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Illinois Data Bank Dataset Search Results

Dataset Search Results

published: 2023-12-01
Mist netting data for little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) in McHenry County, Illinois and output of acoustic data processed using Kaleidoscope (Version 5.1.9, Bats of North America 5.1.0; Wildlife Acoustics) auto-identification software. Associated survey metadata and landcover metrics calculated using Fragstats included.
keywords: little brown bats; mist netting; acoustics
published: 2017-03-08
This dataset includes early embryogenesis and post-embryonic development of Soybean cyst nematode.
keywords: Soybean cyst nematode; Embryogenesis; Post-embryonic development
published: 2017-03-07
This is a sample 5 minute video of an E coli bacterium swimming in a microfluidic chamber as well as some supplementary code files to be used with the Matlab code available at https://github.com/dfraebel/CellTracking
published: 2023-07-27
The text file contains the original aligned DNA nucleotide sequence data used in the phylogenetic analyses of Feng et al. (in review), comprising the 3 protein-coding genes (histone H3, cytochrome oxidase I and 2) and 2 ribosomal genes (28S D8 and 16S). The text file is marked up according to the standard NEXUS format commonly used by various phylogenetic analysis software packages. The file will be parsed automatically by a variety of programs that recognize NEXUS as a standard bioinformatics file format. The first six lines of the file identify the file as NEXUS, indicate that the file contains data for 257 taxa (species) and 2995 characters (nucleotide positions), indicate that the characters are DNA sequence, that gaps inserted into the DNA sequence alignment are indicated by a dash, and that missing data are indicated by a question mark. The remainder of the file contains the aligned nucleotide sequence data for the five genes. Data partitions, representing the individual genes and different codon positions of the protein-coding genes, are indicated by the lines beginning "charset" near the end of the file. Two supplementary tables in the provided PDF file provide additional information on the species in the dataset, including the GenBank accession numbers for the sequence data (Table S1) and the DNA substitution models used for each of the data partitions used for analyses in the phylogenetic analysis program IQ-Tree (version 1.6.8) (Table S3), as described in the Methods section of the paper. The supplemental tables will also be linked to the article upon publication at the journal website.
keywords: Insect; leafhopper; dispersal; vicariance; evolution
published: 2022-03-09
MATLAB files for the analysis of an ODE model for disease transmission. The codes may be used to find equilibrium points, study transient dynamics, evaluate the basic reproductive number (R0), and simulate the model when parameters depend on the independent variables. In addition, the codes may be used to perform local sensitivity analysis of R0 on the model parameters.
published: 2018-03-01
Data were used to analyze patterns in predator-specific nest predation on shrubland birds in Illinois as related to landscape composition at multiple landscape scales. Data were used in a Journal of Applied Ecology research paper of the same name. Data were collected between 2011 and 2014 at sites in east-central and northeastern Illinois, USA as part of a Ph.D. research project on the relationship between avian nest predation and landscape characteristics, and how nest predation affects adult and nestling bird behavior.
keywords: nest predation; avian ecology; land cover; landscape composition; landscape scale; nest camera; nest survival; predator-specific mortality; scale-dependence; scrubland; shrub-nesting bird
published: 2021-12-31
We developed and delivered in-person training at local health department offices in six of the seven Illinois Department of Public Health “health regions” between April-May of 2019. Pre-, post-, and six-month follow-up questionnaires on knowledge, attitudes, and practices with regards to tick surveillance were administered to training participants.
keywords: ticks; survey; tick-borne disease; public health
published: 2023-09-20
Dataset includes bee trait information and species abundance information for bees collected at 29 forests plots in southern Illinois, USA. Plots are located within three public land sites. Environmental data were also collected for each of the 29 plots.
keywords: wild bees; forest management; functional traits
published: 2021-12-09
These data were collected in 2018 and 2019 at the University of Illinois Energy Farm (N 40.063607, W 88.206926). During each growing season, bulk and rhizosphere soil were collected from replicate Sorghum bicolor nitrogen use efficiency trial plots at three separate time points (approximately July 1, August 1, and September 1). We measured soil moisture, pH, soil nitrate and ammonium, potential nitrification, potential denitrification, and extracted and sequenced the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene for microbial community analysis. All microbial sequence data is archived in the National Center for Biotechnology Information’s (NCBI) Sequence Read Archive (accession number SRP326979, project number PRJNA741261).
keywords: soil nitrogen; nitrification; nitrogen cycle; sorghum; bioenergy; Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation
published: 2018-09-26
Nucleotide sequences from wild parsnip CYP71AJ4 (angelic in synthase. <a href ="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/EF191021">Genbank EF191021</a>) were obtained by Sanger sequencing. Seeds from individual plants from different populations were harvested to obtain corresponding cDNA. The cDNA was cloned and directly sequenced. Aminoacid translations were obtained using standard codon usage. Alignments of CYP71AJ4 sequences (involved in angular furanocoumarin biosynthesis) with as the reference sequence. Consistent amino acid variabilities were found between some populations. The relationship between sequencing variability and selective pressure is not yet known.
keywords: Pastinaca sativa; parsnip; furanocoumarins; psoralen
published: 2018-10-24
This dataset was compiled between 2010 and 2011 from data published in the scientific literature from articles evaluating the influence of cropping systems and soil management practices on soil organic Carbon. We used the Thomas Reuter Web of Science database and by reviewed the reference sections of key peer-reviewed articles. Articles included in the database presented results from field sites within the continental United States.
keywords: Cropping systems; soil management; soil organic carbon; soil quality.
published: 2023-12-13
Corbicula spp. are one of the most prolific aquatic invasive species in the world and can have negative effects on aquatic ecosystems. We performed qualitative field surveys, examined literature accounts and natural history museum holdings, and accessed citizen science data sources to document the distribution of Corbicula in Mexico and shared drainages. Through 26 publications (N = 127 records), 312 museum holdings, and 446 iNaturalist records, we documented 885 records pertaining to Corbicula in Mexico and shared drainages. The first record of the species in Mexico was in 1969, and it has since been reported from 26 of the 32 Mexican states and most of the major river basins throughout the country. However, we suggest Corbicula is more prevalent in Mexico than we report in this work as it is often under sampled / under reported.
keywords: Corbicula; exotic species; invasive species; Asian Clams; Bivalvia; freshwater systems
published: 2023-12-18
We conducted long-term capture-mark-recapture surveys on two isolated ornate box turtle (Terrapene ornata) populations in northern Illinois, USA. This dataset provides the capture history strings and additional demographic information used for estimating population vital rates with robust design capture-mark-recapture models. The vital rates were then used in a stage-based population projection matrix model for each population.
keywords: demography; capture-mark-recapture; vital rates; conservation; wildlife ecology
published: 2022-09-28
Data from an a field survey at Nikko National Park in central Japan. Data contain information about deer carcass, environment of sites, and vertebrate scavenging.
keywords: Carcass; Cervus nippon; Detection; Facultative scavenging; Obligate scavenger
published: 2021-07-21
This dataset contains 1 CSV file: RozanskyLarsonTaylorMsat.csv which contains microsatellite fragment lengths for Virile and Spothanded Crayfish from the Current River watershed of Missouri, U.S., and complimentary data, including assignments to species by phenotype and COI sequence data, GenBank accession numbers for COI sequence data, study sites with dates of collection and geographic coordinates, and Illinois Natural History Survey (INHS) Crustacean Collection lots where specimens are stored.
keywords: invasive species; hybridization; crayfishes; streams; freshwater; Cambaridae; virile crayfish; spothanded crayfish; Missouri; Current River; Ozark National Scenic Riverways
published: 2019-02-26
We have recently created an approach for high throughput single cell measurements using matrix assisted laser desorption / ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI MS) (J Am Soc Mass Spectrom. 2017, 28, 1919-1928. doi: 10.1007/s13361-017-1704-1. Chemphyschem. 2018, 19, 1180-1191. doi: 10.1002/cphc.201701364). While chemical detail is obtained on individual cells, it has not been possible to correlate the chemical information with canonical cell types. Now we combine high-throughput single cell mass spectrometry with immunocytochemistry to determine lipid profiles of two known cell types, astrocytes and neurons from the rodent brain, with the work appearing as “Lipid heterogeneity between astrocytes and neurons revealed with single cell MALDI MS supervised by immunocytochemical classification” (DOI: 10.1002/anie.201812892). Here we provide the data collected for this study. The dataset provides the raw data and script files for the rodent cerebral cells described in the manuscript.
keywords: Single cell analysis; mass spectrometry; astrocyte; neuron; lipid analysis
published: 2019-02-07
This dataset contains all data used in the two studies included in "PICAN-PI..." by Nute, et al, other than the original raw sequences. That includes: 1) Supplementary information for the Manuscript, including all the graphics that were created, 2) 16S Reference Alignment, Phylogeny and Taxonomic Annotation used by SEPP, and 3) Data used in the manuscript as input for the graphics generation (namely, SEPP outputs and sequence multiplicities).
keywords: microbiome; data visualization; graphics; phylogenetics; 16S
published: 2019-03-06
This dataset is provided to support the statements in Tarokh, A., and R.Y. Makhnenko. 2019. Remarks on the solid and bulk responses of fluid-filled porous rock, Geophysics. The unjacketed bulk modulus is a poroelastic parameter that can be directly measured in a laboratory test under a loading that preserves the difference between the mean stress and pore pressure constant. For a monomineralic rock, the measurement of the unjacketed bulk modulus is ignored because it is assumed to be equal to the bulk modulus of the solid phase. To examine this assumption, we tested porous sandstones (Berea and Dunnville) and limestones (Apulian and Indiana) mainly composed of quartz and calcite, respectively, under the unjacketed condition. The presence of microscale inhomogeneities, in the form of non-connected (occluded) pores, was shown to cause a considerable difference between the unjacketed bulk modulus and the bulk modulus of the solid phase. Furthermore, we found the unjacketed bulk modulus to be independent of the unjacketed pressure and Terzaghi effective pressure and therefore a constant.
keywords: Poroelasticity; anisotropic solid skeleton; unjacketed bulk modulus; non-connected porosity
published: 2019-05-31
This dataset includes all data presented in the manuscript entitled: "Dynamic controls on field-scale soil nitrous oxide hot spots and hot moments across a microtopographic gradient"
keywords: denitrification; depressions; microtopography; nitrous oxide; soil oxygen; soil temperature
published: 2019-06-22
keywords: conspecific attraction; fruit-eating bird; Hawaiian flora; playback experiment; seed dispersal; social information; Zosterops japonicas
published: 2018-01-03
Concatenated sequence alignment, phylogenetic analysis files, and relevant software parameter files from a cophylogenetic study of Brueelia-complex lice and their avian hosts. The sequence alignment file includes a list of character blocks for each gene alignment and the parameters used for the MrBayes phylogenetic analysis. 1) Files from the MrBayes analyses: a) a file with 100 random post-burnin trees (50% burnin) used in the cophylogenetic analysis - analysisrandom100_trees_brueelia.tre b) a majority rule consensus tree - treeconsensus_tree_brueelia.tre c) a maximum clade credibility tree - mcc_tree_brueelia.tre The tree tips are labeled with louse voucher names, and can be referenced in Supplementary Table 1 of the associated publication. 2) Files related to a BEAST analysis with COI data: a) the XML file used as input for the BEAST run, including model parameters, MCMC chain length, and priors - beast_parameters_coi_brueelia.xml b) a file with 100 random post-burnin trees (10% burnin) from the BEAST posterior distribution of trees; used in OTU analysis - beast_100random_trees_brueelia.tre c) an ultrametric maximum clade credibility tree - mcc_tree_beast_brueelia.tre 3) A maximum clade credibility tree of Brueelia-complex host species generated from a distribution of trees downloaded from https://birdtree.org/subsets/ - mcc_tree_brueelia_hosts.tre 4) Concatenated sequence alignment - concatenated_alignment_brueelia.nex
keywords: bird lice; Brueelia-complex; passerines; multiple sequence alignment; phylogenetic tree; Bayesian phylogenetic analysis; MrBayes; BEAST
published: 2018-04-05
GBS data from Phaseolus accessions, for a study led by Dr. Glen Hartman, UIUC. <br />The (zipped) fastq file can be processed with the TASSEL GBS pipeline or other pipelines for SNP calling. The related article has been submitted and the methods section describes the data processing in detail.