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Illinois Data Bank Dataset Search Results

Dataset Search Results

published: 2016-06-23
This dataset was extracted from a set of metadata files harvested from the DataCite metadata store (https://search.datacite.org/ui) during December 2015. Metadata records for items with a resourceType of dataset were collected. 1,647,949 total records were collected. This dataset contains three files: 1) readme.txt: A readme file. 2) version-results.csv: A CSV file containing three columns: DOI, DOI prefix, and version text contents 3) version-counts.csv: A CSV file containing counts for unique version text content values.
keywords: datacite;metadata;version values;repository data
published: 2016-06-23
This dataset was extracted from a set of metadata files harvested from the DataCite metadata store (http://search.datacite.org/ui) during December 2015. Metadata records for items with a resourceType of dataset were collected. 1,647,949 total records were collected. This dataset contains four files: 1) readme.txt: a readme file. 2) language-results.csv: A CSV file containing three columns: DOI, DOI prefix, and language text contents 3) language-counts.csv: A CSV file containing counts for unique language text content values. 4) language-grouped-counts.txt: A text file containing the results of manually grouping these language codes.
keywords: datacite;metadata;language codes;repository data