tab-delimited all-ASCII columns 1: score: roughly the number tokens' co-occurrence divided by the total number of pairs, in parts per million (ppm), ranging from 5 to 1,000,000 2: nAB: total number of co-occurrences 3: nAnB: total number of pairs 4: nA: number of occurrences of token A 5: nB: number of occurrences of token B 6: A: token A 7: B: token B We made some of these datasets as early as 2011 as we were working to link PubMed authors with USPTO inventors, where the vocabulary usage is strikingly different, but also more recently to create links from PubMed authors to their dissertations and NIH/NSF investigators, and to help disambiguate PubMed authors. Going beyond explicit (exact within-field match) is particularly useful when data is sparse (think old papers lacking controlled vocabulary and affiliations, or papers with metadata written in different languages) and when making links across databases with different kinds of fields and vocabulary (think PubMed vs USPTO records). We never published a paper on this but our work inspired the more refined measures described in: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0115681">D′Souza JL, Smalheiser NR (2014) Three Journal Similarity Metrics and Their Application to Biomedical Journals. PLOS ONE 9(12): e115681. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0115681</a> <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.5210/disco.v7i0.6654">Smalheiser, N., & Bonifield, G. (2016). Two Similarity Metrics for Medical Subject Headings (MeSH): An Aid to Biomedical Text Mining and Author Name Disambiguation. DISCO: Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration, 7. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.5210/disco.v7i0.6654</a>
keywords: PubMed; MeSH; token; name disambiguation
published: 2018-04-23
Provides links to Author-ity 2009, including records from principal investigators (on NIH and NSF grants), inventors on USPTO patents, and students/advisors on ProQuest dissertations. Note that NIH and NSF differ in the type of fields they record and standards used (e.g., institution names). Typically an NSF grant spanning multiple years is associated with one record, while an NIH grant occurs in multiple records, for each fiscal year, sub-projects/supplements, possibly with different principal investigators. The prior probability of match (i.e., that the author exists in Author-ity 2009) varies dramatically across NIH grants, NSF grants, and USPTO patents. The great majority of NIH principal investigators have one or more papers in PubMed but a minority of NSF principal investigators (except in biology) have papers in PubMed, and even fewer USPTO inventors do. This prior probability has been built into the calculation of match probabilities. The NIH data were downloaded from NIH exporter and the older NIH CRISP files. The dataset has 2,353,387 records, only includes ones with match probability > 0.5, and has the following 12 fields: 1 app_id, 2 nih_full_proj_nbr, 3 nih_subproj_nbr, 4 fiscal_year 5 pi_position 6 nih_pi_names 7 org_name 8 org_city_name 9 org_bodypolitic_code 10 age: number of years since their first paper 11 prob: the match probability to au_id 12 au_id: Author-ity 2009 author ID The NSF dataset has 262,452 records, only includes ones with match probability > 0.5, and the following 10 fields: 1 AwardId 2 fiscal_year 3 pi_position, 4 PrincipalInvestigators, 5 Institution, 6 InstitutionCity, 7 InstitutionState, 8 age: number of years since their first paper 9 prob: the match probability to au_id 10 au_id: Author-ity 2009 author ID There are two files for USPTO because here we linked disambiguated authors in PubMed (from Author-ity 2009) with disambiguated inventors. The USPTO linking dataset has 309,720 records, only includes ones with match probability > 0.5, and the following 3 fields 1 au_id: Author-ity 2009 author ID 2 inv_id: USPTO inventor ID 3 prob: the match probability of au_id vs inv_id The disambiguated inventors file (uiuc_uspto.tsv) has 2,736,306 records, and has the following 7 fields 1 inv_id: USPTO inventor ID 2 is_lower 3 is_upper 4 fullnames 5 patents: patent IDs separated by '|' 6 first_app_yr 7 last_app_yr
keywords: PubMed; USPTO; Principal investigator; Name disambiguation
published: 2018-04-19
MapAffil 2016 dataset -- PubMed author affiliations mapped to cities and their geocodes worldwide. Prepared by Vetle Torvik 2018-04-05 The dataset comes as a single tab-delimited Latin-1 encoded file (only the City column uses non-ASCII characters), and should be about 3.5GB uncompressed. &bull; How was the dataset created? The dataset is based on a snapshot of PubMed (which includes Medline and PubMed-not-Medline records) taken in the first week of October, 2016. Check here for information to get PubMed/MEDLINE, and NLMs data <a href ="https://www.nlm.nih.gov/databases/download/pubmed_medline.html">Terms and Conditions</a> &bull; Affiliations are linked to a particular author on a particular article. Prior to 2014, NLM recorded the affiliation of the first author only. However, MapAffil 2016 covers some PubMed records lacking affiliations that were harvested elsewhere, from PMC (e.g., PMID 22427989), NIH grants (e.g., 1838378), and Microsoft Academic Graph and ADS (e.g. 5833220). &bull; Affiliations are pre-processed (e.g., transliterated into ASCII from UTF-8 and html) so they may differ (sometimes a lot; see PMID 27487542) from PubMed records. &bull; All affiliation strings where processed using the MapAffil procedure, to identify and disambiguate the most specific place-name, as described in: <i>Torvik VI. MapAffil: A bibliographic tool for mapping author affiliation strings to cities and their geocodes worldwide. D-Lib Magazine 2015; 21 (11/12). 10p</i> &bull; Look for <a href="https://doi.org/10.1186/s41182-017-0073-6">Fig. 4</a> in the following article for coverage statistics over time: <i>Palmblad M, Torvik VI. Spatiotemporal analysis of tropical disease research combining Europe PMC and affiliation mapping web services. Tropical medicine and health. 2017 Dec;45(1):33.</i> Expect to see big upticks in coverage of PMIDs around 1988 and for non-first authors in 2014. &bull; The code and back-end data is periodically updated and made available for query by PMID at <a href="http://abel.ischool.illinois.edu/">Torvik Research Group</a> &bull; What is the format of the dataset? The dataset contains 37,406,692 rows. Each row (line) in the file has a unique PMID and author postition (e.g., 10786286_3 is the third author name on PMID 10786286), and the following thirteen columns, tab-delimited. All columns are ASCII, except city which contains Latin-1. 1. PMID: positive non-zero integer; int(10) unsigned 2. au_order: positive non-zero integer; smallint(4) 3. lastname: varchar(80) 4. firstname: varchar(80); NLM started including these in 2002 but many have been harvested from outside PubMed 5. year of publication: 6. type: EDU, HOS, EDU-HOS, ORG, COM, GOV, MIL, UNK 7. city: varchar(200); typically 'city, state, country' but could inlude further subvisions; unresolved ambiguities are concatenated by '|' 8. state: Australia, Canada and USA (which includes territories like PR, GU, AS, and post-codes like AE and AA) 9. country 10. journal 11. lat: at most 3 decimals (only available when city is not a country or state) 12. lon: at most 3 decimals (only available when city is not a country or state) 13. fips: varchar(5); for USA only retrieved by lat-lon query to https://geo.fcc.gov/api/census/block/find
keywords: PubMed, MEDLINE, Digital Libraries, Bibliographic Databases; Author Affiliations; Geographic Indexing; Place Name Ambiguity; Geoparsing; Geocoding; Toponym Extraction; Toponym Resolution
published: 2017-12-18
This dataset matches to a thesis of the same title: Can fair use be adequately taught to Librarians? Assessing Librarians' confidence and comprehension in explaining fair use following an expert workshop.
keywords: fair use; copyright
published: 2017-12-14
Objectives: This study follows-up on previous work that began examining data deposited in an institutional repository. The work here extends the earlier study by answering the following lines of research questions: (1) what is the file composition of datasets ingested into the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus repository? Are datasets more likely to be single file or multiple file items? (2) what is the usage data associated with these datasets? Which items are most popular? Methods: The dataset records collected in this study were identified by filtering item types categorized as "data" or "dataset" using the advanced search function in IDEALS. Returned search results were collected in an Excel spreadsheet to include data such as the Handle identifier, date ingested, file formats, composition code, and the download count from the item's statistics report. The Handle identifier represents the dataset record's persistent identifier. Composition represents codes that categorize items as single or multiple file deposits. Date available represents the date the dataset record was published in the campus repository. Download statistics were collected via a website link for each dataset record and indicates the number of times the dataset record has been downloaded. Once the data was collected, it was used to evaluate datasets deposited into IDEALS. Results: A total of 522 datasets were identified for analysis covering the period between January 2007 and August 2016. This study revealed two influxes occurring during the period of 2008-2009 and in 2014. During the first time frame a large number of PDFs were deposited by the Illinois Department of Agriculture. Whereas, Microsoft Excel files were deposited in 2014 by the Rare Books and Manuscript Library. Single file datasets clearly dominate the deposits in the campus repository. The total download count for all datasets was 139,663 and the average downloads per month per file across all datasets averaged 3.2. Conclusion: Academic librarians, repository managers, and research data services staff can use the results presented here to anticipate the nature of research data that may be deposited within institutional repositories. With increased awareness, content recruitment, and improvements, IRs can provide a viable cyberinfrastructure for researchers to deposit data, but much can be learned from the data already deposited. Awareness of trends can help librarians facilitate discussions with researchers about research data deposits as well as better tailor their services to address short-term and long-term research needs.
keywords: research data; research statistics; institutional repositories; academic libraries