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Illinois Data Bank Dataset Search Results
Dataset Search Results
published: 2019-10-27
Snyder, Corey; Do, Minh (2019): Data for STREETS: A Novel Camera Network Dataset for Traffic Flow. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This dataset accompanies the paper "STREETS: A Novel Camera Network Dataset for Traffic Flow" at Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2019. Included are: *Over four million still images form publicly accessible cameras in Lake County, IL. The images were collected across 2.5 months in 2018 and 2019. *Directed graphs describing the camera network structure in two communities in Lake County. *Documented non-recurring traffic incidents in Lake County coinciding with the 2018 data. *Traffic counts for each day of images in the dataset. These counts track the volume of traffic in each community. *Other annotations and files useful for computer vision systems. Refer to the accompanying "readme.txt" or "readme.pdf" for further details.
camera network; suburban vehicular traffic; roadways; computer vision
published: 2022-09-16
Zhong, Jia; Khanna, Madhu (2022): Model Code and Data for "Assessing the Efficiency Implications of Renewable Fuel Policy Design in the United States". University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This dataset contains model code (including input data) to replicate the outcomes for "Assessing the Efficiency Implications of Renewable Fuel Policy Design in the United States". The model consists of: (1) The replication codes and data for the model. To run the model, using GAMS to run the "Models.gms" file.
Renewable Fuel Standard; Nested structure; cellulosic waiver credit; RIN
published: 2022-09-07
Jiang, Chongya; Guan, Kaiyu; Khanna, Madhu; Chen, Luoye; Peng, Jian (2022): Data for Assessing Marginal Land Availability Based on Land Use Change Information in the Contiguous United States. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The availability of economically marginal land for energy crops is identified using the Cropland Data Layer and other soil, wind, climate data resources. All data are recognized on a 30m spatial resolution across the continental United States.
marginal land; biofuel production; remote sensing; land use change; Cropland Data Layer
published: 2020-05-12
Eick, Brian (2020): Acceleration and strain data for free vibration of pre-tensioned, partially-submerged beams. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The data provided herein is accelerometer and strain data taken from free vibration response of pre-tensioned, partially submerged steel beam specimens (modulus of elasticity assumed = 29,000 ksi). The specimens were subjected to various levels of pre-tension, and various levels of submersion in water. The purpose of the testing was to quantify the effects of partial submersion on the vibrating frequencies of pretensioned beams. Three specimens were tested, each with different cross section (but identical cross-sectional area). The different cross sections allow investigation of the effects of specimen width as the specimen vibrates through water. The testing procedure was as follows: 1) Apply a specified level of tension in the beam. Measure tension via 3 strain gages. 2) Submerge the specimens to a specified depth of water 3) Excite the beams with either a hammer impact or a pull-and-release method (physically pull the middle of the bar and quickly release) 4) Measure the free vibration of the beam with 2 accelerometers. Schematic drawings of the test setup and the test specimens are provided, as is a picture of the test setup.
free vibration; beam; partially-submerged; prestressed;
published: 2022-08-06
Carson, Dawn; Kopsco, Heather; Gronemeyer, Peg; Mateus-Pinilla, Nohra; Smith, Genee; Sandstrom, Emma; Smith, Rebecca (2022): Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of Illinois medical professionals related to ticks and tick-borne disease. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
An online knowledge, attitudes, and practices survey on ticks and tick-borne diseases was distributed to medical professionals in Illinois during summer 2020 to fall 2021. These are the raw data associated with that survey and the survey questions used. Age, gender, and county of practice have been removed for identifiability. We have added calculated values (columns 165 to end), including: the tick knowledge score, TBD knowledge score, and total knowledge score, which are the sum of the total number of correct answers in each category, and score percent, which are the proportion of correct answers in each category; region, which is determined from the county of practice; TBD relevant practice, which separates the practice variable into TBD primary, secondary, and non-responders; and several variables which group categories.
ticks; medicine; tick-borne disease; survey
published: 2022-08-06
Madhavan, Vidya; Aishwarya, Anuva (2022): Data for Spin-selective tunneling from nanowires of the candidate topological Kondo insulator SmB6. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This dataset consists of all the files and codes that are part of the manuscript (main text and supplement) titled "Spin-selective tunneling from nanowires of the candidate topological Kondo insulator SmB6". For detailed information on the individual files refer to the specific readme files.
Topology; Kondo Inuslator; Spin; Scanning tunneling microscopy; antiferromagnetism
published: 2018-08-29
Finlon, Joseph (2018): Matched Radar and Microphysical Properties During MC3E. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This dataset contains best estimates of the particle size distribution and measurements of the radar reflectivity factor and total water content for instances where ground-based radar and airborne microphysical observations were considered collocated with each other.
MC3E; MCS; GPM; microphysics; radar; aircraft; ice
published: 2018-10-03
Das, Anupam; Acar, Gunes; Borisov, Nikita; Pradeep, Amogh (2018): A Crawl of the Mobile Web Measuring Sensor Accesses. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This dataset is the result of three crawls of the web performed in May 2018. The data contains raw crawl data and instrumentation captured by OpenWPM-Mobile, as well as analysis that identifies which scripts access mobile sensors, which ones perform some of browser fingerprinting, as well as clustering of scripts based on their intended use. The dataset is described in the included file; more details about the methodology can be found in our ACM CCS'18 paper: Anupam Das, Gunes Acar, Nikita Borisov, Amogh Pradeep. The Web's Sixth Sense: A Study of Scripts Accessing Smartphone Sensors. In Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), Toronto, Canada, October 15–19, 2018. (Forthcoming)
mobile sensors; web crawls; browser fingerprinting; javascript
published: 2020-10-15
Khanna, Madhu; Wang, Weiwei; Wang, Michael (2020): BEPAM Model Code and CABBI Simulation Results for "Assessing the Additional Carbon Savings with Biofuel". University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This dataset consists of various input data that are used in the GAMS model. All the data are in the format of .inc which can be read within GAMS or Notepad. Main data sources include: acreage data (acre), crop budget data ($/acre), crop yield data (e.g. bushel/acre), Soil carbon sequestration data (KgCO2/ha/yr). Model details can be found in the "Assessing the Additional Carbon Savings with Biofuel" and GAMS model package. ## File Description (1) GAMS This includes all the input files and scripts for running the model (2) Table*.csv: These files include the data from the tables in the manuscript (3) Figure2_3_4.csv: This contains the data used to create the figures in the manuscript (4) BaselineResults.csv: This includes a summary of the model results. (5) SensitivityResults_*.csv: Model results from the various sensitivity analyses performed (6) LUC_emission.csv: land use change emissions by crop reporting district for changes of pasturelands to annual crops.
Biogenic carbon intensity; Corn ethanol; Economic model; Dynamic optimization; Anticipated baseline approach; Life cycle carbon intenisty
published: 2022-07-25
Jett, Jacob (2022): SBKS - Species Not Found Entity Mentions. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This dataset is derived from the raw entity mention dataset ( for species entities and represents those that were determined to be species (i.e., were not noisy entities) but for which no corresponding concept could be found in the NCBI taxonomy database.
synthetic biology; NERC data; species mentions, not found entities
published: 2022-07-25
Jett, Jacob (2022): SBKS - Chemical - Cleaned & Grounded Entity Mentions. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This dataset represents the results of manual cleaning and annotation of the entity mentions contained in the raw dataset ( Each mention has been consolidated and linked to an identifier for a matching concept from the NCBI's taxonomy database.
synthetic biology; NERC data; chemical mentions; cleaned data; ChEBI ontology
published: 2022-07-25
Jett, Jacob (2022): SBKS - Chemical Not Found Entity Mentions. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This dataset is derived from the raw entity mention dataset ( for checmical entities and represents those that were determined to be chemicals (i.e., were not noisy entities) but for which no corresponding concept could be found in the ChEBI ontology.
synthetic biology; NERC data; chemical mentions, not found entities
published: 2022-07-25
Jett, Jacob (2022): SBKS - Genes Raw Entity Mentions. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
A set of gene and gene-related entity mentions derived from an NERC dataset analyzing 900 synthetic biology articles published by the ACS. This data is associated with the Synthetic Biology Knowledge System repository ( The data in this dataset are raw mentions from the NERC data.
synthetic biology; NERC data; gene mentions
published: 2022-07-25
Jett, Jacob (2022): SBKS - Celllines Raw Entity Mentions. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
A set of cell-line entity mentions derived from an NERC dataset analyzing 900 synthetic biology articles published by the ACS. This data is associated with the Synthetic Biology Knowledge System repository ( The data in this dataset are raw mentions from the NERC data.
synthetic biology; NERC data; cell-line mentions
published: 2024-02-08
Martinez, Carlos; Pena, Gisselle; Wells, Kaylee K. (2024): "Prairie Directory of North America" (2013) Entries for the Tallgrass, Mixed Grass, and Shortgrass Prairie Regions of the United States. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This dataset contains transcribed entries from the "Prairie Directory of North America" (Adelman and Schwartz 2013) for the Tallgrass, Mixed Grass, and Shortgrass prairie regions of the united states. We identified the historical spatial extent of the Tallgrass, Mixed Grass, and Shortgrass prairie regions using Ricketts et al. (1999), Olson et al. (2001), and Dixon et al. (2014) and selected the counties entirely or partially within these boundaries from the USDA Forest Service (2022) file. The resulting lists of counties are included as separate files. The dataset contains information on publicly accessible grasslands and prairies in these regions including acreage and amenities like hunting access, restrooms, parking, and trails.
grasslands; prairies; prairie directory of north america; site amenities; site attributes
published: 2020-06-03
Zhang, Jun; Wuebbles, Donald; Kinnison, Douglas; Baughcum, Steven (2020): Potential Impacts of Supersonic Aircraft on Stratospheric Ozone and Climate. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This datasets provide basis of our analysis in the paper - Potential Impacts of Supersonic Aircraft on Stratospheric Ozone and Climate. All datasets here can be categorized into emission data and model output data (WACCM). All the model simulations (background and perturbation) were run to steady-state and only the datasets used in analysis are archived here.
NetCDF; Supersonic aircraft; Stratospheric ozone; Climate
published: 2021-04-29
Jackson, Nicole ; Konar, Megan ; Debaere, Peter; Sheffield, Justin (2021): Data for "Crop-specific exposure to extreme temperature and moisture for the globe for the last half century". University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Global assessments of climate extremes typically do not account for the unique characteristics of individual crops. A consistent definition of the exposure of specific crops to extreme weather would enable agriculturally-relevant hazard quantification. We introduce the Agriculturally-Relevant Exposure to Shocks (ARES) model, a novel database of both the temperature and moisture extremes facing individual crops by explicitly accounting for crop characteristics. Specifically, we estimate crop-specific temperature and moisture shocks during the growing season for a 0.25-degree spatial grid and daily time scale from 1961-2014 globally for 17 crops. The resulting database presented here provides annual crop- and event-specific exposure rates. Both gridded and country-level exposure rates are provided for each of the 17 crops. Our results provide new insights into the changes in the magnitude as well as spatial and temporal distribution of extreme events that impact crops over the past half-century. For additional information, please see the related paper by Jackson et al. (2021) in Environmental Research Letters.
Crop-specific; weather extremes; temperature; moisture; global; gridded; time series
published: 2022-06-07
Chu, Gillian; Warnow, Tandy (2022): RNASim-VS2. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Provides RNASim-VS2 datasets used in Gillian's Master's thesis.
published: 2022-07-25
Jett, Jacob (2022): SBKS - Species Raw Entity Mentions. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
A set of species entity mentions derived from an NERC dataset analyzing 900 synthetic biology articles published by the ACS. This data is associated with the Synthetic Biology Knowledge System repository ( The data in this dataset are raw mentions from the NERC data.
synthetic biology; NERC data; species mentions
published: 2022-07-25
Jett, Jacob (2022): SBKS - Species Ambiguous Entity Mentions. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Related to the raw entity mentions, this dataset represents the effects of the data cleaning process and collates all of the entity mentions which were too ambiguous to successfully link to the NCBI's taxonomy identifier system.
synthetic biology; NERC data; species mentions, ambiguous entities
published: 2022-07-25
Jett, Jacob (2022): SBKS - Species - Cleaned & Grounded Entity Mentions. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This dataset represents the results of manual cleaning and annotation of the entity mentions contained in the raw dataset ( Each mention has been consolidated and linked to an identifier for a matching concept from the NCBI's taxonomy database.
synthetic biology; NERC data; species mentions; cleaned data; NCBI TaxonID
published: 2022-07-25
Jett, Jacob (2022): SBKS - Species Noisy Entity Mentions. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This dataset is derived from the raw dataset ( and collects entity mentions that were manually determined to be noisy, non-species entities.
synthetic biology; NERC data; species mentions, noisy entities
published: 2021-04-12
Urco Cordero, Juan M.; Kamalabadi, Farzad; Kamaci, Ulas; Harding, Brian J.; Frey, Harald U.; Mende, Stephen B.; Huba, Joe D.; England, Scott L.; Immel, Thomas J. (2021): Data for Conjugate photoelectron energy spectra derived from coincident FUV and radio measurements. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Conjugate photoelectron energy spectra derived from coincident FUV and radio measurements. These are outputs of simulations from the semi-empirical SAMI2-PE (Varney et al. 2012) for the night of January 4, 2020.
Conjugate photoelectrons, SAMI2-PE, ICON
published: 2021-12-28
Xia, Yushu; Wander, Michelle (2021): Correlation Between Soil Quality Indictors including β-glucosidase, Fluorescein Diacetate Hydrolysis and Permanganate Oxidizable Carbon, and Ecosystem Functions represented by Crop Productivity and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
*Updates for this V3: added a few more records and rearranged the sequence of the tables in order to support our new paper "Evaluation of Indirect and Direct Scoring Methods to Relate Biochemical Soil Quality Indicators to Ecosystem Services" accepted by the Soil Science Society of America Journal. We summarize peer reviewed literature reporting associations between for three soil quality indicators (SQIs) (β-glucosidase (BG), fluorescein diacetate (FDA) hydrolysis, and permanganate oxidizable carbon (POXC)) and crop yield and greenhouse gas emissions. Peer-reviewed articles published between January of 1990 and May 2018 were searched using the Thomas Reuters Web of Science database (Thomas Reuters, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) and Google Scholar to identify studies reporting results for: “β-glucosidase”, “permanganate oxidizable carbon”, “active carbon”, “readily oxidizable carbon”, or “fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis”, together with one or more of the following: “crop yield”, “productivity”, “greenhouse gas’, “CO2”, “CH4”, or “N2O”. Meta-data for records include the following descriptor variables and covariates useful for scoring function development: 1) identifying factors for the study site (location, duration of the experiment), 2) soil textural class, pH, and SOC, 3) depth of soil sampling, 4) units used in published works (i.e.: equivalent mass, concentration), 5) SQI abundances and measured ecosystem functions, and 6) summary statistics for correlation between SQIs and functions (yield and greenhouse gas emissions). *Note: Blank values in tables are considered unreported data.
Soil health promoting practices; Soil quality indicators; β-glucosidase; fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis; Permanganate oxidizable carbon; Greenhouse gas emissions; Scoring curves; Soil Management Assessment Framework
published: 2022-04-15
Kim, Hyunbin; Makhnenko, Roman (2022): Data on "Evaluation of CO2 sealing potential of heterogeneous Eau Claire shale". University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This dataset is provided to support the statements in Kim, H., and R.Y. Makhnenko. 2022. "Evaluation of CO2 sealing potential of heterogeneous Eau Claire shale". Journal of the Geological Society. In geologic carbon dioxide (CO2) storage in deep saline aquifers, buoyant CO2 tends to float upwards in the reservoirs overlaid by low permeable formations called caprocks. Caprocks should serve as barriers to potential CO2 leakage that can happen through a diffusion loss and permeation through faults, fractures, or pore spaces. The leakage through intact caprock would mainly depend on its permeability and CO2 breakthrough pressure, and is affected by the heterogeneities in the material. Here, we study the sealing potential of a caprock from Illinois Basin - Eau Claire shale, with sandy and shaly fractions distinguished via electron microscopy and grain/pore size and surface area characterization. The direct measurements of permeability of sandy shale provides the values ~ 10-15 m2, while clayey specimens are three orders of magnitude less permeable. The CO2 breakthrough pressure under in-situ stress conditions is 0.1 MPa for the sandy shale and 0.4 MPa for the clayey counterpart – these values are higher than those predicted by the porosimetry methods performed on the unconfined specimens. Sandy Eau Claire shale would allow penetration of large CO2 volumes at low overpressures, while the clayey formation can serve as a caprock in the absence of faults and fractures in it.
Geologic carbon storage; Caprock; Shale; CO2 breakthrough pressure; Porosimetry.