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published: 2018-04-23
Conceptual novelty analysis data based on PubMed Medical Subject Headings ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Created by Shubhanshu Mishra, and Vetle I. Torvik on April 16th, 2018 ## Introduction This is a dataset created as part of the publication titled: Mishra S, Torvik VI. Quantifying Conceptual Novelty in the Biomedical Literature. D-Lib magazine : the magazine of the Digital Library Forum. 2016;22(9-10):10.1045/september2016-mishra. It contains final data generated as part of our experiments based on MEDLINE 2015 baseline and MeSH tree from 2015. The dataset is distributed in the form of the following tab separated text files: * PubMed2015_NoveltyData.tsv - Novelty scores for each paper in PubMed. The file contains 22,349,417 rows and 6 columns, as follow: - PMID: PubMed ID - Year: year of publication - TimeNovelty: time novelty score of the paper based on individual concepts (see paper) - VolumeNovelty: volume novelty score of the paper based on individual concepts (see paper) - PairTimeNovelty: time novelty score of the paper based on pair of concepts (see paper) - PairVolumeNovelty: volume novelty score of the paper based on pair of concepts (see paper) * mesh_scores.tsv - Temporal profiles for each MeSH term for all years. The file contains 1,102,831 rows and 5 columns, as follow: - MeshTerm: Name of the MeSH term - Year: year - AbsVal: Total publications with that MeSH term in the given year - TimeNovelty: age (in years since first publication) of MeSH term in the given year - VolumeNovelty: : age (in number of papers since first publication) of MeSH term in the given year * meshpair_scores.txt.gz (36 GB uncompressed) - Temporal profiles for each MeSH term for all years - Mesh1: Name of the first MeSH term (alphabetically sorted) - Mesh2: Name of the second MeSH term (alphabetically sorted) - Year: year - AbsVal: Total publications with that MeSH pair in the given year - TimeNovelty: age (in years since first publication) of MeSH pair in the given year - VolumeNovelty: : age (in number of papers since first publication) of MeSH pair in the given year * README.txt file ## Dataset creation This dataset was constructed using multiple datasets described in the following locations: * MEDLINE 2015 baseline: <a href="https://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/licensee/2015_stats/baseline_doc.html">https://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/licensee/2015_stats/baseline_doc.html</a> * MeSH tree 2015: <a href="ftp://nlmpubs.nlm.nih.gov/online/mesh/2015/meshtrees/">ftp://nlmpubs.nlm.nih.gov/online/mesh/2015/meshtrees/</a> * Source code provided at: <a href="https://github.com/napsternxg/Novelty">https://github.com/napsternxg/Novelty</a> Note: The dataset is based on a snapshot of PubMed (which includes Medline and PubMed-not-Medline records) taken in the first week of October, 2016. Check <a href="https://www.nlm.nih.gov/databases/download/pubmed_medline.html">here </a>for information to get PubMed/MEDLINE, and NLMs data Terms and Conditions: Additional data related updates can be found at: <a href="http://abel.ischool.illinois.edu">Torvik Research Group</a> ## Acknowledgments This work was made possible in part with funding to VIT from <a href="https://projectreporter.nih.gov/project_info_description.cfm?aid=8475017&icde=18058490">NIH grant P01AG039347 </a> and <a href="http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1348742">NSF grant 1348742 </a>. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. ## License Conceptual novelty analysis data based on PubMed Medical Subject Headings by Shubhanshu Mishra, and Vetle Torvik is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at <a href="https://github.com/napsternxg/Novelty">https://github.com/napsternxg/Novelty</a>
keywords: Conceptual novelty; bibliometrics; PubMed; MEDLINE; MeSH; Medical Subject Headings; Analysis;
published: 2018-05-21
This dataset contains bonding networks and tolerance ranges for geometric magnetic dimensionality. The data can be searched in the html frontend above, code obtained at the GitHub repository, or the raw data can be downloaded as csv below. The csv data contains the results of 42520 compounds (unique icsd_code) from ICSD FindIt v3.5.0. The csv is semicolon-delimited since some fields contain multiple comma-separated values.
keywords: materials science; physics; magnetism; crystallography
published: 2018-04-05
GBS data from Phaseolus accessions, for a study led by Dr. Glen Hartman, UIUC. <br />The (zipped) fastq file can be processed with the TASSEL GBS pipeline or other pipelines for SNP calling. The related article has been submitted and the methods section describes the data processing in detail.
published: 2018-06-06
DNDC scripts and outputs that were generated as a part of the research publication 'Evaluation of DeNitrification DeComposition Model for Estimating Ammonia Fluxes from Chemical Fertilizer Application'.
keywords: DNDC; REA; ammonia emissions; fertilizers; uncertainty analysis
published: 2018-07-25
The PDF describes the process and data used for the heuristic user evaluation described in the related article “<i>Evaluating an automatic data extraction tool based on the theory of diffusion of innovation</i>” by Linh Hoang, Frank Scannapieco, Linh Cao, Yingjun Guan, Yi-Yun Cheng, and Jodi Schneider (under submission).<br /> Frank Scannapieco assessed RobotReviewer data extraction performance on ten articles in 2018-02. Articles are included papers from an update review: Sabharwal A., G.-F.I., Stellrecht E., Scannapeico F.A. <i>Periodontal therapy to prevent the initiation and/or progression of common complex systemic diseases and conditions</i>. An update. Periodontol 2000. In Press. <br/> The form was created in consultation with Linh Hoang and Jodi Schneider. To do the assessment, Frank Scannapieco entered PDFs for these ten articles into RobotReviewer and then filled in ten evaluation forms, based on the ten Robot Reviewer automatic data extraction reports. Linh Hoang analyzed these ten evaluation forms and synthesized Frank Scannapieco’s comments to arrive at the evaluation results for the heuristic user evaluation.
keywords: RobotReviewer; systematic review automation; data extraction
published: 2018-08-01
This set of scripts accompanies the manuscript describing the R package polyRAD, which uses DNA sequence read depth to estimate allele dosage in diploids and polyploids. Using several high-confidence SNP datasets from various species, allelic read depth from a typical RAD-seq dataset was simulated, then genotypes were estimated with polyRAD and other software and compared to the true genotypes, yielding error estimates.
keywords: R programming language; genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS); restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq); polyploidy; single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP); Bayesian genotype calling; simulation
published: 2018-08-03
These data include information on a field experiment on Castilleja coccinea (L.) Spreng., scarlet Indian paintbrush (Orobanchaceae). There is intraspecific variation in scarlet Indian paintbrush in the color of the bracts surrounding the flowers. Two bract color morphs were included in this study, the scarlet and yellow morphs. The experiment was conducted at Illinois Beach State Park in 2012. The aim of the work was to compare the color morphs with regard to 1) self-compatibility, 2) response to pollinator exclusion, 3) cross-compatibility between the color morphs, and 4) relative female fertility and male fitness. Three files are attached with this record. The raw data are in "fruitSet.csv" and "seedSet.csv", while "readme.txt" has detailed explanations of the raw data files.
keywords: Castilleja coccinea; Orobanchaceae; floral color polymorphism; bract color polymorphism; breeding system; hand-pollination; self-compatibility; reproductive assurance
published: 2018-08-29
This dataset contains best estimates of the particle size distribution and measurements of the radar reflectivity factor and total water content for instances where ground-based radar and airborne microphysical observations were considered collocated with each other.
keywords: MC3E; MCS; GPM; microphysics; radar; aircraft; ice
published: 2018-11-21
This set of scripts accompanies the manuscript describing the R package polyRAD, which uses DNA sequence read depth to estimate allele dosage in diploids and polyploids. Using several high-confidence SNP datasets from various species, allelic read depth from a typical RAD-seq dataset was simulated, then genotypes were estimated with polyRAD and other software and compared to the true genotypes, yielding error estimates.
keywords: R programming language; genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS); restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq); polyploidy; single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP); Bayesian genotype calling; simulation
published: 2018-12-20
File Name: Inclusion_Criteria_Annotation.csv Data Preparation: Xiaoru Dong Date of Preparation: 2018-12-14 Data Contributions: Jingyi Xie, Xiaoru Dong, Linh Hoang Data Source: Cochrane systematic reviews published up to January 3, 2018 by 52 different Cochrane groups in 8 Cochrane group networks. Associated Manuscript authors: Xiaoru Dong, Jingyi Xie, Linh Hoang, and Jodi Schneider. Associated Manuscript, Working title: Machine classification of inclusion criteria from Cochrane systematic reviews. Description: The file contains lists of inclusion criteria of Cochrane Systematic Reviews and the manual annotation results. 5420 inclusion criteria were annotated, out of 7158 inclusion criteria available. Annotations are either "Only RCTs" or "Others". There are 2 columns in the file: - "Inclusion Criteria": Content of inclusion criteria of Cochrane Systematic Reviews. - "Only RCTs": Manual Annotation results. In which, "x" means the inclusion criteria is classified as "Only RCTs". Blank means that the inclusion criteria is classified as "Others". Notes: 1. "RCT" stands for Randomized Controlled Trial, which, in definition, is "a work that reports on a clinical trial that involves at least one test treatment and one control treatment, concurrent enrollment and follow-up of the test- and control-treated groups, and in which the treatments to be administered are selected by a random process, such as the use of a random-numbers table." [Randomized Controlled Trial publication type definition from https://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/pubtypes.html]. 2. In order to reproduce the relevant data to this, please get the code of the project published on GitHub at: https://github.com/XiaoruDong/InclusionCriteria and run the code following the instruction provided.
keywords: Inclusion criteria, Randomized controlled trials, Machine learning, Systematic reviews
published: 2018-12-20
This dataset contains data used to generate figures and tables in the corresponding paper.
keywords: Black carbon; Emission Inventory; Observations; Climate change, Diesel engine, Coal burning
published: 2018-12-13
A 3D CNN method to land cover classification using LiDAR and multitemporal imagery
keywords: 3DCNN; land cover classification; LiDAR; multitemporal imagery
published: 2018-09-06
The XSEDE program manages the database of allocation awards for the portfolio of advanced research computing resources funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The database holds data for allocation awards dating to the start of the TeraGrid program in 2004 to present, with awards continuing through the end of the second XSEDE award in 2021. The project data include lead researcher and affiliation, title and abstract, field of science, and the start and end dates. Along with the project information, the data set includes resource allocation and usage data for each award associated with the project. The data show the transition of resources over a fifteen year span along with the evolution of researchers, fields of science, and institutional representation.
keywords: allocations; cyberinfrastructure; XSEDE
published: 2024-01-31
Data associated with the manuscript "Stable isotopes and diet metabarcoding reveal trophic overlap between native and invasive Banded Killifish (Fundulus diaphanus) subspecies." by Jordan H. Hartman, Mark A. Davis, Nicholas J. Iacaruso, Jeremy S. Tiemann, Eric R. Larson. For this project, we sampled six locations in Michigan and Illinois for Eastern and Western Banded Killifish and primary consumers. Using stable isotope analysis we found that Eastern Banded Killifish had higher variance in littoral dependence and trophic position than Western Banded Killifish, but both stable isotope and gut content metabarcoding analyses revealed an overlap in the diet composition and trophic position between the subspecies. This dataset provides the sampling locations, accession numbers for gut content metabarcoding data from the National Center for Biotechnology Information Sequence Read Archive, the assignment of each family used in the gut content metabarcoding analysis as littoral, pelagic, terrestrial, or parasite. and the raw stable isotope data from University of California Davis.
keywords: non-game fish; invasive species; imperiled species; stable isotope analysis; gut content metabarcoding
published: 2024-01-31
This dataset contains: field study design parameters, plant performance metrics, and nitrogen cycling rates associated with a field experiment that compared nitrification rates between maize lines with and without nitrification inhibition loci nitrogen fixation rates with with and without a nitrogen fixing inoculant product. The overarching goal was to evaluate nitrogen fixation by a diazotroph inoculant and retention of nitrogen in the rhizosphere via a novel nitrification inhibition phenotype of maize.
keywords: maize; microbiome; nitrogen cycling; nitrification; nitrogen fixation
published: 2024-01-30
This data set includes the cochlear implant (CI) electrodograms recorded in 2 different acoustic conditions using acoustic head KEMAR. It is a part of a study intended to explore the effect of interaural asymmetry on interaural coherence after CI processing.
keywords: cochlear implant; electrodogram; KEMAR; interaural coherence
planned publication date: 2024-12-01
Survey questions and data collected from Illinois land managers on practices and knowledge relating to impacts to wildlife. 0s indicated non-selection, 1s indicate selection of answer.
keywords: forestry management; online survey; wildlife
published: 2018-11-20
A dataset of acoustic impulse responses for microphones worn on the body. Microphones were placed at 80 positions on the body of a human subject and a plastic mannequin. The impulse responses can be used to study the acoustic effects of the body and can be convolved with sound sources to simulate wearable audio devices and microphone arrays. The dataset also includes measurements with different articles of clothing covering some of the microphones and with microphones placed on different hats and accessories. The measurements were performed from 24 angles of arrival in an acoustically treated laboratory. Related Paper: Ryan M. Corey, Naoki Tsuda, and Andrew C. Singer. "Acoustic Impulse Responses for Wearable Audio Devices," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brighton, UK, May 2019. All impulse responses are sampled at 48 kHz and truncated to 500 ms. The impulse response data is provided in WAVE audio and MATLAB data file formats. The microphone locations are provided in tab-separated-value files for each experiment and are also depicted graphically in the documentation. The file wearable_mic_dataset_full.zip contains both WAVE- and MATLAB-format impulse responses. The file wearable_mic_dataset_matlab.zip contains only MATLAB-format impulse responses. The file wearable_mic_dataset_wave.zip contains only WAVE-format impulse responses.
keywords: Acoustic impulse responses; microphone arrays; wearables; hearing aids; audio source separation
published: 2016-11-28
These show the topography and relief of the Precambrian surface of the Cratonic Platform of the United States.
keywords: precambrian; geology; relief; elevation
published: 2016-12-12
This dataset is the field measurements of water depth at the Wax Lake delta conducted in late 2012.
keywords: Wax Lake delta; Bathymetry
published: 2016-12-12
This dataset is the field measurements of currents at two stations (Big Hogs Bayou and Delta1) in the the Wax Lake delta in November 2012 and February 2013.
keywords: Wax Lake delta; Currents
published: 2016-12-12
This dataset is about a topographic LIDAR survey (saved in “waxlake-lidar.img”) that was conducted over the Wax Lake delta, between longitudes −91.5848 to −91.292 degrees, and latitudes 29.3647 to 29.6466 degrees. Different from other elevation data, the positive value in the LIDAR data indicates land elevation, while the zero value implies riverbed without identifying specific water depth.
keywords: LIDAR; Wax Lake delta
published: 2016-12-12
This dataset is the field measurements of water depth at the Wax Lake delta on the date 2012-12-01.
keywords: Wax Lake delta; Bathymetry
published: 2016-12-12
This dataset includes data of the the Wax Lake delta from four public agencies: NGDC, USGS, NDBC, and NOAA CO-OPS. Besides the original data, the processed data associated with analyzed figures are also shared.
keywords: Wax Lake delta; NOAA CO-OPS; NGDC; USGS; NDBC