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published: 2021-05-26
Steady-state and dynamic gas exchange data for maize (B73), sugarcane (CP88-1762) and sorghum (Tx430)
keywords: C4 plants; gas exchange
published: 2024-01-01
Supplementary data tables for the dissertation "Hybridization dynamics and population genomics of a Manacus hybrid zone." This work focuses on the dynamics of hybridization over time in two species of tropical birds, the golden-collared manakin (Manacus vitellinus) and white-collared manakin (Manacus candei) comparing data from historical museum samples and contemporary wild-caught birds. Table A1 contains the sample metadata for the Manacus Restriction site-associated DNA sequencing dataset used in the dissertation with associated NCBI Biosample Accession numbers, Smithsonian Museum of Natural History number (where applicable), sample IDs, sampling site locations, and sample information of year the sample was taken, age, and sex. Table A6 contains phenotypic measurements of male plumage traits of manakins used in cline analyses to assess hybrid zone movement over time in historical and contemporary datasets, including beard length (mm), epaulet width (mm), tail length (mm), collar color (nm), and belly color (nm). Table A7 contains a summary of male plumage measurements across the hybrid zone. Table C1 contains a list of annotated protein coding genes in candidate regions of interest in Manacus genomes using outlier regions of genomic divergence, linkage disequilibrium, and enrichment of parental private alleles.
keywords: csv; manacus; manakin; genomics; dissertation
published: 2020-10-16
Video footage of an Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) partially predating a Field Sparrow nest (Spizella pusilla) at 0845 h on the 31 of May 2020. Please note that the date on the video footage is incorrect due to user error, but the time is correct.
keywords: nest predation; turtle; songbird; nest camera; Terrapene carolina carolina; Spizella pusilla;
published: 2020-12-30
High-speed X-ray videos of four E. abruptus specimens recorded at the Advanced Photron Source (Argonne National lab) in the Summer of 2018 and corresponding position data of landmarks tracked during the motion. See readme file for more details.
published: 2020-12-31
This dataset contains the amino acid and nucleotide alignments corresponding to the phylogenetic analyses of South et al. 2020 in Systematic Entomology. This dataset also includes the gene trees that were used as input for coalescent analysis in ASTRAL.
keywords: Plecoptera; stoneflies; phylogeny; insects
published: 2020-11-25
Video recorded by Louise Barker using a Cannon Powershot camera documents late-season combat behavior in Agkistrodon contortrix. Recorded in Beaufort County, North Carolina, 11.1 km SE of downtown Washington on 21 October 2020.
keywords: Agkistrodon contortrix; combat; mating; reproduction; copperhead; pit viper; Viperidae;
published: 2020-12-15
The dataset consists of results and various input data that are used in the GAMS model for the publication "Repeal of the Clean Power Plan: Social Cost and Distributional Implications". All the data are either excel files or in the .inc format which can be read within GAMS or Notepad. Main data sources include: agriculture, transportation and electricity data. Model details can be found in the paper and the GAMS model package.
keywords: carbon abatement; welfare cost; electricity sector; partial equilibrium model
published: 2021-01-23
Data sets from "Comparing Methods for Species Tree Estimation With Gene Duplication and Loss." It contains data simulated with gene duplication and loss under a variety of different conditions.
keywords: gene duplication and loss; species-tree inference;
published: 2021-06-16
Thank you for using these datasets. These RNAsim aligned fragmentary sequences were generated from the query sequences selected by Balaban et al. (2019) in their variable-size datasets (https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.78nf7dq). They were created for use for phylogenetic placement with the multiple sequence alignments and backbone trees provided by Balaban et al. (2019). The file structures included here also correspond with the data Balaban et al. (2020) provided. This includes: Directories for five varying backbone tree sizes, shown as 5000, 10000, 50000, 100000, and 200000. These directory names are also used by Balaban et al. (2019), and indicate the size of the backbone tree included in their data. Subdirectories for each replicate from the backbone tree size labelled 0 through 4. For the smaller four backbone tree sizes there are five replicates, and for the largest there is one replicate. Each replicate contains 200 text files with one aligned query sequence fragment in fasta format.
keywords: Fragmentary Sequences; RNAsim
published: 2021-11-19
This is a general description of the datasets included in this upload; details of each dataset can be found in the individual README.txt in each compressed folder. We have: 1. ROSE-HF.tar.gz 2. ROSE-LF.tar.gz HF (high fragmentary): 50% of the sequences are made fragmentary, which have average lengths of 25% of the original lengths with a standard deviation of 60 bp. LF (low fragmentary): 25% of the sequences are made fragmentary, which have average lengths of 50% of the original lengths with a standard deviation of 60 bp. The seven ROSE datasets made fragmentary are: 1000L1, 1000L3, 1000L4, 1000M3, 1000S1, 1000S2 and 1000S4. "ROSE-HF.tar.gz" contains HF versions of the seven ROSE datasets. "ROSE-LF.tar.gz" contains LF versions of the seven ROSE datasets.
keywords: ROSE; simulation; fragmentary
published: 2020-09-18
Restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq) data from 643 Miscanthus accessions from a diversity panel, including 613 Miscanthus sacchariflorus, three M. sinensis, and 27 M. xgiganteus. DNA was digested with PstI and MspI, and single-end Illumina sequencing was performed adjacent to the PstI site. Variant and genotype calling was performed with TASSEL-GBSv2, using the Miscanthus sinensis v7.1 reference genome from Phytozome 12 (https://phytozome.jgi.doe.gov). Additional ploidy-aware genotype calling was performed by polyRAD v1.1.
keywords: variant call format (VCF); genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS); single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP); grass; genetic diversity; biomass
published: 2020-08-01
The Empoascini_morph_data.nex text file contains the original data used in the phylogenetic analyses of Xu et al. (Systematic Entomology, in review). The text file is marked up according to the standard NEXUS format commonly used by various phylogenetic analysis software packages. The file will be parsed automatically by a variety of programs that recognize NEXUS as a standard bioinformatics file format. The first nine lines of the file indicate the file type (Nexus), that 110 taxa were analyzed, that a total of 99 characters were analyzed, the format of the data, and specification for symbols used in the dataset to indicate different character states. For species that have more than one state for a particular character, the states are enclosed in square brackets. Question marks represent missing data.The pdf file, Appendix1.pdf, is available here and describes the morphological characters and character states that were scored in the dataset. The data analyses are described in the cited original paper.
keywords: Hemiptera; Cicadellidae; morphology; biogeography; evolution
published: 2021-03-08
In a set of field studies across four years, the effect of self-shading on photosynthetic performance in lower canopy sorghum leaves was studied at sites in Champaign County, IL. Photosynthetic parameters in upper and lower canopy leaves, carbon assimilation, electron transport, stomatal conductance, and activity of three C4-specific photosynthetic enzymes, were compared within a genetically diverse range of accessions varying widely in canopy architecture and thereby in the degree of self-shading. Accessions with erect leaves and high light transmission through the canopy are henceforth referred to as ‘erectophile’ and those with low leaf erectness, ‘planophile’. In the final year of the study, bundle sheath leakiness in erectophile and planophile accessions was also compared.
keywords: Sorghum; Photosynethic Performance; Leaf Inclination
published: 2020-07-15
This repository includes scripts and datasets for the paper, "Polynomial-Time Statistical Estimation of Species Trees under Gene Duplication and Loss."
keywords: Species tree estimation; gene duplication and loss; identifiability; statistical consistency; quartets; ASTRAL
published: 2020-05-31
This repository includes a simulated dataset and related scripts used for the paper "Moss: Accurate Single-Nucleotide Variant Calling from Multiple Bulk DNA Tumor Samples".
keywords: Somatic Mutations; Bulk DNA Sequencing; Cancer Genomics
published: 2020-04-20
Supplemental data sets for the Manuscript entitled "Contribution of fungal and invertebrate communities to mass loss and wood depolymerization in tropical terrestrial and aquatic habitats"
keywords: Coiba Island; wood decomposition; cellulose; hemicellulose; lignin breakdown; aquatic fungi
published: 2022-08-31
This dataset includes data on soil properties, soil N pools, and soil N fluxes presented in the manuscript, "Refining the role of nitrogen mineralization in mycorrhizal nutrient syndromes". Please refer to that publication for details about methodologies used to generate these data and for the experimental design. For this verison 2, we added specific gross nitrogen mineralization rates (ugN/gOM/d), microbial biomass carbon (ugC/gdw), microbial biomass nitrogen (ugN/gdw) and microbial biomass C:N ratios to the newest version of the data set. Additionally, we updated values for gross nitrogen mineralization, microbial NO3 assimilation and microbial NH4 assimilation to reflect slight changes in data processing. Those changes are reflected in "220829_All data_repository.csv". "220829_nitrogen_mineralization_readme.txt " is updated readme for the new file. The other 2 files begin with “220426_” are older version and same as in V1.
keywords: Nitrogen cycling; Ectomycorrhizal fungi; Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi; Nitrogen fertilization; Gross mineralization
published: 2023-07-01
This is the data used in the paper "Assessment of spatiotemporal flood risk due to compound precipitation extremes across the contiguous United States". Code from the Github repository https://github.com/adtonks/precip_extremes can be used with the data here to reproduce the paper's results. v1.0.0 of the code is also archived at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8104252 This dataset is derived from NOAA-CIRES-DOE 20th Century Reanalysis V3. The NOAA-CIRES-DOE Twentieth Century Reanalysis Project version 3 used resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center managed by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 and used resources of NOAA's Remotely Deployed High Performance Computing Systems.
keywords: spatiotemporal; CONUS; United States; precipitation; extremes; flooding
published: 2022-05-20
This dataset includes images and annotated counts for 150 airborne pollen samples from the Center for Tropical Forest Science 50 ha forest dynamics plot on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Samples were collected once a year from April 1994 to June 2010.
keywords: aerial pollen traps; automated pollen identification; Barro Colorado Island; convolutional neural networks; Neotropics; palynology; phenology
published: 2019-12-20
This dynamic photosynthesis model of soybean canopy is developed by Yu Wang (yuwangcn@illinois.edu), IGB, University of Illinois. If you want to know more details, please check the following publication Yu Wang, Steven J. Burgess, Elsa de Becker, Stephen P. Long. Photosynthesis in the fleeting shadows: An overlooked opportunity for increasing crop productivity? The Plant Journal.
keywords: Matlab; Soybean canopy; photosynthesis model
published: 2020-03-13
Data files associated with the assembly of mitochondrial minicircles from five species of parasitic lice. This includes data from four species in the genus Columbicola and from the human louse (Pediculus humanus). The files include FASTA sequences for all five species, reference sequences for read mapping approaches, resulting contigs produced by various assembly approaches, and alignments of human louse minicircles mapped to published sequences of the same species.
keywords: mitochondria; FASTA; nucleotide sequences; alignment; Columbicola; Pediculus
published: 2021-10-15
This is the 5 states 5000 cells synthetic expression file we used for validation of SimiC, a single cell gene regulatory network inference method with similarity constraints. Ground truth GRNs are stored in Numpy array format, and expression profiles of all states combined are stored in Pandas DataFrame in format of Pickle files.
keywords: Numpy array; GRNs; Pandas DataFrame;
published: 2016-05-16
This dataset contains the protein sequences and trees used to compare Non-Ribosomal Peptide Synthetase (NRPS) condensation domains in the AMB gene cluster and was used to create figure S1 in Rojas et al. 2015. Instead of having to collect representative sequences independently, this set of condensation domain sequences may serve as a quick reference set for coarse classification of condensation domains.
keywords: NRPS; biosynthetic gene cluster; antimetabolite; Pseudomonas; oxyvinylglycine; secondary metabolite; thiotemplate; toxin