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Illinois Data Bank Dataset Search Results

Dataset Search Results

published: 2020-11-18
These data obtained from the peer-reviewed literature and a public database depict the geographic expansion of the black-legged tick (Ixodes scapularis) and human cases of Lyme disease in the midwestern U.S. <b><i>Note</b></i>: There was an omission from the first version (V1) of the data set that required us to update the data. Specifically, we failed to include the data from the article "Caporale DA, Johnson CM, Millard BJ. 2005 Presence of Borrelia burgdorferi (Spirochaetales: Spirochaetaceae) in Southern Kettle Moraine State Forest, Wisconsin, and characterization of strain W97F51. J. Med. Entomol. 42, 457–472". In the second version (V2) of the data, this omission is corrected.
keywords: Lyme disease; Borrelia burgdorferi; Ixodes scapularis; black-legged tick
published: 2020-11-14
Dataset includes temperature data (local average April daily temperatures), first egg dates and reproductive output of Prothonotary Warblers breeding in southernmost Illinois, USA. Also included are arrival dates for warblers returning to breeding grounds from wintering grounds, and global temperature anomaly data for comparison with local temperatures. These data were used in the manuscript entitled "Warmer April Temperatures on Breeding Grounds Promote Earlier Nesting in a Long-Distance Migratory Bird, the Prothonotary Warbler" published in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. A rich text file is included with explanations of each variable in the dataset.
keywords: first egg dates; global warming; local temperature effects; long-distance migratory bird; prothonotary warbler; protonotaria citrea; reproductive output
published: 2020-08-31
This dataset contains BEPAM model code and input data to replicate the outcomes for "The Economic and Environmental Costs and Benefits of the Renewable Fuel Standard". The dataset consists of: (1) The replication codes and data for the BEPAM model. The code file is named as output.gms. (BEPAM-Social cost model-ERL.zip) (2) Simulation results from the BEPAM model (BEPAM_Simulation_Results.csv) * Item (1) is in GAMS format. Item (2) is in text format.
keywords: Social Cost of Carbon; Social Cost of Nitrogen; Cost-Benefit Analysis; Indirect Land-Use Change
published: 2020-11-01
A 30 year record of the vegetation in sample plots in a woodland in the Chicago area. The changes in these plots over time show how ecological restoration can yield dramatic results.
keywords: woodland; ecological restoration; floristic quality; vegetation; plant ecology; ecological management
published: 2020-10-30
Supporting information for "Urinary Phthalate Metabolite Concentrations and Hot Flashes in Pre- and Perimenopausal Women from the Midlife Women’s Health Study." This file contains tables of the results of stratified analyses of the associations of hot flash outcomes with urinary phthalates metabolites by menopause status, race/ethnicity, body mass index, and depressive status. This file also contains supplementary HPLC methods for the analysis of phthalate metabolites.
keywords: Hot flashes; menopause; phthalates; women
published: 2020-10-27
The data file contains a list of included studies with their detailed metadata, taken from Cochrane reviews which were used in a project associated with the manuscript "Evaluation of an automated probabilistic RCT Tagger applied to published Cochrane reviews".
keywords: Cochrane reviews; automation; randomized controlled trial; RCT; systematic review
published: 2020-10-27
The data file contains detailed information of the Cochrane reviews that were used in a project associated with the manuscript (working title) "Evaluation of an automated probabilistic RCT Tagger applied to published Cochrane reviews".
keywords: Cochrane reviews; systematic reviews; randomized control trial; RCT; automation
published: 2020-10-14
Data on permanent plots at Fortuna and the Panama Canal Watershed, Republic of Panama, containing counts and percent of trees with one or more multiple stems >10cm diameter, with and without palms. Accompanying environmental data includes elevation, precipitation, soil type and soil chemical variables (pH, total N, NO3, NO4, resin P, mehlich Ca, K and Mg.
keywords: multiple stems; resprouting; Panama Canal Watershed; Fortuna Forest Reserve
published: 2020-10-01
Raw gas exchange data for photosynthetic induction in 6 rice accession flag leaves. Photosynthetic induction and point measurements were made at ambient [CO2]. Two accessions (AUS 278 and IR64) were selected to screen in greater detail in which photosynthetic induction was measured at six [CO2].
published: 2020-09-25
This repository contains the datasets and corresponding results for the paper "MAGUS: Multiple Sequence Alignment using Graph Clustering". The Datasets.zip archive contains the ROSE, balibase, Gutell, and RNASim datasets used in our experiments. The Results.zip archive contains the outputs of running our methods against these datasets. Datasets used: ROSE: 10 simulated nucleotide model conditions from the SATe paper, each with 20 replicates, and with 1000 sequences per replicate. The ROSE datasets were originally taken from <a href="https://sites.google.com/eng.ucsd.edu/datasets/alignment/sate-i">https://sites.google.com/eng.ucsd.edu/datasets/alignment/sate-i</a> RNASim: This is a collection of simulated nucleotide datasets that were generated under a model of evolution that reflects selection due to RNA structural constraints. We sampled 20 subsets of 1000 sequences each, as well as 10 subsets of 10000 each, by randomly sampling from the original million-sequence RNASim dataset. Gutell: 16S.M, 16S.3, 16S.T, 16S.B.ALL: Four biological nucleotide datasets from the Comparative Ribosomal Website (CRW) with cleaned reference alignments from SATe. Since PASTA is restricted to datasets without sequence length heterogeneity, these were modified to remove sequences that deviate by more than 20% from the median length. The scrubbed datasets range from 740 to 24,246 sequences. The pre-screened 16S datasets were taken from <a href="https://sites.google.com/eng.ucsd.edu/datasets/alignment/16s23s">https://sites.google.com/eng.ucsd.edu/datasets/alignment/16s23s</a> BAliBASE: We use eight BAliBASE amino acid datasets used in the PASTA paper. As above, we remove outlier sequences, which leaves us with sizes ranging from 195 to 732 sequences. The pre-screened Balibase datasets were taken from <a href="https://sites.google.com/eng.ucsd.edu/datasets/alignment/pastaupp">https://sites.google.com/eng.ucsd.edu/datasets/alignment/pastaupp</a>
published: 2020-09-17
Data are from a long-term fire manipulation experiment in the Missouri Ozarks, USA. Data include the raw, annual ring-width increment (rwl), basal area increment (BAI), population-level annual growth resistance (Drs) and resilience (Drl) to drought, intrinsic water use efficiency values (WUEi) and oxygen isotopic composition of individual radial growth rings (δ18O) from southern red oak (Quercus falcata) and post oak (Q. stellata) trees. ---------------------- TITLE: Data for "Sixty-five years of fire manipulation reveals climate and fire interact to determine growth rates of Quercus spp." ---------------------- FILE OVERVIEW: This dataset contains four (4) CSV files as described below: Refsland_et_al_ECS20-0465_BAI.csv: annual basal area increment between 1948-2015 for trees across the fire manipulation experiment Refsland_et_al_ECS20-0465_DroughtIndices.csv: population-level drought resistance and resilience of trees during each target drought period Refsland_et_al_ECS20-0465_WUEi.csv: carbon isotope indicators of drought stress for trees across the fire manipulation experiment Refsland_et_al_ECS20-0465_d18Or.csv: oxygen isotope indicators of drought stress for trees across the fire manipulation experiment ---------------------- VARIABLE EXPLANATION: All the variables in those four files are explained as below: treeID: unique character string that identifies subject tree block: integer (1, 2) that identifies the study block plot: integer (1-12) that identifies the plot nested within each study block trt: character string (Annual, Control, Periodic) that identifies the fire treatment of a given plot species: character string (Quercus falcata, Quercus stellata) that identifies species of subject tree year: integer (1948-2015) that identifies the dated year of each tree ring rwl_mm: numerical value representing the annual tree ring-width, in mm bai_cm2: numerical value representing the annual basal area increment, in cm2 timeperiod: integer value (1953, 1964, 2007, 2012) representing the periods encompassing target dry and wet years Drs_2yr: numerical value representing the drought resistance, defined as the population-level annual growth of trees during drought years relative to pre-drought years for a given time period Drl_2yr: numerical value representing the drought resilience, defined as the population-level annual growth of trees following drought years relative to pre-drought years for a given time period stand_ba_m2ha: numerical value representing the total basal area of a given plot, in m2 per ha stand_density_stems_ha: numerical value representing the total stem density of a given plot, in stems per ha pool: numerical value (1-40) identifying the set of tree ring samples pooled for analysis. Samples were pooled by block, plot, year and species period: integer value (1953, 1964, 1980, 2007, 2012) representing the periods encompassing target dry and wet years type: character string (Dry, Wet) indicating the water availability of a given year d13C: numerical value representing the carbon isotopic composition of radial growth rings within a given sample pool, in per mil WUEi: numerical value representing the annual intrinsic water use efficiency of radial growth rings within a given sample pool d18O: numerical value representing the oxygen isotopic composition of radial growth rings within a given sample pool, in per mil
keywords: climate change adaptation; drought; fire; nitrogen availability; oak-hickory; radial growth; resilience; resistance; stand density; temperate broadleaf forest; water stress
published: 2020-06-30
This file contains 13 unique case studies that were created for the One health: Infectious diseases course offered at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus. The case studies are being made available as educational resources for other One health courses. Each case study is focused on a theme/topic which is associated with One health. These case studies were created using publicly available information and references have been provided for each case study.
keywords: One health education; infectious diseases; case studies
published: 2020-06-06
These data are from an observational study and small experiment investigating reproductive biology and hybridization between two plants, Celastrus scandens L. and Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb. (Celastraceae). These data were collected during the 2008 growing season from the Indiana Dunes National Park (formerly Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore), just east of the municipality of Ogden Dunes, Indiana, USA. The five data files provide information on floral output of the two species, fertilization rate, fruit set rate, hybridization rate at two scales (individual flowers in both species, individual maternal plants in C. scandens), and the results of a hand-pollination experiment that exchanged pollen between the two species. There are six data files associated with this submission, five data files in comma-separated values format and one text file (‘readme.txt’) that includes detailed explanations of the data files.
keywords: Celastrus; invasive species; hybridization; heterospecific pollen; hand pollination
published: 2020-05-30
Original leaf gas exchange and absorptance data used in the Collison et al. (2020) Light, Not Age, Underlies the Q9 Maladaptation of Maize and Miscanthus Photosynthesis to Self-Shading - Frontiers in Plant Science doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00783
keywords: C4 photosynthesis; canopy; bioenergy; food security; quantum yield; shade acclimation; photosynthetic light-use efficiency; leaf aging
published: 2020-04-02
Automatic and manual counts of black flies captured in Illinois.
keywords: black flies; simuliids; ImageJ; count method
published: 2020-04-22
Nest survival and Fledgling production data for Bell's Vireo and Willow Flycatcher nests.
keywords: Bell's Vireo;Willow Flycatcher;habitat selection;fitness;
published: 2020-04-06
Raw measurement data for umbilical remnants (umbilical vein, umbilical arteries and urachus) in support of Equine Veterinary Journal publication "Normal Regression of the Internal Umbilical Remnant Structures in Standardbred Foals."
keywords: equine; umbilicus; ultrasound
published: 2020-03-14
Data on bank elevations determined from lidar data for the Upper Sangamon River, Illinois, the Mission River, Texas, and the White River in Indiana
keywords: bank elevations, rivers, meandering, lowland
published: 2020-06-01
Dataset associated with Hoover et al AUK-19-093 submission: Local conspecific density does not influence reproductive output in a secondary cavity-nesting songbird. Excel CSV with all of the data used in analyses. Description of variables YEARS: year ORDINAL_DATE: number for what day of the year it is with 1 January = 1,……30 December = 365 SITE: acronym for each study site BOX: unique nest box identifier on each study site TREAT: designates whether nest box was in a high- or low- nest box density area within each study site ACTUAL_NO_NEIGHBORS: number of pairs of warblers using a nest box within 200 m of a given pair’s nest box CLUTCH_SIZE: number of warbler eggs in nest at the onset of incubation PROWN: number of warbler nestlings once eggs have hatched PROWF: number of warbler nestlings that fledged out of the nest box HATCH_SUCCESS: proportion of eggs in the nest that hatched FLEDG_SUCCESS: proportion of the nestlings that fledged from the nest box HATCH_SUCCESS2: binary category where “0” indicates there was some, and “1” indicates there was no hatching failure FLEDG_SUCCESS2: binary category where “0” indicates there was some, and “1” indicates there was no nestling failure (i.e. nestling death) BHCO_PARASIT2: binary category where “0” indicates no cowbird parasitism, and “1” indicates there was cowbird parasitism BHCOE: number of cowbird eggs in clutch BHCOF: number of cowbird nestlings that fledged from the nest PAIRID: unique number that identifies a male and female warbler that are together at a nest box and this number is the same in a subsequent nesting attempt or year if the same male and female are together again FEMALE_ID: unique identifier for each female which represents her leg band combination. Each letter represents a band with letters preceding the hyphen being on the right leg and after the hyphen the left leg FEM_AGE: binary category where “0” indicates a 1-year-old bird and “1” indicates a >1-year-old bird FEMALE_BREEDING_ATTEMPT: “1” indicates first, “2” indicates second,……..breeding attempt within a given year SECOND_ATTEMPT: for any female that fledged a brood in a given year, binary category where “0” represents that they did not, and “1” indicates that they did attempt a second brood that year F_TOT_PROWF: total reproductive output (number of warbler fledglings produced) for a given female in a given year MALE_ID: unique identifier for each male which represents his leg band combination. Each letter represents a band with letters preceding the hyphen being on the right leg and after the hyphen the left leg MALE_AGE2: binary category where “0” indicates a 1-year-old bird and “1” indicates a >1-year-old bird Provisioning_rate: total number of food provisions per nestling per hour by male and female warbler combined BROOD_MASS: average nestling mass (g) for the brood BROOD_TARSUS: average nestling tarsus length (mm) for the brood Brood_condition: unit-less index of nestling condition that uses the residuals of the BROOD_MASS/BROOD_TARSUS relationship A period (“.”) represents where data were not collected, not available, or because individual nest or female did not qualify for consideration of a category assignment. An empty cell represents no data available for this particular cell.
keywords: conspecific density; density dependence; food limitation; hatching success; nestling body condition; nestling provisioning; Prothonotary Warbler; reproductive output
published: 2020-02-27
These data were collected for an experiment examining effects of neonicotinoid (clothianidin) presence on hover fly (Diptera: Syrphidae) behavior. Hover flies of two species (Eristalis arbustorum and Toxomerus marginatus) were offered a choice to feed on artificial flowers laced with sucrose solution that was either contaminated (CLO) or not contaminated (CON) with clothianidin. Two different concentrations of clothianidin in 0.5 M sucrose solution were tested: 2.5 ppb and 150 ppb. We conducted four sets of 10 trials, each trial set examining a different combination of species and clothianidin dose. Across 6 hours of video for each trial we recorded 1) number of visits to each flower that resulted in feeding, and 2) amount of time spent feeding during each visit. We found that while neither species fed significantly longer on either of the solutions, E. arbustorum appeared to avoid flowers with clothianidin particularly at high rates. In the paper, we attribute this avoidance response, partially, to hover fly-visible spectral differences between the two flower choices and discuss potential implications for field and lab-based studies. In the enclosed zip file we have included all data for this project and code scripts from R. * Note: Data folder contains 4 files (instead of 6 as mentioned in Readme): e.tenax_photoreceptors.csv; hoverfly_data_UPDATE.csv; number_visits_UPDATE.csv; and Original 2018 hover fly choice test data_Clem2020.xlsx
keywords: Syrphidae; hoverfly; Eristalis; Toxomerus; Choice Experiment; Neonicotinoid; Clothianidin
published: 2020-02-01
This data describes habitat use, availability, landscape level influences, and daily movement of dabbling ducks in the Wabash River Valley of southeastern Illinois and southwestern Indiana. It contains triangulated locations of individual ducks, associated habitat assignments of those locations, flood survey data to determine water availability, and randomly generated points to assess landscape level questions.
keywords: waterfowl; ducks; dabbling; mallard; teal; habitat
published: 2020-01-28
This dataset includes two data files that provide the time series (Jul. - Sep. 2017) data of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF_760) collected under sunny conditions at two maize sites (one rainfed and the other irrigated) in Nebraska in 2017. Data contain 392 SIF_760 records at the rainfed site and 707 records at the irrigated site. The timestamp uses local standard time. Data are available for the sunny conditions from 8 am to 5 pm (corresponding to 9 am to 6 pm local time) throughout the study period.
keywords: sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF); maize; gross primary production(GPP); light use efficiency(LUE); SIF yield
published: 2019-10-18
Supporting secondary data used in a manuscript currently in submission regarding the invasion dynamics of the asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, in the state of Illinois
keywords: albopictus;mosquito