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Illinois Data Bank Dataset Search Results

Dataset Search Results

published: 2024-09-19
The use of potentially beneficial microorganisms in agriculture (microbial inoculants) has rapidly accelerated in recent years. For microbial inoculants to be effective as agricultural tools, these organisms must be able to survive and persist in novel environments while not destabilizing the resident community or spilling over into adjacent natural ecosystems. Here, we adapt a macroecological propagule pressure model to a microbial scale and present an experimental approach for testing the role of propagule pressure in microbial inoculant introductions. We experimentally determined the risk-release relationship for an IAA-expressing Pseudomonas simiae inoculant in a model monocot system. We then used this relationship to simulate establishment outcomes under a range of application frequencies (propagule number) and inoculant concentrations (propagule size). Our simulations show that repeated inoculant applications may increase establishment, even when increased inoculant concentration does not alter establishment probabilities. The dataset filed here includes the experimemtal datafile, and a RMarkdown file that includes all the code used in in both the modeling and anaylsis.
keywords: microbial inoculants; invasion ecology; propagule pressure; agriculture; modeling
published: 2024-09-17
The following seven zip files are compressed folders containing the input datasets/trees, main output files and the scripts of the related analyses performed in this study. I. ancestral_microhabitat_reconstruction.zip: contains four files, including two input files (microhabitats.csv, timetree.tre) and a script (simmap_microhabitat.R) for ancestral states reconstruction of microhabitat by make.simmap implemented in the R package phytools v1.5, as well as the main output file (ancestral_microhabitats.csv). 1. ancestral_microhabitats.csv: reconstructed ancestral microhabitats for each node. 2. microhabitats.csv: microhabitats of the studies species. 3. simmap_microhabitat.R: the R script of make.simmap for ancestral microhabitat reconstruction 4. timetree.tre: dated tree used for ancestral state reconstruction for microhabitat and morphological characters II. ancestral_morphology_reconstruction.zip: contains six files, including an input file (morphology.csv) and a script (simmap_morphology.R) for ancestral states reconstruction of morphology by make.simmap implemented in the R package phytools v1.5, as well as four main output files(forewing_ancestral_state.csv, frontal_sutures_ancestral_state.csv, hind_wing_ancestral_state.csv, ocellus_ancestral_state.csv). 1. forewing_ancestral_state.csv: reconstructed ancestral states of the development of the forewing for each node. 2. frontal_sutures_ancestral_state.csv: reconstructed ancestral states of the development of frontal sutures for each node. 3. hind_wing_ancestral_state.csv: reconstructed ancestral states of the development of the hind wing for each node. 4. morphology.csv: the states of the development of ocellus, forewing, hing wing and frontal sutures for each studies species. 5. ocellus_ancestral_state.csv: reconstructed ancestral states of the development of the ocellus for each node. 6. simmap_morphology.R: the R script of make.simmap for ancestral state reconstruction of morphology III. biogeographic_reconstruction.zip: contains four files, including three input files (dispersal_probablity.txt, distributions.csv, timetree_noOutgroup.tre) used for a stratified biogeographic analysis by BioGeoBEARS in RASP v4.2 and the main output file (DIVELIKE_result.txt). 1. dispersal_probablity.txt: relative dispersal probabilities among biogeographical regions at different geological epochs. 2. distributions.csv: current distributions of the studied species. 3. DIVELIKE_result.txt: BioGeoBEARS result of ancestral areas based on the DIVELIKE model. 4. timetree_noOutgroup.tre: the dated tree with the outgroup lineage (Eurymelinae) excluded. IV. coalescent_analysis.zip: contains a folder and two files, including a folder (individual_gene_alignment) of input files used to construct gene trees, an input file (MLtree_BS70.tre) used for the multi-species coalescent analysis by ASTRAL v 4.10.5 and the main output file (coalescent_species_tree.tre). 1. coalescent_species_tree.tre: the species tree generated by the multi-species coalescent analysis with the quartet support, effective number of genes and the local posterior probability indicated. 2. individual_gene_alignment: a folder containing 427 FASTA files, each one represents the nucleotide alignment for a gene. Hyphens are used to represent gaps. These files were used to construct gene trees using IQ-TREE v1.6.12. 3. MLtree_BS70.tre: 165 gene trees with the average SH-aLRT and ultrafast bootstrap values of ≥ 70%. This file was used to estimate the species tree by ASTRAL v 4.10.5. V. divergence_time_estimation.zip: contains five files, including two input files (treefile_rooted_noBranchLength.tre, treefile_rooted.tre) and two control files (baseml.ctl, mcmctree.ctl) used for divergence time estimation by BASEML and MCMCTREE in PAML v4.9, as well as the main output file (timetree_with95%HPD.tre). 1. baseml.ctl: the control file used for the estimation of substitution rates by BASEML in PAML v4.9. 2. mcmctree.ctl: the control file used for the estimation of divergence times by MCMCTREE in PAML v4.9. 3. timetree_with95%HPD.tre: dated tree with the 95% highest posterior density confidence intervals indicated. 4. treefile_rooted_noBranchLength.tre: the maximum likelihood tree based on the concatenated nucleotide dataset with calibrations for the crown and internal nodes. Branch length and support values were not indicated. 5. treefile_rooted.tre: the maximum likelihood tree based on the concatenated nucleotide dataset with a secondary calibration on the root age. Branch support values were not indicated. VI. maximum_likelihood_analysis_aa.zip: contains three files, including two input files (concatenated_aa_partition.nex, concatenated_aa.phy) used for the maximum likelihood analysis by IQ-TREE v1.6.12 and the main output file (MLtree_aa.tre). 1. concatenated_aa_partition.nex: the partitioning schemes for the maximum likelihood analysis using concatenated_aa.phy. This file partitions the 52,024 amino acid positions into 427 character sets. 2. concatenated_aa.phy: a concatenated amino acid dataset with 52,024 amino acid positions. Hyphens are used to represent gaps. This dataset was used for the maximum likelihood analysis. 3. MLtree_aa.tre: the maximum likelihood tree based on the concatenated amino acid dataset, with SH-aLRT values and ultrafast bootstrap values indicated. VII. maximum_likelihood_analysis_nt.zip: contains three files, including two input files (concatenated_nt_partition.nex, concatenated_nt.phy) used for the maximum likelihood analysis by IQ-TREE v1.6.12 and the main output file (MLtree_nt.tre). 1. concatenated_nt_partition.nex: the partitioning schemes for the maximum likelihood analysis using concatenated_nt.phy. This file partitions the 156,072 nucleotide positions into 427 character sets. 2. concatenated_nt.phy: a concatenated nucleotide dataset with 156,072 nucleotide positions. Hyphens are used to represent gaps. This dataset was used for the maximum likelihood analysis as well as divergence time estimation. 3. MLtree_nt.tre: the maximum likelihood tree based on the concatenated nucleotide dataset, with SH-aLRT values and ultrafast bootstrap values indicated. VIII. Taxon_sampling.csv: contains the sample IDs (1st column) which were used in the alignments and the taxonomic information (2nd to 6th columns).
keywords: Anchored Hybrid Enrichment, Biogeography, Cicadellidae, Phylogenomics, Treehoppers
published: 2024-09-03
Healthy mares were administered phenylephrine to induce transient polycythemia secondary to splenic contraction. Data was collected at baseline (T0), 5 minutes (T1) and 2 hours (T2) post-phenylephrine infusion. Collected data included baseline CBC, chemistry, fibrinogen, and serum amyloid A; at each time point viscoelastic coagulation profiles (VCM Vet), traditional in-vitro coagulation profiles, and ultrasonographic measurements of the spleen were obtained.
keywords: horse; coagulation; polycythemia; blood clotting; viscoelastic testing
published: 2024-08-29
Over the past 15 years, soybean seed yield response to season-long elevated O3 concentrations [O3] and to year-to-year weather conditions was studied using free-air O3 concentration enrichment (O3-FACE) in the field at the SoyFACE facility in Central Illinois. Elevated [O3] significantly reduced seed yield across cultivars and years. However, our results quantitatively demonstrate that weather conditions, including soil water availability and air temperature, did not alter yield sensitivity to elevated [O3] in soybean.
keywords: drought, elevated O3, heat, O3-FACE, soybean, yield
published: 2022-10-10
Aerial imagery utilized as input in the manuscript "Deep convolutional neural networks exploit high spatial and temporal resolution aerial imagery to predict key traits in miscanthus" . Data was collected over M. Sacchariflorus and Sinensis breeding trials at the Energy Farm, UIUC in 2020. Flights were performed using a DJI M600 mounted with a Micasense Rededge multispectral sensor at 20 m altitude around solar noon. Imagery is available as tif file by field trial and date (10). The post-processing of raw images into orthophoto was performed in Agisoft Metashape software. Each crop surface model and multispectral orthophoto was stacked into an unique raster stack by date and uploaded here. Each raster stack includes 6 layers in the following order: Layer 1 = crop surface model, Layer 2 = Blue, Layer 3 = Green, Layer 4 = Red, Layer 5 = Rededge, and Layer 6 = NIR multispectral bands. Msa raster stacks were resampled to 1.67 cm spatial resolution and Msi raster stacks were resampled to 1.41 cm spatial resolution to ease their integration into further analysis. 'MMDDYYYY' is the date of data collection, 'MSA' is M. Sacchariflorus trial, 'MSI' is Miscanthus Sinensis trial, 'CSM' is crop surface model layer, and 'MULTSP' are the five multispectral bands.
keywords: convolutional neural networks; miscanthus; perennial grasses; bioenergy; field phenotyping; remote sensing; UAV
published: 2024-08-13
Scripts used to computationally estimate the current through a DNA nanopore, starting from an equilibrated oxDNA configuration, in association with the manuscript "A lumen-tunable triangular DNA nanopore for molecular sensing and cross-membrane transport".
keywords: DNA origami nanopore; Steric exclusion model; Ionic current
published: 2016-05-19
This dataset contains records of four years of taxi operations in New York City and includes 697,622,444 trips. Each trip records the pickup and drop-off dates, times, and coordinates, as well as the metered distance reported by the taximeter. The trip data also includes fields such as the taxi medallion number, fare amount, and tip amount. The dataset was obtained through a Freedom of Information Law request from the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission. The files in this dataset are optimized for use with the ‘decompress.py’ script included in this dataset. This file has additional documentation and contact information that may be of help if you run into trouble accessing the content of the zip files.
keywords: taxi;transportation;New York City;GPS
published: 2024-08-24
Dataset associated with Jones et al. GCB-23-1273.R1 submission: Phenotypic signatures of urbanization? Resident, but not migratory, songbird eye size varies with urban-associated light pollution levels. Excel CSV file with all of the data used in analyses and file with descriptions of each column.
keywords: body size; demographics; eye size; phenotypic divergence; songbirds; sensory pollution; urbanization
published: 2021-05-10
UAV-based high-resolution multispectral time-series orthophotos utilized to understand the relation between growth dynamics, imagery temporal resolution, and end-of-season biomass productivity of biomass sorghum as bioenergy crop. Sensor utilized is a RedEdge Micasense flown at 40 meters above ground level at the Energy Farm- UIUC in 2019.
keywords: Unmanned aerial vehicles; High throughput phenotyping; Machine learning; Bioenergy crops
published: 2024-08-15
This study acquired publicly available Shell annual reports. Reports were selected for the years since the UN investigation in 2011, resulting in documents from 2012 to 2023.
keywords: environmental justice; ethics of care; indigenous communities; Niger River Delta; oil spills
published: 2024-08-19
Data on the nesting success and post-fledgling survival of Eastern Whip-poor-wills in central Illinois. Data was part of Sarah Stewart's MS project at the University of Illinois.
keywords: bird nesting success; post-fledgling survival; eastern whip-poor-will
published: 2024-08-17
This dataset includes the RT-PCR shedding data and primers used for whole genome sequencing of Influenza A virus in swine. It also includes the GenBank accession numbers for all segments generated by Influenza A virus sequencing from nasal swab samples. Additionally, all nucleotide changes are listed by sample.
published: 2024-08-16
Dataset used for the paper entitled "Morphological differences between wild and game-farm Mallards in North America". Large-scale releases of domesticated, game-farm Mallards to supplement wild populations have resulted in wide-spread introgressive hybridization that changed the genetic constitution of wild populations in eastern North America. The resulting gene flow is well-documented between game-farm and wild Mallards, but the mechanistic consequences from such interactions remain unknown in North America. We provide the first study to characterize and investigate potential differences in morphology between genetically known, wild and game-farm Mallards in North America. We used nine morphological measurements to discriminate between wild and game-farm Mallards with 96% accuracy. Compared to their wild counterparts, game-farm Mallards had longer bodies and tarsi, shorter heads and wings, and shorter, wider, and taller bills. The nail on the end of the bill of game-farm Mallards was longer, and game-farm Mallard bills had a greater lamellae:bill length ratio than wild Mallards. Differences in body morphologies between wild and game-farm Mallards are consistent with an artificial, terrestrial life whereby game-farm Mallards are fed pelleted foods resulting in artificial selection for a more “goose-like” bill. We posit that 1) game-farm Mallards have diverged from their wild ancestral traits of flying and filter feeding towards becoming optimized to run and peck for food; 2) game-farm morphological traits optimized over the last 400 years in domestic environments are likely to be maladaptive in the wild; and 3) the introgression of such traits into wild populations is likely to reduce fitness. Understanding effects of game-farm Mallard introgression requires analysis of various game-farm × wild hybrid generations to determine how domestically-derived traits persist or diminish with each generation.
keywords: Mallard; Game Farm; Morphology; Waterfowl; Duck
published: 2024-08-11
This dataset contains all material required to produce the figures found within the manuscript submitted to Geoscientific Model Development entitled “Explicit stochastic advection algorithms for the regional scale particle-resolved atmospheric aerosol model WRF-PartMC (v1.0)”. The dataset consists of Python Jupyter notebooks and any applicable WRF-PartMC output. This dataset covers the three numerical examples of the manuscript, 1D advection by a uniform constant wind, a 2D rotational flow and a 3D time-evolving WRF simulated flow.
keywords: Atmospheric chemistry; Atmospheric Science; Particle-resolved modeling; Numerical modeling; Advection;
published: 2024-05-23
This dataset consists of all the figure files that are part of the main text and supplementary of the manuscript titled "Optical manipulation of the charge density wave state in RbV3Sb5". For detailed information on the individual files refer to the readme file.
keywords: kagome superconductor; optics; charge density wave
published: 2024-08-06
This is the raw topographies (without linear background subtraction) related to the publication: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07519-5
published: 2024-07-28
This is a set of topographies to study the magnetic field response of RbV3Sb5 (related to Fig.4 of https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07519-5)
published: 2024-07-31
This dataset contains all data and supplementary materials from "Improving precision and accuracy of genetic mapping with genotyping-by-sequencing data in outcrossing species". An Excel file a list of all QTLs and linkage group length (in cM) obtained with two different SNP-calling methods (Tassel-Uneak and Tassel-GBS), genetic map-construction method (linkage-only and reference order-corrected) and depth filters (12x, 20x, 30x and 40x) for genetic mapping of 18 biomass yield traits in a biparental Miscanthus sinensis population using RAD-Seq SNPs is provided as "Supplementary file 1". A Perl script with the code for filtering VCF and HapMap-formatted data files is provided as “Supplementary file 2”. Phenotype data used for QTL mapping is provided as “Supplementary File 3”. A Perl script with the code for the simulation study is provided as “Supplementary file 4”.
keywords: HapMapParser; GenotypingSimulator
published: 2024-07-29
This dataset consists of a citation graph. It was constructed by downloading and parsing the Works section of the Open Alex catalog of the global research system. Open Alex (see citation below) contains detailed information about scholarly research, including articles, authors, journals, institutions, and their relationships. The data were downloaded on 2024-07-15. The dataset comprises two compressed (.xz) files. 1) filename: openalexID_integer_id_hasDOI.parquet.xz. The tabular data within contains three columns: openalex_id, integer_id, and hasDOI. Each row represents a record with the following data types: • openalex_id: A unique identifier from the Open Alex catalog. • integer_id: An integer representing the new identifier (assigned by the authors) • hasDOI: An integer (0 or 1) indicating whether the record has a DOI (0 for no, 1 for yes). 2) filename: citation_table.tsv.xz This edgelist of citations has two columns (no header) of integer values that represent citing and cited integer_id, respectively. Summary Features • Total Nodes (Documents): 256,997,006 • Total Edges (citations): 2,148,871,058 • Documents with DOIs: 163,495,446 • Edges between documents with DOIs: 1,936,722,541 The code used to generate these files can be found here: https://github.com/illinois-or-research-analytics/lorran_openalex/
keywords: citation networks; Open Alex
published: 2024-07-12
Data for each figure of the article "Greater aperture counteracts effects of reduced stomatal density on WUE: a case study on sugarcane and meta-analysis" published in J. Ex. Bot.
keywords: stomatal density; water use efficiency; stomatal conductance; epidermal patterning factor; epidermal patterning
published: 2022-02-11
The Culex_Trivellone_etal.fas fasta file contains the original final sequence alignment used in the haplotype analyses of Trivellone et al. (Frontiers in Public Health, under review). The 492 sequences (from specimens of Culex pipiens complex collected in different habitat types using a BG-sentinel traps) were aligned using PASTA v1.8.5 under default settings. The final dataset contains 686 positions of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) mitochondrial gene. The data analyses are further described in the cited original paper.
keywords: Culex; Culicidae; COI; mosquito surveillance, species assemblages
published: 2018-12-20
This dataset contains data used to generate figures and tables in the corresponding paper.
keywords: Black carbon; Emission Inventory; Observations; Climate change, Diesel engine, Coal burning
published: 2020-11-18
This is the dataset that accompanies the paper titled "A Dual-Frequency Radar Retrieval of Snowfall Properties Using a Neural Network", submitted for peer review in August 2020. Please see the github for the most up-to-date data after the revision process: https://github.com/dopplerchase/Chase_et_al_2021_NN Authors: Randy J. Chase, Stephen W. Nesbitt and Greg M. McFarquhar Corresponding author: Randy J. Chase (randyjc2@illinois.edu) Here we have the data used in the manuscript. Please email me if you have specific questions about units etc. 1) DDA/GMM database of scattering properties: base_df_DDA.csv This is the combined dataset from the following papers: Leinonen & Moisseev, 2015; Leinonen & Szyrmer, 2015; Lu et al., 2016; Kuo et al., 2016; Eriksson et al., 2018. The column names are D: Maximum dimension in meters, M: particle mass in grams kg, sigma_ku: backscatter cross-section at ku in m^2, sigma_ka: backscatter cross-section at ka in m^2, sigma_w: backscatter cross-section at w in m^2. The first column is just an index column. 2) Synthetic Data used to train and test the neural network: Unrimed_simulation_wholespecturm_train_V2.nc, Unrimed_simulation_wholespecturm_test_V2.nc This was the result of combining the PSDs and DDA/GMM particles randomly to build the training and test dataset. 3) Notebook for training the network using the synthetic database and Google Colab (tensorflow): Train_Neural_Network_Chase2020.ipynb This is the notebook used to train the neural network. 4)Trained tensorflow neural network: NN_6by8.h5 This is the hdf5 tensorflow model that resulted from the training. You will need this to run the retrieval. 5) Scalers needed to apply the neural network: scaler_X_V2.pkl, scaler_y_V2.pkl These are the sklearn scalers used in training the neural network. You will need these to scale your data if you wish to run the retrieval. 6) <b>New in this version</b> - Example notebook of how to run the trained neural network on Ku- Ka- band observations. We showed this with the 3rd case in the paper: Run_Chase2021_NN.ipynb 7) <b>New in this version</b> - APR data used to show how to run the neural network retrieval: Chase_2021_NN_APR03Dec2015.nc The data for the analysis on the observations are not provided here because of the size of the radar data. Please see the GHRC website (<a href="https://ghrc.nsstc.nasa.gov/home/">https://ghrc.nsstc.nasa.gov/home/</a>) if you wish to download the radar and in-situ data or contact me. We can coordinate transferring the exact datafiles used. The GPM-DPR data are avail. here: <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.5067/GPM/DPR/GPM/2A/05">http://dx.doi.org/10.5067/GPM/DPR/GPM/2A/05</a>
published: 2022-07-25
A set of chemical entity mentions derived from an NERC dataset analyzing 900 synthetic biology articles published by the ACS. This data is associated with the Synthetic Biology Knowledge System repository (https://web.synbioks.org/). The data in this dataset are raw mentions from the NERC data.
keywords: synthetic biology; NERC data; chemical mentions