*This is the third version of the dataset*. New changes in this 3rd version:
<i>1.replaces simulations where the initial condition consists of a sinusoidal channel with topographic perturbations with simulations where the initial condition consists of a sinusoidal channel without topographic perturbations. These simulations better illustrate the transformation of a nondendritic network into a dendritic one.
2. contains two additional simulations showing how total domain size affects the landscape's dynamism.
3. changes dataset title to reflect the publication's title</i>
This dataset contains data from 18 simulations using a landscape evolution model. A landscape evolution model simulates how uplift and rock incision shape the Earth's (or other planets) surface. To date, most landscape evolution models exhibit "extreme memory" (paper: https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GL083305 and dataset: https://doi.org/10.13012/B2IDB-4484338_V1). Extreme memory in landscape evolution models causes initial conditions to be unrealistically preserved.
This dataset contains simulations from a new landscape evolution model that incorporates a sub-model that allows bedrock channels to erode laterally. With this addition, the landscapes no longer exhibit extreme memory. Initial conditions are erased over time, and the landscapes tend towards a dynamic steady state instead of a static one. The model with lateral erosion is named LEM-wLE (Landscape Evolution Model with Lateral Erosion) and the model without lateral erosion is named LEM-woLE (Landscape Evolution Model without Lateral Erosion).
There are 16 folders in total. Here are the descriptions:
<i>>LEM-woLE_simulations:</i> This folder contains simulations using LEM-woLE. Inside the folder are 5 subfolders containing 100 elevation rasters, 100 drainage area rasters, and 100 plots showing the slope-area relationship. Elevation depicts the height of the landscape, and drainage area represents a contributing area that is upslope. Each folder corresponds to a different initial condition. Driver files and code for these simulations can be found at https://github.com/jeffskwang/LEM-wLE.
<i>>MOVIE_S#_data:</i> There are 13 data folders that contain raster data for 13 simulations using LEM-wLE. Inside each folder are 1000 elevation rasters, 1000 drainage area rasters, and 1000 plots showing the slope-area relationship. Driver files and code for these simulations can be found at https://github.com/jeffskwang/LEM-wLE.
<i>>movies_mp4_format:</i> For each data folder there are 3 movies generated that show elevation (a), drainage area (b), and erosion rates (c). These files are formatted in the mp4 format and are best viewed using VLC media player (https://www.videolan.org/vlc/index.html).
<i>>movies_wmv_format:</i> This folder contains the same movies as the "movies_mp4_format" folder, but they are in a wmv format. These movies can be viewed using Windows media player or other Windows platform movie software.
Here are the captions for the 13 movies:
Movie S1. 200 MYR (1,000 RUs eroded) simulation showing elevation (a), logarithm of drainage area (b), and change in elevation (c). Initial Condition: Sinusoidal channel without randomized perturbations. Boundary Condition: 1 open boundary at the bottom of the domain, and 3 closed boundaries elsewhere. KL/KV = 1.
Movie S2. 200 MYR (1,000 RUs eroded) simulation showing elevation (a), logarithm of drainage area (b), and change in elevation (c). Initial Condition: Inclined with small, randomized perturbations. Boundary Condition: 1 open boundary at the bottom of the domain, and 3 closed boundaries elsewhere. KL/KV = 1.
Movie S3. 200 MYR (1,000 RUs eroded) simulation showing elevation (a), logarithm of drainage area (b), and change in elevation (c). Initial Condition: Inclined with large, randomized perturbations. Boundary Condition: 1 open boundary at the bottom of the domain, and 3 closed boundaries elsewhere. KL/KV = 1.
Movie S4. 200 MYR (1,000 RUs eroded) simulation showing elevation (a), logarithm of drainage area (b), and change in elevation (c). Initial Condition: V-shaped valley with randomized perturbations. Boundary Condition: 1 open boundary at the bottom of the domain, and 3 closed boundaries elsewhere. KL/KV = 1.
Movie S5. 200 MYR (1,000 RUs eroded) simulation showing elevation (a), logarithm of drainage area (b), and change in elevation (c). Initial Condition: Sinusoidal channel with randomized perturbations. Boundary Condition: 1 open boundary at the bottom of the domain, and 3 closed boundaries elsewhere. KL/KV = 1.
Movie S6. 200 MYR (1,000 RUs eroded) simulation showing elevation (a), logarithm of drainage area (b), and change in elevation (c). Initial Condition: Sinusoidal channel without randomized perturbations. Boundary Condition: 1 open boundary at the bottom of the domain, and 3 closed boundaries elsewhere. KL/KV = 0.25.
Movie S7. 200 MYR (1,000 RUs eroded) simulation showing elevation (a), logarithm of drainage area (b), and change in elevation (c). Initial Condition: Sinusoidal channel without randomized perturbations. Boundary Condition: 1 open boundary at the bottom of the domain, and 3 closed boundaries elsewhere. KL/KV = 0.5.
Movie S8. 200 MYR (1,000 RUs eroded) simulation showing elevation (a), logarithm of drainage area (b), and change in elevation (c). Initial Condition: Sinusoidal channel without randomized perturbations. Boundary Condition: 1 open boundary at the bottom of the domain, and 3 closed boundaries elsewhere. KL/KV = 0.75.
Movie S9. 200 MYR (1,000 RUs eroded) simulation showing elevation (a), logarithm of drainage area (b), and change in elevation (c). Initial Condition: Flat with randomized perturbations. Boundary Condition: 1 open boundary at the bottom of the domain, and 3 closed boundaries elsewhere. KL/KV = 1.
Movie S10. 200 MYR (1,000 RUs eroded) simulation showing elevation (a), logarithm of drainage area (b), and change in elevation (c). Initial Condition: Flat with randomized perturbations. Boundary Condition: 2 open boundaries at the top and bottom of the domain, and 2 closed boundaries on the left and right sides. KL/KV = 1.
Movie S11. 200 MYR (1,000 RUs eroded) simulation showing elevation (a), logarithm of drainage area (b), and change in elevation (c). Initial Condition: Flat with randomized perturbations. Boundary Condition: 4 open boundaries. KL/KV = 1.
Movie S12. 200 MYR (1,000 RUs eroded) simulation showing elevation (a), logarithm of drainage area (b), and change in elevation (c). Initial Condition: Flat with randomized perturbations. Boundary Condition: 4 open boundaries. KL/KV = 1. Compared to Movie S11, the length of the domain is 50% shorter, decreasing the total domain area.
Movie S13. 200 MYR (1,000 RUs eroded) simulation showing elevation (a), logarithm of drainage area (b), and change in elevation (c). Initial Condition: Flat with randomized perturbations. Boundary Condition: 4 open boundaries. KL/KV = 1. Compared to Movie S11, the length of the domain is 50% longer, increasing the total domain area.
The associated publication for this dataset has not yet been published, and we will update this description with a link when it is.